Lawrence County Notes by Pilgrim

Pilgrim was a pen name for unknown person, but he wrote interesting stories about the early residents of Lawrence County, Ohio.


Sights and Talks in the Country – The Ironton Register, September 6, 1888

John White and C. L. Steed are doing a lively business in the coal trade at Forest Dale.  O. E. Kinkaid has a fair crop of fruit on the Haskell farm.

Wm. Corn has a fine piece of buckwheat, probably sown for his bees, as he has several stands.  This is the economy, anyway.

Albert Steed is gardening his mother’s ground this year and is doing it in good style.  The Steeds in this neighborhood all have good crops of fruit.  Capt. Sam Steed says his fruit is fair; hay is only one-third crop; corn is good.

Wm. Martin has his wheat ground plowed and ready for sowing.

Jacob Meistead is butchering and runs a meat wagon.

M. Deering’s farm produced 230 bushels of wheat, which he considers one-third of a crop; corn not as good as last year, and the late storms have thrown it down so badly it will be difficult to save fodder; fruit crop is good, both late and early.

Wm. Deering, Esq., has fair crops; is preparing for wheat; is gathering forest leaves and plowing them under; thinks them an excellent fertilizer; says the Squire’s business is not very lively.

J. H. Wood is having all he can do in the wagon and blacksmith business.  John puts up good work.

Stan Moore says crops with him are not extra; like most other farmers, he feels the failure of the wheat the most.  Dry weather and chinch bugs closed in on the crop and got away with most of it.  His sons, Boyd and Floyd, are in Oregon, the former preaching and the latter farming, so they can take care of both soul and body.  His son Charles F.I. is in the South railroading.  Mr. M. will soon begin to bring dressed beef into the market.

V. Kelly has a farm adapted to almost anything a person wants a farm for.  He has fine fruit and wheat land and raises vegetables with any of them; has fine Rome Beauty and Red Bobinson apples; the good crop of peaches; splendid corn; four acres of sorghum cane; one acre of sweet potatoes; wheat and oats better than an average generally this year; has 12 stands of Italian bees that are doing well.  F. M. Kelly is at his father’s at present.  He is just recovering from a severe spell of typhoid fever.  His wife has had it since they came here but is now out of danger.

There is quite a different report to make this year about Wm. Brammer’s orchard.  It is well-laden with nice-looking apples, some very nice russets, and other varieties.

Abe Pemberton has a splendid piece of corn, a fine colt, and is enjoying himself as best he can.

Elliot Corbin is now 76 years old, has not enjoyed the sense of seeing for several years, and has lived 48 years in the same place he now lives.  He is not enjoying as good health as last year; says he would like to have attended the pioneer meeting at Ironton; has a razor 150 years old; says he is coming to Ironton this Summer to see some of his old friends.  Mrs. C. is 67 years old; has had very poor health this Summer; she showed me a gourd used by her great-grandmother over 100 years ago; it was used to keep spices in; it would hold about a quart.

John Powell’s saw mill has been busy and has some very nice poplar logs in the yard yet.

The crops of corn and cane along this branch of Leatherwood look much better than last year.

Taylor Langdon is building a fine barn with a basement for stability, size 30×48 feet.

Lewis Hart is putting it up, and Henry Gerlach is doing the stone work; both good workmen.  Mr. L. has a good farm, which is a move in the right direction.

The Langdons are all good farmers, and all report fair crops.

Lewis Hart says his crop is fair.

Henry Gerlach reports about the same.

M. Templeton reports his crop of sorghum, melons, and corn is good; potatoes are only middling.

P. Watters is preparing for hauling in his Winter’s coal.  He is hauling lumber to Ironton to be dressed to do some repairing.

John Wepplar and A. Crawford do the blacksmithing at Russell’s Place; both good workmen and clever gentlemen.

The store business is divided up.  The merchants are Snyder & Betts, J. Hamilton, and A. B. Boothe – all clever fellows who deserve that region’s patronage.

Q. Hamilton has received a patent on a car coupler and has been making them at Lambert’s machine shop and testing them on the Iron R’y the past few days.  Mr. H. is well pleased with its work and thinks it a success.

B. Boothe will teach the school at the mouth of Drift creek, and Mr. Waldick will attend the store.

Dr. Burns has built a barn 30×50 feet, with a basement for stability.  The Doctor understands farming as well as medicine; has a fine Grey Eagle colt, as potted as a piece of calico, and is large and well built; reports corn good on his farm, and wheat an average; says the health of the surrounding country not good; typhoid fever and principal flux sickness.

Richard Milstead says crops are light around in his neighborhood.

Sardine Paul bought a piece of land from Elisha Langdon last week.  Mr. Langdon is in very poor health and is arranging his business and expecting to be called at any time.

Betts & Snyder have fitted up their mill with the improved Telescope Davis patent bolt and are doing first-class work.  I hear this from the proprietors and those who have tried the new process.  This is not the roller process but ground with old-fashioned millstones, or buhrs, sometimes called the upper stone turning.

The mill is operated by water power, and one man can do all the work and grind 75 bushels a day.  They are making an extra quality of corn meal also.  George W. Sprinkles, the old veteran miller, is attending it and is as proud of it as a boy with a pair of red-topped boots.  If this continues a success, Cal deserves patronage for venturing into this enterprise.



Ironton Register, Thursday, November 10, 1887

On Federal creek met Robert Neely.  He is sociable, and I was sorry I couldn’t enjoy his company longer.

Wm. McKinley is closing in on his Fall work and enjoys the world as it comes.

H. Trusdell has a good comfortable home and is no doubt doing well.  His daughter Ada is teaching school near C. H. Turley’s and is well-liked; it has about 40 pupils.

Chas. Miller says apple crop failing makes it hard for the farmers.

Nehemiah Daniel’s house burned on October 29.  Mr. D. lost all his goods and effects; he has the community’s sympathy; he barely escaped with life and his two grandchildren.

W. Blake would have a flourishing trade if last Tuesday were an average day.

G. C. Varnum was in dry goods to his elbows, and there is no reason it shouldn’t be so, for Girard is a clever gentleman with a good store.

The Center house is the only hotel, and it is a good place to shop at.

