Genealogy of the Kouns Family of Lawrence County, Ohio
Researched by Sharon M. Kouns, Margaret Hostetler, and Others.
Christian Kouns b. 1759 Augusta (Rockingham) Co. VA
d. 05 Dec 1837 Lawrence Co. OH
bur: Kouns Graveyard, Union Twp. just below the town of Chesapeake.
m. 1777 Anna Lamp
b. 1760
d. 22 Oct 1824 Lawrence Co. OH
1. John L. Kouns b. 29 May 1780 Greenbrier Co. VA
2. Henry Kouns b. ca 1785 VA
3. George W. Kouns b. 1784 (1 article said PA rest VA)
4. Jacob Kouns b. 12 Apr 1787
5. Phillip Kouns b. 08 Sep 1789 Greenbrier Co. VA
6. Sarah Kouns b. 1790
7. Samuel Kouns b. 08 Jan 1795 Greenbrier Co. VA
8. Nancy A. Kouns b. Jun 1798
9. Christine Kouns b. 18 Nov 1781
10. Hannah Kouns b. 08 Sep 1799 Big Levels Greenbrier Co.
11. Andrew P. Kouns b. 03 Aug 1801 Greenbrier Co. VA
Timeline of the Kouns Family
1759 Christian Kouns birth Rockingham Co. VA (family Bible of Andrew P. Kouns in possession with Margaret Hostetler, LA)
1760 Anna Lamp is born.
1777 Christian Kouns and Anna Lamp are married (family Bible)
1782 He enlisted into the service of the US Army on Jun 14 while a resident of Frederick Co. Veteran’s records shows him also as Christopher Coontz, Christopher Coonts, Christ Coonts. Two men with similar names served, so it isn’t easy to tell.
Revolutionary War record shows:
Cpt. Robt. George’s Co. Sep 1, 1782 – Jan 31, 1783
(Christian Coontz)
Cpt. John Bayles Co. of Lincoln Militia (Ky. Co. M)
Cpt. George’s Artillery Co. Commonwealth of VA. and
Ill. Dept. Feb 1783-Oct 1783 (C. Coons)
Inf. soldier Nov 1785
He may also be the man on lists from Ill. Regt. and Crocketts Regt. And Western Army was under the command of Gen. George Rogers Clark, one who was entitled to and received bounty land for service.
1787-90 Rockingham Tithables show Christian Koontz
1790 Census of Virginia shows Christian Kunse in Rockingham Co. Six people in his family – 1 dwelling – 1 other building.
(this could have been Christian with his wife, Anna and
1. John L. b. 1780, 2. George W. b. 1784,
3. Jacob b. 1787 4. Phillip b. 1789)
1790 Sep 30 – A John Kounts purchased land from Nimrod Tacket and Anne Tacket, his wife, for 5 shillings land lying in the county of Greenbrier on the fork Survey Run containing 60 acres being part of a survey of 237 acres made for Abraham Friend the 15 day of Nov 1785, joining the land of John Condley, Charles Friend, the fork Survey and John Handley. Greenbrier deed book one page 461 30 Sep 1790.
1795 Sep 29 Henry Kounts purchased land from Barnaby and Jean Johnston in the County of Greenbrier, VA, for 5 shillings. Land lying on the waters of Indian Creek joining the lands of John Swoobe and John Kinkaid containing 130 acres being part of a certain tract of a parcel of land containing 353 acres made over in deed to Barnaby Johnston by Samuel Cadwell and his wife.
1798 Jun 20 Michael Kouns of the County of Greenbrier State of VA purchased land from William and Eamey Johnston for one dollar, 88 acres being the land Johnston now lives on and lying and being in the county of Greenbrier on the Lick Run joining the land of Edward Keenan, Isaac Pattoso? and Kounces own land bought of Keenan and being the SW end of the said survey of 150 acres.
1799 Jun 3 Kanawha Land Records p. 430 – Indenture between Reuben Slaughter of Kanawha Co., etc. and John Kootz/Koonts of Rockingham Co. VA, 195 acres previously sold & situated joining the survey by settlement rights made for Joseph Carrol about 15 miles above the mouth of Elk on the east side of the Great Kanawha said 195 acres together with 50 acres more, 2000 in all, patented to said Reuben Slaughter and Marten Hawking Apr 4, 1799 . . . Wit: David Ruffner, George Welch, Henry Sheles and recorded Jun 1800 Kanawha Co. Court. (Note Christian Koontz was already a land owner in Kanawha in 1806 on the deed that states he purchased land in Greenbrier in 1806 then sold out in 1808)
1803 Christian Koontz came from Greenbrier Co. (W)VA. (near White Sulphur Springs) to Gallia Co. OH, which is now Lawrence (Lawrence Co. was formed in 1819)
1806 Apr 28 Christian Koontz of the county of Kannawa, State of Va., for the sum of $1, purchased 124 acres from James and Ann Peebles. Land lying in the county of Greenbrier and adjoining the land of Hugh Keller. Greenbrier Co VA Deed Book 3 p. 332 and p. 333.
1808 Oct 29 Christian Koontz of the County of Galia in the state of Ohio sold land to Thomas Creigh of the county of Greenbrier State of VA. Christian Koonts and Ann, his wife, for $5 sold 124 acres as conveyed in 1806 from Peebles to Koontz. This land adjoins 1808, the land of Hugh Miller.
1809 Oct 24 George Kountz and Margaret, his wife of the County of ______ State of Virginia, sold Michael Keenan of the county of Kanawha for 5 shillings 150 acres adjoining the land of Samuel Brown, Richard Heamphrespt?, William H?.
1814 Christian Koontz is on Gallia Co. Tax List Range 16 Twp 1 (a John Koontz is shown there first in 1810 and 1814)
1814 Christian Koontz purchased land on Nov 23 in Union Twp. from Edward Miller. There was a correction to this deed in 1824. The land was at the mouth of Symmes Creek.
1817 Lawrence Co. legal records show him as a road viewer for a road built from Burlington to the Gallia County line.
1818 Christian Kounce paid taxes Gallia Co. Range 16 Twp 1
1818 Christian Kounce pays taxes in Lawrence Co. Oh same range and township as listed in Gallia (Lawrence Co. was formed from Gallia in 1817?)
1820 Census shows him in Union Twp. Lawrence Co. OH. He and his wife are over 45y. Boys: two 16-26y. Girls: one under 10, one under 16, and one 16-26.
1822 and 1828 Christian Koons is a taxpayer in Lawrence Co. OH. Fayette Twp. “From “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820’s”
1827 Oct 25 Christian Kouns sold 165 acres to his son Andrew P. Kouns and lived with him there. Consideration in deed $1000.00. He filed a bond in court stating the conditions under which this arrangement was being made. It included scheduled payments by Andrew P. Kouns to each of his brothers and sisters named in the instrument. Vol. 5 pg. 104.
(The conveyance of 165.64 acres from Edward Miller to Christian Koontz Vol. 5, Page 291 Gallia Co. – there is a conveyance in Lawrence Co. for the same property but correcting the Gallia deed with the add’l signature of Miller’s wife, who failed to sign the original conveyance.
1830 he is shown as male 70-100 years old in the household of Andrew P. Kouns on p. 315 of the Ohio Census for Lawrence Co.
From the Greenbrier land transactions, the following Kouns owned land in that County: John Kouns 1790; Henry Kouns 1795; Christian and Ann, his wife bought 1806 and sold 1808; Michael Kouns 1798; George and Margaret, his wife sold land in 1809 ( Were these five brothers? smk)
The family bible of 11. Andrew P. Kouns, the youngest s/o Christian, and Anna Lamp – handwritten about the birth of Christian’s grandchild George Lamp Kouns s/o 11. Andrew P. Kouns states that he was born Jan 18, 1824, in Lawrence County, Ohio, George Lamp Kouns, eldest son of Andrew P. Kouns & Hannah Hieser and grandson of Christian Kouns, born in Germany and emigrated to Greenbrier County, VA and from Ohio to Lawrence County Ohio about 1802.
John L. Kouns
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
1. John L. Kouns – s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was born ca 1780 VA. The 1850 Boone Co. Indiana census shows John L. Kouns, age 70, male b. VA. Elizabeth Kouns, age 64 female b. MD. James Spencer, age 16, farmer b. KY. Philip Spencer, age 14 b. KY.
John L. Kouns was not on the 1820 Lawrence Co., OH census.
John L. He was not on the 1822 or 1828 Lawrence Co. Tax records – from “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820s,” but he was on the 1823 and 1827 Taxpayer’s list from Gallia Co. SP (need to look up to see which township that is).
According to probate records (voucher for tombstone, it was ordered to read), John L. Kouns born June 28, 1780, died June 10, 1851, was to be delivered to Eagle Village. (from Doug Corbin)
John L. Kouns Estate – John M. Kouns, Admin., Letters issued 6-26-1851. John L. died on 10 June 1851. Estate settled 1863
Widow: Elizabeth (what happened to Eleanor Miller Kouns)
1. Christian Kouns
2. David M. Kouns
3. A. S. Kouns
4. John M. Kouns
5. Philip Spencer & Marinda Ann Kouns – their gdn. was David M. Kouns.
1.1 Absalom S. Kouns b. 10 Apr 1803
1.2. Christian Kouns b. 10 Apr 1815
1.3 David M. Kouns b. 1816
1.4 John M. Kouns b. ca 1820
1.5 Abraham Kouns b. ca 1807
1.6 Henry Kouns b. ca 1813
1.7 Eveline Kouns b.
1.8 Marinda Kouns b.
Absolum Kouns
1850 Boone Co. IN census also shows:
Absalum Kouns age 47 m farmer b. KY
Elizabeth age 49 f b. OH (nee Rice)
Henry T. age 21 m farmer b. KY
Andrew P. age 18 m farmer b. KY
Isaac H. age 16 m farmer b. KY
Ellen M. age 14 f b. KY
Mary W. age 10 f b. IN
Nancy L. age 07 f b. IN
(Absalum Kouns must have moved to Indiana between 1836 and 1840 as Mary W. was born ca 1840 in Indiana)
STATE of IOWA, LINN COUNTY, The State of Iowa To All To Whom These Presents May Come: Whereas, Absalom S. Kouns late of said County departed this life intestate on or about the 10th day of August A.D. 1854 leaving property to be administered in said State, as it is said, and whereas the County Court of said county on the twenty-ninth day of September A.D. 1854 appointed David M. Kouns to administer the same. And the said David M. Kouns having filed his bond conditioned for the faithful discharge of his said trust, as provided by law, which bond is approved by the Court. And also havng filed the oath required by law, these are therefore, in the name and by the authority of the State of Iowa, to commission the said David M. Kouns to collect and secure the said rights and credits, property and effects, in whosoever hands or possession the same may be found in this State, and to administer the same as provided by law. And the said Administrator is hereby authorized and empowered to do and perform all such acts and duties as now are or hereafter may be required of an Administrator by the laws of said State. James M. Berry, County Judge – 29th Sept. 1854
Absalom S. Kouns Estate – he d. 10 Aug 1854, late of Linn Co. Iowa. David M. Kouns of Linn Co. Iowa, admin.
Surety: Henry T. Kouns, Joseph Gaurdey, I.R. Briney
heirs: Philip Spencer & Miranda A. Kouns – David M. Kouns appointed their guardian. VC-175 Linn Co. Iowa 9-29-1854 – only papers in this file were letters of admin & gdnship – all parties were living in Linn Co. Iowa.
Henry Kouns
Henry Kouns
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
2. Henry Kouns – s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was born 1785 in VA. He died before 1860 in Boone Co., IN. Henry married Linney Hollenback b. 1785 South Carolina d. before 1860 in Boone Co., Indiana.
1818 Henry Kounce is taxpayer in Lawrence Co.
1820 Lawrence Co. OH census Henry Koons in Rome Twp.
with one male under 10; 2 males 10-16; one male 26-45; 5 females under 10; one female 26-45 – total of 10 in household.
From: “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820’s” we find:
Koon(s) Henry in Lawrence Co. in 1822 but not 1828.
(from Symmes Creek by Wayne B. Ingles c.1976) November 1838 Henry Koontz traded one day’s work tramping wheat for 50 cents worth of merchandise. He helped butcher for 50 cents. He also helped in the harvest for the same price. (Symmes Creek is in Lawrence Co. OH)
1850 Boone Co. IN census shows:
Henry Kouns age 65 m
farmer b. VA
Linny age 65 f b. NC
Henry age 23 m b. OH
Emily age 17 f b. IN
Henry Turpin age 16 m laborer b. IN (grandson)
From Doug Corbin: In about 1980 there were some old tombstones found on a farm in Union Twp., Sec. 35, T19N R2 E. They had been removed from their original location and dumped in a fence row. The gravesite was back quite a ways from SR 32 (north) and is now being farmed over. Among the stones were one for Henry Coonts which stated he died May 10, 1860 and he was aged 75 years 1 month. Also his wife Vena, wife of Henry Coonts died Aug. 25, 1851 in the 63 yr. of her age. There were also stones for John F. Hartman, Susanna Hartman wife of J.F., and Christopher Hartman, son of J.F. & S.
Tract Book 1 Boone Co. Indiana
N 1/2 NW S1 18N 2E 63.68 acres Henry Coonts from US 05 Oct 1835.
N 1/2 NE S2 18N 2E 66.11 acres Henry Kouns 11 Feb 1836
22 Apr 1833 Henry Coonts served on petit jury
1840 Boone Co. Census shows the following
Coonts, David Boone 309
Coonts, Henry 283
Coonts, John H. 309
Coonts, John L. 309
1878 – N 1/2 NW S1 18N 2E in name of James Biddle 63.18 acres. School #8 set in SW corner of this plot.
1878 – J. Stoops had 66 acres in N 1/2 NE S2 18N 2E – J. M. Kouns 80 acres directly south of this acreage.
20 Sept 1840 – Henry Coontz & Andrew Reed witness will of Frederick Hartman. Will proved 15 Jan 1841.
Henry Coonts to Jacob Johns Warranty Deed 4-25-1851 $325
W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec 25 T19N R2E 80 acres recorded 12-31-1872 Book 7-230.
Henry Coonts to Samuel Freeman, Jr. Warranty Deed May 4, 1853 $700 NE NE Sec. 35, 18N R1W March 27, 1855 Book 7-112
Henry Coonts to James Biddle – Warranty Deed Oct. 5, 1852 $400 N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec 1, T1N R2E, 63 acres recorded Jan 28, 1897 Book 8-413
Henry Coonts from Andrew C. Fowble 3-13-1856 18 1/2 acres. Recorded 1-10-1856 Book 2-73 S2 & 3 T18NR2E
Henry Coonts to Rue P. Nichols 2-5-1857 18 1/2 acres Recorded 1-13-1858 Sec 2 & 3 T18NR2E Book 2-73
Henry Coonts to Alvin H. Dooley Feb. 9, 1858 S2T18NR2E 40 acres Book 2-172
Henry Coonts from I & P CRR Co. 7-21-1857 S29T19NR2E 8 acres 5-16-1858 Book 2-333
Henry Coonts to Emily Coonts April 3, 1857 S3T19NR2E Recorded 5-10-1858 Book 2-334
Henry Coonts, Sr. to Henry Coonts, Jr. 3-13-1858 S3519N2E 100 acres rec. 5-10-1858 Book 2-334.
Henry Coonts to Hiram Carson 2-9-1858 S2T18NR2E 40 acres rec. 9-9-1858 Book 2-449
Henry Kouns from Joseph Ortwein and wife June 21, 1861. $2000. Sec 35, 19N 2E, 60 acres Recorded June 29, 1861. Book 4-452
John M. Kouns from Emeline Hartman March 23, 1864. $60 undiv. 1/5 of 1/4 of 2/3 Sec 36 T19N R2E March 13, 1864 Book 8-387
Tract Book 1
Henry Woodruff from US 12-12-1850. Sec 1 T18N R2E 63.49 acres N 1/2 NE
In red same name (Henry Woodruff) and same land desc. Swamp Rec. #1048 Book 2-537.
John Hollenback E 1/2 NW Sec 23 T19N R2E 80 acres March 4, 1833 Also same name and date 40 acres.
Misc. – Pg. 209 – EARLY LIFE AND TIMES OF BOONE CO. – Big Springs Methodist Church. March 23, 1887. Names of settlers who came here prior to October 1837; Isaac Srite, Rhesa Conley, Sampson Harman, Jacob Johns, John Davis, Daniel Stevens, Joel Richardson, Wm. Laws, Smith Castor, Wm. Davis, J. F. Johnson, Jonathan Scott, John Hollenback, James Richardson, John Parr, Boler Humphrey, Caleb Richardson, Thomas Wooden, Moody Gillum, Wm. Parr, Jacob Parr, Sr., Henry Ross and Thomas Lindsey, Jr. and Sr.
A. Koonts, preacher 1844.
Page 310. Sketch on Jacob Johns. “He had but two neighbors at that time — Henry Koutz a mile south on the Noblesville Road” (1832)
Pg. 376. Sketch on Jacob Tipton. Early settlers of Northfield — John Kounts located just north on Eagle Creek and kept a grocery and erected the first mill in the neighborhood.”
Hollenback, George Johnson Co. pg 533
Hollenback, John Boone Co 283
Hartman, Frederick Clark Co 457
Hartman, Sampson Boone Co 283
Biddle, Hugh L. Boone Co 309
Reed, Andrew Boone Co 283
Coonts, Henry Boone Co 283
1874 People’s Guide – Boone Co.
John W. Hollinback – Northern Depot – Marion Twp Born B.C. (wrong!) 1822 Dem.
Probate Complete Record Book 1 pg 363,364,365 July 30, 1855
Henry Woodruff files for letters of administration on Estate of Wm. R. Woodruff, dec’d. Widow: Sarah Ann Woodruff. William R. died more than 15 days before July 30, 1855. No will. Bond $600, surety John Dulin.
Jan. term 1857. Final Settlement. Assets $802.81. $263.26 for widow. Henry Woodruff, gdn. of Franklin P. and Minerva Woodruff, minor heirs of desc. $539.55. The widow died Jan. 28, 1856 before receiving any of personal estate. Franklin P. and Minerva sole heirs. (Franklin P. Woodruff died about Oct. 1893)
Andrew Reed estate. Henry Kouns and Henry Woodruff, admininstrators. Nov 1843. (need to look up)
Boone Co. Death Record Index:
Wm. W. Woodruff m w age 59 d. June 19,1912
John H. Woodruff m w age 75 d. Sept 01,1914
Frank Woodruff m w age 34 d. Sept ? 1893
1850 Boone Co. Census:
1322 Greenberry J. Hollenback age 29 farmer b. OH
Cynthia Ann Hollenback age 22 b. OH
Joseph B. Hollenback age 03 b. IN
Wm. M. Hollenback age 01 b. IN
1323 John Hollenback age 57 farmer b. VA
Nancy Hollenback age 50 b. OH
Bush, John age 06 b. IN
1324 Bush, Henry age 29 farmer b. NC
Elizabeth (nee Hollenback) age 27 b. OH
Mary Bush age 05 b. IN
Abraham Bush age 03 b. IN
Anna Bush age 01 b. IN
(Henry Bush m. Elizabeth Hollenback Dec. 17, 1843 in Boone Co. IN)
Henry Kouns ESTATE:
Henry died June 7, 1866 Boone Co. Indiana – No Will
Letters of Administration issued to John M. Kouns – No Box #
Kouns 25 Aug 1866 – Estate settled July 1869
1. Jessebelle Turpin, minor heir. Her guardian was Isaac Shoemaker
2. Rosannah Cox
3. Catherine Reed
4. Helen Biddle
5. Emma Ortwine (Mrs. Joseph)
6. William, 7. John, 8. Maranda A., heirs of John Kouns, dec’d.
Note: 8. Miranda A. Kouns married a Smith —– signed for inheritence as Miranda A. Smith.
Issues: 2.1 Catherine Kouns
m. Andrew Reed
2.2 Rosannah Kouns
m. 9 Jul 1840 Boone Co. IN
Isaac Cox
2.3. Emily Kouns
m. 04 Apr 1858 Boone Co. IN
Joseph Ortwine
1860 census Emily Ortwein was age 26.
2.4. Ann Kouns m. 16 Nov 1841 Boone Co. IN
b. 17 Jan 1822 Lawrence Co. OH
d. 18 Sep 1906
Big Springs IN bur: Rosston Cem.
m. 14 Nov 1841 Boone Co. IN with Absalom Kouns as surety
John M. Kouns
s/o John L. & Eleanor Miller Kouns
2.5. Helen Kouns b. 1823 OH
m. 04 Apr 1841 Boone Co. IN
James Biddle
2.6. Henry Kouns
Libby Coontz m. John Turpin 19 Jan 1834 – Libby was a minor, consent of parents filed. (These consents have never been found)
Misc. – Henry Turpin m. Elizabeth F. Gill 16 Sep 1858. Henry Turpin also had a dau. Rachel. Death record of Henry Turpin died 20 Dec 1913 age 76.
