Judge Elisha B. Green

Ironton Ohio Courthouse and Jail Photo

Below are some articles in various newspapers for Judge Elisha B. Green. He was the Common Pleas Judge in Lawrence County, Ohio.

He and other key political officials were prominent figures in establishing townships and keeping order in the county. He was said to be a fair judge and liked by the community.

Judge Elisha B Green – Common Pleas Judge

Judge E. B. Green and Esq. Joel Bowen had the naming of Rome Township.  Bowen wanted it called Bowenville. Green proposed to cut a piece out of a rough pumpkin and throw heads and tails; this was done. 

Green prepared the piece, left the oval green side on and the bottom flat, threw it up, and chose the green side.  The oval side made it come up three times, and he named it Rome; he had just been reading the history of Rome.

Burlington was named by Judge Elisha B Green and Carpus Clark for Burlington, Vt., and Carpus Clark and S. M. Browning named Burlington, Iowa, for our chief town.

Ironton Register, Thursday, October 13, 1853 – Death of son.

Died – The son of the late Judge Green of this county died on Monday of last week on board his boat, the Cumberland Valley, below Evansville.

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