W. Swain is the boss blacksmith.  M. Darling accommodated the citizens with coal as fast as he could bring it in.

P. Trumbo has quit the railroad and is teaming up.

W. Swisher is clearing a piece of new ground.

D. Clark (better known as Pete) reports his crop; 1200 bushels of corn; 405 bush. Wheat, 35 tons hay; 425 bushels oats; has 25 hogs, 15 cattle; sowed 65 bushels wheat; raised 175 bushels potatoes on one ¼ acres, under straw; says it is less work and no trouble with bugs; planted the last year 1700 apple trees; is replanting what died.  Mr. C. is a good farmer and just as clever as when he was in the grocery biz.

C. Bowen is not farming very extensively; he had 10 acres of corn, 250 bushels, and 6 tons of hay.  Mr. B. is not enjoying the health required to do much farm work.  He is also slightly prohibition.

W. Wylie runs his cooper shop right along, although he can’t ship a keg.  Everything seems well with him.

Dr. Thomas attends to the wants of the sick in his part of the county.  The Dr. is a jolly fellow and asked about many of his fellow teachers while in that profession.

F. Drummond teaches the Athalia school and is well pleased with his situation, which indicates he is doing good work.

James Miller is probably the oldest man in the village.

A Paxton lives back in the country and, from his appearances, lives well.

B. Pine has moved from Slate creek to his new home.  I sampled his honey and pronounce it fine.

Samuel Swain has sold his farm and will try his fortune in the west next Spring.  E. Harriger, his son-in-law, went to the Hot Springs some time ago, and his wife will probably join him later this month.

C. Brown has built him a fine commodious dwelling above the high water mark.  Mr. Brown raised a fine crop of red peach blow potatoes, under straw, the largest I ever saw; planted 15th June; wheat crop fair, 300 bushels from 18 acres and has sown 15 acres.  Tells of Capt. Gillett raised 250 kinds of potatoes from peach blow potato balls.  Mr. B. attended the Foraker meeting and returned the same night.

O. Gillett had an average crop.  His pear crop was very good; he had about forty bushels.

John Guthrie suffers considerably from rheumatism; he has had it more or less for ten years; has improved his house by repainting and a tin roof.  Albert Guthrie attends the farm and looks after things generally.

Israel P. Cross has a comfortable farm and ranks among the good fellows of Rome township.

Mrs. Watson, a daughter of Ex-Commissioner Andy Miller, has given her house a coat of buff paint, trimmed with red, which adds beauty to the premises.  She has also built a small house for a tenant in her orchard.

Varnum, one of the best carpenters in that part of the county, is doing the carpenter work, and T. R. Baker, the boss painter, is giving it a shine.

Gardner has the finest two-year-old colt in the county if I am a judge; weight, 1046 lbs.; it’s of the Norman stock.  “Mr. G., your colt is fine. What about your crop?”  “My wheat rather light– 241 bushels from 26 acres; sowed 10 acres this year; corn, common crop, 24 acres of it; had 3 acres of potatoes, about 150 bushels; had a good crop of peaches and a good pear crop; 25 bushels at least.  I have six horses, 36 cattle, and 29 hogs.”  “Mr. G., you have a beautiful grove.”  “Yes, only it is getting too thick.”

Miss Carrie Gardner is teaching at the Beulah school, which has a good school.

D. Morrison, formerly one of Lawrence county’s best Commissioners, is in a fair state of health; he says his crop of oats, corn, and potatoes is only fair; the hay crop is very good.

Gillett and his wife will start in a few days to Kismut, Tenn., to visit D. H. Waddell, who will be gone till late Spring.

W. Bell attends to the farm and knows how, too.

H. Hall, one of the best farmers in the county, reports 7 acres of potatoes, from which he took  800 bushels; he has a fine Holstein calf.  It has fine poultry, among which are 30 Bronze turkeys.  Mr. H., like Mr. B., talks about prohibition if you give him a chance.

Joe Turley (Treasurer-elect) has some old hay baled and ready to ship when Ohio becomes navigable.  Mr. T. has a pleasant little family, and he seems to enjoy himself and not a jar to mar his happiness.

R. B. Turley has one of the best garden farms in Quaker Bottom; he had 1 acre in cabbage but can’t boast any of its sizes; 1 ½ acres of sweet potatoes rather a slim crop; 12 acres of melon this year, think as good as any in the state; has melons to market yet.  He thinks all kinds of marketing brought better prices this year.

D. and J. P. Eaton report their crop:  500 bushels of wheat, 175 oats, 35 tons of hay, and 55 acres of corn; I think it will average 45 bushels per acre.  Eaton & Bro. are clever boys.

Waddle has a good orchard but a total failure this year; other crops are about as his neighbors.

Theodore Gillett had a corn crop, raised 60 bushels of beans and good hay; he had 50 fine-looking Southdown sheep, had 1200 bbls. He had apples last year but can’t have an apple dumpling this year.

Ex-Sheriff Rose has built a new house and thrown the old one out the window.  He claims a reasonable crop; has sown 40 acres of wheat, and seeding to grass; the Captain is getting quite corpulent.  His son Will teaches at Rockwood and Bent on Wolfe creek, 3 miles from home.  Will rides eight miles every morning to his school.

Q. Holderby is working on the pike above Petersburg.

H. Turley picked 23 barrels of apples; sold $350 worth of peaches; had 150 bushels of wheat; sown 20 acres; corn crop not good, 15 stands bees doing well this Fall.  Mrs. Turley thinks the white aster honey turns to sugar.  Mr. T. has a fine home, and everything was in good trim.

L. Turley has the prettiest young orchard and the neatest trimmed orchard I have seen in all my (this year’s) wandering.  I have a reference to the one on the hill.

Q. Miller reports corn short, wheat, and oats fair.

Wm. Lee hauls coal to Proctorville; that is a cold name, but W. has a warm heart.

Aaron Hoover went to Huntington last Thursday to visit relatives.  Mr. H. is receiving a good pension on account of the loss of his hearing.

