Bartramville By: Stanton
Ironton Register, Thursday, August 28, 1890
EDITOR REGISTER. This place gets its name from the father of our old and long-trusted auditor, whose home was in this community for several years. This is one of the pleasant farming communities in this county’s hills. In this community, old father B. F. Wakefield reared his large family and sent them out on life’s mission.
Two are now in Missouri, one in Kansas, one in Marietta, and five are here in this community. Of the five in this community, two are the wives of well-to-do farmers, Messrs. C. and H. Forgey; and the one named for himself, B. F. Wakefield, has the old homestead farm; the other two of this community, Miss Cora and J. D. Wakefield, are in the old homestead with their mother.
Miss Cora is one of our efficient teachers, and J. D. is studying for the medical profession. The two in Missouri are successful farmers, the one in Kansas is a mechanic doing well, and the one in Marietta is the wife of a professional man. To rear as large a family as this and see them taking hold of the duties of life and making an honorable record for themselves is, to your correspondent’s mind, the greatest achievement allowed to man. Who can conceive of the possibilities to be reached by the members of such a family? Let them choose the God of their father, and He will lead them.
Old father Wakefield was one of the numbers who secured the erection of the old Windsor Chapel here on the hill. While Allison was building the old Oak Ridge furnace, and the democratic party was bending its energies to put James Buchanan into the White House, father Wakefield, with others, was striving to secure a house to worship God. “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.”
C. Forgey has two farms under his control-his own here in this community and the late M. Forgey’s, up on the river above Labelle; hence he would, if possible, make two men out of himself, and he can come as near doing that as the next one. His oldest son, Jesse, has just returned from the South and comes in to make his father’s efforts successful on that score.
Mr. Forgey’s mother is still living and is an active lady, although she was born in 1800. Corn does not look as well here as in other parts of the county. Still, these late rains are bringing out the corn everywhere, and they will make thousands of bushels of corn in this county that would not have been if the rains had been withheld two or three weeks longer.
David Kitts has added to his real estate by purchasing another farm lying on the top of the hill between his home and Proctorville. It is only six or seven miles from here to Proctorville, yet the people have to cross more hills to get to the river than the people of Marion have to cross to get to Ironton.
Peter Dillon, who now owns the farm formerly owned by Winchester Wakefield, has built himself a commodious residence on the opposite side of the creek from where the Wakefield residence stood, which was burned down several years ago. The old grist and sawmill that formerly stood near where the residence stood are entirely gone, and the field that constituted the long way for the mill is now covered with waving corn so that the “lay of the land” is all that is left of the Winchester Wakefield homestead, as known some years ago. These are some of the changes that old father Time is constantly making.
- Bartramville is the name of the post office at McCaffrey’s store in Guyan. It takes its name from being near the old place settled by Mr. Bartram, father of M. S. when he first came to this county. Dr. Sloan now lives at the old home place of the Bartrams, which is pleasant.
- Mr. Smith, who lives just below Wm. McCaffrey’s store was adjudged insane last Winter and sent to the Athens asylum. Getting some better. He was sent home a few days ago but has since worsened and will have to be sent back. The cause of the insanity is attributed to religious excitement during the revival here last Winter. Mr. Smith had been a church member for several years but was always very retired and quiet. Last Winter, he took a very active part in the meeting. His action called forth some remarks at the time, but they passed on, and nothing more was thought of. After the close of the revival, he continued to manifest strange and peculiar traits and finally imagined himself endowed with supernatural power from heaven. He was sent to the asylum. A few weeks ago, he settled down into a state of melancholy, and it was thought that a change might be beneficial, so he was sent home. Since his arrival home, he has become worse and will have to be sent back.
- Health in our village improved.
- The songsters now charm the passer-by as their sweet strains float out on the gentle breeze.
- W. S. Brammer, our merchant, and postmaster, is getting along quite well.
- Miss Laura Booth gave a social for her many friends at Mrs. E. Forgey’s residence. The treat was a grand affair, consisting of candies, bananas, oranges, and April fools. Connected with this was the famous play, “Tiddledy Wink.”
- E. G. Turner and R. B. Smith have gone to Lebanon to attend school for five months.
- Miss Della Benson, of Labelle, is visiting at Mrs. Clara Smith’s, her old home. Her many friends are glad to have her among them.
- W. D. Sydenstricker is contemplating going to Lebanon to attend the Summer term. He is now working on the farm.
- What is that coming? It looks like travelers. I see now; it’s our boys returning from the South.
- Rev. C. N. Smith has been at home for a few days. He preached a short Easter sermon on Sabbath afternoon at Union Chapel, and at night gave an interesting discourse on the “Bible and modern religion contrasted.” Mr. Smith will soon return to his work in Meigs county.
- We have lost a good citizen by Rev. J. McComas moving to Guyandotte. TRIX.
I.R. JULY 10, 1902
- Charles Dolby made a business trip to Huntington Saturday.
- The oil well on Paddy Creek is now down over 1100 feet. The indications are good.
- Roy Locey was calling on one of our young ladies Sunday evening.
- Rev. Brown delivered a sermon at Union Sunday.
- McCartney & Hunt have finished sawing lumber on Wolf Creek and will now move to Lou Whitley’s place on Indian Guyan.
- Mrs. Clara Smith is ill.
- Quite a number of our young gentlemen attended church at Windsor Sunday evening.
- Jesse Forgey will commence building his house this week.
- Rev. Sheets preached at Submissive Church Sunday.
- The farmers here have hauled their wheat and are awaiting a machine to thresh it.
- Glen Simpson sowed millet and cowpeas for Dr. Sloan last week.
- Carroll Singer was at home with his parents Sunday.