Lawrence County, Ohio Its History From the Time of Its OrganizationNo. 1 Ironton Register, November 13, 1902 Submitted by: Sharon M. Kouns (First of a series of articles on the history of Lawrence...
Albert Ellison Apprentice
Albert Ellison by the Trustees of Fayette Township to Joseph DavidsonDeed Book 6, pages 13 - 14[typed as written, please check original record for corrections-mjmk] Indenture Apprentice This...
John Pigman Apprentice of William Miller 1829
James Pigman by the Overseers of the Poor of Fayette Township to William Miller, Master - Indenture Apprentice Lawrence County, Ohio, Deed 5, page 223 (typed as written) This Indenture made...
Ironton Lawyers Have a Fistfight
Ironton Lawyers Have Fist Fight Portsmouth Daily Times, 19 Jan. 1911 Attorney's Jed. B. Bibbee and Ezra Dean, landing lights of the Ironton bar, allowed their angry passions to rise while...
Henry and Lewis Carter Arrested
Lewis and Henry Carter, of Lawrence County, Ohio, father and son, were tried in the United States Circuit Court, before Judge Leavett, on a charge of preventing colored men from voting. This is the first trial had under the Law of Congress of May, last.
Judge Layne Accused of Bribery
A bombshell was exploded in old Ironton, Ohio, and it trebled from stern to stern Thursday when two women made the unequivocal statement that Judge A. J. Layne, who is well known here had accepted a $125 payment in a divorce suit. A vigorous denial was immediately entered into the charge of Judge Layne and the case will go to the supreme court of Ohio for an airing.
Band of Counterfeiters
After completion of the Hatcher (of Belmont County Ohio), the case of Abraham Culver, of Ironton, Ohio, was taken up on the indictment against him for having in possession counterfeit nickels. In this case, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
Old Burlington Court
Hammond Howe finished the Burlington courthouse and received his pay for the same on August 6, 1839, at a special session of the county commissioners. C. Scoville and Richard Jones.
Peras R. Polly
Peras R. Polly was a Judge of the Probate Court of Lawrence County, Ohio, who was born in Otsego County, New York, on May 5th, 1815. He was the third child in a family of ten children, whose parents were Daniel Polley and Mary (Holcomb) Polley. His father, a native of Massachusetts, followed through life the trade of millwright.
Patrick O’Donnell Naturalization
In response to your direction, I have the honor to inform you that an investigation was made of the right of Patrick O'Donnell to claim citizenship in the United States, the result of which I have...
Lawsuit of Samuel Langdon
Summoned Hammond Howe to appear on the first day of our term next to answer unto Samuel Langdon for a plea of damages $3,000 this 12 April 1845. Suit for backing the water of Symmes Creek back upon the waterwheels of plaintiffs mill,
Naturalizations Index 1903 – 1906
This is just the Naturalizations index for the years 1903-1906 from Lawrence County, Ohio, Probate Court. You can view the microfilmed copy of the original book at this link from, as with any transcribed records on this website, please check the original source for spellings. Some of these records are also found on website, I have added links to the names for your convenience, which will take you to the actual copy. In order to view the documents on you must be signed in, which is a free service.
Naturalizations 1877-1888
This index of the April 1877 – June 1888 Lawrence County, Ohio, Naturalizations and Declarations of Intentions are from the Probate Court. You can view the microfilmed copy of the original book at this link from, as with any transcribed records on this website, please check the original source for spellings. Some of these records are also found on website, I have added links to the names for your convenience, which will take you to the actual copy. In order to view the documents on you must be signed in, which is a free service.
A. D. Bruce
County Recorder A. D. Bruce is a native of Lawrence County and was born in 1860, receiving his early education through the common schools and afterward attending the National Normal University.
Edgar T. Belcher
E. T. Belcher was born near Willow-Wood P.O., Lawrence County, December 13, 1867. He received his education in the public schools of Ironton and afterward was engaged as traveling salesman with Wm. Kerr