Misc. – Jessie B. Turpin m. Charles O. Peters 24 Aug 1882. She was age 19. The d/o Henry and Elizabeth Gill Turpin.
1860 Union Twp. Boone Co. IN
Turpin, Henry age 24 farmer $400 170 b. IN
Frances E. age 22 b. KY
Caroline age 2/12 b. IN
2.1 Catherine Kouns – d/o Henry & Winney Hollenback Kouns
b. ca 1813 probably Lawrence Co. OH
m. Andrew Reed
Andrew Reed and wife Catherine of Boone Co., James Prichard and wife Mary, Henry Woodruff and wife Jane, Rosanna Reed of Hamilton Co. sell to Sarah Reed SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec 32 T19N R2E 40 acres. October 20, 1853 Wit: Abner Sanborn and Henry Kouns (his x mark) Book 5 346.
Wm. R. Woodruff & his wife Sarah Ann to Rosannah Reed of Hamilton Co. 1/3 part of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec 36 T19N R2E 80 acres (1/3 would be 26 2/3 acre) shares and interest of Emelia Hartman and the above Sarah Ann Woodruff, heirs of John F. Hartman, dec’d. July 19, 1853 Book 1-387
1850 Boone Co., IN census:
Reed, Katherine age 37 b.OH
Winney age 20 b.IN
William age 19 b. IN
John age 17 b. IN
Henry age 15 b. IN
James age 14 b. IN
Sarah J. age 11 b. IN
Mary A. age 08 b. IN
Katherine’s husband must have died prior to 1850?
2.1.1 Winney Reed b. ca 1830
2.1.2 William Reed b. ca 1831
2.1.3 John Reed b. ca 1833
2.1.4 Henry Reed b. ca 1835 – All children
2.1.5 James Reed b. ca 1836 born in Indiana
2.1.6 Sarah J. Reed b. ca 1839
2.1.7 Mary A. Reed b. ca 1842
2.2 Rosannah Kouns
b. ca 1820 probably Lawrence Co. OH
m. Isaac Cox
1850 Boone Co. IN Census
Cox, Isaac age 29 b. VA
Rosanna 30 b. OH
Amanda J. 05 b. Indiana
Malessa 03 b. Indiana
2.2.1 Amanda J. Cox b. ca 1845 IN
2.2.2 Malessa Cox b. ca 1847 IN
2.4 Ann Kouns – d/o Henry & Winney Hollenback Kouns
b. ca 1823 probably Lawrence Co. OH
m. 16 Nov 1841 Boone Co. IN
John M. Kouns – s/o John L. and Ellenor Miller Kouns (first cousins)
Boone Co. Courthouse – Clerks Office – Marriage Records Book #1:
Be it remembered that on the 13th day of November A.D. 1841 a marriage license issued to John M. Kouns and Ann Kouns both of Boone Co. and both of lawful age which fact was sworn to by Absalem Kouns of said county and affidavit filed. Certificate filed as follows to wit: I do hereby certify that I have joined in marriage John M. Kouns and Ann Kouns, November 16, 1841. _____ under my hand January 3, 1842. Ja L H. Rofs LE in M.E. C. ? can’t make out.
OBIT: The Death Record – MRS. ANN KOUNS – One by one the old land marks or pioneers drop out of sight. The genuine old timer will soon be a thing of the past. Last week the remains of Mrs. Ann Kouns were laid to rest. When we review the life and character of this grand old lady, it is with a feeling of awe and reverence. For 73 years Mrs. Kouns resided in the neighborhood of Northfield, with the exception of a short stay in Missouri. She knew the country as a wilderness. She witnessed many changes. Blazed paths became beaten roads, and later on were made pikes. She was the mother of twelve children, nine of whom she saw married off and settled in homes of their own. She had 33 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. Her cares in life were varied and trying.
For fourteen years she has resided with her children, making a home wherever it suited. Three of her sons were left widowers, one daughter died and left two small children with whom Mrs. Kouns took and raised. Two of her sons died and left widows and one daughter is left a widow.
All her children secured a good common school education. Mrs. Kouns had ample means of support left in her hands. Her husband, John M. Kouns, died possessed of nearly 400 acres of land. Good care was taken of this. At her death Mrs. Kouns had ready money on hand for the defraying of funeral expenses, erection of monuments, etc. Mrs. K., was a woman of remarkable memory. She retained her mental faculties to the very last. Her hearing was good and her vision was clear. She knew more of Northfield and vicinity than any other person that I have ever conversed with. As a neighbor she was never excelled. Kind, clear headed, and at al times considerate. All in all she was the true ____ of the early pioneer, an ideal mother, she professed to be a Christian and her every action sustained this profession. JOHN J. NEW.
From The Lebanon Reporter Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1906
PIONEER WOMAN DEAD – MRS. ANN KOUNS died at 10 a.m. yesterday at the home of her son David Kouns near Big Springs of dysentary after an eleven days illness. Mrs. Kouns was born in Lawrence Co., Ohio and was aged eighty four and eight months. She was married in 1841 in this county to the late John M. Kouns. The children surviving are Mrs. Virginia F. Foote, Elza, John M., Emma C. Bland, David and Jacob C. She was a member of the Methodist Church at Northfield. The funeral was held at Rosston Church at 2 p.m. today the Rev. C. A. Brown officiating. Interment was at Rosston Cemetery.
Rosston Cemetery, Boone Co. IN – 1/4 mile N. of SR32 on E/S 421.
John L. Kouns – 6-18-1851 70 years
John M. Kouns d.10-11-1881 61y2m6d
Ann Kouns d.09-18-1906 84y8m1d w/o John M.
1850 Boone Co. IN census as follows:
John M. Kouns age 30 m farmer b. KY
Ann age 28 f b. OH
Virginia age 08 f b. IN
Clinton age 06 m b. IN
Eliza age 03 f b. IN
Amanda age 1/2 f b. IN
Boone Co. IN census (year 1860?) as follows:
John M. Kouns age 39 male farmer b. Ky
Ann 37 fem. housekeeper b. OH
2.4.1 Virginia 17 fem b. IN
2.4.2 Clinton 15 male b. IN
2.4.3 Elzy 13 fem b. IN
2.4.4 Amanda 09 fem b. IN
2.4.5 Henry 07 male b. IN
2.4.6 John 05 male b. IN
2.4.7 Emily 03 fem. b. IN
2.4.8 David 01 male b. IN
2.4.1 Virginia Kouns m. _____ Foote, lived Missouri
2.4.2 Clinton Kouns m. Amanda T. ________
2.4.3 Elzy Kouns
2.4.4 Amanda
2.4.5 Henry T. Kouns – died 1902 Salt Lake City, Utah
2.4.6 John Kouns
2.4.7 Emily – may be Emma who m. ____ Bland of Jolietville, Indiana
2.4.8 David Kouns
Was there a son named Jacob?
1860 Boone Co. IN census also shows:
Henry Coonts age 36 farmer b. IN
William A. Coonts age 18 b. IN
(need to find out where they fit in)
2.5 Helen Kouns – d/o Henry and Linney Hollenbach Kouns married James Biddle. James and Helen are on:
1850 Boone Co. IN Census as follows:
James Biddle age 29 m farmer b. TN
Helen age 30 f b. OH
Ann age 08 f b. IN
Andrew age 07 m b. IN
1860 Boone Co., IN census as follows:
James Biddle age 37 farmer b. TN
Helen 37 b. OH
Ann 18 female b. IN
Elizabeth 08 female b. IN
1870 Union Township, Boone Co. IN Census:
James Biddle 49 m farmer b. TN
Hellen 51 f keeping house b. OH
John 09 m at home
Joseph McCoy 17 m farm laborer b. NC
1878 Business Directory of Union Twp., Boone Co.IN
James Biddle, Sec. 1 – Date of Settlement 1833. Nativity, Tenn. P.O. Address: Joliett – farmer.
2.5 Helen Kouns – info from Doug Corbin, Springfield,MO
b. 1820 Lawrence Co. OH
d. 1897 Boone Co. Indiana
m. 08 Apr 1841 Boone Co. IN
James Biddle
b. 1820 Washington, TN
d. 29 Oct 1897 Boone Co. IN
OBIT: Lebanon Pioneer, August 5, 1897 – BIDDLE, MRS. HELEN – She came to Union township in 1832 and was among the oldest settlers. Died of paralysis on Tuesday last. Her husband is confined to his bed, and is in a critical condition. Interment at Little Eagle Cemetery.
OBIT: Lebanon Pioneer, Nov. 4, 1897 – BIDDLE, JAMES – Died on Friday last. He had been sick for nearly a year. Disease, rheumatism and age. He was one of the old landmarks of Union twp., having lived in this locality for sixty two years. He was widely known and never had an enemy. Age 77 and leaves a son and two daughters, all grown. He was buried at Little Eagle cemetery.
2.5.1 Anna Biddle
b. 1842 Boone Co. IN
d. 1919 Longrun, Ozark, Missouri
bur: Lutie Cem., Ozark, MO
m. 21 Sept 1865 Boone Co. IN
Henry Benjamin Woodruff
b. 22 Nov 1840 St. Marys, Allen Co. OH
d. 02 Feb 1927 Altoona, Wilson Co. KS
bur: Altoona Cemetery, Wilson Co. KS
s/o David and Talitha DeHart Woodruff
1870 Union Twp., Boone Co., IN Census
Henry B. Woodruff 30 m farmer b. OH
Anna 28 f keeps house b. IN
Sopha 01 f at home
1880 Union Twp., Boone Co., IN Census
_______ Woodruff 39 m farmer OH OH NC
Ann 38 f IN TN OH
Sophia 12 f at home MO OH IN
Mary 03 f at home IN OH IN Sophia Woodruff
b. 1869 MO
m. Fred Havens Mary Polly Woodruff
b. 1877 Boone Co. IN Iva Woodruff (twin)
b. 24 Aug 1880
d. 07 Feb 1957 Norwood, Douglas Co, MO
bur: Denlow Cem. Douglas Co., MO
m1. Wash Tabor
m2. Wm. M. Beal
m3. 04 Sept 1904 (which marriage)
James H. Clayton John Woodruff (twin)
b. 24 Aug 1880 Boone Co. IN
d. 26 Apr 1970 Neodesha, Wilson Co., KS
m. IN
Agnes Clarkston
2.5.2 Andrew Biddle
b. 1843 Boone Co. IN
2.5.3 Elizabeth Biddle
b. 1842 Boone Co. IN
2.5.4 John Biddle
b. 1861 Boone Co. IN
George Kouns
George W. Kouns
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
FAYETTE TOWNSHIP – from Hardesty Atlas, Lawrence Co. OH published 1882 – William Davidson, perhaps the first settler of this township settled there in 1798. After he came James Davidson, who settled there in 1801; Samuel Ankrim, in 1807; George Koons, in 1808; James and Samuel Crawford, in 1820; William Brammer in 1822; William Ward in 1827; George Freeman in 1828; Dr. C. S. Hall and John Howell, in 1837. Amos More in 1851 and Stanford More in 1859.
3. George W. Kouns – s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was b. 1784 Rockingham Co. VA d. 07 Jun 1848 of spinal disease age 64; buried Burlington, OH Greenlawn Cemetery. Married in 1808 Fayette Twp. Lawrence Co. OH by Rev. B. Spurlock at the residence of Thomas Campbell to Catherine Wolfenbarger b. 14 Sep 1783 VA d. 03 Feb 1874 age 90y5m19d of old age. She died at the residence of her son-in-law Thos. C. Campbell in Fayette Twp., Lawrence Co. OH. She is buried Burlington, OH cemetery.
1807 article ? reads: George W. Kouns an immigrant from Pennsylvania settled near Burlington and was a brother to Andrew P. Kouns (George W.’s tombstone in Burlington says b. VA)
1808 George Koons settled in Fayette Twp., Gallia (now Lawrence Co. OH)
1808 He married Catherine Wolfenberger (a daughter was born in 1807 – perhaps George was married prior to this marriage need to verify)
1818 Mar 11 – George W. bought land in Burlington from Henry Kountz (Henry was his brother who moved to Indiana. smk)
1818 Nov 25 George W. Kouns bought land in Lawrence Co. OH
1818 George Kounce is a tax payer in Lawrence Co. OH Fayette Township.
1819 Apr 15 George W. Koons sold land to Joshua Downey Vol.1, pg. 262
1820 Lawrence Co. OH census George Koons in Fayette Twp.
with one male 10-16; one male 16-26; one male 26-45; 6 females under 10; 2 females 10-16; one fem. 26-45 – total of 12 in household.
From: “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820’s” we find
Koon(s) George in Lawrence Co. in 1822 and 1828 Fayette Twp.
1820 Aug 8 George W. Koons bought land from Chas. McCoy
1826 Sept 26 George W. Koons bought land from Chas. McCoy
1828 George W. Koons on tax list of Lawrence Co. OH
1828 Aug 12 George W. bought land from Chas. W. Drichsler on the river.
1830 on Census of Lawrence Co. p. 316
1832 George W. sold one acre for $250 to Chas. W. Drichsler Vol. 6, pg 172.
1834 Mar 5 George W. bought US Government land
1836 Apr 30 George W. bought land from Peter Keller in Burlington
1842 George W. bought land from Edmund Ferguson in April and from John Crawford in September.
1848 Jun 7 – George W. Kouns dies of spinal disease age 64 Fayette Twp., Burlington, OH
1848 Oct – George W. Kouns will was filed in Lawrence Co. OH.
1850 Lawrence Co. Oh census shows Catherine Kouns living with son George W. Kouns
1860 Lawrence Co. OH census shows Catherine Kouns living with son-in-law Samuel Crawford
George Koons – will dated 1848 Vol. 1 pg 31-36 Lawrence Co. Courthouse (OH)
OBIT: GEORGE KOUNS – died June 7, 1848, George Kouns, Senior in the 64th year of his age. Father Kouns was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, and in his youthful days moved to Lawrence County, and was married to Catherine Wolfenberger in 1808. Here he accumulated considerable property, raised a large family and lived to see them all comfortably settled in life. Father Kouns has been long known to the citizens of Lawrence County, and to write a history of his life and character would be only a repetition of knowledge engraved upon every heart. There need only be given a short sketch of the circumstances attending his death. The disease which occasioned his death was one of a very distressing nature – a spinal infection. For several months he suffered most intensely and obtained no freedom until death came to his relief. It is true that willing friends were ever ready to bestow the offices of kindness and attention upon him; but such was the nature of his disease that for days together he could not be turned in his bed. Early in his sickness he felt impressed with the idea he should never recover, and immediately arranged his temporal affairs and the blessing of pardon. Before his death, light suddenly broke upon his mind, and though exceedingly weak and feeble shouted aloud the praises of his God. On Wednesday evening, at 10 o’clock he slept in death . . . As fades the summer clouds away; As sinks the gale when storms are o’er; As gently shuts the eye of day; As does the wave upon the shore; and may we all be ready for blessed reunion in the spirit land.
OBIT: Handwritten page found in the Kouns Family Bible – CATHERINE KOUNS died at the residence of Thomas Campbell, Fayette Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Tuesday eve., Feb 3, 1874 at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Catherine Kouns, relict of George Kouns deceased, aged 90 years 5 months and 19 days. Grandmother Kouns was born in Greenbrier Co. VA in 1784 removed to the state of Ohio in 1808 and was married to George Kouns the same year by Rev. B. Spurlock and settled on the farm where they both lived and died in Fayette Township.
Mrs. Kouns was a woman of remarkable health and physical strength, her faculties remaining clear to the last moment. She joined the M.E. Church at the age of 15 years, and lived a consistent christian for 75 years; a devoted mother, kind and charitable to all. Her death was one of perfect faith, and while she waited anxiously to be relieved of her intense suffering she could not repress her exclamations of “Glory, Glory” until she breathed her last. Such was the life of this aged mother who passed away to her final reward and place of rest. She was indeed one of the early pioneers. Her early home was a vast wilderness, situated as it was on the banks of the Ohio, high water often driving them from their cabin to seek shelter in other buildings. At that time neighbors were few and far between, there being but four families between the mouth of the Guyan River and that of the Big Sandy and but few now remain to tell of the hardships and trials of those days, and very few have lived to see their children and families as well settled as Grandmother Kouns. Their family consisted of 10 daughters and one son, George W. Kouns, Jr., who died in New Orleans in 1860; eight daughters survived her, five reside in Ohio, two in Catlettsburg and one in Ravenswood, WV; 62 grandchildren; 71 great grandchildren, 144 children in all. She lived in Lawrence Co. the greater part of her life. She is buried at Burlington, Ohio.
Issues: ALL Marriages: Lawrence Co. OH
3.1 Ann L. Kouns m. 26 Apr 1840 Thomas Campbell
3.2 Delilah Kouns m. 28 Mar 1837 James McCoy
3.3 Elizabeth Kouns m. 05 Feb 1833 William Campbell
3.4 Emiline Kouns m. 24 Mar 1835 Hugh Crawford
3.5 Mary Kouns m. 01 Oct 1833 Michael Koons
3.6 Nancy Kouns m. 10 Feb 1829 James Crawford
3.7 Margaret “Peggy” Kouns m. 19 Nov 1827 Jonas Combs
3.8 Sarah “Sally” Kouns m. 21 Jul 1829 James H. Drury
3.9 Catherine Kouns m. 23 Jan 1844 Samuel Crawford
3.10 George W. Kouns m. 22 Jan 1850 Sarah E. Scovell
3.11 Amanda Kouns need more info on
3.1 Ann L. Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns m. 26 Apr 1840 Thomas C. Campbell Lawrence Co. OH. Thomas Campbell was b. PA. One of their daughters, Nannie, died among the sinking of the GOLDEN CITY in 1882 (possibly Nannie was Nancy).
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census:
Thos. Campbell age 57 m w farmwork b. PA
Anna age 49 f w keeps house b. OH
James 29 m w farmwork b. OH
Elizabeth 25 f w home b. OH
Thos. E. 15 m w farmwork b. OH
Emma 9 f w school b. OH
Nancy 7 f w school b. OH
3.1.1 James Campbell
3.1.2 Elizabeth Campbell
3.1.3 Thomas E. Campbell
3.1.4 Emma Campbell
3.1.5 Nancy Campbell
Misc – 1881 Oct 06 I.R. – Thos. Campbell made murderous assault on his father-in-law, Alex Baldwin . . . Probably Fatal Cutting.
3.2 Dellah (Delilah) Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns m. 28 Mar 1837 James McCoy Lawrence co. OH
Will of James McCoy, Catlettsburg, KY Apr. 5, 1880, proved May 22, 1882 (pg 221). Wife Delila McCoy. Daughters: Kate McCoy; Sarah McCoy; Effie McCoy; Belle McCoy; Jennie McCoy and Elizabeth French, wife of F. or (T) R. French. Boyd County Will Book 1.
3.2.1 Kate McCoy
3.2.2 Sarah McCoy
3.2.3 Effie McCoy
3.2.4 Belle McCoy
3.2.5 Jennie McCoy
3.2.6 Elizabeth McCoy m. F. or T.R. French
3.3. Elizabeth Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns m. 05 Feb 1833 William Campbell Lawrence Co. OH
(from: Abstracts of Gallia County Chancery Records by Evans & Wood we find that William Campbell was s/o Samuel Campbell – John Hodman vs. Samuel Campbell’s heirs: Ch.1, 467-472. Aug. 29, 1840, Sect. 12 & 13-4-16 which is Walnut Twp. and Sect. 28 & 29-5-15 which is Green Twp.
Samuel Campbell of Walnut swapped his farm in Walnut for Hodam’s farm in Green Twp. Samuel died Mar. 20, 1838 and left Eleanor Campbell, Mary and W. M. Watts, of full age, and James, WILLIAM, Samuel, Margaret, Sarah and Andrew Campbell, under the age of majority. Ruled to go ahead and trade deeds.
3.4 Emiline Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns m. 24 Mar 1835 Hugh Crawford in Lawrence Co. OH
Misc – Hugh Crawford 14 Jan 1853 p. 508 Administrative Records names Stephen Wilson Administator (Lawrence Co. Courthouse)
3.4.1 James Reed Crawford
3.5 Mary Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns m. 01 Oct 1833 Michael Koons in Lawrence Co. OH Michael Koons was from Ravenswood, WV
3.6 Nancy Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenbarger Kouns m. 10 Feb 1829 James Crawford in Lawrence Co. OH. James Crawford b. 06 Dec 1804 Carlisle,PA. James Crawford came to Lawrence Co. OH in 1820 he had 3 brothers, John moved to Illinois; Hugh and Samuel.