W. Cox, one of the oldest and among the most popular of Lawrence county’s pedagogues, is teaching on Paddy creek.

Rev. T. Hornton arrived at Proctorville last Wednesday evening, from Wichita, Kansas, on a short visit with Rev. De Selm. He brought Clara May De Selm, the daughter of the Rev. De S., with him and will return with her this week.

Chas. W. Eckhart and Emma W. Kaneff were united as one, at the bride’s residence, on Nov. 3.  Rev. De Selm performed the marriage ceremony.

Mayor Ollum is still on deck and the same jolly fellow of the rare old style.

M. Parker is a clever gentleman, but his politics are not good.

Dr. Ricketts is always on the go, yet it doesn’t reduce his weight.  The Doctor still remembers assisting Dr. Branson in picking the burned powder out of ye editorial countenance.

W. Magee raised a large crop of hay–has 200 tons baled.  “Rufe” is the same wherever you meet him.

Dr. Reynolds has gone west.

Dr. Atkinson, of Scott Town, has taken his office and will soon move to Proctorville.

Dr. Feurt has his share of sick folks to attend to.

D. Bush runs the mill and has all he can do and makes good goods.  Young Bush, like his father, is an upright miller.

Asa Thomas is clerking in Reynold’s store.  I enjoyed a few minutes quite hugely with him.

E. Watters had just returned from Cincinnati from visiting some sick friends.

F. Gillen looks as hearty as ever.  Mr. G. made many friends by refusing to be a candidate for Treasurer.

Chas. Wilgus laughed about Squire Walters, Judge Green, and the cider story.

Mr. Martin has the telephone in his store.  I tried it and could hear F. E. Hayward laugh a distance of 22 miles as plainly as if in his store.  The stores all have a good stock on hand and are seemingly busy.

Now last but by no means the least, in Proctorville, come our own former Ironton boy, John Lucas.  John has a fine drug store, a good trade, and must be doing well.  He says he couldn’t live without the Register, so send him one a week.

I met A. T. Null of Platform, taking home a load of apple trees from P. L. Turley’s nursery.  They were fine-looking trees.  Mr. N. is one of the good fellows of Platform, and I noticed his place, a few days ago as I passed, was in fine order.

R. Frampton, of Rockwood, is buying all the corn as the farmers bring it to him.  Mr. F. doesn’t look at it, but he feels it.

Several of the citizens of Rockwood work in Huntington, among whom are Messrs. Newman, Rodgers, Ullum, and Hagerman.

L. Darling moved from near Proctorville, below Rockwood on the Kouns farm, where Geo. Winn has been living.  He has sown 48 bushels of wheat and has just got the git-up in him to make a farmer.  He is a daisy, good fellow.

S. V. Davidson thinks he understands fence repairing to perfection. He thinks it better to break colts before hauling rails with them.

Squire Remy has a fine, large hog; he had just finished sowing wheat last Saturday.

Peter Leighty has opened a coal bank on his farm.  Mr. L. has a fine orchard and is not neglecting it because it is barren this year.

Mrs. Geo. H. Willis wants to buy about two acres of ground, with a good house.

T. Edwards farms well and takes care of what his farm produces.

John Ricketts’ well gave out, and he hauls water with horse and sled.  Mr. R. quoted scripture too fast for me.

The schools not heretofore noted are G. W. O’Neil at Millersport, enrollment of 30, and J. Guthrie, assistant, with an enrollment of 45; both are doing well.  Mr. O’Neil has the reputation of being an excellent teacher.

As stated last week, Miss Remy is teaching below Bradrick and not at Chesapeake.

Misses Lettie Allison and Sadie H. Boothe have charge of the schools at Chesapeake.

The schools of Lawrence county, as far as I could learn, are all in a flourishing condition.

I omitted to state in the proper place that C. T. Adams has moved back from the west and bought the widow Locy farm on Paddy creek. 

Wm. Locy is still in the huckstering trade; he trades in Huntington.

Warren Hall has a fine-pulling team of matched sorrels.  Mr. H. reports a good crop of melons and sweet potatoes.

T. Smith, of Burlington, is teaching at Louisa, Ky.  He came down to deposit his ballot for Gov. Foraker and the straight ticket.

M. Noble, of the firm of Noble & McCown, Huntington, says they have made 800,000 bricks this year and will continue to make brick all Winter in their dry house.  They have furnished brick for several large buildings in Huntington.  Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Noble are both from Lawrence county and can’t do without the Register.

R. C. Shoup has a jewelry store here and is doing first-rate.



Ironton Register, Thursday, November 24, 1887

Passing through Forest Dale, I overtook Robert Simpson on his way to school; he says his average is 35.  This is Robert’s first effort as a teacher, and he is quite successful.

E. Kinkaid was next interrogated, and his answers were as follows: He had 25 tons of hay and 2000 bush. Corn, 300 gallons sorghum; had 2 acres in melons which were only a fair crop.  This is the James Haskell stock farm, but of late has been cultivated with the plow.

Wm. Corn has improved his house by raising it one story higher and building an addition. He failed to get in his wheat, which was too dry to plow.

H. Deering is building a smoke-house; he and his father are farming together; he sowed 28 bushels of wheat; will have 750 bushels of corn, about as good as usual.  J. M. Deering received a letter from his daughter, Mrs. Will Falwell, a few days ago, in which she says it has been so dry they couldn’t sow wheat and had been hauling water seven miles.  They live in southwestern Missouri.

Met Jacob Molter, from Drift creek, on his way to Ironton with a barrel of sorghum; says he had 212 gallons of it this year; too dry for his corn; had 5 bushels of clover seed; not a half crop, compared with last year.

James Melvin has built a granary and shed combined, a great convenience.

James Mays saw the President at St. Louis but was not favorably impressed with him.

D. Currington, as usual in good humor for a talk; had 268 bushels of wheat, sowed 39 bushels; corn crop light; had 12 bushels of clover seed from 12 acres; last year had 10 bushels from 3 acres.

H. McGee is running his mill night and day.

Mess. Dent & Boren are the millers.

John Brace’s crop this year was 175 bushels of wheat, 150 of oats, 250 of corn, and hay good; he has not as much stock as common; has 30 sheep, 20 head of cattle, 12 hogs; had re-painted his house, and trimmed it red, which makes it quite noticeable.  Mr. B. is a neat farmer.

