1820 Tax Index

Paying taxes was one of the earliest laws that the State of Ohio passed, and that meant the state would have to keep legal records to make sure everyone was paying their share. If you are wanting to join the First Families of Ohio from the Ohio Genealogical Society, these records are accepted in order to prove where your ancestors lived.

The following Tax listing was transcribed for the Lawrence Register on January 4, 2000, by the late Ken Clark from San Antonio, Texas.

Acord, Zur
Adams, Richd (Richard)
Adams, Solomon
Alford, John
Allen, Wesley
Anderson, William
Anderson, James
Ankrim, Henry
Ankrim, Saml
Ashley, Holt (Hall)
Austin, Geo
Bagley, John
Baird, Robert
Baker, George
Ballard, Harris
Ballard, Jesse
Ballard, Stephen
Barns, John
Bazzil (Batesell), Geo
Bell, Benjamin (Benjn)
Bell, Isace (Isaac) Senr
Bell, Johnson
Bell, Ephram
Bellwood, Hannah
Berket, Joseph
Berket, John
Berry, Nathan
Billips, John
Billips, Ed (Edward)
Blair, Wm (William
Blankenship, Elizabeth
Blankenship, Andrew
Blankenship, Isam Sr
Blankenship, Isam
Blankenship, Isam Jr
Blankenship (Blankin-), Margt
Blowers, Pasepoint
Boggs, Andrew
Booth, Robert
Booth, Henry
Booth, Powell
Bartles (Bertle-Bartle), Fredk
Bowen, George
Bowen, Michael
Bowen, Joel
Bowen, John (2)
Bowlen, (Bowling), Henry
Bowman, Jacob
Boyd, John
Boyd, Robt
Bradshaw, Moses
Bramer, Jas
Bramer (Brammer), Edmund
Bramer (Brammer), Henry
Bramer (Brammer), John
Brammer, Joseph
Brammer, William
Breden, William
Briant (Bryant), John
Briant (Bryant, Rosanna (Rossanah)
Brown, Mary Ann (a)
Brown, Aaron (Aron)
Brubaker, David
Brubaker (Brewbaker), Daniel
Bruce, John
Bruce, Wm
Brumfield, Jas (James)
Bumgardner (Bumgarner), John
Bumgardner, Jacob
Bumgardner (Bumgarner), Francy (Frankey)
Burch, William
Burcham, John
Burcham, Nathan’l
Burke (Burk), Wm
Burns, Coventon
Burt (Bent), Wm
Burton, Betsey (Elizabeth)
Call (Caul), Jos
Call (Caul), James Jr
Call (Caul), Chas
Callender, Jacob
Cambell, Margaret
Campbell, Samuel
Canary, James
Cannon, John
Canter, Henry
Canter, James
Canter, John Sr
Canter, John Jr
Cantwell, John
Carpenter, Wm
Chaffin, John
Chapman, Jona
Chaplin, Moses (Mossis)
Chapman, Archibald
Chapman, Martin
Chatfield, Jesse
Chatfield, David
Chin (Chinn), Wm
Christian (Christen), David
Christian (Christen), John
Churchill, Solo
Churchill, Solo Senr
Clark, Ann (a)
Clark, James
Clark, Anthony Sr
Clark, Saml
Clark, Cornelius (Carnelus)
Clark, Anthony Jr
Clark, Joel
Coates (Coats), Burill (Burrell/Burell)
Collear (Colyer), James
Collear (Coyler), John
Colyer, William
Comber (Comer), Adam
Compston, Isaac
Compston, John
Compston (Comstin), Hester (Ester)
Conway, Louis (Lewis)
Conway, Chas
Cooper, Charles
Copenhaver, John
Cornwall (Cornwell), Westly (Westley)
Cox, James
Cradle, Ann (a)
Craney, William
Crank, Jos (Joseph)
Crice, John
Cutright, John
Cutright, George
Davideon (Davisson), Joseph
Davidson, Barbara (y)
Davidson, Tho
Davidson, William
Davidson, Abraham
Davidson (Davisson), Andrew
Davidson (Davisson), John (2)
Davidson (Davisson), Nathl (2)
Davidson (Davisson), Isaac
Davis, Jacob
Davison (Davisson), Amariah
Delauder, Isaac
Delauder (Delawder), Laurence (Lawrence) (2)