HARDESTY ATLAS, 1882, Lawrence Co. OH – JAMES CRAWFORD was born Dec. 6, 1804, married Feb. 10, 1829 Nancy Kouns, dau. of George and Catherine Kouns. His father, James Crawford, was a native of Donegal, Ireland and emigrated to America ca. 1780 with his family and settled in Carlisle Co., Pa., where he lived the remainder of his days, after rearing a large family. Son, James, came to Ohio in 1820, settled on a farm just below Burlington, where he lived about a year; he then moved to a farm on Charley Creek, 3/4 of a mile from the river. James had 3 brothers: John (moved to Illinois ca 1850), Hugh and Samuel. Children of James and Nancy: Catherine L., Lizzie A.C. (m. John Combs in 1853), George K., Eliza A., Addie F., James R., Mary O., Clayton L., John M., Dillie M. and two who died in infancy.
The old homestead near Burlington, Ohio
One of those events that seldom happen in any community and never twice in the same family was the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford at their residence on the farm about one mile above Burlington, last Monday the 10th. About one hundred tasteful invitations had been sent out which read as follows:
Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford
-at Home-
Feb. 10th the 50th Anniversary of their
1829 Dinner from 1 to 3 p.m. 1879
Most of them relatives, near neighbors and acquaintances. Of the ten children living, all were present many of them with their families complete. Six of the children, girls are married and three of the four boys. Of the nine who are married into the family are living and were present except J. S. Davidson who was absent in Minnesota. At one o’clock dinner was announced and 18 persons were seated at the first table. The remarkable feature of this table was the fact, that in promiscously taking seats four generations were represented, as follows: at the head of the table little Gus Hampton sat with his great-grandfather and great-grandmother on his left, his grandfather and his grandmother on his right while at the opposite end of the table his father and mother were seated, the sides being occupied by friends and relations. We will not attempt to describe the dinner. Those present tried hard to do it justice, but failed. It was one of those grand meals that must be seen to be appreciated. We know it was a good dinner, for we experimented on it, and was baffled in the attempt to try the whole bill of fare. Table after table were filled and all were more than satisfied. Previous to dinner, the following was sung by the company.
A Family Meeting.
Tune: Aud Lang Syne.
After dinner, the afternoon passed pleasantly in social converse, and in calling to mind and relating many reminiscences of the past, by the older persons present, while the younger people were in gleeful confab, and the children enjoyed themselves in the bracing air without. About 4 o’clock Mr. Kirk, the artist who had been sent for at Huntington, made his appearance with his large camera, and obtained with success, two negatives of the group, numbering sixty-two persons.
The FLEETWOOD making her appearance about 5:30 many got on board and the happy gathering again separated probably never more to meet again.
As the boat rounded out from the landing a salute of fifty toots were given by the whistle, winding up with two long blows.
It was an occasion that seldom occurs, and will long be remembered by the following who were present: Comm. W. Honshell, Mrs. Kate Honshell, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hampton and Gus Honshell Hampton, the only great-grandchild, Miss Nannie, Fannie and Gus Honshell; George Crawford, wife and oldest daughter; Mr. Isaac W. Davidson, wife and two sons; Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston and two children; Mrs. J. S. Davidson (husband absent), Mr. Clayton Crawford, wife and son; Mr. James R. Crawford and wife; Mr. John D. Clark, wife and child, Mr. J. M. Crawford; Dr. C. Hall and wife, Mr. Stephen Dillon and wife, Mr. John Dillon, Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, Mrs. Kate Crawford, Mrs. Ann Campbell, Mrs. James McCoy, Miss Kate McCoy, Mrs. Mary Harlan, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Simmons, Master Robert E. Lee Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Drury, Mrs. William Drury and baby, Mrs. Annie Drury, Mrs. Capt. James M. Kirker, Miss E. N. Campbell, Mr. James Dawson, Mrs. Fannie McKenzie, Miss Mamie Brubaker, Miss Jennie Clark, Mrs. S. Wilson Morris and son, Mr. A. C. Crawford and wife, Mrs. Samuel Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Mauck, Miss Clara Stoddard of San Francisco, California, Mrs. D. Davis, Mr. Jere Davidson and wife.
As this is one of the oldest families in the county and vicinity, numbering hundreds, we give a brief history of them for their benefit and trust it may also interest all our readers.
JAMES CRAWFORD the grandfather of our fellow citizen of the same name was a native of the County of Donegal, Ireland and emigrated to America about one hundred years ago, with his family, and settled in Carlisle County, Pennsylvania where he lived the remainder of his days. His son, James Crawford (also born in Ireland) father of our James Crawford, came to Ohio in the year 1820 and settled on a farm just below Burlington where he lived about a year when he moved to a farm on Charley Creek about 3/4 mile from the river, then a wilderness of timber. The principal occupation of the family which numbered several boys was cutting cord wood, which was sold to steamboats at the river; and farming in a small way.
JAMES CRAWFORD whose golden wedding came off Monday was born December 6, 1804 and was married on the 10th day of February 1829 to Nancy, third daughter of George W. and Catherine Kouns, by Thomas Kerr, Esq. uncle of Capt. Wash Kerr, then of Fayette Township. He has 3 brothers the names of whom are familiar to many of our citizens, viz: John, who moved to Illinois some 22 years ago; Hugh one of the first settlers in Ironton, and Samuel who died a few years since on his farm at the mouth of Charley Creek, this county.
GEORGE W. KOUNS, the father of Nancy Crawford came from Pennsylvania and Catherine the mother from Greenbrier County Virginia and settled near where Burlington now stands, the former 1807 and the latter in 1808, and they were married the latter part of 1808. Uncle George as he was familiary called, was a cousin (sic brother – smk) of Andrew P. Kouns, now living near the mouth of Symmes Creek and died June 7, 1848, aged sixty-four years. Aunt Katie as she was generally called was born on the 14th of September 1783 and died February 3, 1874, aged 90 years, 5months, 19days. This family was profilic and is remarkable for longevity. There were born to them in the following order: Sarah, married to James Drury; Margaret to Jonas Combs; Nancy to James Crawford; Elizabeth to William Campbell; Mary to Mich Kouns (Ravenswood, W.VA) Delilah to James McCoy; Ann to Thomas Campbell; Catherine to Samuel Crawford; George W. to Sarah Scovel (ten girs and 1 boy) all of whom are still living except Sarah, Emoline, Amanda and George W. The latter died of yellow fever in New Orleans. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford all of whom were present, Monday were married as follows: Catherine L. and Wash Honshell by Rev. W. T. Hand, October 8, 1850; Elizabeth Ann and John Combs, by Rev. J. M. Schultz, January 20, 1857; Eliza Alice and Isaac W. Davidson by Rev. J. Q. Gibson, April 23, 1861; Ada F. and Josephus S. Davidson by Rev. J. W. Dillon January 1, 1867; Mary O. and William Johnston by Rev. Wilson, October 22, 1867, Delia L. and John D. Clark by Rev. J. W. Sowers, May 4, 1876; John Nilton being the only one of the ten remaining single. Two in addition to the above died in their infancy viz: Abraham and Helen Gilruth.
The following is a list of the present each of which was more highly appreciated by the venerable couple than if they had been $1,000 Government bonds.
1/2 dozen cups and saucers, two fruit dishes, one box soap, face band and two silk hankerchiefs, two pair vases, two picture frames, one large picture, two suits flannel, two suits muslin, four linen handkerchiefs, two tidys, three mats, three cups and saucers, two gold pins, $73.50 in gold, $1.50 in silver, $5.00 in paper; one silver cup, one cashmere dress, buttons, lining , etc. one tablecloth and napkins, one pair shoes, one gingham apron, three bar soap, one cream spoon, one set silver forks, one dozen napkins, gold-headed cane, one set silver knives, glass pitcher, spoon holder, two small glasses, one lamp, donation of invitation cards.
The State of Ohio, Lawrence County
No. 451
I do hereby certify that on the 10th day of February, A.D. 1829 I solemnized the marriage of Mr. James Crawford with Miss Nancy Koons.
Thomas Kerr, J.P.
Lawrence County
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census:
James Crawford age 66 m w farmwork b. PA
Nancy 58 f w keeps house b. OH
John M. 18 m w farmwork b. OH
Delilah 14 f w school b. OH
Clayton 20 m w steam engineer b. OH
3.6.1 Catherine L. “Kate” Kouns Crawford – the d/o
Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 1824.
m. 08 Oct 1850
Commodore Wash Honshell
1875 Aug 26 – Capt. Wash Honshell is going to reside in Cincinnati hereafter. He has secured a house there. Ironton Register newspaper.
I.R. Jan. 15, 1891 – Commodore Honshell was in town (Ironton), Tuesday, to attend the bank election.
I.R. April 28, 1892 – Capt. Wash Honshell having sold his stock in the First National Bank, is no longer a Director. His successor will be chosen next Monday.
Will of Wahington Honshell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Feb. 11, 1878, CODICIL May 6, 1896 Catlettsburg, Ky., proven July 27, 1896 (Pg. 333-36). Wife, Kate L. Honshell, all personal property. Dau. Nannie Honshell ($1500); dau. Fannie Honshell ($1500); son Augustus H. Honshell ($1500). I gave my dau. Kate Hampton, wife of Millard Hampton, $1500 at her marriage. Kate Honshell
m. Millard W. Hampton Gus Honshell Hampton Nannie Scott Honshell
b. 08 Sept 1856 Catlettsburg, KY
d. 12 Dec 1946
m1. 08 Oct 1879
Lindsey Kelly
b. 16 May 1841 Lawrence Co. OH
d. 1902
s/o William D. & Sarah Austin Kelly
m2. Oct 1906/8
D. Gregory Wright
Known as: Nannie Kelly Wright OBIT: I.R. Thursday, March 19, 1903 – LINDSEY KELLY DEAD, Succumbs to Pneumonia Wednesday Evening. Lindsey Kelly, passed away at 7:30 o’clock, March 11, at his home on South Sixth street. His death was due to pneumonia and came after an illness of only a few days.
The deceased was 61 years of age. He was born in May, 1842, on the Austin farm below Hanging Rock and came to Ironton with his parents a few years later. The family at that time resided in the old brick house on North Second Street, dismantled some years ago to make room for the Goldcamp mill improvements. Later, they moved to the old Kelly homestead, now the Charles S. Gray Deaconess Hospital.
Mr. Kelly received a liberal education and in 1863 assumed the management of Center Furnace. Since that time he has been identified with the charcoal and iron interests of the county. He was one of the incorporators and a member of the original board of directors of the Kelly Nail & Iron Co., and was also interested with his father, the late W. D. Kelly, in the Exchange BAnk. He was married in 1879 to Miss Nannie Honshell, daughter of the late Commodore Wash Honshell of Catlettsburg. One son, Lindsey Kelly, Jr. was born of this union. The latter has been at San Antonio, Tex., for his health, but started home last night. He will be met at St. Louis by Capt. Gus Honshell of Huntington but will not reach home before Saturday morning.
In 1877, Mr. Kelly was honored with election to the state senate from this district on the Republican ticket and served four years.
Like all men, Mr. Kelly had necessity for a mantle of charity to cover his faults, but his errors of judgment did not revert to the detriment of his fellows. He had scores of friends to whom the announcement of his death will be a genuine sorrow, and who honored him for gentleness of spirit, courtesy and intelligence.
In addition to the widow and son who survive him, his death is mourned by one brother, Ironton A. Kelly, formerly of this city, but now of Ashland, Ky.
The funeral services were conducted Sunday forenoon at the residence, by Rev. Mr. Boggs of Catlettsburg, and the burial at Woodland was in private. Lindsey Kelly, Jr.
d. 1902 (same year as his father)
I.R. 21 June 1900 – Lindsay Kelly, Jr. arrived from Heights Town, New Jersey where he has been attending military school. Fannie Honshell Gus Honshell Nannie Scott Honshell – obituary in Ironton newspaper December 12, 1946 reads:
Mrs. Nannie Kelly Wright, one of the district’s most colorful personage – a woman whose life’s story is a saga of American opportunity, romance and adventure-this morning entered upon life’s greatest adventure-death.
Mrs. Wright, who was 90 years old last Sept. 08, died quietly in her room at the Hotel Marting at 8:30 a.m. following a critical illness of several days. With her passing Ironton lost one of its most colorful figures-a woman who was at home in the drawing room with governors and presidents. In furnace offices and furnace casting rooms. With her died a living memory of the old political, torchlight parades of other years of the business opportunities available even in those years when it was generally considered that a woman’s place was in the home.
Only Ironmaster
Mrs. Wright was probably the only woman ironmaster in America’s history. From 1894 to 1897 the iron industry in this country practically at a standstill and stocks were worth about 15 to 20 cents on the dollar. Buyers at that price were scarce. Mrs. Wright, a close observer of political and financial affairs, reasoned an upward trend was due and invested in old Centre Furnace, near Superior. She paid the taxes, received an initial education in furnace operation and in 1899 she bid in the furnace, at auction, for $19,950. This included 12,000 acres. She managed the furnace, conducted regular inspections of property and in additions, made regular weekly trips to Cincinnati. She continued as owner and operator until 1906 when she sold to the Superior Cement Co.
Mrs. Wright was born Nannie Honshell, in Catlettsburg, Ky., September 8, 1856, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Washington Honshell. Her father was a riverman who helped form the WHITE COLLAR line. There were three other children in the family, one brother and two sisters, now dead. At the age of six she started travels that were to take her around the world three times. At six she joined her parents in a tour of New York and the St. Lawrence river. Thereafter she made many trips to Cincinnati and Richmond with her father. On October 8, 1879 she was united to Lindsey Kelly of Ironton in a gala church ceremony at Catlettsburg – most elaborate the Kentucky village had witnessed up until that time.
Barge of Flowers
The Kellys insisted on sending flowers for decoration and the day before the ceremony a steamboat and barge tied up at Catlettsburg landing. On the barge the Kellys had placed some 300 tube roses, each potted. At this time, Mr. Kelly was serving one of two terms as Ohio representative. The newlywed’s went to housekeeping in the old Henry S. Neal home that formerly stood on the southeast corner of fourth and Park. Later they moved to Superior to care for Centre Furnace and it was there that a son Lindsey, Jr. was born. Son and father both died in 1902 but Mrs. Wright continued as an ironmaster until her sale of the properties in 1906.
In October of the same year she married D. Gregory Wright of Philadelphia. He also preceded her in death.
During her residence in Ironton, at Fifth and Adams and on Sixth and Chestnut, Mrs. Wright entertained profusely and her parties were always elaborate affairs. Her home held priceless antiques and decorations, acquired during world travels, and her every move was marked by glamor. Her first world tour was made in 1898, another was taken in 1906 and a third in 1913. In all she crossed the Atlantic 14 times in years when it was the unusual rather than the ordinary. In London she was presented to the Court of St. James during the reign of Edward VII. On her latest travels in America she enjoyed a clipper trip to the Catalina Island: “I was not afraid.” she said upon conclusion of the journey. Those words aptly serve as a description of Mrs. Wright’s life.
Many Interests
Mrs. Wright’s business interests centered in Centre Furnace and the Kelly Nail and Iron Co. of Ironton. She served as director of the latter institution for years and was also financially interested in the Belfont Iron Works, Ironton Engine Co., and Ironton, Huntington, Cincinnati and Catlettsburg banks.
During recent years, Mrs. Wright had resided in Ironton and Huntington hotels. She maintained unusual physical and mental alertness throughout her 90 years. With her death today Ironton’s lost a resident who was a link with the “aristocratic” days of other years, a woman whose life was always one of bold adventure. She was the last immediate member of her family but some cousins, including the Davidson family of South Point, survive.
The body of Mrs. Wright is at the O’Keefe Funeral home. Services will probably be conducted Monday, with burial in the Wright private mausoleum in Woodland Cemetery.
Mrs. Wright was reputed to have been at one time, one of the richest women, in their own right in America. She is reputed to have made, and lost, more money through business enterprise than any woman in this entire area.
(Mrs. Virginia S. Bryant, active member of the Lawrence County Museum in Ironton put a booklet together about the life of Nannie Kelly Wright along with her favorite poetry and recipes – this booklet is still available (1993) through the Museum) Fannie Honshell – d/o Commodore Wash Honshell m. Rush Williamson of Ashland.
The Herald Advertiser – Huntington, WV March 20, 1932 – photo – Reproduced here is an old record of the Crawford and Davidson families, whose forebears were pioneers in southern Ohio, which is owned by Mayor Homer C. Davidson of Catlettsburg; oval at the left; the Crawfords and Davidsons were born and reared in Lawrence county, Ohio; Mayor Davidson was presented with the family record by Mrs. Fannie Williamson, wife of Rush Williamson of Ashland, his cousin.
Out of pieces of shattered glass from an antique picture frame, accidentally broken several years ago while the household effects of Mrs. Rush Williamson, of Ashland, were being moved into a new home, has come the discovery of a rare old record of the well-known Crawford and Davidson families of Lawrence county, Ohio.
Mayor Homer C. Davidson of Catlettsburg, a cousin of Mrs. Williamson, is now the proud owner of the old record, which has been preserved for approximately 50 years on a sheet of heavy paper designed for that purpose. Records such as the one Mayor Davidson owns were popular in homes several years ago.
It served as a protecting base for a more modern picture in the antique frame before the glass was broken and it was discovered, Mayor Davidson, said.
Both Mayor Davidson and Mrs. Williamson are members of the second generation of the original settlers in that section of southern Ohio, James and Nancy Kouns Crawford.
Mrs. Williamson, before her marriage into the prominent Williamson family of Kentucky, was Miss Fannie Honshell, daughter of Wash and Catherine Crawford Honshell. The mother of Mayor Davidson was Miss Eliza Alice Crawford before her marriage to Isaac W. Davidson at the old Lawrence county court house at Burlington a few miles west of Chesapeake, on Augst 23 1861 by Rev. J. Q. Gibson.
Included in this record is a second marriage between the Davidson and Crawford families. Josephus Davidson, brother of Isaac and Miss Addie F. Crawford, sister of Mayor Davidson’s mother, were married on March 28, 1866.
Harlan F. Davidson, of 1232 Jefferson Avenue, a son born to the second marriage is a double first cousin of Mayor Davidson of Cattlesburg.
“Yes, there were numerous Davidsons in Lawrence county when I was a boy – in fact there were so many that I married one, Miss Nellie Davison, who is my ninth cousin,” Mayor Davidson said. “But there were as many Johnsons. As a matter of fact a stranger might speak to a passerby and call him Johnson or Davidson and the chances of being right in either case could be equal.
They were large families in ever case. I have nine brothers and sisters living today.” Gus Honshell – s/o Commodore Wash Honshall, married the niece of C. P. Huntington, of the C. & O. Railroad fame on December 9, 1879. This wedding party took place on the new BOSTONA. She (BOSTONA) left Cincinnati on her first trip December 9, 1879 with one of the gayest wedding parties on board that ever took passage on a steamboat.
3.6.2 George Kouns Crawford – the s/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 1832/3 d. 1897
m. Lucinda C. Beam b. 01 Mar 1838 d. 14 Jun 1913. George was gunboat engineer in Civil War serving 3 years. Charles Crawford b. 1859 Elizabeth Crawford b. 1860 George Edgar Crawford b. 1865
m. Grace Mears Nancy Miranda Crawford b. 28 Sep 1867 Kathleen Crawford b. 1870 James Reed Crawford b. 28 Jul 1872
d. 24 Dec 1966 m. Myrtie Brewer
b. 02 Oct 1884 d. 07 Jul 1979 Dixie Dee Crawford b. 20 Apr 1906 d. 1930 m. James Clayton Maxine Elliot Crawford b. 21 May 1909 m. Edmund Burk George Kouns Crawford b. 12 Feb 1909 m. Ethel Wallace Nell Marie Crawford b. 10 Aug 1910 m. Peter Collins Kathleen Martin Crawford b. 21 Jul 1913 m. Burlen Bolner James Reed Crawford Jr. b. 26 Nov 1914 d. 1935 Curtis Crawford b.1918 d. 1918 Allen Brewer Crawford b. 02 Aug 1920 d. 26 Oct 1976 m. Evelyn Janet Broughton b. 06 Nov 1923 Donna Kay Crawford b. 08 Nov 1945 m. Billy Atkins and had issues: William Brian Atkins; Janet Denise Atkins; Bradley Elliot Atkins. Nancy Yvonne Crawford b. 02 Apr 1950 m. George P. Virgin b. 02 May 1947 and had issue: Paul Aaron Virgin b. 20 Feb 1971 Gregory Allen Crawford b. 07 Aug 1955 m. Linda Baylous Chris Eric Crawford b. 27 Dec 1957 m. Joan Marsh and had issue: Brandon Allen Crawford Charles Luther Crawford b. 21 Dec 1922 m. Helen ______ Samuel Crawford b. 1875 m. Sarah Bell Nell Crawford Faith Crawford m. Jack Norwood
3.6.3 Abraham Crawford b. 1834 d. infancy
3.6.4 Elizabeth Ann Crawford – the d/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 04 Jul 1835/7 Burlington, OH m. 20 Jan 1857 or 14 Nov 1853 to John Combs b. 01 Apr 1832 Burlington, Lawrence Co., OH the s/o John and Ruth Westcott Combs.