Peter Schaffer reports 175 bushels of wheat and 400 corn, has sowed 20 wheat, and is kiln-drying lumber for a new dwelling.  Mr. S. has a good barn and says next is a new house.

Aden Webb wound up his coaling job last week; he says good roads and good weather brought it to a close earlier than for five years; he coaled for Hecla.

B. Lambert, on the King or Walburn farm, had 190 bushels of wheat and 300 of corn.  Mr. L. has been improving this farm considerably since he has owned it.

Anthony Clark has weatherboarded his house and lengthened it with a new room.  Mr. C. invested his pension where he can see it and be benefited from it as he grows less able to work.

Capt. J. J. Matney has bought the larger portion of the McKnight farm, including the house, sampled the Captain’s honey, fresh from the hive, and pronounced it No. 1; listened to the music by the family band, and left much refreshed.

H. Dillon bought the other part of the McKnight farm and erected a small tenant house thereon.

John Sayre ran the division line last Wednesday.  Wonder what the matter with John was that he left his glove and robe that day!

George Fillinger’s house burned down about two weeks ago; it was insured.

Stephen Schafer butchered a fine lot of hogs last week.  Mr. S. had 150 bushels of wheat; he sowed 28 bushes.; corn was the only fair crop.

Messr. Russell and Lambert report only fair crops.

Levi Shively, on Brushy Branch, has a large barn and has erected a new house in place of one destroyed by fire about a year ago; he reports only an average crop this year.

John Schaffer, always in a good, sociable humor, is a little above average this time on account of the republican majority this year; he had 160 bush: wheat, 200 of corn.

T. O. Wiseman says crop an average this year.

John C. Russell has quit teaching and is selling goods at Wilgus.

The grocer and huckster, Lunceford, has a fine trade and is undoubtedly doing well.

F. Payne is pleased with the late election returns; his farm is in good trim.  Burrel Payne, one of Long Creek’s pioneers, is planting a young orchard and has been getting a lot of lumber sawed this year; he has 12 acres of wheat sowed; corn is good and is in a comfortable condition for Winter.  His daughter, Miss Dora Payne, teaches in the Brammer settlement, and his son attends the Centre Furnace school taught by L. P. Bradshaw.

Kitts & Stephens’ sawmill has been in the hollow near E. H. Payne’s since last August and has seen a lot of lumber.  They have a planning mill and shingle machine attached, which have proved both a success and a convenience.

J. Followell can be seen passing up the hollow on his way to the Venisonham school, and J. P. Lawrence down on his way to Trace school every morning.

Mrs. J. P. Lawrence teaches the Ebenezer school.

One thing noticeable is the long distances traveled by the teachers–poor wages are the principal cause.  The teacher enters his school tired and not in as good a condition as he should be.  I know this from experience.

Sam Dement’s farm shows marks of industry.  Mr. D. has planted 800 fruit trees this year, sowed 30 bushels, had 400 wheat and 30 tons of hay and has a fine bull.  Sam lost 12 peach and 13 cherry trees last Wednesday while coming out from Ironton.  Anyone finding them will be rewarded by returning them.

S. W. Smith says crops were not very good; had 170 bushels wheat; sowed 20 this year; sold 14 hogs last week, averaged 300 lbs.; has 60 sheep.

Jesse Lewis teaches on Greasy Ridge, known as Roach school; 72 enrolled.

B. Rucker has been amusing himself with a pet known as a boil, situated between the nose and mouth, for a few days.  Still, Thomas tied it up and showed his 46-head fine sheep and two fat steers.  They were beauties, too.  Says corn not good; had 400 bushels; 260 wheat from 30 bushels sowed.

Abner Rapp planted 400 fruit trees of the J. C. Bingham species.  He says his crops amounted to 360 bushels of wheat, 150 bushels of oats, and 1000 bushels of corn; he has 34 head of cattle.  He thinks he would quit farming if he could sell his farm. 

Mr. R. has no one to share his prosperity with, having lost his wife over a year ago.  August Rapp says his large barn is none too big; he has 38 cattle and 34 hogs; raised 600 bushels of corn.  John Snider is always the same anywhere he may be found.  Of course, John expected the election to go against him.

Squire McCown, from Millersport, was out on Thursday to see John and talk over the calamity that had befallen their party.  The Squire says his official biz is not as brisk as it might be.

One can readily know when he is nearing the Rucker Brothers by the green pasture.  That blue grass will show up while other fields look dead, and if a person is fond of fine stock of any kind, from a buff Cochin rooster to a fine Hambletonian stallion, here is the place to find it.  Their stock consists of 73 head of cattle, having sold 19 head; 64 head of Shorthorn, 20 of which are sucking calves, and beauties they are, too.

They have some fine fat steers, and a few scrub steers bought last Spring to fatten and pasture.  They say that is the last experiment of that kind they want.  Their Hambletonian stallions, a three and 4-year-old, are beauties.  Next comes two sucking colts, a young Hambletonian and a Wilkes, the latter prettier than a picture.

The hogs are number 31 in all sizes and have good stock.  The sheep flock consists of 40 fine Cotswolds; they will increase their flock next year.   They are clearing 40 acres of ground this season and will break up some old pasture for corn next year; then look out for big corn.   They say that their pasture has been good all Summer and don’t expect to feed their stock till the first of December.

E. McGirr has a fine goat; they will get a flock of sheep to run with it next Spring.  Last year, Zeek had the finest apples in Aid but was a failure this time.

N. Willis keeps his farm in good order; he says his crop is not very good.

Frank Howell has a span of nice little mules; they bought them from Mr. Winters of Sheridan.

Hecla has its yard and part of the road stocked with charcoal.

The church is about completed; the building looks well, but the location is not so good.


Talks With Some of the Farmers

Ironton Register, Thursday, March 10, 1892

Eli Ramey, of Perry, owns 120 acres; he has two-thirds of this in grass and clover, sowed 25 bushels of wheat, and sows 3 bushels of clover seed every spring.  He has quit trying to raise oats and is trying to turn his attention to stock raising.

