Jeptha and Mary Massie's Civil War Records Marriage Book 1-2-3, page 14418 Nov 1841Lawrence County, OhioJeptha Massie and Mary Massie were married on 29 Nov. 1841. Jeptha served in the Ohio Infantry...
Lawrence County Ohio
Union Township Early History
Since Chesapeake lies in Union Township, this first chapter will focus on its history. The above is the original Ohio River Survey Twp. 1, Range 16, Sections 1 - 33Surveyed by Levi Whipple,...
War Veteran Weds Girl of Seventeen
Hinton, West Virginia · Tuesday, December 10, 1912 War Veteran Weds Girl of Seventeen - Romance Where Old Man Claims Beauty for Bride - His Ways are Winning - Huntington, Dec. 9 - Gideon Bragg,...
Captain Morgan’s Marriage
May and December Wheeling Sunday Register, 21 May 1893, page 1 John Morgan's Brother Want the Money He Left to His Pretty Young Wife Special Telegram to the Sunday Register - Huntington, WV, May 20...
Mysterious Disease in Greasy Ridge – 1848
Buchanan's Journal of Man, Vol. II, No. 5-November 1850Confessions of a Physician pages 153-155 A Singular and Fatal Disease Dr. C., of Lawrence County, Ohio, writes as follows: “In the month of...
Novel Tomb in Ohio
A novel tomb at Hanging Rock, Ohio in Lawrence County, Ohio, in the middle of last century, attracted so many of the curious that it had to be removed along with the corpse. At his request, a wealthy Ironmaster was Interred In an iron coffin placed two feet above the ground on Iron pillars, and a wooden building was built around the coffin. Crowds poured in from all directions to see this strange tomb until the building was finally removed and the coffin buried in a grave near the place.
Early Days of Symmes
My father, George Irwin, moved to the log house that stands on the farm of R. M. Wickline, in Symmes Township in December 1827. At that time, there were twelve or thirteen families in the township.
Aid Township
In 1800, the first cabin in Aid Township was built on John’s Creek by Captain John, an Indian, and Andy Friend, a white man, and squatters who made their living hunting and trapping. The first settlement was Marion, [now known as Aid] in 1815. The name was changed due to the conflict with a larger and previously established Marion in northern Ohio. William (Uncle Billy) Stumbo laid out Marion (Aid) in 1840. The village of Arabia also lies partially in Aid Township. Aid Township was organized by Adam Haymaker in 1823.
Jacob Yates and Charles Richendollar Duel
Jacob Yates, age 48, one of the principals in the revolver duel that occurred Saturday evening on the Waterloo Pike, in which Charles Richendollar, 29, was killed by Yates,
Murder of Mary Young
On Sunday evening 12th inst., Mary Jane Young, a young unmarried woman died under such suspicious circumstances at Greasy Ridge in Lawrence County, Ohio that mention was made of the circumstances in the Gazette’s dispatches from Ironton, Ohio.
Thomas C. Tagg
Thomas C. Tagg was a native of England, born in Northampton shire, January 15, 1818. His parents, James and Rebecca Tagg, emigrated to America from the town of Kettering, Northampton shire, in 1840, with their family of eight children, five sons, and three daughters. They sailed from Liverpool
Mathilda Burcham
The Ironton Register of July 2, published at Ironton, Ohio, contained the subjoined article concerning the death of Mrs. Mathilda Burcham, grandmother of Mr. Louis Burcham who is situated at Wilbert in West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. The obituary was handed a representative of the South by Mr. E.B. McCorkle who was born and raised in the same county as was Mr. Burcham, but didn’t meet him until they both came to Louisiana.
Squire Massie
Squire Massie and Rebecca Carnes were married on May 8, 1845. He was born on April 22, 1822, and she August 26, 1824. The following comprise their children:
Patten Massie
Patten Massie came to this county with his parents on the 25th of December, 1830. They settled on a farm of eighty acres. Patten lived with his parents until he was 22 years of age, and helped improve their land.
Joseph Massie
Joseph Massie was born in Monroe County, Virginia; his parents are Jonathan and Mary (Goare) Massie, who settled in this county, on December 25, 1830.