HARDESTY ATLAS, 1882, Lawrence Co. OH – JOHN COMBS – son of John and Ruth Westcott Combs, was born Apr. 1, 1832 at Burlington, Lawrence Co., Ohio. Married Nov. 4, 1853 Lizzie A. C. Crawford, dau. of James and Nancy Kouns Crawford. Combs served in the Civil War; was Ironton, Ohio newspaper editor. Children: Lizzie A. (b.& d. 1854 Alton, Ill.), Mary E. (b. Ironton 1857) Susie M. (b. Ironton 1866). Mary m. E. R. Mauck and lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lizzie Combs b. 08 Nov 1854 Illinois d. same day in Alton, Illinois. Mary E. Combs b. May 1857 Ironton OH m. E. R. Mauck lived Cincinatti, OH. Susie M. Combs b. 10 Sept 1866 Ironton, OH.
Misc. – Ruth Weir late Ruth Combs guardian of John Combs, Amanda Combs and Helen Combs. Ironton Register Newspaper dated 21 Aug 1851
3.6.5 James R. Crawford b. 1838
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census
James Crawford age 33 m w Merchant b. O
Eliza 31 f w Keeps house b. O
Frank 2 m w home b. O
Sarah Rial 20 f w domestic b. O
3.6.6 Elizabeth Alice Crawford – the d/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 17 Sep 1839/40 Burlington, OH d. 03 Jan 1912 bur: Woodland Cemetery, Ironton, OH m. 23 Apr 1861 or 21 Apr 1860 Isaac William Davidson b. 08 Oct 1837 d. 20 Oct 1911 the s/o Joseph and Jane (Bryson) Davidson Earnest Milton Davidson
b. 23 Dec 1861 South Point, OH
d. 16 Mar 1920
m. Minnie Smith William Jospeh Davidson
b. 21 Jun 1863 South Point, OH
m. 1889
Dora Gibson Delbert James Davidson
b. 26 Jan 1865 South Point, OH
m. Katherine Nolen Edward Tracy Davidson
b. 30 Oct 1867 South Point, OH
m. 20 Nov 1893
Grace McCormick Homer C. Davidson
b. 04 Nov 1869 South Point, OH
d. 27 May 1938
m. 18 Oct 1893
Nellie Sue Davidson
Homer served as Catlettsburg, Ky Mayor Katherine Eurania Davidson
b. 24 Apr 1872 South Point, OH
m. Peter Wolfe Pearl Gillan Davidson
b. 07 Sep 1873 South Point, OH
d. 1947
m. 20 May 1895
Susan Belle Leighty (1877-1966) Lucille Davidson (1898-1966)
m. 1920
Lloyd Willis (1895-1948) Joseph “Joe” H. Davidson
m1 Hazel Spurlock (1904-1987) Gloria Jean Davidson
m. Daniel J. Walser Daniel Joe Davidson
m. Nellie White
Joseph “Joe” H. Davidson
m2 Marion Hill Marjorie Mae Belle Davidson
b. 1902
m. Thomas Lawson Joann Garrett Katherine O. Davidson
b. 1905 Susan Davidson
b. 1908 d. 1915 Alice C. Davidson
b. 1912 d. 1956
m. Edgar P. Gannon Marlene Gannon
m. John Hudnall John “Jack” C. Davidson
b. 1914
m. Analee Wyatt Victoria Nan Wyatt
m. Danny Smith Susan Wyatt
m. Don Massie Richard “Dick” G. Davidson
b. 1917
m. Rosemary Miller Richard Thomas Davidson
m. Elizabeth Combs Davidson
b. 26 Sept 1875 South Point, OH
m. 04 Jul 1894
John Leroy Marzetti Estella A. Davidson
b. 23 Dec 1877 South Point, OH
m. 1901
Henry B. Barnhart August Honshell Davidson
b. 04 Apr 1879 South Point, OH
m. Ella Green Olive Johnson Davidson
b. 04 Jan 1881 South Point, OH
m. Emmil Armbruster Otto Patterson Davidson
b. 30 May 1885 South Point, OH
m. 21 Nov 1905
Goldie M. Russell
3.6.7 Helen Gilruth Crawford b. 1842 d. infancy
3.6.8 Mary O. Crawford – the d/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 30 May 1844 Burlington, Lawrence Co. OH and m. 22 Oct 1867 Lawrence Co. OH to William Johnston the s/o John A. and Mary A. (Campbell) Johnston who came to Lawrence Co. OH in 1814. William Johnston b. 10 Sept 1837 Lawrence Co. OH.
HARDESTY ATLAS, 1882, Lawrence County, OH – WILLIAM JOHNSTON – was born in Lawrence County September 10, 1837 and married in the same county, October 22, 1866 to Mary O. Crawford, who was born in Burlington, Lawrence County, Ohio, May 30, 1844. His parents are John and Mary A. (Campbell) Johnston, settlers of this county in 1814. His father died July 25, 1864. The parents of Mrs. Johnston are James and Nancy (Kouns) Crawford who came to this county in 1820. The children of Mr. Johnston are: Honshell W., born September 8, 1868; Nannie B., May 20, 1878. Mr. Johnston had one brother, Benjamin, in the war of 1861. He enlisted in 1863, in the 2d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until he was wounded in a skirmish on the Weldon Railroad, near Petersburg, Virginia. He died from the effects of the wound July 15, 1863, after suffering fourteen days in the hospital at Petersburg. Mrs. Johnston’s brother, George Crawford, served three years in the late war on a gunboat as engineer. Mr. Johnston is a farmer in Perry Township. His postoffice address is South Point, Lawrence county, Ohio. Honshell W. Johnston b. 08 Sept 1868
Misc – 01 Feb 1894 – South Point Letter names Mr. Hugh Chatfield, Miss Lizzie Davidson and Mr. Honshell Johnson Nannie B. Johnston b. 20 May 1878
(Did Mary O. Crawford remarry a Crawford – I need to verify this?)
Misc – Harry W. Johnston formerly of South Point and Miss De Ella Boomer of Philo, Illinois married 10 Dec 1893 Presbyterian Church, Philo, Illinois
3.6.9 Adeline “Addie” F. Crawford – the d/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 1846 m. 01 Jan 1867 Josephus S. Davidson b. 1839. Josephus was the s/o Joseph and Jane (Bryson) Davidson. Jane Bryson was the d/o Isaac and Jane Kerr Bryson Harry H. Davidson
b. 29 Apr 1867 South Point, OH
d. unmarried Alice Myrtle Davidson
b. 24 Apr 1868 South Point, OH
d. 15 Jun 1930
bur: Woodland Cem., Ironton, OH
m. Anton “Andy” W. Buchele
b. 1860
d. 02 Apr 1930 South Point, OH
bur: Woodland Cem., Ironton, OH Laurence Buchele
b. 1894
d. 1907
unmarried George Kouns Davidson
b. 08 Oct 1869 South Point, OH
d. unmarried Clayton Crawford Davidson
b. 30 Jul 1871 South Point, OH
m. 14 Oct 1896
Myrtie Hastings
d/o William & Lydia Winters Hastings Thelma Pauline Davidson
b. 1897 d. 1941
m. 1915
Grover C. Bowman b. 1887 Phyllis Marie Bowman
m. 1935
Adam Wooten Eddie Lee Wooten Linda Louise Wooten
m. Joe Hastings David C. Bowman
m. Bernice Fraley Adah Elizabeth Bowman
m. Dillard Thomas Doris Bowman
m. John Mayes Barbara Jean Bowman
m. Keith Wagner Eleanor Maxine Davidson
b. 1873 d. 1939 Kenneth H. Davidson
m. Ann Davis Elma S. Davidson
m. James Imes Clough Ogden Davidson
b. 22 Oct 1873 South Point, OH
d. 1939
m. Mary Williams Harriet Davidson
m. Louse Earles Max Davidson
m. Helen Brubaker
d/o Charles and Ella Brubaker Arnold Davidson
m. Faye McClure
m. Vesta Marie Jordan Raymond Davidson Francis Davidson
m. Walter Crum Garner Davidson James A. Davidson (1911- 1948) Clough Davidson Zelotice Welby Davidson
b. 18 Sep 1875 South Point, OH
d. 1904
unmarried Ruth Kelley Davidson
b. 27 Oct 1876 South Point, OH
m. 12 Nov 1897
Hardy William Bryan Harlan Everett Davidson
b. 22 Jun 1880 South Point, OH
d. 24 Oct 1947
m. 04 Sep 1913
Helen Welsh Louise Kounse Davidson
b. 08 Jun 1882 South Point, OH
d. 02 Jul 1940
m. Eslie Dillard Bowman Arthur Ovid Davidson
b. 03 Jan 1886 South Point, OH
d. 02 Jul 1974 Ironton, OH
bur: Woodland Cem. Ironton, OH
m. 30 Nov 1913 Ironton, OH
Susan Porter Roten
b. 01 Dec 1890 South Point, OH
d. 16 Nov 1982 Ironton, OH
bur: Woodland Cem. Ironton, OH
d/o Johnathan and Frances Porter Roten Ann Louise Davidson
b. 22 Aug 1917 South Point, OH
m1. 06 Sept 1941
Arthur Anton Lange
b. 19 Dec 1909 Ironton, OH
d. 06 Jun 1984 Ironton, OH
bur: Woodland Cem. Ironton, OH
s/o Johann Heinrich & Marte Elizabeth Staker
m2 Clarence Davis Catherine Ann Lange
b. 10 Oct 1946 Ironton, OH
m. 25 Oct 1969 Ironton, OH
John Robert Toothman
b. 08 Oct 1940 Ironton, OH
s/o John Edwin & Marjorie E. Maxey Toothman
3691011-1 Robert Anton Toothman (a)
b. 11 Jul 1975 Huntington WV
3691011-2 Anne Elizabeth Toothman (a)
b. 28 Oct 1977 Huntington WV
NOTE: Catherine Toothman provided some of this Davidson information from family records and from “THE DAVIDSON GENEOLOGY” 1948 by Elizabeth Harbaugh, also some taken from the South Point Reunion Book by Arthur Ferguson.
3.6.10 Clayton Crawford – the s/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford was b. 1849 m. ______ and had a son. Clayton was listed as Steam Engineer on 1870 Lawrence Co. OH census
Misc.- I.R. 04 Jan 1894 – license Clayton Crawford to keep skiff ferry at Coryville opposite Ensign Works.
3.6.1l Delia Crawford – the d/o Nancy Kouns and James Crawford b. m. 04 May 1876 John D. Clark and had issue:
3.6.12 John Milton Crawford
3.7 Margaret ” Peggy” Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenbarger Kouns m. 19 Nov 1827 Jonas Combs in Lawrence Co. OH
3.8 Sarah “Sally” Koons – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns was b. 18 Nov 1807 in VA according to 1870 Census (parents didn’t marry until 1808?) and died 03 June 1876. Sarah m. 21 Jul 1829 James H. Drury in Lawrence Co. OH
James Harvey Drury was from New Hampshire and was b. 02 Jun 1804 and d. 12 Jul 1870. He came to Lawrence Co. in 1828. James Harvey Drury died by being struck by lightning.
Misc – 1854 Oct 05 – James H. Drury of Fayette Twp is candidate for County Commissioner (I.R.)
3.8.1 William Drury b. 18 Aug 1836 m. Sarah Ankrim
3.8.2 George K. Drury b. d. 28 Apr 1836 age 5y2m16d
3.8.3 Henry Drury b. d. 1840 age 6 or 8m20d
3.8.4 Lawson Drury m. Louisa J. Rumsey
3.8.1 William Drury – the s/o Sarah Kouns and James Harvey Drury was b. 18 Aug 1836. William Drury m. 13 Mar 1864 to Sarah ANKRIM who was b. 05 Dec 1840. Ironton Register newspaper dated 05 Aug 1875 – Mrs. Sarah ANKRIM, aged 71 years, died at Burlington, last Sunday night. (this may have been the mother of Sarah Ankrim who married William Drury, smk)
1874 Dec 9 – The Ironton Democrat newspaper – First of William Drury, Administrator of Catherine Kouns. (This would be his grandmother, Catherine Wolfenberger as she died 02 Feb 1874)
HARDESTY ATLAS, 1882, Lawrence Co., OH – WILLIAM DRURY – and Sarah A. Ankrim were married in Lawrence county, Ohio, March 3, 1864; he was born in this county August 18, 1836, and she is also a native of this county, born December 5, 1840. Their children are: Emma K. born April 30, 1865; Luella, April 9, 1867; Mary A., March 2, 1870; Anna October 3, 1872 died October 6, 1872; Edgar C. June 10, 1874; Charles W. July 29, 1876; George S. December 3, 1878; Howard H., February 14, 1881 – they all reside at home. James Harvey Drury, the father of William, was born in the Sate of New Hampshire, June 2, 1804 and came to this county in 1828. He came to his death by being struck by lightning July 12, 1870. Sarah (Kouns) Drury, the mother of William, was born in Lawrence county, November 18, 1807 and died in the same county June 3, 1876. The parents of Mrs. Drury are Samuel and Sarah A. (McCoy) Ankrim; her father was born in Wayne county, Kentucky December 16, 1800, and came to this county in 1828, where he still resides at the age of 82; her mother died Augst 2, 1875. Mr. Drury had three brothers in the war- Charles and Henry H. were for three years in the 2d Kentucky Volunteer infantry; Charles was thrown from the cars and received such injuries as to be discharged for disability. He reenlisted in the navy and Henry in the army, and both served to the close of the war. Benjamin F. Drury was commissioned second lieutenant of Company F. 183d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and shortly after starting for the field he was promoted to first lietuenant; he served to the close of the war. Mr. William Drury has held the office of supervisor for several terms and is a present township trustee, which office he has held for several terms. He is a resident of Fayette township, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Address, Burlington, Lawrence County, Ohio.
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census:
Drury, Wm. age 24 m w Farm work b.O
Sarah 29 f w keeps house b. O
Emma 05 f w home b. O
Luella 03 f w home b. O
Mary 2/12 f w home b. O Emma K. Drury b. 30 Apr 1865 Luella Drury b. 09 Apr 1867 Mary A. Drury b. 02 Mar 1870 Anna Drury b. 03 Oct 1872 d. 06 Oct 1872 Edgar C. Drury b. 10 Jun 1874 Charles W. Drury b. 29 Jul 1876 George S. Drury b. 03 Dec 1878 Howard H. Drury b. 14 Feb 1881 Luella Drury – the d/o William and Sarah (Ankrim) Drury was b. 09 Apr 1867 OH d. 18 Jul 1952. Luella married Frank Leslie Moore b. 31 Mar 1874 d. 24 Sept 1955.
Frank L. Moore was the s/o Daniel and Letha Helen (Roy) Moore. Daniel Moore b. 08 Aug 1833 d. 1887; Letha Helen Roy Moore was b. 31 Dec 1843 d. 03 Sept 1916 and had issues besides Frank as follows: Effie Mae Moore b. 11 Feb 1869; Edgar B. Moore b. 24 Nov 1871; Emma Pearlie Moore b. 06 Apr 1879 d. 29 Dec 1963. Thelma Moore b. 20 Jun 1905 d. 12 Aug 1987 m. 20 May 1933 to Perry Annis Brock b. 17 Apr 1903 d. 30 Apr 1960. Donald Leslie Brock b. 21 Jul 1935 Luther Perry Brock b. 04 Jun 1939 d. 16 Mar 1952
3.8.4 Lawson Drury – the s/o Sarah Kouns and James Harvey Drury was b. Lawson Drury m. in Washington Co. Ohio to Louisa J. Ramsey on 13 Feb 1860. Louisa J. Ramsey was b. 27 Sept 1837 Adams Co. OH
HARDESTY ATLAS, 1882, Lawrence Co. OH – LAWSON DRURY – is the son of James Harvey Drury and Sarah (Kouns) Drury. His father was born in New Hampshire; June 2, 1804 , and came to this county in 1828; he died July 12, 1870, by being struck with lightning. The mother of Lawson was born in Lawrence county, Ohio, November 18, 1807, and died at Burlington, June 3, 1876. Mr. Drury was married in Washington county, Ohio, February 13, 1860, to Louisa J. Ramsey, who was born in Adams county, Ohio, September 27, 1837. Their children are: Frank B. born Febrauary 16, 1861; Adah and Idah (twins), March 5, 1863; Maggie C., September 21, 1865; Mary A., February 21, 1871; James H. M., January 11, 1876; Georgianna C. June 30, 1878. The parens of Mrs. Drury are Robert and Harriet R. (Gustin) Ramsey. (see article on William Drury) He (Lawson) is a resident of Fayette township, and is engaged in farming. Address Burlington, Lawrence county, Ohio.
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census
Lawson Drury age 37 m w farm work b. Oh
Louisa age 32 f w keeps house b. Oh
Frank 9 m w school b. OH
Addie 6 f w school b. OH
Ida 6 f w school b. Oh
Maggie 5 f w home b. OH
James Drury 63 m w home b. VA
Sarah Drury 62 f w home b. VA (note born in VA)
AGED RESIDENT OF COUNTY PASSED AWAY – Mrs. Louisa M. Drury, aged 73, one of the oldest residents of this county resided at Burlington, relict of the late Lawson Drury one of the best known farmers of the county previous to his demise, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Kouns of Burlington, Thursday afternoon following a stroke and paralysis several days ago. The deceased is survived by 4 daughters and one son as follows: Mrs. Henry Kouns at whose home she died; Mrs. O.P. Chaffin of Cincinnati; Adelaide at home; Mrs. Shute of Huntington and Henry Drury of Cincinnati. The funeral will be held today from the residence.
Mrs. E. L. Dillon writes that a Hayes Club was formed at Burlington last Saturday with the following organizers: George W. Thompson, Pres., Dr. C. Hall, Lawson Drury, and John G. Wilson vice presidents, E. L. Dillon secretary, S.F.V. Davidson, treasurer. Ironton Register 29 Jul 1875 Frank B. Drury b. 16 Feb 1861 Ada Drury (twin) b. 05 Mar 1863 Ida Drury (twin) b. 05 Mar 1863 Margaret Drury b. 21 Sept 1865 Mary A. Drury b. 21 Feb 1871 James Henry M. Drury b. 01 Jan 1876 Georgianna C. Drury b. 30 Jun 1878 Ida Drury – the d/o Lawson and Louisa J. (Ramsey) Drury was a twin to Ada and was b. 05 Mar 1863. Ida married Oliver P. Chaffin and had issue: Georgia Chaffin Margaret “Maggie C. ” Drury – the d/o Lawson and Louisa J. (Ramsey) Drury was b. 21 Sept 1865 d. 13 Jun 1955. She married Henry KOUNS b. 31 Oct 1861 the s/o Andrew P. Kouns Jr. and Emily A. Scovell.
Death Records- Courthouse, Ironton, OH – Henry KOUNS, male, white, died 06 Mar 1932 age 67y5m3d from Chesapeake, OH b. OH retired farmer, cause: arteriocsclerosis – (I believe this is the right Henry for this family – need to verify -smk) Andrew Lawson Kouns b. 14 Nov 1891 m. Marjorie Cundiff and had twins John Henry Kouns and William Cundiff Kouns b. 08 Sept 1920. Mary A. “Hattie” Drury – the d/o Lawson and Louisa J. (Ramsey) Drury was b. 21 Feb 1871. She married Louis Gilruth Shute, Sr. Louis Gilruth Shute Jr. married and had a daughter Evelyn Shute James Lawson Shute Dallas “Dally” Shute Hugh Shute Henry Kouns Shute James Henry M. Drury may have been known by Hugh or had another brother named Hugh see Obit of Ankrim, Georgia ( Georgianna C. Drury b. 30 Jun 1878 m. Jno. H. Ankrim.
I.R. 08 Feb 1906 – ANKRIM – Georgia Drury Ankrim, wife of Jno. H. Ankrim died at her home near Burlington, O., Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Funeral services were held Saturday at the M.E. church of which the deceased was a consistent member. Rev. Harble officiating. The deceased was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Drury. Besides the husband and three little ones, Margaret, Marshall and Grace, she is survived by her mother and the following brothers and sisters: Frank Drury and Mrs. Oliver Chafin of Newport, KY., Mrs. Henry Kouns, Miss Addie and Hugh Drury of Sybene and Mrs. L. G. Shute of Burlington.
“Not now but in the coming years. It may be in the better land, We’ll know the meaning of our tears and then, sometime we’ll understand.” Margaret Ankrim Marshall Ankrim
m. Catherine Brubaker
d/o Charles Hamilton & Ella Flora Riel Brubaker Grace Ankrim
3.9 Catherine Kouns – the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns b. 13 Sept 1824 m. in Lawrence Co. OH on 23 Jan 1844 Samuel Crawford b. 23 Oct 1818 Jefferson Co. OH d. 15 Oct 1874 at the Mouth of Charley Creek, Lawrence Co. OH.