Cecil Kite of Fayette will farm largely this year, as he will farm his father’s land in addition to his own; he will have about 25 acres of corn.  He has faith in oats and will sow 25 bushels of seed.  He has sown 25 bushels of wheat, and all looks well.

Henry  Gates was in town Thursday with a load of wheat which he sold to the Goldcamp flouring mill for 90 cents per bushel.  He has two hundred bushels of old wheat on hand yet. Mr. Gates is one of the prosperous farmers of Lawrence township and has a good large farm of 174 acres of the best soil, mostly limestone and red clay.

He has about 35 acres sown in wheat and will plant about the same number of acres of corn.  The larger part of his farm is in grass and clover.   He always mixes his grass and clover seeds and has the best success.  His wheat looks well.

G. Hackworth, another of Lawrence township farmers, combines his farming huckstering and makes a good living.  He keeps several milch cows and makes plenty of butter which he finds ready for sale in our city every Friday.

James Forgey is an agent for a patent churn exhibiting in town and trying to secure local agents for the sale.  It is a very simple and handy arrangement.  The churn is done by turning a crank, and any child can easily churn that is large enough to turn the crank.

Samuel Kouns and J. H. Sutton were engaged in an animated discussion of their prospective creamery when our reporter came down upon them and learned that some Chicago parties are in the Saliday country in Fayette township and propose to locate a plant in that region provided the requisite number of shares are taken at $100 each.

The amount required is $5000, and the number of shares is limited to have a diversity of interests.  When the necessary amount of stock is subscribed, the erection of the creamery will be begun, and they say the entire amount is about, if not quite, makeup. Still, some subscribers try to remove the traces, hence the interrupted discussion.  Getting all the information concerning it, we could get from them. We felt them finish their conversation.

Lawrence, Aid, and Fayette townships furnished the amusement for the court and jury last week.

Henry J. Wiseman of Symmes township says he will plant about 16 acres in corn this year, which with his wheat crop, which gives signs of good yield, will be about all one man can tend well.

A.B Booth and W. A. Russell were in town last week, seeing the town, visiting court, and taking in the examination of teachers.

Frank Wakefield visited town Thursday to see the Probate Judge and inspect the hard roads.  He has 75 bushels of wheat sown.  He will plant good acreage of corn and a large melon patch as is his custom.  He says the Winter has been a very hard one on wheat, and the prospects for a good crop are not so flattering as they might be.

Mr. John Dowling, who for some time was the proprietor of a butcher shop in Coalgrove, has returned to his farm in Fayette township and will give his undivided attention to his farm.  He will plant about 20 acres of corn and sow a large amount of grass seed, but not oats, as the oat crop in this county is not profitable.  His farm has run down some in his absence from it and requires a great deal of labor to fix it up.

C. L. Crawford, who recently disposed of his ferry boat at Rockwood, will turn farmer, raise, and deal in stock.  He has over 200 acres on Buffalo Creek, the back of Stephen Dillon’s farm.  He will sow it principally in the grass and deal exclusively in horses.  He says his farm has partly grown up in briars and bushes and has been sadly neglected.  He is clearing out the briars and shrubs and repairing them up generally.  Mr. Crawford speaks in the growing language of his new adventure and will undoubtedly succeed in his undertaking.

F. H. Goldcamp will plant about his usual crop of corn, 25 acres; has in 20 acres of wheat, will sow a few bushels of oats, has but little faith in oat crop anymore as it was a complete failure last year, and of but little account the previous year.  He deals some in live stock; much of his farm is in the grass.  His farm comprises 159 acres in the Fox Hollow precinct on Pine Creek.

Joseph Howell says he will put in a large crop of corn this year.  He thinks he will have at least 45 acres of corn, has 25 acres of grass and would rather depend on stock raising than plowing.  It will give his attention principally to his stock.  He doesn’t raise any oats and sowed no wheat last fall.

Lowden Massie will divide his time between his farm and coaling job.  He says there is a very poor living in either and thinks that more can be realized by uniting them.  He says that ten years ago, he received $18 for the same amount of work in coaling that he is required to do now for only $8.  He clears the land in connection with the coaling and thus realizes more out of his labor.  He has but a small farm and, with the help of his boy, can attend to both the farm and the coaling very handily.

Albert Ward of Symmes owns 130 acres of land, a good country store of general merchandise, and runs a general huckster wagon from his store to Mt. Vernon, from where he ships by railroad to here.  He has about 75 or 80 acres of grass. The remainder, he lets tenants cultivate and receives grain rent.  He says the farmers made the most of these pretty sunny days and can be seen plowing early and late.

O. J. Hall, Constable of Lawrence township, brought in McClellan Dunfee, of Willow Wood, and placed him in jail for failure to pay fine and costs for disturbing a religious meeting at New Zion church.

J. M. Brammer of Fayette, one of Lawrence county’s school teachers, by dint of energetic efforts, frugality, and close application of business, has gathered a large and very productive farm, a large part of which he has in the grass, and will sow more this Spring.  It intends to put in a large crop and deal largely in stock raising.

Jacob Holchew of Willow Wood was in town the other day, buying a large stock of dry goods for his Spring and Summer trade.  He says his grist mill is doing good work running day and night.  He bought his corn last fall at 40 cents and sells meal at 50 cents, leaving him a profit of ten cents and the offal.

Abner Rapp, of Rappsburgh, was in town Thursday to see Probate Judge about some business pertaining to that office and stopped overnight at the Dennison house.  He and his brother August own about 1400 acres of good farming land in the back part of this country, in Mason township.  He says they plow but very little; they raise probably 12 acres of corn on average each year.  They have their land in the grass and mow it for hay.

They are stock raisers.  He says they plan to keep them on the grass until they are four and ship.  Had just shipped 60 head of cattle to Cincinnati by boat.  The average shipping cost is only $2.50 per head from Crown City.  The average weight of the lot was 1400 pounds and netted them, clear of all expenses, 4 ½ cents per pound.

They never sell in the Fall, but they begin feeding in February or March and sell until about the middle of April or the first of May.  Prices are always best in the Spring.  They have some fine large cattle now that weigh about 2100 pounds each and will ship to Cincinnati soon.  They are also fattening others for our town butchers.