Delong, Isaac (Isace)
Denison, Jona (Jonathan)
Desion, Motley
Dicky, Adam
Dix, James Junr
Dix, James Senr
Dixon, Peter
Doddridge, Josiep/Jona/Josiah
Doddridge, Enoch
Dohorty (Dougherty), Geo
Dolittle, Luther
Dollarhide, Mary
Dollarhide, Allen
Dollarhide, Jesse
Dorman, Saml (Samuel) (2)
Doudal, Barbara
Doudal, John
Drouill (e) an, Simon (Seman)
Drouillan, Joseph
Dunbar (r), Wm (William)
Dunking (Duncan), Joseph
Dunn, Armstrong
Earles/Eals/Earls, Charles
Eaton, Tho
Ellis, Wm
Ellis, Mary
Ellisson (Elleson), Wm
Evens (Evans), Elijah
Faulkner (Falkner), John
Faulkner (Fortnur), Richd
Ferguson, Geo
Ferguson, James
Farnsworth, Reuben
Ferris/Faras/Farris, John
Fisher, Martin
Fitzer, John
Flure, Enoch H
Forgy, Hugh
Forgy, Ellick (Alexander)
Fortner, William
Foster, Major
Fout, Adam
Fout, Anthony
Fout, Philip
Frampton, Elijah
Frampton, I & M
Francis, Elihu
Francis, John
Fudge, John
Fudge (Fodge), Jacob
Fuller, Alphonse T F
Fuller, Sylvester
Fuson, Wm (William)
Gardner, Thomas
Garret, Isam
Genkins (Jenkins), Archabol
Gibson (Gipson), James
Gilbert, John W
Gillet, Zebulon
Gillet (t), Wn (William)
Gillet (t), Joel
Gillian, Prestley (Presley)
Gillian (Gillilandn), Wm Sr
Golden, William
Golden, Warren
Gorman, Robert (Robbard)
Gossett, Isam
Gough, William
Graham, Jonathan
Gray, Combs
Green, Cyrus D
Green, Elisha B
Griffin, Abram (Abraham)
Griffith, Hannah
Grubb, Wm
Halfurd, Thomas
Hall, Wm
Hall, Samuel
Hall, Elisha
Hall, Abner (Abnear)
Hallock, Hodly (Hoadley)
Halterman (Hatterman), Jacob
Halterman (Hatterman), Christen
Hankins, Daniel
Hankins, Rowlan/Roling/Rollin
Hanley, Cornelius
Harrison, John
Haskell, James
Hatcher, Charles
Hatcher, Farley
Hatcher, Samuel
Hatfield, John
Hatfield, Wm
Haymaker, Adam
Hays, Rebecca
Hays, Dennis
Hellescoh, William
Helman, Benjamin
Helman, Thomas
Heluiston (Helpersten), Henry
Helvey, Samuel
Henderson, John T
Henry, Jonathan
Henry, James
Henry, Samuel
Hepler, Jacob
Hewitt, Bea
Higins (Hage(i)ns), John
Hillman, Squire
Hillyard, John
Hillyard, (Hilard), Tho
Hilman, (Helman), Thomas
Hilyard, Jonathan
Hizy, John
Holderby William
Hollady, Andrew
Hood, Robt
Hooper, John
Horner, Joshua
Hovey, James
Howard, Lewis
Howard, Wm
Howard, James
Hubble (Huble), Stephen
Huddleston, Daniel
Huff, Samuel
Hughs, Asa
Hughs, Jonathan
Hughs, David
Hughs, Seles (Silas)
Hughs, Absolom
Hull, Phineas
Hush, John
Irwin, George
Jackman, Amos
Jayne, Isaac
Jayne, Greenburg
Johnson (Johnston), Stephen
Jones, Wm (William) (2)
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, John (2)
Jones (Jons), Joshua
Joynes, Elizabeth
Justice, Wade
Kelley, Joshua
Kelley, Tabitha
Kelly, Luke
Kelly, Charles
Kelly, Reuben
Kelly, John
Keneff, George
Kimball, Seton
King, Martin
Kingery (Kingry), Peter
Kneff, Rachel
Kneff, Jacob
Koons (Coons/Kouns), Christian
Koons (Coontz/Coons), Henry
Laffoon, Daniel
Lambert, Jonathan
Lambert, Tho
Lambert, Jona(h)
Lambert, Richd (Richard)
Lambert, Joannah
Lambert, Joseph
Lane (Lain), John
Langdon, Saml
Lee, John
Lee, Tho (Thomas)
Lemay, Pleasant
Lester, Henry
Linebarger (Lionabrger), Peter
Losey (Locy), Wm (William)
Lunsford, John
Man(n), John
Mannon, Henry
Mannon, Bozd (Boas/Boyd)?