HARDESTY ATLAS, 1882, Lawrence Co., OH – SAMUEL CRAWFORD – was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, October 23, 1818. His father, James Crawford, died in 1840, his mother, Nancy (Reed) Crawford, died in 1832. They came to this county in 1820. Samuel Crawford was married in this county January 23, 1844, to Catherine Kouns, who was also born in this county September 13, 1824. Their children are: Alonzo L., born December 1, 1845, died February 16, 1846; Georgiana, August 23, 1846, died September 19, 1849; Andrew C. April 8, 1849, resides in Lawrence county; Thomas F., March 1, 1852, resides in New Orleans, Louisiana; Amanda D (Curtis), February 12, 1854, resides in Newport, Kentucky; Emma G. (Morris), May 30, 1856, resides at Ironton, Ohio; William H., November 7, 1858, resides at home; George K., June 24, 1861 died July 31 1862; Mary E., May 15, 1863 died February 25, 1869. The father of Mrs. Crawford, George Kouns died in 1840. He came to this county in 1808. Her mother, Catherine (Wolfenberger) Kouns, was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, in 1784. She came to this county in 1808, and was married to Mr. Kouns the same year by Reverand B. Spurlock. They both resided in this township till their death. She died February 3, 1874. Their family consisted of ten daughters and one son. The latter, George W., died in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1860. Of the eight daughters who survive five reside in Ohio, two in Catlettsburg, Kentucky, and one in Ravenswood, West Virginia. Mr. Crawford held several public offices during his life in this county, among them county commissioner for three years, 1854, 1855, and 1856, school director, trustee and other offices. He died October 15, 1874. Address Mrs. Crawford at Burlington, Lawrence County, Ohio.
1852 p. 413 – Administrative Records – Lawrence Co. Courthouse – Dillon, Jesse names Samuel Crawford guardian of Steve Dillon age 19; Rebecca Dillon age 17; Jesse Dillon age 15; Mary Ann Dillon age 13
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census
Samuel Crawford age 52 m w farmer b. OH
Catherine 45 f w Keeps house b. OH
Andrew 21 m w steamboat pilot b. Oh
Thos. 18 m w farmer b. OH
Amanda 16 f w school b. OH
Emma 14 f w school b. Oh
William 12 m w school b. Oh
Catherine Kouns 86 f w infirm b. VA
Isora E. McCoy 21 f w teacher b. OH
3.9.1 Alonzo L. Crawford b. 01 Dec 1845 d. 16 Feb 1846
3.9.2 Georginna Crawford b. 23 Aug 1846 d. 19 Sep 1849
3.9.3 Andrew Crawfod b. 08 Apr 1849 lived Lawrence Co
3.9.4 Thomas F. Crawford b. 01 Mar 1852 lived New Orleans, LA
3.9.5 Amanda D. Crawford b. 12 Feb 1854 m. _____ Curtis lived Newport, KY
3.9.6 Emma G. Crawford b. 30 May 1856 m. _______ Morris lived Ironton, OH
3.9.7 William H. Crawford b. 07 Nov 1858
3.9.8 George K. Crawford b. 14 June 1861 d. 31 Jul 1862
3.9.9 Mary E. Crawford b. 15 May 1863 d. 25 Feb 1869
3.9.10 (according to article in Mar 1986 Volume of LAWCO LORE, Samuel Crawford had 10 children)
3.10 George W. Kouns – the s/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns was b. 1828 Lawrence Co. OH d. 1860 New Orleans, LA of yellow fever. He was a steamboat captain. He m. 22 Jan 1850 Lawrence Co. OH to Sarah E. Scovell b. 23 Nov 1827 d. 09 Mar 1856 age 28 bur: Burlington, OH
1850 Lawrence Co. OH census:
George W. Kouns age 23 m w farmer b. Oh
Sarah E. 22 f w Oh
Lewis 3/12 m w Oh
Catherine Kouns 66 f w VA
Caroline Haines 26 f w Oh
William Chisenhall 20 m NC
Caleb Hawks 60 m KY
3.10.1 Lewis E. Kouns b. 28 Mar 1850
3.10.2 Curtis Scovell Kouns b. 04 Jul 1851
3.10.3 Creighton Kouns b. 17 Jul 1854
3.10.4 Sarah Kouns b. 01 Mar 1856
3.10.5 George C. Kouns b.
Lawrence County Probate Court – Second account settled – William Campbell guardian of Lewis E., George C. & Curtis Kouns.
Curtis Scovell guardian
of second account settled
Sarah Kouns a minor
The second account of Curtis Scovell guardian of Sarah Kouns minor heir of George W. Kouns, dec’d, having this day taken and examined by the court approved and allowed said account – shows that there was a balance of 192.00 due said ward May the 10, 1865. Ordered that the account notice of settlement and orders of court in relation thereto be recorded.
Lawrence County Probate Court Wednesday May 10th, 1865 – In the matter of the Estate of Sarah Kouns a minor – second account filed – This 10th day of May 1865, Curtis Scovell guardian of the person and estate of Sarah Kouns filed his second account of the guardianship with his said ward. It is ordered that notice of the filing of said account and the time of the hearing the same be published according to law.
Lawrence County Probate Court Saturday December 24, 1864 – In the Matter of Guardianship of Lewis E. Kouns, George C. Kouns, and Curtis Kouns, minor – Second account – This day came William Campbell guardian of Lewis E. Kouns, George C. Kouns and Curtis Kouns and filed his account for settlement and tendered his resignation as such guardian. It is ordered that notice of the filing of said account and the resignation of said guardianship and the time of licensing the same be published according to law.
3.10.1 Lewis E. Kouns – the s/o George W. and Sarah E. Scovell was b. 28 Mar 1850. He was a riverboat captain m. 04 Jul 1876 Lawrence Co., OH to Eva Browning of Boyd Co. KY. She and her three children died aboard the Steamboat disaster “GOLDEN CITY” in 1882. (marriage record #130)
Lewis E. or A. Kouns was 10 when his father died – Lawrence County O. Probate Court Wednesday, June 20, 1866
Stephen Dillon, Guardian
of First Account filed
Lewis A. Kounse, a minor
This day came Stephen Dillon guardian of Lewis A. Kouns and filed his first account for settlement. It is ordered that same be published according to law.
Death Record – Ironton Courthouse – Lewis E. Kouns, male, white, married, died June 11, 1909 age 59y2m13d, Fayette Twp., b. OH steamboat captain, farmer, cause: Erysipelas, gen. systemic infection.
(Need to look up obituary in I.R. to see if this is right Lewis for this family – smk) Bonnie Lee Kouns d. 25 Mar 1882 age 5 George Kouns b. 14 Mar 1879 d. 25 Mar 1882 age 3 Rachel Kouns d. 25 Mar 1882 age 1
(Ironton Register April 6, 1882)
Lawrence County People Mourned in Death
Last Thursday, the GOLDEN CITY from New Orleans, were destroyed by fire, near Memphis. Mrs. L. E. Kouns, formerly Miss Eva Browning, of Ironton and her three children are among the lost. Also Miss Campbell, daughter of Thos. Campbell of Burlington. They had been at Shreveport, where Mr. L. E. Kouns makes his headquarters, while engaged as a pilot; and were returning to spend the summer at the old home. The case is a very sad one, and the community deeply sympathize with the bereaved husband and father. Albert Wilgus, of Proctorville was also on the boat but escaped injury. We give the Western Associated Press account of the disaster:
MEMPHIS, TENN., March 30 – 10:20 a.m. – The steamer Golden City, of the Southern Transportation Company’s line, when approaching the wharf this morning at 4:30 o’clock, was discovered, on fire by the second engineer Robt. Kelly, who immediately notified Captain Bryse Purcell, Sr., the pilot on watch. The boat’s bow was at once headed for shore and in four minutes afterward she touched the wharf at the foot of Beale Street, where a coal fleet is moored. A line was hastily thrown and made fast to one of the coal barges, but the current being swift it soon parted and the burning steamer floated on down the river, a mass of flames, with many of her passengers and crew aboard, who were unable to reach shore, and were lost.
The Golden City left New Orleans last Saturday en route for Cincinnati. She carried a crew of about sixty. She had aboard forty cabin passengers, fifteen of them women, and nine children. Her cargo consisted of three hundred tons, among which was a lot of jute. The fire is said to have its origin in this combustible material.
Among those known to have been lost are:
Dr. I. T. Monahan, and wife of Jackson, Ohio
Mrs. Crary, of Cincinnati
Miss Lucila Crary of Cincinnati
W. H. Stowe, wife and two children
Ollie Wood and wife, Henderson, Kentucky
Mrs. Anna Smith, Massachusetts
Miss Campbell of Burlington
Mrs. Helen Percival
Mrs. L. E. Kouns and three children of Burlington.
The books of the steamer were lost so it is impossible to gather a complete list of the lost and saved.
3.10.2 Curtis Scovell Kouns – the s/o George W. and Sarah E. Scovell Kouns was b. 04 Jul 1851 d. 06 Jul 1906/7 New Orleans, LA. A member of the Grand Lodge of State of Louisiana F&AM 1882.
Mathew L. Scovell, Guardianship
of Appointment of Guardian
Curtis S. Kouns, a minor
On motion of the court appointed Mathew L. Scovell guardian of the person and estate of Curtis S. Kouns minor heir of Geo. W. Kouns deceased and said guardian is ordered to give bond in the sum of two thousand ($2000) dollars conditions according to law and theresofar came said Mathew L. Scovell and accepted said appointment and gave bond in accordance with said order with Stephen Dillon and Martin Gillen as sureties which bond is approved and letters of guardianship issued.
Capt. Curt S. Kouns was with the Renaud Steamship Line. He was reportedly first in Red River trade and established a Lower Coast Packet Co. He lived 4322 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA. His interment is a tomb of the Red River Pilot’s Assn., Masonic Cemetery.
1884, Oct 2 – (Eastern Kentucky News – Ashland library) Capt. Curt Kouns of New Orleans was in this city Friday on a visit to his aunt Delila McCoy, as was also his sister, Mrs. C. B. Clarke of Ironton, OH.
1884, Oct 8 – (Kentucky Democrat News – Ashland Library)
Curtis Kouns, after visiting his numerous relatives in this section of the country has returned to his home in New Orleans, LA.
1906 December 15? – DIED IN NEW ORLEANS – Mrs. Jere Davidson of this city, received a letter from her niece, Miss Belle Kounts of New Orleans, this morning, announcing the death of Captain Curtis Kounts of that city on July 7th. Capt. Kounts had been a sufferer for some months with rheumatism and paralysis. He was a brother of Capt. Lew Kounts of Burlington and had numerous other relatives and friends in this city and county, who will be pained to learn of his death.
Capt. Kounts was a steamboat man and was well known from here to New Orleans. At the time of his death, he was captain and part owner of the coast line steamer, Grover Cleveland. He was buried in the cemetery at New Orleans.
3.10.3 Creighton Kouns – the s/o George W. and Sarah E. (Scovell) Kouns was b. 17 June 1854 d. 04 Oct 1876
3.10.4 Sarah Kouns – the d/o George W. and Sarah E. (Scovell) Kouns was b. 01 Mar 1856 d. 12 Dec 1891 m. Columbus B. Clarke – see 1884 entry on her brother Curtis Kouns.
1894 Dec 20 Ironton Register – Mrs. Clarks Death – Mrs. Sadie Kouns Clark wife of C. B. Clark died in Cincinnati Wednesday evening the 12th, went to Cincinnati for treatment, funeral took place at residence of D. H. Clark last Sunday, Rev. W.V. Dick officiating. Sadie Kouns Clark was born in Burlington 01 Mar 1856 and died 12 Dec 1894. She married Columbus B. Clark on 07 Oct 1874, had son, Dennis; Spencer Methodist Episcopal Church of Ironton. She was for years an invalid. Dennis H. Clark
b. 26 Jun 1875
d. 15 May 1931
m. Minnie B. ___________
OBIT: ADI, Sunday, 17 May 1931 – DENNIS H. CLARK, Funeral Services to be held Monday – Ironton, Ohio, May 16. – The funeral services for Dennis H. Clark, 55, prominent business man of this city who died Friday evening, will be held Monday afternoon at three o’clock with Rev. W. H. Hampton, pastor emeritus of the Christ Episcopal Church and Rev. Pennick.
Mr. Clark died following an eight weeks’ illness. On Oct. 6 of last year, Mr. and Mrs. Clark were seriously injured in an automobile crash near Portsmouth. They were returning from Cincinnati where they had accompanied their son, Dennis Hayes Clark, a senior at the University of Cincinnati.
He had recovered from the effects of the injuries sustained in the crash.
Mr. Clark was born in Ironton, June 26, 1875, the son of C.B. and Sadie Kouns Clark. Upon the death of his partner, A. C. Schubart, he assumed complete control of the Model Laudry. He was connected with this concern for 23 years. He was one of the leading Masons of the city being a member of the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite and Shrine. He was also a member of the Elks’ Lodge, Russell Chamber of Commerce, and the Ironton Rotary Club.
He is survived by his wife, Minnie B. Clark and two sons, Dennis Hayes Clark and Edward Clark. His wife has been bedfast since the automobile crash of last October. Dennis Hayes Clark Edward Clark
3.10.5 George C. Kouns – s/o George W. Kouns
Lawrence County Probate Court, Wednesday July 25, 1866
Stephen Dillon, Guardian
of Appointment of Guardian
George C. Kouns a minor
On motion the court appoint Stephen Dillon guardian of the person and estate of George C. Kouns minor heir of George W. Kouns, deceased, and said guardian is ordered to give bond in the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars. ($2500) conditioned according to law and thereupon came said Stephen Dillon and accepted said appointment and gave bond in accordance with said order with Mathew L. Scovell and Martin Gillen as sureties which bond is approved and letters of guardianship issued. Probate Journal pg. 139, Vol. 3 1864-1871.
3.11 Amanda Kouns d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenbarger Kouns was b. 1800 and married John Honshell. Bur: Kouns Family Cemetery, Chesapeake, OH Honshell, Amanda wife of John Honshell died 20 Mar 1856 age 55y6m
(James G. Shute 1822-1867
(Mary E. Shute w/o J.G. d/o G. & Eliz. Kouns 1829-1852
(Nancy Elizabeth Shute 1857-1860
(Fred Ernest Shute b & d. 1864
(First of Wm. Drury, administrator of Catherine Kouns – from The Ironton Democrat, Thurs., December 9, 1874 Vol 11 No. 4 under accounts settled)
(Kouns, S.E., consort of G. W. Kouns of Burlington died on the 9th inst. age 28 (Ironton Register 13 Mar 1856 p.3)
(Need to put these in proper order when more data is entered)
4. Jacob Koons
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
Jacob Koons – the s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was b. 12 Apr 1787 d. 1864 Kenton, Hardin Co. OH m1. 05 Jan 1809 Martha Cartmel b. 13 Aug 1784 d. 1850’s and m2 14 Nov 1858 Mary Wilkens
1820 Lawrence Co. OH census Jacob Koons in Fayette Twp. with 4 males under 10; one male 26-45; one female under 10; one female 10-16; one female 26-45. Total 8 in household.
From “Southern Ohio Taxpayer’s in the 1820’s” we find Jacob Koon(s) Lawrence County in Fayette Twp in 1822, then we find Jacob Koontz in Gallia Co. SP township in 1823 and 1827.
4.1 Elizabeth “Bettie” Koons b. 25 Jan 1813
4.2 William Koons b. 01 Dec 1809
4.3 Anna Margaret Koons b. 15 Oct 1820
4.4. Madison Koons (twin) b. 09 Aug 1816
4.5 Addison Koons (twin) b. 09 Aug 1816
4.6 John S. Koons b. 31 Mar 1818
4.7 Maria Koons b. 1823 d. 05 May 1912 never married
4.8 Levi Koons (twin) b. 24 Dec 1825
4.9 Eli Koons (twin) b. 24 Dec 1825
4.1 Elizabeth “Bettie” Koons – the d/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 25 Jan 1813 d. 06 Nov 1877 m. 01 Oct 1836 Logan Co. OH to Joseph Brown.
4.1.1 Jacob Browne
4.1.2 John Browne
4.1.3 Martha Browne
4.2 William Koons – the s/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 01 Dec 1809 d. 10 May 1880 m. 26 Apr 1838 Logan Co. OH to Martha Ann Shepherd b. 02 Jan 1808 d. 03 Aug 1879. Bur: Hardin Co. OH
4.2.1 Mary Ann Koons b. 02 Jul 1839
4.2.2 Nancy Virginia Koons (twin) b. 16 Oct 1842
4.2.3 Martha Ellen Koons (twin) b. 16 Oct 1842
4.2.4 Jacob Koons b. 22 Jan 1847
4.2.5 William Andrew Koons b. 10 Aug 1848
4.2.1 Mary Ann Koons the d/o William and Martha Ann Shepherd Koons was b. 02 Jul 1839 m. 14 Mar 1861 Robert Rice b. 18 Feb 1833. Adaline Virginia Rice b. 09 Feb 1862 m. Robert Sloan Clara May Rice b. 14 Nov 1867 Roy Clifton Rice b. 22 Aug 1877
4.2.2 Nancy Virginia Koons (twin)- the d/o William and Martha Shepherd Koons was b. 16 Oct 1842 d. 02 Dec 1931 m. William A. Norman. Laurabelle Norman Charlie Norman John G. Norman Louis Norman Jacob A. Norman b. 04 Mar 1870 d. 11 Aug 1893
4.2.3 Martha Ellen Koons (twin) – the d/o William and Martha Shepherd Koons was b. 16 Oct 1842 d. 1918 m. Henry Albert. Henry Harrison Horace Albert George B. Albert Robert William Albert Charles Edwin Albert Martha Albert Luther Albert Leroy Clifton Albert Alice Mabe Albert m. Charles Everhart Walter C. Albert Ella Belle Albert
4.2.4 Jacob Koons – the s/o William and Martha Shepherd Koons was b. 22 Jan 1847 d. 29 Dec 1876 m. Melissa Flinn. Mollie Koons
4.2.5 William Andrew Koons – the s/o William and Martha Shepherd Koons was b. 10 Aug 1848 m. ? Melvin Koons Agnes Koons Armanda Koons
4.3 Anna Margaret Koons the d/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 15 Oct 1820 d. 06 Nov 1877 m. 24 May 1849 to Christopher Edward Watkins or m. 28 Dec 1837?
4.3.1 Martha Watkins
4.3.2 Callie Watkins
4.3.3 Frank Watkins
4.3.4 Mary Jane Watkins
4.3.5 Charlie Watkins
4.4 Madison Koons (twin) the s/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 09 Aug 1816 d. 12 Nov 1886 m. 31 Jul 1838 Logan Co. Oh to Louisa Casebolt b. ca 1820 d. 02 Aug 1869 Hardin Co. OH.