Bartley Blankenship came in Monday to transact some business with the butchers and said Aid farmers are very busy preparing their corn ground.  He will put in about 20 acres of corn.  Winter was rather hard on his wheat.  He has some stock on hand.  He sows a great deal of grass and clover seed, and plows under a portion of his clover each year for manure.

James Joseph of Windsor deals mostly in gardening and fruit raising has a fine young orchard, takes good care of it, and reaps a good reward.

John W. Mayberry of Windsor township was in town Saturday.  He says he has a fine young apple orchard of over eight hundred of as thrifty trees as can be found anywhere in the county.  He has 160 acres of land, mostly in grass and pasture.  It has a good crop of wheat that has stood the winter very well and is looking first-rate.  He combines farming and school teaching and makes a success of both.



Ironton Register, Thursday, March 17, 1892

L. Turley was in town Friday, attending court.  He said he wouldn’t say anything for publication except that he had sold several hundred apple trees to Col. G. N. Gray for his Symmes Creek farm and is still “doing business at the same old stand.”

William Swartzwelder, one of the leading farmers of Perry township, was in town Saturday, looking for a good milch cow.  He stopped us in his search, and we gleaned from him the following facts:  He owns a farm of 134 acres, which he is trying to convert into a sheep farm, and is now buying up sheep to stock it.  Has recently purchased 17 heads from J. O. Yates of Aid township.  Has most of his land in grass.  He has rented his farm land to his boys, Will and Ed, who will put in about 20 acres of corn.  Wheat has suffered greatly from the freezes and does not look very well.

Mr. Frank Howell from beyond Hecla in Upper township says there is more money for him to raise grass than oats or corn.  However, he will tend about 20 acres of corn this year.  Mr. Howell is a very fleshy man and had us guess his weight.  We sized him up and guessed 240 pounds, missing his weight of 39 pounds, as he had just been weighed and tipped the beam at 279 pounds.  He complains very much about his corpulence, which is quite a burden to him.

Uncle Jerry Cooper was in town Friday and in usual good spirits when met by your reporter, and we gleaned from him these facts.  He owns a large land boundary, some eleven hundred acres, mostly in the grass.  He deals largely in cattle and hogs.  Has sown 58 bushels of wheat, expects to plant 100 acres in corn, has been plowing corn ground; sod land all winter.  Uncle Jerry says he always flatters many hogs and makes some money and his pork.  It doesn’t raise any oats, although some seed is thrown away almost yearly.

Mr. Isaac Massie, of Lawrence township, was in town Friday, seeing the Commissioners regarding some “sheep claims.”  Mr. Massie is turning his attention to sheep raising and has rearranged his farm, erected new wire fences, and had, a few days ago, one of the finest flocks of sheep in the county.  But within the past week, the neighborhood’s dogs raided his flock and killed a dozen or more of the finest of the flock and injured several others.  He found several of his neighbor’s dogs in his field after, stole his sheep, and killed them then and there. 

He feels very discouraged and says no person can raise sheep in this county where so many dogs are kept and allowed to run at large.  And when you remonstrate and threaten to use the law, you, in nearly every instance, offend the owner of the dog, who is usually your neighbor, and no one wants the ill will of his neighbors. 

Mr. Massie is one of the successful farmers of the county and has shown good judgment in his new departure in farming.  He has a good-sized farm of about 150 acres or more, has it well down in the grass, and has prepared himself to engage in the business properly.  We think Mr. Massie pursued the right course in introducing his gun into the argument and think the results will tell in the future as well as they were felt on the occasion of the shooting.  We think sheep raising is one of the most profitable enterprises the farmers can engage in, and Mr. Massie should be encouraged in his undertaking.

David Martin, of Lawrence township, owns the old Gore farm at the forks of the road on Dog Fork of Ice Creek, consisting of about 90 acres. He has it mostly in the grass, has some wheat growing, has rented his corn land to his son-in-law, and will not farm much himself.  He is broken down in health and is no longer able to work.  He, too, has quit sowing oats and given his attention to grass and stock.

J. H. Sutton of Fayette came in Monday after goods for his store; he has been laid up for some days with something like la grippe.  He has one-hundred and thirty-five acres of land, mostly in grass and pasture, has two-thousand apple trees, and thinks he will turn his attention to sheep raising and fruit growing. 

He says the dog tax places good protection upon the sheep, and the wool will pay for all the expenses of raising and feeding them and leaves the mutton clear.  He will plant some new ground in corn; has a small crop of wheat; sows but little oats, and each year sows more or less grass and clover.

Walter O. Woods is becoming very feeble and has turned the care of his farm over to his son W. C. Woods, a very industrious young man who is sure of success.  The farm is mostly in the grass; it has a fair wheat crop but will not put in a very large crop of corn.  They have a neat, clean-looking farm and give evidence of proper care and attention.  They have erected a new barn and have otherwise improved the premises.

Rev. John Hill owns the north part of the old McComas farm just below Rock Camp, has it mostly in grass and wheat; will not plow much; has several churches of which he has been chosen pastor, and will devote much of his time to the work of the church.  His farm looks very well and has not been neglected.

Mr. Anthony Clark of Bald Knob was in town Tuesday.  He has a good wheat crop; he will plant about 15 acres of corn; sow some oats and grass.  He has about 60 acres of land and about half in the pasture.

Nathan Jenkins Jr. has a very good farm of new land, which he purchased a few days ago from Hecla Iron and Mining Co.  He has coaled most of the timber and cleared up a good portion of the land; he will put in a good corn crop, as much as he can tend, (in connection with the office of Justice of the Peace, to which he hopes to be elected, at the coming Spring election.)  He has new strong soil, producing good corn, potatoes, and sorghum yields.

Robert Dillon tells us he will farm largely this year.  He doesn’t know the amount of corn and other crops he will put in but intends to make up for the time he lost last year due to sickness.  Besides his corn crop, he will plant a good crop of potatoes and a large patch of sugar cane; will sow some oats, and try to have all the work he can get through with.  He will farm a part of his father’s farm and send his marketing to town once a week or often.

