Deed: John Goldcamp to William Ballard 06 July 1867

Source:  Lawrence County, Ohio Recorder’s Office, Book 25 p. 101-102

John F. Goldcamp [Document has it struck through]         

Administrator of Joseph Brickwede, dec’d


William Ballard                                                                             Stamped  $1.00

To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: 

Know Ye that I, John  F. Goldcamp of the County of Lawrence and the State of Ohio as Administrator of Joseph Brickwede, late of Lawrence County, deceased by virtue of an order and decree of the Probate Court in and for the County of  Lawrence, in the State of Ohio, made on the fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six duly authorizing me (by virtue of the proceedings & then and therefore had by and in said Court &) to sell the Real Estate of Joseph Brickwede, deceased, hereinafter described, and in pursuance of a sale duly made and reported to and confirmed by said Court, on the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and in consideration of the sum of  Seven hundred and thirty five dollars to me in hand paid, or secured to be paid by William Ballard, of Lawrence County, Ohio, the purchaser at said sale of the said Real Estate, hereinafter described the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge I, do hereby grant,  bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said William Ballard his heirs and assigns forever, by virtue and in pursuance of the orders, decrees sale, confirmation and powers, above referred to, a certain tract of land situated in the Township of [ blank on document ] in the County of Lawrence and State of Ohio and is bounded as follows:  Situate in the said County of Lawrence, and State of Ohio, being the South east quarter of the North East quarter of Section seven (7), Township (2), range seventeen (17). 

Containing forty acres, more or less.  Subject to a right of way for a road thirty feet wide through said land from any land adjacent thereto owned by the Coal Grove Company.  Also, the South West quarter of the North West quarter of Section Eight (8), Town two (2) Range seventeen, containing forty-three (43) acres more or less. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to him the said William Ballard, his heirs, and assigns forever.

In witness whereof, I, as administrator as aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of July, in the year of our  Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven.

In the presence of C. B. Egerton                                                                 

John F. GoldCamp [seal] Thos Golden, Administrator

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