4.4.1 Hanna Koons b. 02 Oct 1839
4.4.2 Martha Koons b. 11 Apr 1841
4.4.3 Robert Koons b. 23 Sept 1845 d. 23 Sept 1845
4.4.4 Henry Koons b. 26 Feb 1847
4.4.5 Zachery Koons b. 12 May 1850 d. 01 Oct 1851
4.4.6 Sarah Jane Koons b. 28 Sep 1852 d. 02 Jan 1876
4.4.7 Caroline “Carrie” Koons b. 26 Aug 1854 d. 05 Jul 1874
4.4.1 Hanna Koons – the d/o Madison and Louisa Casebolt Koons was b. 02 Oct 1839 d. 23 Aug 1869 m. B. F. Syrock Orietha Syrock b. 19 Nov 1869
4.4.2 Martha Koons – the d/o Madison and Louisa Casebolt Koons was b. 11 Apr 1841 d. 07 Nov 1867 m. George Leedman or Leedon Louisa Leedman/Leedon b. 1863
4.4.4 Henry Koons the s/o Madison and Louisa Casebolt Koons was b. 26 Feb 1847 Logan Co. OH d. 21 Feb 1921 m. 14 Mar 1872 Hardin Co. OH to Lillian Levina Reed b. 09 Nov 1854 Richwood, Union Co. OH d. 24 Feb 1935 Kenton, OH Jesse Koons b. 1873 Susan Louise Koons Orella J. Koons Madison Koons never married James A. Koons Guy Koons Nancy Koons Rubin Koons Benjamin H. Koons Jesse Koons b. 1873 d. 1967 m. Vira Butcher Mae Koons m1 _______ Humphries m2 Ernest Fish Susan “Peg” Louise Koons m. John A. Mentzer Robert Mentzer Hazel Mentzer Orella J. Koons m. Connor Liles Clyde Liles Theodore Liles Madison Koons never married James A. Koons m. Ella Mentzer Esther Koons Ethel Koons Guy Koons b. 28 May 1884 d. 28 Oct 1942 Santa Ana, Orange Co., CA m. 11 Sept 1907 Mary Crock b. 27 Sept 1884 d. 28 Sept 1971 Joseph Henry Koons b. 30 May 1909 d. 28 Jan 1978 m. Ida Mae Hartman b. 04 Sept 1917 Rosemary Koons m. Philo Romine Brady Romine Nancy Koons m. Solomon Basil Rubin Koons m. Vesta Griegerd Martha Belle Koons m. Silas Hatcher Benjamin H. Koons m. Arlie Fent Russel Don Koons Helen Koons Virginia Koons
4.5 Addison Koons (twin) – the s/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 09 Aug 1816 d. 15 Feb 1864 m. 10 Sept 1837 Logan Co. OH to Elizabeth Casebolt
Note name spelling changed
4.5.1 Sarah J. Koontz b. 1838
4.5.2 Martha Koontz
4.5.3 John Koontz b. 1842
4.5.4 Clinton Koontz
4.5.5 Robert Koontz b. 1844
4.5.6 Jacob Koontz
4.5.7 Abile Koontz b. 1848
4.5.8 Hannah Koontz b.
4.5.9 Charles Koontz b. 1849
4.5.10 Henry Koontz
4.5.11 Jefferson Koontz
4.6 John S. Koons – the s/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 31 Mar 1818 d. 23 Apr 1901 Kansas m. 01 Dec 1842 Logan Co. OH to Mary Elizabeth Wheeler b. 09 Apr 1826 d. 16 Apr 1888
4.6.1 John Wheeler Koons b. 13 Apr 1844 Bellefontaine, OH d. 25 Apr 1935 Kansas m. 25 Oct 1865 Texas to Josephine Ivy b. 1848 d. 12 Mar 1872 Girard, Kansas Katy Lillian Koons George Robert Koonce b. 01 Sept 1869 d. 27 Nov 1943 m. 08 Mar 1908 Etna Ethel Stephens b. 18 Jan 1892 d. 17 Jan 1978 Josephine Koonce b. 22 Jul 1926 m. William West Charles S. Koonce
4.6.2 Martha Ann Koons b. 29 Dec 1845 d. 21 May 1888 m. Otis R. Witham
4.6.3 James B. Koons b. 14 Aug 1847 Logan Co. Oh m. Melvina Malone
4.6.4 Milard Filmore Koons b. 27 Feb 1856 Illinois d. 24 Aug or Apr 1942 m. Mary Wadley
4.6.5 Alfred Seymour Koons b. 09 Dec 1857 Greenville, Illinois m. Martha Sprague Joseph Kouns
b. 1885 Marion, OH
m. 25 Apr 1923 Boyd Co. KY
Gladys Boster
b. 1902 Huntington, WV
d/o Thomas & Elizabeth Sizemore Boster
4.6.6 Joseph S. Koons b. Illinois m. Mabel Newcomb
4.8 Levi Koons (twin) – the s/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 24 Dec 1825 d. 19 Jan 1914 m. 08 Aug 1850 to Elizabeth or Francis Crutcher
4.8.1 Andrew P. Koons b. 01 Dec 1852 d. 18 May 1929
4.8.2 Edward Koons b. 28 Mar 1857 d. 17 Mar 1864
4.8.1 Andrew P. Koons – the s/o Levi and Francis Crutcher Koons was b. 01 Dec 1852 d. 18 May 1929 m. Nelda Alice Fitchhorn on 07 Dec 1877 Harry Wilson Koons b. 22 Dec 1883 d. 18 Jan 1977 m1 Ruth Tise on 23 Sept 1915 m2 Marjorie Gunnery on 22 Dec 1922 Ruby Koons b. 1916 Harry W. Koons, Jr. Lived in Arizona and Oregon Martha Jane Koons b. 1924 d. 1957 m. Edwin Earl Eagle and had 4 sons and 2 daughters Myrtle Marie Koons b. 26 Jul 1885 m. Clarence Hudson on 19 Oct 1906 Melvin Hudson b. 07 Sept 1910 m. Gladys Comer Lorena Bell Hudson b. June 1919 d. 1929
4.9 Eli Koons (twin) – the s/o Jacob and Martha Cartmel Koons was b. 24 Dec 1825 d. 06 Feb 1901 m. 08 Dec 1859 Ann Penrose Wilkinson
4.9.1 Frank Wilkenson Koons b. 10 Dec 1860 d. 12 Dec 1949 m. Emma N. Dowell Dot Ann Koons b. 10 Sept 1896 d. 13 Feb 1963 m. 1919 John N. Culver b. d. 28 Jun 1960 Mae Elizabeth Culver Margaret Emma Culver John Koons Culver b. 06 Feb 1930 d. 15 Feb 1930
4.9.2 Luella K. Koons b. 23 Dec 1863 d. 28 Oct 1926 m. Geoge W. Wilkinson on 06 Nov 1918
4.9.3 Hattie McBeth Koons (ADOPTED) b. 12 Sept 1872 d. 10 Apr 1897 m. Ed Burkhart
5. Phillip Kouns
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
KOONTZ BRIDGE – in section 32 of Green Twp. Gallia Co. OH
Located where (present) State Route 775 crosses Big Raccoon Creek and noted on the Green Twp map in the 1874 illustrated atlas of Gallia Co. OH
Possibly named for John L. Koontz who acquired the west 1/2 of Sec 32 from Wm. Gridley by attny’ – Vol 10 page 396 – on 03 July 1823 for $720.00 – 320 acres.
In another transaction – John Koontz and wife Elizabeth conveyed 4 acres to Robert Carter for $50.00 on 02 Jan 1831 Vol. 14 page 41 Green Twp.
Southern Ohio Taxpayers 1820’s Gallia and Jackson Counies – Heritage Research Co.
Koontz, Jacob – Gallia Co. 1823 & 1827 SP township (SP=?)
Koontz, John L. – Gallia Co. 1823 & 1827 GN Twp (GN – Green)
Koontz, Martin – Gallia Co. 1823 & 1827 Raccoon Twp.
Koontz, Philip – Gallia Co. 1827 Raccon Twp.
Southern Ohio Taxpayers 1820’s Scioto, Lawrence & Pike Co.’s)
Koon(s), A.P. Lawrence Co. 1828 Fayette Twp
Koons, Christian Lawrence Co. 1822 and 1828 Fayette Twp
Koons, George Lawrence Co. 1822 and 1828 Fayette Twp
Koons, Henry Lawrence Co. 1822 (no township given)
Koons, Jacob Lawrence Co. 1828 Fayette Twp
Koons, Philip Lawrence Co. 1822 (no township given)
Koons, Samuel Lawrence Co. 1822 and 1828 Perry Township
Phillip Kouns was listed on 1820 census Fayette Twp, Lawrence Co. OH with one male under 10; one male 16-26; one male 26-45; 4 females under 10; one fem. 16-26; one fem. 26-45 – total of 9 in household.
Gilruth On Early Settlers – Briggs Lawrence Co. Public Library, Ironton, Ohio
“Below Carpenters settled Tilman Short (land owner) wifes name forgotten children, Elizabeth, Payton and Sally. Elizabeth married Phillip Kouns; Sally married Wm. Davidson (near Burlington)
5. Phillip Koontz – the s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was b. 08 Sept 1789 Greenbriar Co., VA d. 18 Nov 1867 Gallia Co. OH age 78(?)y2m10d m. Elizabeth “Betsy” Short b. 22 Jun 1789 Maryland d. 28 Jul 1861 Gallia Co. Ohio age 72y1m6d the d/o Tilman Short. Elizabeth had a sister Sally who married Wm. W. Davidson. Phillip and Elizabeth Koontz are both buried Koontz Cem. Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. OH
1820 Lawrence Co. OH Census – Fayette Twp.
Koons, Phillip with wife both under 45; son and 4 daughters under 10; son and daughter age 16-26 years. Total of 9 in household.
1822 – Phillip Koontz is a taxpayer in Lawrence Co. OH 1822 then we find Philip Koontz in Gallia Co. in 1827 Raccoon Township from:
“Southern Ohio Taxpayer’s in the 1820’s”
1824 Jul 31 Phillip Counts bought 80 acres in Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. OH
1827 Phillip Koontz is a taxpayer in Gallia Co.
1830 Gallia Co. Oh Census Racoon Twp
Phillip Koontz and wife 40-50 years with one male under age 5; two males under 10; and one male 15-20; one female under 5; 2 females 10-15; one female 15-20 and one female 30-40. Total of 11 in family.
Phillip Koontz – will probated 02 Dec 1867; Racoon Twp, Gallia Co. OH. Phillip died 18 Nov 1867.
In the name of the Benevolent Father of All: I, Phillip Koontz, of the Township of Raccoon, in the county of Gallia, and State of Ohio, do hereby make and publish this my last will and testment:
Item 1st, it is my will that my just debts and all charges be paid out of my estate.
Item 2nd I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate to my children to wit: Polly Danna, Abram L. Koontz, Ann Williams, Tenny Dowler, Andrew P. Koontz, Samuel Koontz, Amanda Lewis and William K. Koontz to be equally divided among them after my decease.
Item 3, I do hereby nominate and appoint Abram L. Koontz, my son, executor of this my last will and testament hereby authorizing and empowering him to collect the claims that may be due the aforesaid estate and to pay my just debts and to pay the aforesaid children the residue of my estate in equal shares. I desire that no appraisement and no sale of my personal property be made and that the court of probate direct the commission of the same in pursuance of the statute.
In testimony hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day December in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty two. Phillip (his mark) Koontz Signed and acknowledged by said Phillip Koontz as his last will and testament in our presence; and signed by us in his presence: W. C. Eagle; W. G. Butler; George W. Thompson.
1850 Gallia Co. OH Census, Raccoon Twp.
Koontz, Philip age 60 b. VA
Elizabeth 61 b. MD
Amanda 23 b. OH
William 20 b. OH
Sarah A. 10 b. OH
1855 Sept 10; 1858 Dec 24; 1862 Nov 29 shows Phillip Koontz of Gallia Co. selling his land to son Abraham L. Koontz.
5.1 Abraham L. Koontz b. 16 Jan 1813
5.2 Andrew P.Koontz b.
5.3 Samuel R. Koontz b. 1823
5.4 Irean Koontz b. 1819
5.5 Mary “Polly” Koontz b. ca 1808
5.6 Anna Koontz
5.7 Christina Koontz
5.8 Amanda Koontz
5.9 Sarah A. Koontz 1840
5.10 Aurora Koontz
5.11 William Kendle Koontz b. 18 Apr 1830
5.1 Abraham L. Koontz – s/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz was b. 16 Jan 1813 Green Co. Oh or Green Twp? d. 02 Feb 1903 Gallia Co. Oh. m. 17 Nov 1831 Gallia Co. OH to Elizabeth W. Eagle b. 12 Feb 1815 Ohio d. 16 Aug 1875. Both are buried in Koontz cemetery, Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. OH
1850 Gallia Co. Ohio Census
Koontz, Abraham age 36 b. OH
Elizabeth age 34 b. Oh
George E. age 17 b. OH
Philip age 16 b. Oh
James N. age 14 b. OH
Henry age 12 b. Oh
John Quincy age 06 b. Oh
Noah age 01 b. Oh
Lucks, Mary age 21 b. OH
Abraham L. Koontz – Will dated Sept. 18, 1900 – Raccoon Tp. Know all men by these presents that I A.L. Koontz being of sound mind and knowing the uncertainty of live and the certainty of death make this my last will and testimony. I give and bequeath to my son Philip Koontz my home farm containing eighty seven acres if he maintains me during my life – he to pay my burial expense and put a suitable head and foot stone to my grave. I also give the same Philip Koontz all my personal property that I may be proved of. Signed A. L. Koontz Wit: James Grafton(?) E.R. Radekin.
OBITUARY – DUST TO DUST – The mortal body of Mr. Abraham L. Koontz were consigned to the grave Wednesday afternoon.
The deceased had been impared health for a number of years, andhaving suffered a paralytic stroke a few weeks ago, he finally yielded to the grim reaper.
Mr. Koontz was born in Green Co., January 16, 1813, died February 02, 1903, aged 90 years and 16 days. He came with his parents to Gallia Co. when he was but three years old. He was married November 17, 1813 (sic), to Miss Elizabeth W. Eagle. To this union was born seven sons and one daughter. Of this family the mother and four sons have been called to try the realities of the great beyond, leaving three sons, Phillip of near Vinton, John, of Fostoria, and George, of Dayton, O., and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Jones of Jackson, who are now left to mourn the loss of a kind father.
It can be truly said of Mr. Koontz that he was a good neighbor, always ready to help the needy and those in distress. He told a special friend that when the Gilboa Church was built he belonged to the class and enjoyed the love of God and knew for himself that there was a reality in the religion of Jesus Christ, but by neglect of duty he became clod and dead to religion, but some time before his last sickness he felt the need of redeeming grace, and praying earnestly for forgiveness, he was once more ready to go to meet his Savior.
The funeral services, which were held at his late home, were conducted by Rev. J. S. Ricketts, Wednesday at 10 o’clock. His remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground, by Undertaker, Kerr Butler.
5.1.1 George A. Koontz b. ca 1833
5.1.2 Phillip Koontz b. ca 1834
5.1.3 James or Lewis Newson Koontz b. ca 1836
5.1.4 Henry P. Koontz b. ca 1838 d. 1858 age 19
5.1.5 John Quincey Koontz b. ca 1844
5.1.6 Noah Koontz b. ca 1849 d. 1850 age 9 mo.
5.1.7 Elzie Koontz b. ca 1852 d. 1853 age 1 yr.
5.1.8 Mary S. Koontz b. ca 1854
5.1.1 George A. Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz was b. ca 1833 m. Nancy Boggs
5.1.2 Phillip Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz was b. ca 1834 m. 05 Feb 1857 Gallia Co. OH Julia Ann Foster Bert Koontz
5.1.3 James or Lewis Newson Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz was b. ca 1836 d. prior to 1903
(in settling the estate of Phillip Koontz – Newsom Koontz owed $15.00 March 15, 1868 and A. L. Koontz owed Phillip’s estate $540.00 March 06, 1858)
5.1.4 Henry P. Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz was b. 1838 d. 05 Jun 1858 age 19y9m15d. Never married.
5.1.5 John Quincy Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz b. ca 1844 d. m. 21 Jan 1886 Sophie J. Angel (had grandson, Dick Koontz)
5.1.6 Noah Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz b. 1849 d. 24 Sept 1850 1y3m11d bur: Raccoon Twp Gallia Co. OH
5.1.7 Elzie Koontz – the s/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz b. ca 1852 d. 29 Apr 1853 9m19d bur: Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. OH
5.1.8 Mary S. Koontz – the d/o Abraham and Elizabeth Eagle Koontz was b. ca 1854 d. 1934 m. 24 Feb 1878 Gallia Co. OH Henry D. Jones (marriage certificate in my files – smk) Clarence Jones
(there was a Clarence Jones b. 1890 Ashland, KY that m. Anna Kouns d/o George on 30 May 1911 Boyd Co.KY. This Clarence gives his father as Ed Jones and Mother as Mollie – I don’t know if there is a connection?) Luther M. Jones b. 1880 m1 Bessie ___ m2 Winifred Parsons Edwin F. Jones b. 1884 d. 1962 m Estella Davis Elizabeth Jones m. William Boyce Edwin F. Jones – the s/o Henry D. and Mary S. Koontz Jones was b. 1884 d. 1962 m. Estella Davis Edwin F. Jones, Jr. b. 1923 m. Dorothy Bowsher Sarah Jane Jones b. 1949 m1 Donald Watkins m2 Roger McNamara Jeannie B. Jones b. 1950 m David Leach Sarah Megan Leach Erin Elizabeth Leach Edwin F. Jones II b. 1952 m. Suzanne Grillo Jennifer Nichole Jones Christopher Edwin Jones Megan Jones b. 1955 d. 1955
5.2 Andrew P. Koontz – the s/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz m. 30 Oct 1838 Gallia Co. by Henry Neal to Saluda Denton b. ca 1821 (They resided Jackson Twp, Jackson Co. Oh) d. 07 Aug 1841 age 20y9m6d buried: Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. OH (Saluda’s name is spelled Koons on tombstone)
5.3 Samuel R. Koontz – the s/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz was b. ca 1823 OH d. 31 Jan 1870 age 52y10m bur: Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. Oh m. 14 Aug 1845 by A. A. Martin, Green Twp., Gallia Co. OH to Catherine Donnally b. VA
1850 Gallia Co. OH Census Raccoon Twp
Koontz, Samuel age 27 b. OH
Catherine age 27 b. VA
Charles age 04 b. OH
Laura A. age 02 b. OH
5.3.1 Charles Koontz b. ca 1846 OH
5.3.2 Laura A. Koontz b. ca 1848 OH
5.4 Irean Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz b. ca 1819 d. 27 Mar 1850 age 31y Never married.
bur: Raccoon Twp Gallia Co. OH
5.5 Mary “Polly” Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz was b. ca 1808 OH m. 25 Jan 1827 by John Cherrington Gallia Co. Oh to Solomon Danner b. PA d. 04 Apr 1851 age 50y5m bur: Raccoon Twp Gallia Co. OH
1850 Gallia Co. OH Census Raccoon Twp
Danner, Soloman age 49 b. PA
Mary age 38 b. OH
Mary D. age 09 b. Oh
Solomon Danner’s will dated _____ Book E p.450 leaves entire estate to wife, Polly. Witn: Philip Koontz and George Eagle.
5.5.1 Abram Danner – b. Apr 1821 d. 10 Oct 1822
bur: Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. Oh
5.5.2 Elizabeth Danner – b. Sept 1830 d. 21 Oct 1830
bur: Raccoon Twp. Gallia Co. OH
5.5.3 Mary D. Danner b. ca 1840-41 OH
5.6 Anna Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz was b. d. m1. 29 Sept 1843 Gallia Co. Oh by David William to John Price b. d. 09 Jul 1852 age 43 bur: Raccoon Twp, Gallia Co. OH m2 ______ Williams
Gallia Co. Marriage Records show:
Ann Price to John Williams – 2-274
Ann Price to William Williams – 2-274
5.7 Christina Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz m. 30 Oct 1838 Gallia Co. Oh Joseph Dowler (Dowbar)
Will of Jospeh Dowler – Civil Record 5-E-150 – dtd 05 Mar 1847 Estate of Joseph Dowler, Philip Koontz, Adm. further records – Christena (widow) with 3 children (names not included in instrument)
from: Abstracts of Gallia Co. Chancery Records by Evans and Wood – Philip Koontz, Adm. of Joseph J. Dowler vs. Widow and Heirs. Ch.3, 220-223. Nov. 8, 1848. Sec. 19-4-16 which is Walnut Twp. Sale of land to settle estate. Christiana Dowler is widow of Lawrence Co. heirs are John and William Dowlar of Lawrence Co., and Elizabeth, Wilson, and Francis M. Dowler of Gallia Co. Sold to Lewis Gillispie.
5.7.1 John Dowlar
5.7.2 William Dowlar
5.7.3 Elizabeth Dowlar
5.7.4 Wilson Dowlar
5.7.5 Francis M. Dowlar
(wonder why John and William remained with their mother and moved to Lawrence Co. and Elizabeth, Wilson and Francis M. stayed in Gallia – also who did they stay with need to look at census)
5.8 Amanda Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz b. ca 1827 Ohio m. 19 Feb 1852 Gallia Co. Oh to William L. Lewis b. ca 1821 d. 12 Dec 1855 age 26y4m1d bur: Raccoon Twp Gallia Co. Oh.
5.9 Sarah A. Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz b. ca 1840 Ohio m. 27 Nov 1857 Marideth P. Glenn (?)
5.10 Aurora Koontz – the d/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz
5.11 William Kendle Koontz – the s/o Phillip and Elizabeth Short Koontz was b. 18 Apr 1830 Gallia Co., Ohio d. 18 July 1901 bur: Evergreen Cem. Hot Springs Fall River County, South Dakota m. 01 Feb 1852 by N.A. Fisher, Vinton,OH to Charlotte Sprouse b. 10 Jun 1831 d. 1902 the d/o Martin and Frances Sprouse
5.11.1 Julia Dean Koontz – the d/o Wm. K. and Charlotte Sprouse was b. 18 Apr 1861 Harrison Co., Missouri d. 28 Mar 1941/4 m. 24 Jun 1883 to Albert M. Round
5.11.2 Emma Koontz
5.11.3 Mary Koontz
5.11.4 Renault Koontz
5.11.5 William Koontz
5.11.6 name unknown
5.11.7 name unknown
(info from Susan K. Anderson, 509 33rd St., Silver City NM 88061 her husband Bruce Anderson is a descendent of Wm. Kendle Koontz – her info from Bible record belonging to Mrs. Burke Bodwell, 6425 Reyston, Los Angeles, CA 90042 correspondence 1980; 1900 US Census of Hot Springs, Fall River, South Dakota and 1850 Census of Gallia Co. OH)
6. Sarah Kouns
d/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
6. Sarah Kouns – d/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns m. 29 June 1809 Gallia Co. OH to William Wilson.
Misc – 29 Oct 1849 p. 302 Lawrence Co. Courthouse Administrative Records: Isaac C. Hunter settlement names Stephen Wilson, administrator.