E. F. Kitts has a large farm of one hundred and sixty acres, situated on one of the highest hills in the county.  No farmer takes more pride in his lands than does Mr. Kitts; he has his farm well down in grass; has a good growing crop of wheat, which has stood the winter well and is looking finely; he has a large orchard of apple, peach, and pear trees, and no man in the county takes more pride in his farm than Mr. Kitts. 

Will plant about his usual crop of corn, from 15 to 25 acres.  He deals some in cattle and runs a very profitable country store of general merchandise; he ships his marketing to Ironton weekly.

William E. Rowe of the County Infirmary has a large farm of over two-hundred acres, within a mile and a quarter of Rockcamp, on what is known as Neds Fork of Ice Creek.  Capt. Rowe would like to dispose of this farm as his interests are now centered in Coal Grove. He had purchased property there and will make his home there hereafter. 

He has a very large apple orchard of several thousand trees; also a young cherry orchard beginning to bear.  His farm is well set in grass and pasture and is an excellent stock farm.  He has rented his farm to various tenants and receives a fixed grain rental yearly.


Ironton Register, Thursday, October 18, 1888

During the last week, farmers have been busy getting in wheat, making sorghum, and picking apples, first asked Wm. Brammer about crops.  He said he sowed 27 bushels of wheat, had 30 acres of corn and thinks he will have 150 bbls of apples.

E. S. Brammer is in very poor health this fall, unable to be out for a year; he had 18 acres of corn, very light crop fruit, and sowed 10 acres of wheat.

J. O. Brammer, next farm to E. S., has a good fruit crop, especially on the hill, and has a good cane.  Bees died out; they built a large barn where the one burned about a year ago.  Linsey Christian had 3 acres of cane that made 90 gallons per acre.  He thinks the juice of hill cane is sweeter than on bottom land.

J. A. Johnson, with the help of three hands, makes 45 apple barrels a day, all hands working.  Andy Hunt has two farms, has had splendid apples, and sowed 20 bushels of wheat.  C. W. Brammer sold 85 barrels of apples at $1.25 per barrel; he will have 300 bushels of corn.

N. L. Singer, one of Lawrence county’s prominent school teachers, is teaching on Wolf creek; he raised 15 acres of corn; sowed 30 bushels of wheat; had a patch of tobacco; will put out 1000 fruit trees this fall.

T. R. Jones has 7 acres of sorghum, 25 acres of good corn, and a good fruit crop.

Peter Hamlin has been clearing the ground, had 12 acres of corn, and is improving his place generally.  Mrs. H. has received a patent on a clasp for a fruit can.

Jesse Dillon has about finished his contract on abutments and grading for the bridge across Indian Guyan on the Athalia and Ironton pike via. Getaway.  The bridge is 85 ft. long.  Mr. Dillon has just been awarded the contract for putting up a large reservoir in Huntington, costing about $6000; he wants men and teams.

Found Clinton Forgey right in the height of sorghum making and from him learned that he has 37 acres of corn, expects 1200 bushels; 2 acres cane, will have 300-gallon molasses; had 367 bushels wheat, will sow 62 acres; apple crop not good, hill orchard almost a failure; had a good crop of peaches; chinch bugs took oats; has 35 hogs; 22 cattle, including four fat steers, seven stand bees did well.

B. F. Forgey teaches at the Union School House.  Ben is a promising young teacher.

James B. Guthrie teaches at Windsor and boards at Mr. Forgey’s.  He and B. F. are a go-ahead team.

E. Gillett has a pecan tree in his yard, a foot in diameter and 50 feet high bearing fruit.  Mr. G. brought the nut from Louisiana in 1861 when things were hot; he planted it himself; it has good fruit, bees did well, and large sweet potatoes and pumpkins.

Dr. C. J. Sloan keeps his orchard in good shape; thinks his apples are larger and smoother than usual and turn out more barrels than expected; will sow 12 acres wheat; has 25 head cattle, including five cows, nine hogs, had 150 bus. peaches, 500 gallons of cherries, and 20 bushels of pears showed me ears of corn 14 inches in length.  The doctor’s mother lives with him, is 86 years of age, and is quite active. 

Showed me some fancy work done during the last year without spectacles, such as pansy blossoms, pink verbenas, sunflowers, roses, morning glories, and lilies worked on silk with different colors of silk floss.  This, she says, was taught in school in her school days.  She showed me plates used by her grandmother that was 150 years old; also, cup over 100 years old.  This the doctor filled with some of his five-year-old cherry wine.  Well, I will say it was splendid.

While speaking of people up on years, I will say, B. A. Wakefield, one of Lawrence county’s oldest and best citizens, was born in Millersport in 1809 and is, therefore, in his 79th year.  Mr. W. is quite supple and delights in talking about olden times.  He was in Chester, Meigs county, in 1840 to hear Tom Corwin, rode in a canoe, had a log cabin, coon skins &c. 

Mr. W. will cast his vote, as then, for Harrison and protection.  Mr. W.’s father, Peter Wakefield, was the first Justice of the Peace in Windsor township, named township.  His father had a mill not far from the place he now lives.  Frank works the farm; has 35 acres of No. 1 corn, 180 bushels wheat, 80 bushels oats; will sow 40 acres wheat; has 3 acres heavy cane, 30 head cattle, 25 hogs, 75 bushels potatoes, only half crop of apples; have a fine lot of turkeys and chickens and 22 Pequin ducks.  Frank says they have the right name and are always peeking for something.

P. H. Dillon raised 20 acres of good corn, fruit, and late potatoes good; he has nice fat turkeys.  His son Otto, who smashed the bones in his leg about a month ago, is out on crutches.

Wm. Wilgus had good corn and fruit.

J. K. Brammer raised a fair crop.

The fruit, cane, and corn crop is very fair on Five Mile creek.

John Embre won’t risk but 9 bushels of wheat; corn was good.  Mr. E. is a very sociable gentleman.

John Coyle bought the place where D. Floyd lived last year and seems to enjoy it.

Mr. Turner carries on his cooper shop in Proctorville.  Anthony Tull does not boast of extra corn, but apples are good, and he had 100 gallons of sorghum.

Thos. Remy teaches school near Mr. Tull’s.  Thos. is a young but industrious fellow and will succeed.

