Walton Early History 8 Jan 1902


Interesting Items Gleaned From the Old Records.

No. 6. (Continued.)

Ironton Register, January 8, 1902.

            Following is a list of some of the payments made to the county for various purposes during the years of 1819 and 1820:

  • W. G. Robinson, clerk, fines $32.50; I. and M. Frampton, permit, $1.25; Wm. C. Johnson, permit, $2.50; Edward Miller, tavern license, $6.00; M. & J. Frampton, permit, $6.78; John Davidson, permit, ferry, $0.33 /3; Jeremiah Wescott, permit tavern, $1.06; Wm. C. Davidson, store license, $10; Abraham Miller, ferry, $2.00; John Davidson, for a ferry, $2.00; William Ventraux Hurson, store, $13.00; Calvin Record (probably Reckard), for a tavern license, $6.00.
  • June 8, 1820.  County levy on horse, mule, and ass, three years old and upward, 30 cents per head; on all meat cattle, three years old and upward, ten cents per head; on each stud horse, the rate he stands at the season and in all other property made subject to taxation, one-half percent on the appraised value thereof.
  • Jacob Miller, John Pierce, and Sylvester Fuller were judges, and E. B. Green and Solomon Churchill were clerks of the Rome Township election in the Presidential election of 1820.
  • The records show that on November 19, 1820, $14 was allowed for ten wolf scalps.

Lawrence County Ohio Furnace Map

            Regarding the organization of the Township, the Commissioners’ record has the following: 

  • June 2, 1817.  On petition of a number of the inhabitants for a new township to be laid off as follows:  Beginning at the N. west corner of said county, thence south with said line to Township No. 2, thence E. with said Township line as far as to the N. E. corner of Township No. 2, range 18; thence N. with said range to the north end of said county; thence west to the N. E. corner of Sect. No. 5 in sd. Township thence south to the N. E. corner of Section No. 29 in Aid Township thence west to the place of beginning.  Ordered that the same be set apart by the name of Vernon Township.
  • June 2, 1817.  T. 2, R. 16 organized as Windsor Township.  Electors meet at the schoolhouse near Owen Russell.  Agreed by the board that the Township of Lawrence is as follows off Township No. 3 and range 17, be the same bounds, and that the qualified electors meet at James Webb’s to elect, etc.  Ordered that the original surveyed township No. 3 of range 16 and the original and the original Township No. 4 & 5(or 6?) in range 17 shall form one Township by the name of Symmes Township and the same to be the bounds * * * Electors to meet at the house of Seriah Vermillion to elect officers.
  • “June 4, 1817.  On petition of several the inhabitants of Lawrence county and Upper Township, praying for a new Township to be set off bounding as follows:  Beginning at the southeast corner of Township No. 2, range 19, thence running E. to the 17 range lines, thence N. to the N. E. corner of Township 2, range 18; thence W. to the county line; thence south to the French Grant line; thence S. easterly to the east corner of said Grant; thence westerly to the pace of beginning.  Ordered that the said Bounding be set apart in a separate Township by Elizabeth Township ** Electors to meet at William Jones.
  • “Order that the fractional Township No. 1 in the fifteenth range be attached to Union and the bound shall contain Union Township as follows:  The fractional Township in range 15, and the fractional Township 1 in range 16, be the same the bound of Union Township.
  • “Ordered that the bounds of Fayette Township be as follows:  containing the original surveyed Fractional Township No. 1 & 2 of range 17 be the same bounds of the aforesaid Township.
  • “Friday, June 6, 1817.  Ordered by the board that the following be the boundary of Upper Township, containing the original fractional Township, No. 1 in the eighteenth range and the original fractional Township 1 in the nineteenth range (Here follows an entry dated March 11, 1818).  Ordered that the part now remaining of Vernon Township in the county of Lawrence be and the same is hereby attached to Elizabeth Township, said county as above stated to be under the rules and regulations of Elizabeth Township.
  • “April 21, 1819.  Upon the petition of the inhabitants of the first and second fractional Township and fifteenth Range in the county of Lawrence, praying to be set off as new township by the name of Rome, ordered that the same be set off as a separate Township by the name of Rome Township and that the electors meet at Grall Hull’s on the 15th day of May.
  • August 3, 1819.  Upon the petition of the inhabitants of the original surveyed Township No. 3 of range 16, praying to be set apart as new Township,  ordered that the same be granted and that the bounds consist of the original surveyed Township No. 3 in range 16, be the same set apart as a new Township by the name of Mason * * *  Electors to meet at Thomas Moore’s.
  • “June 6, 1820.  Upon the application of the inhabitants of Township, numbers three and four of range number eighteen now belong to Elizabeth Township.  It is ordered that the application be granted, township number three and much of Township Four lie in Lawrence county, and the same is set off as a separate township to be known and designed by the name of Decatur Township.  Meet (the electors) on July 6 at the home of Rees Thompson.
  • “December 2, 1828 (?).  Be it remembered that this day the citizens of the fourth and fifth Townships now composing the Township of Syms, praying for a division of said Township as aforesaid, it is therefore ordered that the same be granted and that the aforesaid Township be divided and that the Township number four be an is hereby struck off composes a new Township by the name of Aid and that the qualified electors of said Township number four meet at the house of Charles Cooper on Saturday, the 27th of his inst., to elect * * *.”
  • The records did not show when Washington Township originated.

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