1850 Aug 08 – I.R. – Notice in Partition – John Gillen, Curtis Scoville, and Ann his wife, Stephen Wilson and Sarah Wilson, his wife, David Pope and Emily Pope his wife, Elijah F. Gillen, Isaac F. Gillen and Rachel Gillen of the county of Lawrence, State of Ohio, Mary Jane Haskill and Ann Eliza Haskill infant heirs of Lorenzo D. Haskill, of the state of Iowa, will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the 05 Aug 1850 in the Court of Common Pleas within said county of Lawrence, by Martin Gillen of said county of Lawrence and is now pending, wherein the said Martin Gillen demands the assignment of dower to the said Rachel Gillen, and partition of the following real estate situated in said county of Lawrence, by Elias Nigh, counselor for petitioner. Aug. 08 1850.
Misc. – 1851 Oct 26 – Married – Thomas Wilson and Miss Maria A. Davisson. Ironton Register dtd 30 Oct 1851
Misc – 1854 Aug 17 – Wilson Kouns & Co. (Henry and Jas. F. Wilson, Jno Kouns, Jno Blentlinger and W.T. Scovil) are making fast progress with their foundry on fourth street – frame up 80×40 with an ell 40×24 will be in operation very speedily.
Misc – 1875 Dec 23 – Notice of Partition – Catherine Hamlin, intermarried with Allen Hamlin, Francis Huff intermarried with Clinton Huff, Ira Wilson, Isaac Wilson all of Lawrence Co. OH and Lesley Wilson of Randolph Co. Indiana petition filed 07 Dec 1875 by William J. Wilson.
Misc – 1875 Aug 26 – Wedding. Mr. W. H. H. Miller and Miss Maggie Wilson, will be married at Marion. Ironton Register newspaper.
Misc – 1875 Aug 02 – Deaths – at Burlington, Stephen Eaton, infant son of Stephen and Nancy Wilson age 14m22d. Ironton Register newspaper 19 Aug 1875.
Misc – 1875 Dec 16 – Sarah and John G. Wilson executors of Stephen Wilson, filed a duplicate 3d account. Ironton Register newspaper.
Misc – 1875 Jul 08 – Marriage license – James N. Wilson and Mary A. Strobble. Ironton Register newspaper.
Misc – 1881 Sept 08 – license – Francis M. Turley and Kate E. Wilson. (I.R.)
Misc – 1881 Sept 22 – Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Scott, Mr & Mrs. Harry Campbell and Mrs. E.S. Wilson left for the Exposition today. (I.R.)
Misc – 1881 Sept 22 – license – Ira Wilson and Dora Chinn
Misc – 1881 Sept 15 – license – John Wilson and Fannie Smith (I.R.)
Misc – 1881 Oct 06 – Alonzo Wilson who formerly lived here (Lawrence Co. smk) was one of the victims in the disaster at Quincy, Illinois foundry. “Lon” as he was familiarly known married the only sister of Mrs. Wm. Nolte, Miss Williams … (I.R.)
Misc – 04 Jan 1894 – I. A. Wilson visiting relatives in this county for past year leaves this week for Kansas.
7. Samuel Kouns
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
7. Samuel Kouns – s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was b.08 Jan 1795 Greenbrier Co. VA d. 25 Sep 1843 Lawrence Co. OH. He m. 1814 Catherine Brubaker b. Apr 1798 d. 02 Jul 1882. This was the first marriage in Perry Twp. Lawrence Co. OH. They were buried in Perry Twp. Kouns Family Cemetery which was moved to Ironton Woodland Cemetery in July 1966.
Samuel Kouns was a soldier in the War of 1812 under General Harrison.
1818 Samuel Kounce is a taxpayer in Lawrence Co. OH
1820 Lawrence Co. OH census Samuel Koons in Fayette Twp.
with one male under 10; one male 26-45; one female under 10 and one female 26-45 – total of 4 in household
Koons, Samuel – The State of Ohio vs Wm. Collier and Samuel Koons. Fisticuffs. Samuel plead guilty, paid fine of $6.00. pg 159 Vol 1-2 Ironton Courthouse Clerk of Courts office.
Kouns (Coonts) – John Bruce vs Samuel Coonts. Slander. 1822 page 230. Ironton Courthouse Clerk of Courts office.
From: “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820’s” we find:
Koon(s) Samuel in 1822 and 1828 Perry Township Lawrence Co.
Samuel Koons – Will dated 1843 Vol 1, pg 132-34
7.1 Samuel B. Kouns – b. 04 Jun 1824 d.19 Dec 1903
married 28 Apr 1847 to Salome McClure b.24 Jul 1821 Lawrence Co. OH d. 13 Mar 1908. Salome was the d/o James and Abigail (Stacy) McClure.
Death Records – Kouns, Salome, female, white, married, died: 13 Mar 1908 86y6m20d, Lawrence Co. OH, Perry Twp, b. Ohio, housewife, cause: heart failure.
Death Records – Kouns, Samuel, male, white, married, died 10 Dec 1903 age 79y6m15d, Sheridan, OH, farmer, cause: Paralysis
Hardesty Sketches, Lawrence Co. OH (Published 1882)
Samuel Kouns – was born in the county of Lawrence, June 4, 1821 and married in the same county Apr. 28, 1847 to Salome McClure,who was born in this county July 24, 1821. Her father, James McClure, was born in the state of Vermont and died in this county, July 8, 1864, and her mother Abigail (Stacy) McClure was born in Connecticut and died in this county March 1, 1879. They settled here in 1821.
Christian Kouns, the grandfather of Samuel, was born in Rockingham Co., VA and removed to this county from Greenbrier Co., VA near the White Sulphur Springs, in 1803. He was one of the first settlers in this county when it was simply a wilderness. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War.
The father of the subject of this sketch, Samuel Kouns, Sr. was born in Greenbrier Co., VA Jan 8, 1795, and died Sept. 25, 1843. He was a soldier in the War of 1812 under General Harrison.
James McClure, a brother of Mrs. Kouns, served in the late war, enlisting in 1865 in the 173d O.V.I. The following are Mr. Kouns’ children:
Alma E. b. 3/20/1848 d. 12/30/1853
Caroline E. b. 5/13/1849 d. 12/13/1853
Franklin b. 10/12/1852 d. 1/27/1855
Alexander b. 4/16/1854 resides at home
Harriet L. b. 9/13/1858 resides at home
Frank Clifton b. 9/18/1860 d. 7/5/1862
Benjamin E. b. 11/8/1867 resides at home
Mr. Kouns has served as Justice of the Peace one term and as school director six terms. He also held the office of treasurer of the Delta School district for nine years. Besides several other offices. Catherine (Brubaker) Kouns, who came to this county in 1803 with her husband,is the mother of Samuel. Mr. Kouns is engaged in farming in Perry Township. Address: Sheridan Coal Works, Lawrence Co. Ohio.
1870 Lawrence Co. OH census:
Samuel Kouns age 46 b. OH
Salome age 48 b. OH
Alex age 16 b. OH
Harriet age 11 b. OH
Benjamin age 02 b. OH
Catherine age 70 b. OH infirm (nee Brubaker)
Ironton Register – Thursday, December 24, 1903 – PIONEER DEAD – Samuel Kouns, one of the pioneer residents of this county, who was stricken with paralysis at his home near Sheridan, Friday morning, died that night, without ever having regained consciousness. When the aged man was stricken, Dr. E. P. Gould of Sheridan was summoned and did all that medical science could for the stricken man, but without avail.
The deceased was 80 years of age and had been a resident of this county for half a century. He was a member of the M.E. Church at Delta and was very generous in its support as well as enthusiastic in its spiritual work. Few men in this county enjoyed a wider acquaintance or higher esteem than Mr. Kouns and the members of the bereaved family have an abundance of sympathy in their hour of sorrow.
The deceased is survived by a widow and the following named children: Alex and B. E. Kouns, of Sheridan, and Mrs. Frank Wakefield of Cebee.
7.1.1. Alma Electa Kouns b. 20 Mar 1848 d. 1853 age 5y
7.1.2. Franklin Kouns b. 12 Oct 1852 d.27 Jan 1855 age 2y
7.1.3. Caroline Elizabeth Kouns b. 13 May 1849 d. 13 Dec 1853 age 4y
7.1.4. Alexander Kouns b.16 Apr 1854 d. 22 Aug 1922 Never married. Buried: Woodland Cem. Ironton, OH
7.1.5. Benjamin Edgar Kouns b. 1867 d. 1922
7.1.6 Harriet Kouns b. 13 Sep 1858 d. 27 Dec 1923 m. Benjamin Franklin Wakefield b. 06 Nov 1884
7.1.7 Frank Clifton Kouns b. 13 Sept 1860 d. 05 Jul 1862

7.1.5 Benjamin Edgar Kouns – the s/o Samuel and Salome McClure Kouns was b. 08 Nov 1867 d. 18 Jan 1922 m. 22 May 1895 to Grace Hatcher b. 16 Oct 1870 d. 1913.
Death Records – Courthouse, Ironton, OH – Ben. E. Kouns, male, white, single d. 18 Jan 1922 54y1m10d, Lawrence Co., Perry Township, b. South Point, OH; farmer, cause: angina pectoris.
Death Records – Grace M. Kouns – female, white, married, d. 19 Mar 1913, 43y8m2d Perry Twp., b. OH housewife, died from measles.
Ironton Register (Mar 1913) – WIFE DIED WEDNESDAY – Mrs. Grace Kountz, age 43, wife of Benjamin E. Kountz of Sheridan closed her eyes in everlasting sleep Wednesday afternoon about one o’clock after an extended illness of measles.
The deceased was well known throughout the county and the news of her death will come as a great shock to anxious friends and relatives, who were in a measure prepared for the inevitable.
She is survived by a devoted husband and the following children: Walter (sic should be Waldstein), Adrian, Mabel, Georgiana and Lucien.
Bingaman and Jones will have charge of the funeral services which will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock.
Ironton Register – Wednesday, January 18, 1922 – HEART TROUBLE CAUSEE DEATH OF BENJ. E. KOUNS THIS MORN. – PROMINANT MAN DIED SUDDENLY WHILE AT WORK – Widely Known Throughout City and County – Leader in Agricultural, Social and Educational Life of Community and Death is Shock to Friends Thruout County – Heart trouble early this morning caused the sudden death of Benjamin E. Kouns, 55, prominent farmer, at his farm near South Point, and the announcement of his demise in this city comes as a terrible shock to the many friends of this widely known man, who stood high in the community, known widely throughout the county. He was working about the barn on his farm this morning when he was seized with he fatal attack of heart trouble and died within a few minutes. A number of men employed about the barn rushed to his side but within a few minutes the sparks of life had fled.
The deceased had been identified with agriculture, social and educational life of the county practically all his life. He had served a number of years as a teacher and had just completed a term as member of the school boards of both the elementary and high school of Delta District, his term having expired on January 1st of the present year. Beth Swann Elizabeth Combs Davidson
b. 26 Sept 1875 South Point, OH
m. 04 Jul 1894
John Ler
He was also a member of Delta M. E. Church. The funeral services, while not definitely arranged, will probably be in charge of the Masonic Lodge of South Point.
The home life of the deceased was ideal and his chief joy was his family. His wife preceded him in death about nine years ago. One brother, Alex Kouns and sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Wakefield of South Point survive, as do the following children: Waldstein of Washington, D.C.; Adrian of Washington, D.C.; Mabel who is a teacher of the primary grades at Sheridan, Georgianna and Lucien at home.
Ironton Register – Thursday, January 19, 1922 – KOUNS FUNERAL HELD SATURDAY – the funeral services over the remains of Benjamin E. Kouns of near South Point, will be held Saturday at ten o’clock at the home with the Rev. Stroymeyer, of Coal Grove, and Rev. Davidson of Sydenstricker church, officiating. The services will be in Woodland cemetery, under direction of Bingaman and Jones. Samuel Walstein Kouns b. 22 Feb 1896 Adrienne Burns Kouns b. 11 Oct 1898 Mabel Gertrude Kouns b. 18 Jun 1900 Georgianna Frances Kouns b. 06 Oct 1904 Lucian Wolcott Kouns b. 28 Nov 1905 Samuel Walstein Kouns – the s/o Benjamin and Grace Hatcher Kouns was b. 22 Feb 1896 d. Jun 1965 bur: Highland Memorial Gardens, South Point, OH m. Mabel Irene Bruce b. 22 Oct 1895 d. 18 Feb 1968 bur: same
A Pretty Wedding
A pretty wedding took place at 1 o’clock this afternoon at the home of Miss Rose Wheeler on south Fourth street. The home was sweetly decorated in pink and white, honoring the favorite colors of the bride. A canopy of pink and white tissue ribbons and a large white bell was arranged over a bank of palms, baskets of daisies and of hydrangea, where the ceremonies took place. Daisies, beautiful pink begonias and hydrangia decorated other available spaces and the other rooms. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. F. Carey, which united the lives of Miss Mabel Bruce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Bruce, who reside below Hanging Rock, and Mr. Walstein Kouns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kouns of Sheridan. Immediately after the wedding service, the guests were invited to the dining room, where elegant pink and white brick ice cream, cake and punch was served by the hostess, Miss Wheeler, who was assisted by Mrs. J. J. Brownstead. The bride is a beautiful brunette, and a very lovely character. She was attired in a simple white tucked organdie, which suited her style perfectly. Her going away gown was a handsome dark brown messaline and sergey with hat, gloves and shoes of African brown, making a very pretty costume. A beautiful horseshoe cake graced the center of the dining table which was decorated in the the prevailing shades of pink and white. this cake contained all the traditional god luck articles which later were found by the guests. The groom is a splendid specimen of manhood and holds a respoinsible position in the War Risk Department at Washington, D.C., where they will make their future home, leaving this afternoon for the Capital City. There were present at the wedding Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Bruce and daughters, Alice and Avanelle, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Bruce and daughter of Hanging Rock, Mr. Ben Kouns and daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Wakefield, Georgana and Mabel Kouns of Sheridan, Miss Rose Wheeler, Mrs. J. J. Brownstead, Mrs. Carl Ray, Misses Kate Linnerbrink, Emma Bowman, Emma Neekamp and Novena Mahle. Among the many lovely present showered upon the bride was a very handsome chest of flat silver from Ben Kouns and family, and a handsome silver water set. Other pretty gifts were displayed at the bride’s apartment on south Fourth street.
Will of Samuel Waldstein Kouns of South Point-Delta Community, Lawrence Co. Ohio names wife Mabel Bruce Kouns, executrix or son Samuel Bruce Kouns if wife cannot act – does not name other children. Dated 26 Feb 1962, probated 10 Aug 1965. Wit: Jeddie and Sarah Bowling.
Will of Mabel Bruce Kouns of Perry Township, Lawrence Co. OH list the following children to share and share alike dated 06 Apr 1966 probated 27 Feb 1968, appoints Samuel Kouns executor and Ruth Kinder as substitute executrix if Samuel fails to act. Wit: J. B. Collier, Jeanne Robinson. Samuel Bruce Kouns b. 19 Jul 1920 Leland Edgar Kouns b. 06 Jun 1922 Donald Edward Kouns b. 10 Dec 1923 Jack Douglas Kouns b. 26 June 1925 Glenn Oliver Kouns b. 24 Nov 1926 Ruth Ellen Kouns b. 04 Nov 1928 Grace Marie Kouns b. 23 Aug 193_ Clara Margaurite Kouns b. 10 May 1932 Dorothey Elizabeth Kouns b. 23 Jan 1934 Mabel Irene Kouns b. 01 May 1935 Nancy Jane Kouns b. 06 Dec 1936 Charles Vidt Kouns b. 01 Aug 1938 Samuel Bruce Kouns – the s/o Samuel W. and Mabel I. Bruce Kouns was b. 19 Jul 1920 m. Mary Miller Sue Ellen Kouns m. John Sherman Teresa Sherman Bruce Sherman Laura Sherman Leland Edgar Kouns – the s/o Samuel W. and Mabel I. Bruce Kouns was b. 06 Jun 1922 m. Helen Barbara Cox George Kouns Mike Kouns David Kouns Keith Kouns Donald Edward Kouns – the s/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 10 Dec 1923 m. Edna Barney Mark Kouns m. Sandy Jo Kouns Rebecca Kouns m. Kevin Brown Jack Douglas Kouns – the s/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 26 Jun 1925 m. Rosemary Kinney Carolyn S. Kouns
b. 28 Mar 1948 Indianapolis IN
m. 11 Jun 1971 Boyd Co. KY
Guy E. Gibbons, Jr.
b. 20 Jan 1949 Joan Kouns David Kouns Glenn Oliver Kouns – the s/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 24 Nov 1926 m. Uldine Willis James Kouns Glenn Kouns Ruth Ellen Kouns – the d/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 04 Nov 1928 m. Elmo Kinder Sarah Kinder Charles Elmond Kinder
(looks like I got lazy here and didn’t list the issues of the following children 🙂 Grace Marie Kouns – the d/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 23 Aug 193_ m. Russell Bebeau Clara Margaurite Kouns – the d/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 10 May 1932 m. Joe L. Wheeler Dorothy Elizabeth Kouns – the d/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 23 Jan 1934 m. Steve Tisza (now divorced) no issues. Mabel Irene Kouns – the d/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 01 May 1935 m. Richard Moiel Nancy Jane Kouns – the d/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 06 Dec 1936 m. Ken Knowlton Charles Vidt Kouns – the s/o Samuel W. and Mable I. Bruce Kouns was b. 01 Aug 1938 m1. Hilda Lusher m2 07 Oct 1978 Sharon Milich b. 07 Apr 1952 Charlene Marie Kouns b. 04 Apr 1964 (by 1st marr.)
The Ironton (O.) Evening Tribune – May 13, 1944 – shows pictures of Don E. Kouns, Jack Kouns, Leland Kouns and Sam Kouns with the caption: Four sons of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Kouns of South Point are in service. All four are graduates of South Point High and three are former Tribune carrier boys. Pfc. Don Kouns is in England, Sl/c Jack Kouns is overseas in Navy Service, Lt. Leland Kouns is at the Lincoln Army Air Base and Pfc. Samuel B. Kouns is with the army in Sicily. Adrienne Burns Kouns – the d/o Benjamin and Grace Hatcher Kouns was b. 11 Oct 1898 d. 05 Oct 1979 m. Henry F. Heider Barbara Heider m1 m2 Terrance Vanbecker Carolyn Heider Mabel Gertrude Kouns – the d/o Benjamin and Grace Hatcher Kouns was b. 18 Jun 1900 m. Halsey B. Wheeler Franklin “Bud” Wheeler m. Ann Salley Wheeler Georgianna Frances Kouns – the d/o Benjamin and Grace Hatcher Kouns was b. 06 Oct 1904 d. 12 Dec 1984 m. 12 Jun 1924 J. Benson Davis Dave Davis Lucian Wolcott Kouns – the s/o Benjamin and Grace Hatcher Kouns was b. 28 Nov 1905 d. 01 Mar 1969 m. Virginia McDaniels Ronnie Kouns Sharon Kouns
7.2 Elizabeth Kouns – d/o Samuel and Catherine Brubaker Kouns married David Chatfield.
7.2.1. Benjamin Chatfield d. 30 Jun 1840 age 1y
7.2.2. Andrew P. Chatfield d. 11 Mar 1845 age 3y
7.2.3. John Chatfield d. 05 Mar 1849 age 18mo.
Misc – 01 Feb 1894 – South Point Letter names Mr. Hugh Chatfield, Miss Lizzie Davidson and Mr. Honshell Johnson
Misc. – Cecil H. Chatfield, male, white b. 09 Feb 1895 d. 05 Dec 1911 Typhoid Fever age 16y10m26d born Lawrence Co. Oh the s/o Fred and Lucy Lane Lyons Chatfield both b. OH
Resided: Stroble, OH. Cecil buried: Sugar Creek (death certificate in my files – smk)
Misc. – Uncle Bowen Chatfield mentioned in Ironton Register newspaper dated 22 Jul 1875
Misc. – 30 Sept 1875 Marriage license John Maycock to Susie Chatfield. Ironton Register Newspaper
7-3 Nancy Lee Sherman was adopted by Samuel Koontz and Katy Brubaker according to death certificate and family records of Shirley Holler a descendent. Nancy Lee Sherman m. George Bryson.