Markim (Markins), Tho (Thomas)
Markim (Markins), Saml (Samuel)
Markim (Markins), Charles
Martin, Benj Jr
Martin, John
Martin, Benjamin Sr
Martin (Martian, David
Martin (Martian), William
Masters, Stephen
McCartney, Daniel
McClean, Archibald
McClene, James
McComas, Sartin
McComas (Mccomeul), Stephen
McCorkeal (McCorkle), Samuel
McCorkle, John
McCorkle (McCorcheal), Robert
McCoy, Jos
McCrary, John
McCrary, Nathan
McCray, John
McCulloch, James
McDaniel, Caleb
McDaniel, John (2)
McDaniel, Benjamin
McFan, David
McKnight (McNight), Jos, Jun
McKnight (McNight), Jos
McMahan (McMacham), James
McMan, Wm
McMan (McMahan), John
McMan (McMahan), Stephen
McNight, James
McRoberts, Saml
Melvin, Jonathan
Miles, Martin
Miller, Joseph
Miller, Edward
Miller, Jacob Jr
Miller, Jacob
Miller, Wm (William)
Miller (Millar), Abraham (2)
Monahon (Murnahan), Ed (Edward)
Moore, Parston
Moore (More), Abraham
Moore (More), Thos (Thomas)
More (Moore), Randall (Randolph)
Moreman, James
Morgan, Elizabeth
Morresy, Charles
Morrisson, John
Morrisson, Nathl
Murphy, John
Murphy, Washington
Murphy, Henry
Nance, Richard
Nance, Daniel
Nance, Peter
Nance, Daniel Sr
Nance, Thomas
Nantz (Nance), Willson
Neal, John (2)
Neal, Daniel
Neal, Samuel
Neff, Jona (Jonathan)
Nelson, Andrew
Nelson, Solo
Nelson, John
Nelson, William
Overstreet, John
Overstreet, John Jr
Paine/Payn(e), John
Paine/Payn(e), Ellis
Pancake, Abraham
Paton, John
Payn(e), Wm (William)
Payton, Nathan
Pearce, Samuel E
Peeples (Peoples), Saml
Pence, Wm
Peoples, John
Perkins, William
Perkins (Pirkins), John
Peyton (Payton), Isaac
Pierce (Purce), John
Pine, John
Pine, James
Pine, George
Pine, Jacob
Pinkerman, Sarah
Porter, David
Powel(l), Jacob
Powell, Henry
Pratt, Sarah
Prichard, Nathaniel
Pusee/Pusey/Peusey, Wm (William)
Rankins, Armstrong
Riley, Jos
Roberts, John (2)
Robertson, David
Roley (Rowley), Joel
Ross, Robt Sr
Rucker, Wyet (Wiatt)
Rucker, Robt (Robert)
Ruckord (Record), Calvin
Russell, Owen
Russell, Sandford
Russell, William
Russell, John
Russell, Isaac (Isace)
Sampson, Solomon
Sampson, Valentine
Sampson, Thomas
Scarberry (Scarbriee), Zachariah
Scott, John
Sharp, John
Sharp, Richard
Shearman, James
Shelton, Robertson (Robinson)
Sherman (Shearman), Jesse
Sherman (Sherman), Elisha
Shope (Shoop), Wm (William)
Shumate, Silas (Selas)
Shute, Richard
Simmons, Joel
Simpson, Solomon
Singers, Tho
Skinner, Ebenezer (Eleazer)
Smith, Augustis (Augustin)
Smith, Wm
Smith, Jona (Jonathan)
Smith, Abram (Abraham
Smith, Anthony
Smith, Samuel Jun
Smith, John
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Henry
Smith, Samuel Senr
Smith, John
Sparling, George
Spears, Henry
Spears, Paul
Spears, James
Spears, Geo
Sprouse (Spouts), Robt
Spurlock, David
Stephenson, Zack D (Zechariah)
Stephenson, Abasalem (Abraham)
Stephenson, Jereh (Jeremiah)
Stepter, Wm
Steward (Stewart), Edward
Steward (Stewart), John
Stover, Elizabeth
Stumbo (Stumbough), John
Stumbo (Stumbough), David
Suiter (Suter), Philip
Suiter (Suter), Wm
Suiter (Sutor/Suter), Jacob (2)
Sumpter (Sumter), Richd (Richard)
Tackett (Tacket), George
Tait (Tate), Taman (Terman)
Tait (Tate), James
Tally, Claburn
Tally, Greif
Tate, John A
Teir (Tice), John
Teir (Tice), Abraham
Templeton, Tho
Templeton, Jas
Templeton, John
Thompson, Jos (Joseph L)
Thompson, Rees
Thompson, Jas (James)
Thornton, Elijah
Thurston, Benj
Tosser, Henry
Triggs, Tho (Thomas)
Triggs, Wm (William)
Triggs, Jacob
Triggs, Jacob
Triggs, John
Trown, Joseph
Truesdale (Truesdell), Joel (Joul)
Turnbough, Ephriam
Turnbough, George
Van Osdell (Dausdell), Wm (William)
Venhouse, Moses
Ventrouse, William H
Vermillion, John
Vermillion, Reuben
Vermillion, Uriah
Vitito, Nancy
Von Dine (Vandine), James
Wakefield, Peter
Walbright, Chester (Christen)
Walker, Patten (Patton)
Walls, John
Walls, William
Walton, Thomas
Ward, William
Ward, Edward
Ward, Charles
Webb, William
Webb, Pleasant
Webb, Elias
Webb, James
Webb, Henly/Henley
Wells, James
White, Arthur
White, Zinas
White, John Sr
White, James
Wilgus, James
Wilks, James
Wilks, Frances
Williams, Jesse
Willis, Joshua
Willis, Henry
Wilson, Patrick
Wilson, Martin
Wilson, James
Wilson, Tessa
Wilson, Henry
Wilson (Willson), John
Winters, Henry
Wolf, Jesse
Wolf, Andrew
Woods, Hugh
Yates, Benj
Yates, Norris
Yingling, Andrew Jr
Yingling, John
Yingling, Christi(a)n
Yingling, Andrew
Young, Elon

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