F. Schrader has a very neat little hill farm and knows how to take care of things; has a good neat looking house and large barn; has an apple tree nursery, keeps five horses, 12 head cattle; corn crop good; will sow 20 acres wheat.

D. Rees, at the head of Paddy Creek, has a pet thumb, caused by not being better posted in ground-hogology, or other words, thought it was a rabbit – don’t think so now.  He thinks he will have 200 barrels of apples, some nice looking; he will present the Register with a barrel of the best soon.

S. Ward put out 2000 trees that are not bearing yet.  He estimates his crop at between 700 and 800 barrels, sold for $1.24.  Sowed 15 bushels wheat; has 13 head cattle, four horses, 25 hogs, 35 acres corn.

Bruce Bragg has a young orchard and has some Rome Beauties as large as I ever saw.

Thursday morning Ironton was represented at Scott Town by two sewing machine agents, a Clerk of the Court, and your reporter.  Felt like wilting when asked if I was a machine agent.

J. A. Rodgers does the wagon work, and blacksmithing of the town in a full team.  Joe also takes care of 12 stands of bees and says they are doing well; he keeps grass and weeds clear of the hive.  Mr. R. is for protection.

I met Mr. Darling, the able correspondent of the Ohio Valley News, from this place.  He thinks country news is the life of a newspaper.

J. F. Burcham says chinch bugs took his crop entirely.

W. F. Burcham’s farm is in good order. The crops look well.

A. T. Null, near Platform, put out young fruit trees last fall; growing nicely; will sow 35 bushels wheat, 17 acres corn; had 158 bushels wheat; has 16 head cattle, 14 hogs, 2 acres cane; just built the crib and shed 30 x 14.

W. H. Huron will teach at Beech Grove this year.  Mr. H. is a good teacher, well-liked, and the directors acted wisely in giving him a second trial.

Berry Wood has a good crop.  Berry is a black republican of the true Harrison stripe.

O. E. Reckard is building a new schoolhouse near Berry Wood’s.

H. Dillon’s apples are not a full crop but fine fruit.  V. Dillon still hammers hot iron on the hill and attends his little farm.

John Ellsworth will move to Scott Town and attend the store himself.

John Rowe is teaching again at Windsor town house.  I met an old gentleman near Mr. Rowe’s and found him to be John Hayes, 82 years old talking with him.  They voted first for Jackson but voted for W. H. Harrison in Belmont county, Ohio, and is for the grandson.

A. S. Mccaffrey goes to Huntington with his marketing; he thinks prices are better.

Joseph Murdock has a neat little country store; corn good; has the finest patch of clover in the county; has a fine pet groundhog that will sit up and eat a stick of candy; says he goes off for days then returns.  Under the present law, a ground hog farm would be profitable.

E. W. Murdock has average corn; he will sow 8 bushels of wheat.

H. Hesson is 80 years old; he voted for Harrison in 1840 and is for Harrison again.

George Hesson is an offensive partisan. That is to say, he is a staunch republican, but as the democrats have no one desirous of distributing the mail, George is allowed to remain postmaster at Dobbstown.

Dick Clark, who formerly owned the place where C. Enginger now keeps his fine Holstein dairy, has a small farm, and has some nice apples and pears.

J. H. Mayberry teaches at the school on the ridge near Murdock’s store.

W. L. Morris has some fine Rome Beauties that would be hard to beat; it has good corn and Buckwheat.

M. Thomas had 75 bbls. apples; will sow 20 bushels wheat; has a sorghum mill.

Hiram Smith has excellent sweet potatoes and good corn; he won’t risk wheat this year; he has fine Rome Beauties and Ben Davis apples.

Jackson Ullom has a store near the Ridge church and has been working on a contract near Huntington for over a year; he will wind the job up soon.  He thinks W. Va. will go republican sure this fall.

J. P. Harkinson has a coal bank on his farm; corn looks well.

G. W. Thompson has 10 acres of good corn, and a few nice hogs; he won’t risk any wheat.

David Gossett is working on a barn for Dr. Ellsworth.

A. W. Clark has fine Ben Davis apples; corn and cane look well.

D. Gruber, as usual, has things in order; crops are good; will have 100 barrels of apples; sowed 20 bushels of wheat; has 35 cattle, 30 hogs, 110 bushels of wheat, 250 bushels oats, eight horses.

H. O’Neil sowed 10 bushels of wheat; has 10 acres of corn, 11 cattle, 13 hogs, and one-fourth acre of peanuts turning out well.

B. F. Wilson has raised 100 bushels of Irish potatoes, has some fine chickens, and some Minoricas that are not in the minority when counting eggs.

A. P. Russell is at his old post in the Halschew mill.  Mr. R. is a good miller.

Saw Nathan Jenkins, Sr., getting a large bundle of wool rolls.  So Mr. Jenkins has an old-fashioned spinning wheel.  Nathan says he voted for Harrison in Perry township in 1840, and his father was a soldier under Harrison and says he is for Harrison first, last, and all the time.

Allen Wilson, aged 70, voted for Van Buren.  He couldn’t go Greeley but has voted for all other democrats except him; that time wouldn’t vote.

James Pemberton has a fine horse that has been unable to stand on his feet for weeks.  Mr. Pemberton has attended his farm carefully.

C. A. Ward has a fine view from his place; can see Windsor Town House and the hills around Ironton; has 150 bushels of apples; won’t sow wheat; has 14 hogs.

W. G. Ward is teaching at Myrtle.

I neglected to report that E. Powell is teaching at Buck creek, which has a pleasant school.

Also, with a good prospect, J. A. McComas, at Bradshaw school house.

Joel Earles runs a thresher this year, wheat a poor turnout.  He will sow 15 acres, says his corn is first rate, has 30 acres, fruit not so full but good, and has ten head cattle.  Mr. E. thinks farmers generally are better prepared for living through the winter than for some time, that they can lay up quite a variety to live on with a little energy.

Cal. Snyder brought John Leighty 12 fine hogs last Wednesday at five cents.

In last week’s notes, John G. Wilgus should be John G. Willis.

H. C. Brown’s fine peach trees are Queen of the West and Heath Cling.

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