1870 Lawrence Co. Ohio Census:
George Bryson age 39 m w farmer b. KY
Nancy 38 f w keeps house b. OH
Viola 17 f w home b. OH
Theodore 15 m w school b. OH
Albert 13 m w school b. OH
Vale 08 f w school b. OH
George 06 m w school b. OH
Isaac H. M. 04 m w home b. OH
Laura 02 f w home b. OH
7-3-1 Viola Bryson b. 1853 OH d. 08 Nov 1939 Newark,OH
m1 Crawford
m2 Whitten
7-3-2 Theadore Bryson b. 09 Dec 1854 Lawrence Co. OH
d. 14 Jan 1939 Shreveport, LA
m. Jennie Grumbles
7-3-2-1 Emerson Bryson
7-3-2-2 Garland Bryson
7-3-2-3 Ruth Helen Bryson
7-3-2-4 Mattye Bryson
7-3-2-5 Myrf Bryson
7-3-2-6 Whit Bryson
7-3-2-7 Gleen Bryson
7-3-3 Albert W. Bryson
b. 1857 OH d. Aug 1870 Lawrence Co. OH
never married – shot in hunting accident
7-3-4 Valerie Kate Bryson
b. 1862 d. 30 Sept 1953 Newark, OH
m1. James Wray
m2. Joseph Wray
7-3-5 George Bryson
b. Jun 1864 KY
d. 16 Jul 1927 Licking Co. OH
m. Elizabeth Motzer
b. Feb 1864
d. 19 Oct 1919 Licking Co. OH
7-3-5-1 William J. Bryson
b. 18 Jul 1885 Cincinnati, OH
d. 10 Feb 1949 Newark, OH
m. Blanche Sebring
b. OH
d. 03 Jun 1925 Newark OH
7-3-5-2 George Bryson
(disappeared in 1927)
7-3-5-3 Paul Hayden Bryson
b. Jan 1890 Newark OH
d. 04 Aug 1972
m. Josephine Miller
b. 25 Jul 1891 Buchanan, WV
d. 23 Sep 1948 Newark, OH
7-3-5-4 Viola Katherine Bryson
b. 11 Feb 1892 Newark, OH
d. 22 Feb 1983 Utica, OH
m. Richard P. Holler
b. 07 Feb 1895 Newark, OH
d. 1959 Dayton, OH
7-3-5-4-1 Florence Holler
7-3-5-4-2 Josephine Holler
7-3-5-4-3 Richard Meral Holler
b. 30 Jan 1927 Cleveland OH
d. 01 May 1966
m. 12 Nov 1948
Margaret R. Keehn
b. 18 Apr 1930
7-3-5-4-3-1 Richard Holler b. 1952
7-3-5-4-3-2 George Holler b. 1953
7-3-5-4-3-3 Shirley Holler b. 1959
(the information on this Bryson line is from Shirley Holler, 6009 Robert Dr., Brookport, OH 44142 – letter Feb. 12, 1989)
7-3-6 Isaac M. Bryson
b. Apr 1866 Ky
d. 20 Jan 1948 Cleveland, OH
m1. Aurelia May Ritter
b. OH d. 26 Aug 1923 Cleveland, OH
m2. Myrtle
7-3-6-1 Helen Pearl Bryson
7-3-6-2 Myrtle F. Bryson
7-3-6-3 Charles Bryson
7-3-6-4 Nellie Catherine Bryson
7-3-6-5 Agatha Bryson
7-3-7 Laura Bryson
b. 1868 OH
d. 02 Aug 1870 Lawrence Co. OH
7-3-8 Charles W. Bryson
b. 17 Nov 1871 Lawrence Co. OH
d. 14 Aug 1892 Barnsville, OH single
Misc – 04 Sept 1867 (Ironton Register) The ARGOSY is commanded temporarily by our friend, Capt. Isaac Bryson. She leaves tomorrow and Monday at 10 o’clock for Cincinnati. Clerks Knight and Davidson will see that passengers are made comfortable.
Misc. – 11 Sept 1867 Lon Bryson & Co. Commission Merchants (Ironton Register)
8. Nancy Kouns
d/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
8. Nancy Kouns – d/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was b. 23 Aug 1797 d. 21 Jul 1952 lung disease bur: Kouns Cem. Union Twp. Lawrence Co. OH m. 13 Sep 1821 Lawrence Co. OH to John C. Shute by Carpus Clark. John C. Shute b. 17 Oct 1794 d. 12 Oct 1832 yellow fever (cholera according to Bible) bur: same as Nancy
1820 Aug 08 – John C. Shute vs Sampson Price and Richard M. Price p. 104 Ironton Courthouse Clerk of Courts office.
1834 – Bill in Chancery – George Kouns and Joseph Davidson, adm. of John C. Shute dec’d vs Nancy Shute widow and heirs of said John C. Shute and John and James Crawford.
On motion John M. McConnell, attorney for John and James Crawford ordered by court here that Peter Morse be appointed guardian ad litem to infant children and heirs of John C. Shute to wit: Ira and Nell, Naham, John and Ollie Shute defend. to the cross bill of complaint of John and James Crawford, whereupon the said guardian …
1840 Lawrence Co. OH census:
Nancy Shute with one male 5-10 years; one female age 10-15; one female 40-50.
8.1 James G. Shute s/o John C. and Nancy Kouns Shute
b. 20 Oct 1822 d. 17 Feb 1867
m1 13 Jan 1850 Harriet C. Smith (he used name of Wm. James Shute on this marriage in Lawrence Co. OH
m2 03 Jun 1856 Mary E. Kouns by J. H. Wright Carter Co. KY
m3 12 Nov 1863 Cassa Brubaker
m1 Harriet C. Smith m3 Cassie Brubaker
b. 15 Nov 1824 b. 18 Sep 1840 OH
d. 05 Aug 1855 Flux d. 31 May 1925 84y8m13d
died of influenza
m2. Mary E. Kouns (see I.R. 05 Jun 1856)
b. 04 Aug 1829
d. 23 Jul 1862
d/o George W. Kouns of Carter or Boyd Co. KY
Lawrence County Ohio Probate Court – … the person and estate of Lewis G. Shute aged one year old . . . minor child of James G. Shute late of said county deceased and she is ordered to give bond as such guadian in the sum of twenty six hundred (2600) dollars conditioned according to law and therefor came said Cassa Shute and accepted said appointment and gave bond in accordance with said order with John Brubaker and William Brubaker as sureties which bond is approved and letter issued.
Lawrence County Ohio Probate Court – Isaac W. Kouns, Guardian of James Frank Shute, a minor – Appointment of Guardian – On motion of the court appointed Isaac W. Kouns Guardian of the persona and estate of James Frank Shute minor heir of James G. Shute late of Lawrence County Ohio, deceased and he is ordered to give as such guardian his bond in the sum of twenty five hundred (2500) dollars conditioned according to law and therefrom came said Isaac W. Kouns and accepted said appointment and gave bond in accordance with said order with John Brubaker and William Brubaker as sureties which bond is approved and letters issued.
8.1.1 Ira Emmitt Shute s/o James G. & Harriet Smith Shute
b. 26 Nov 1850 d. 1908
m. Georgia Kouns, his cousin, the d/o Isaac Hunter and Sarah Jane (Whitehead) Kouns, b. 1857 d. 1909 James Icle Shute
b. 10 Jan 1877 New Orleans, LA
d. 12 May 1962
m. Heloise Chachere Dr. Frank Creighton Shute
b. 07 Jun 1878 Opelousa, LA
d. 08 Nov 1936
m. Virginia Vermell Hayes
b. 26 Jun 1886
d. 10 Jan 1933 Frank Creighton Shute, Jr.
b. 09 Aug 1906
d. 20 Oct 1962
m. 1936
Winifred LeBlanc Gail Shute
b. 17 Sep 1937 never married Frank C. Shute III
b. 17 Sept 1940 Owen Shute
b. 16 May 1947 Irene Shute Georgia Evelyn Shute
b. 23 Sep 1910
m. 18 Aug 1934 Opelousa LA
Richard Vance Miles, Jr.
b. 24 May 1911 d. 17 Jun 1977 Richard V. Miles III
b. 24 Jul 1935
m. 06 Jun 1964
Jo Anne LeBrie Robert Miles
b. 11 May 1965 John Miles
b. 26 Jun 1966 Catherine Miles
b. 21 Dec 1972 Donald Cooper Miles
b. 29 Oct 1942
m. 01 June 1968
Helen James Denise Miles
b. 06 May 1970 Donald C. Miles
b. 10 Apr 1971 Elvira Vermelle Shute (adopted)
b. 29 Nov 1916
m. 04 Jul 1942 Shreveport LA
Charles Raymond Lake
b. 25 Jul 1908 d. 16 Feb 1951 Charles Raymond Lake, Jr.
b. 06 Jul 1943
m. Susan Delahaes Regan Ann Lake Craige Ann Lake Irene Eveyln Shute
b. 20 Oct 1881 Shuteston, LA
d. 03 Jul 1962 never married Mattie Shute
d. 1937
m1 Dr. John Boagni m2 Matt Dillon John Boagni Jr.
8.1.2 Fred Ernest Shute
b. 31 Aug 1864 d. 03 Oct 1864 infancy
8.1.3 John B. Shute
b. 28 Apr 1853 d. 16 Jan 1855 Scarlet Fever
8.1.4 Ida Ella Shute
b. 26 Jun 1855 d. 09 Aug 1855
8.1.5 Frankie Shute (or James Frank) b. 09 May 1860
8.1.6 Nancy Elizabeth Shute
b. 05 Mar 1857 d. 23 Apr 1860 Scarlet Fever
8.1.7 Louis Gilruth Shute
b. 20 Feb 1866
d. 09 Jan 1920
m1 10 May 1888 Lizzie Dillon
b. 14 Feb 1871 Burlington Oh
d. 17 Mar 1891 20y1m4d Burlington
m2 24 Dec 1895 Hattie M. Drury “Mary A.”
b. 21 Feb 1871 d. 1959 the d/o Lawson and Louisa J. (Ramsey) Drury. Louisa J. Ramsey Drury died at her daughters home, Mrs. Henry Kouns of Burlington. Louise G. Shute and Hattie Drury were cousins. Lawson Drury was the s/o James Harvey and Sarah (Kouns) Drury. Sarah Kouns was the d/o George W. and Catherine Wolfenberger Kouns. George W. was the s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns. Frank Emmit Shute
b. 24 Jul 1888 d. 23 Mar 1939 Lucille L. Shute
b. 03 Mar 1890 d. 17 Jun 1890 Marie E. Shute
b. 07 Feb 1891 d. 18 Jun 1946
m. Jim Ashworth Louis G. Shute, Jr.
b. 16 Jul 1896 d. 09 Jan 1920
m. ? Evelyn Florence Shute
b. 17 Oct 1923 Cincinnati OH
m. 23 Jun 1951
________ Hecker Doug Hecker Dustin Hecker Jeffrey Shute Hecker
b. 14 Mar 1953? Dallas C. Shute
b. 23 Jun 1903 d. 1961 James Lawson Shute
b. 18 Nov 1906 d. 18 May 1909
bur: Fayette Twp Burlington OH
rheumatic fever d. age 3y6m Hugh Drury Shute
b. 10 Oct 1908
m. Inez Wineka d. Sept 1950 Marshal “Butch” Shute
b. 16 Nov 1942
m. Linda Patrick Larry Daniel Shute David Michael Shute Timothy Darren Shute Henry Kouns Shute
b. 17 Dec 1915
m. ? Hattie Lou Shute
b. 27 Apr 1940 Huntington WV
m._______ Thacker
8.2 Ira Shute
8.3 Naham Shute b. 31 Aug 1824 d. 08 Jun 1834 drowned
8.4 Henry Shute b. 26 Apr 1826 d. 18 Oct 1832 cholera
8.5 Jerome Shute b. 12 Nov 1827 d. 19 Oct 1832 cholera
8.6 Olive Alice Shute b. 04 Sept 1829
m. Capt. John D. Brubaker of the Steamer REVEILLE on 17 Feb 1852 near Burlington, OH by Rev. Spencer (I.R. 19 Feb 1852)
8.6.1 Julia E. Brubaker b. ca 1857
8.6.2 John C. Brubaker b. ca 1859
8.6.3 Harriet A. Brubaker b. ca 1860
8.6.4 George Wilbur Brubaker b. 09 Jan 1867
d. 27 Feb 1868 bur: Burlington OH cemetery
8.7 John C. Shute Jr. b. 20 Aug 1831 d. 15 Sep 1867 of yellow fever; m. 28 Apr 1857 Burlington, Union Twp, OH to Sarah J. Woods by J. M. Shultz (I.R. 21 May 1857) Sarah d. 01 Sept 1867 New Orleans of yellow fever.
11 Sept. 1867 – DIED – SHUTE – at New Orleans on the 1st inst., of yellow fever, Sarah, wife of Capt. John C. Shute. The deceased was a native of Rochester, PA but for a number of years resided in this county,(LAWRENCE CO) with Samuel C. Johnston, Jr. She was a relative of his family and a niece of widow Frampton, at the mouth of Symmes Creek. She leaves two children and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. (from Ironton Register)
02 Oct 1867 – Latest River News – DIED
Capt. John C. Shute formerly of this county (Lawrence Co) died of yellow fever last week.
The “New Orleans Crescent newspaper of Wednesday, says: we are pained to learn that a telegraphic dispatch was received yesterday from R. Russ, announcing the death by yellow fever of Capt. Shute, commander of the steamer, CUBA No. 2 while on her trip from this port to Shreveport. Capt. Shute followed to the grave the partner of his bosom only a few days. Two children are thus left by this sad bereavement orphans. We understand that several other cases had occurred on the boat but no further particulars were given in the dispatch. (Ironton Register newspaper)
8.4.1 Nancy A. Shute b. ca 1860
9. Christine Kouns
d/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
9. Christine Kouns – d/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns was born 18 Nov 1781 VA d. Oct 1851. She married Philip Wolfinbarger b. 28 Sept 1781 Shenandoah Co. Va. married ca 1806, he died Aug 1847 Gallia Co. Ohio, Philip was the s/o John b. PA and Catherine Wolfinbarger.
9.1 Andrew Wolfinbarger b. 1807 d. 1807
9.2 John Wolfinbarger b. 19 Jan 1809 d.
m. 24 Jan 1827 Gallia Co. OH to Harriet Jacobs
the d/o Abel and Philene (Briggs) Jacobs. They were from Vermont. 2nd Marriage –
9.2.1 Julia Anne Wolfenbarger m. Jasper Compton
9.2.2 Tina Jane Wolfenbarger m. W. Shurter
9.2.3 Delilia Fidelia Wolfenbarger died age 18
9.2.4 Friendly Wolfenbarger m. James Campbell
9.2.5 Henry McCellan Brigs Wolfenbarger b. 1835 d. 1910 m. Ardelia Adney b. 1843 d. 1917 she was d/o Daniel Adney Jr. and Elizabeth Lowe (the Lowe family came from Vermont to Ohio) Curtis A. b. 1843 d. 1917 Chas. Wesley b. 12 Oct 1867 d.1942? Nora Bell b. 16 Jul 1871 d. 1938 John J. b. 06 Sep 1873 d. 1925 Jasper E. “Bert” b. 19 Mar 1876 d. 1949
m. 28 Aug 1901? Bessie Garfield Clarence H. b. 14 Sep 1909 d. 1981
d. Olympia, W. Charles Wolfenbarger
m. ? Daniel Charles Wolfenbarger
m. Carrie ? (now DIV) Bert Wolfenbarger Charles Wolfenbarger Celelia Fawn Daniel Carl Elaine Wolfenbarger Bernice Wolfenbarger Jeanette Wolfenbarger Mary Ann Wolfenbarger Beverly Wolfenbarger Dick Wolfenbarger Vern Wolfenbarger Myrtle Wolfenbarger Gladys Wolfenbarger Dorothy Wolfenbarger Clarence b. 02 Aug 1878 d. age 6 1884 Julia Etta b. 29 Jan 1881 d. 1961 Ura Jane b. 20 March 1884 d. 1959 Harriet b. 15 Oct 1863 d. 2y 1865
9.2.6 Maria m. Wm. Morris
9.3 Delilah Wolfinbarger b. 1811 d. 1814
9.4 Abraham Wolfinbarger b. 1814 d. 1820
9.5 Hannah Wolfinbarger b. 1816 d. 1817
9.6 Delilah Wolfinbarger b. 13 Nov 1817 d.
m. 29 Mar 1833 Gallia Co. OH to William Lackey
9.7 Nancy Wolfinbarger b. 30 Jul 1819 d.
m. 18 Jul 1841 to Charles Wood
from: Abstracts of Gallia Co. Chancery Records by Evans and Wood – Samuel W. Cooper’s adms. vs Absalom Ham’s adm. and heirs – ch.2, 564-564a. July 15, 1846. Sect. 35-6-16 which is Raccoon Twp. Foreclosure. Cooper’s adms. are Lewis Land and Rachel Cooper. Ham’s adm. is Joseph Waddell. Ham’s heirs are George Ham of Lawrence Co., Ohio, Delilah Coons, George Coon and Polly, his wife, Budda Thomas, late Ham, William Ham, Margaret Ham, Andrew Ham, Henry Ham, and David Ham, all of Gallia Co., John Ham, Samuel Copeland and Elizabeth, his wife, Peter White and Sally, his wife, and Malinda Ham, a Minor, all of Ohio or territories of Missouri or Iowa. Sold to Charles C. Wood.
9.8 Sarah Wolfinbarger b. 03 May 1821
m. 12 Nov 1839 Gallia Co. OH to Alex Gillespie
9.9 George Wolfenbarger b. 21 Jul 1823 Gallia Co. OH
d. 12 Aug 1895 Daviess Co. MO
m. 03 Mar 1846 Gallia Co OH to Myranda Brunette Matthews b. Oct 1829 Gallia Co OH, d. 8 May 1899(?) Daviess Co. MO.
9.9.1 Charlotte Virginia Wolfinbarger
b. 27 Jun 1847 m1 Meyers m2 Lindsey
9.9.2 Mary Adeline Wolfinbarger
b. 19 May 1849 d. 22 May 1910
m. Sherman Beaman
9.9.3 Nancy Ann Wolfinbarger
b. 11 Jul 1851 d. 1930
m. Benjamin Frank Rarick
9.9.4 Olive Evalina Wolfinbarger
b. 10 Dec 1852
m. Oliver Perry Walter Otto Albert Walter, Sr. m. Roberta Cravens Otto Albert Walter, Jr. m1 Margaret Bergh had 4 children m2 Esther Louise (Hogg) Houtz
9.9.5 John Franklin Wolfinbarger
b. 03 Nov 1854 Warsaw, Indiana
d. 09 May 1921 CO
m. 04 Oct 1880 MO to Louisa Wolfskill Mumpower
9.9.6 Artemissia Wolfinbarger
b. 30 Dec 1856 Warsaw, Indiana
d. 19 Feb 1924 Daviess Co. MO
m. 10 Feb 1876 Daviess Co. Mo to
William Pinkerton Griffin b. 15 Dec 1848 Fredericksburg, OH d. 23 Oct 1933 Washington, D.C. Maude Ann Griffin b. 11 Mar 1877
d. 12 Dec 1934 m. 25 Nov 1896
Frederick A. Johnston George James Griffin b. 17 Dec 1878
d. 19 May 1964 m. 21 Dec 1899
Jennie Elizabeth Wilder Myrtle Viola Griffin b. 05 Feb 1881 Artemissia Griffin b. 04 Sep 1882
“Bessie” d. 1960 m.
Walter Thoreson Ollie Gay Griffin b. 28 Apr 1884
d. 24 Dec 1973 m. 07 Oct 1911
Wallace D. Moore William Pinkerton Griffin, Jr.
b. 04 Mar 1887
d. Jan 1945 m. 21 Mar 1909
Myrtle Baylie Louisa May Griffin b. 08 Jul 1889
d. 27 Jan 1973 AZ m. 16 Nov 1914 MO
Harry Wakeman Mumford b. 21 Aug 1887 MO
d. 24 Mar 1926 TX Neva Louise Mumford b. 24 Mar 1916
El Paso TX m. 11 Mar 1934 New Mexico to Sidney A. Miller
b. 30 May 1914 Portage, MO Richard Mumford Miller
b. 22 Nov 1934 Syndey Louise Miller
b. 06 Nov 1937 Harry Griffin Mumford
b. 26 Feb 1918 Altamont MO
m. 30 Jul 1942 Florida to
Jacklyn Irene Traynor b. Sep 1921
San Francisco, CA Harry Griffin Mumford
b. 14 Mar 1946 Gretchen Louise Mumford
b. 05 Mar 1947 Gertrude Marie Mumford
b. 28 Mar 1953 Varva Mumford b. 26 May 1923
Marshall TX m. 02 Aug 1942
El Paso TX to Ewing Martin
Steele b. 11 May 1922 Norton, TX Pamela Lee Steele b. 30 Oct 1943 OH m. 17 Dec 1963 Nevada to Thomas O. Milk and had issue: Pamela Alice Milk Michelle May Steele b. 22 Apr 1948 TX m1 22 Aug 1966 AZ to Gary A. Mast m2 27 Dec 1980 to Ronald Hecht had issues: twins Christopher and Michael A. Mast and Jennifer Holly Mast. Myranda Jane Griffin b. 17 Dec 1891
d. 02 Dec 1918 unmarried Fiora Irene Griffin b. 21 Feb 1894
d. Aug 1985 m. 20 Nov 1923
John William Lee Phoebe Sarah Griffin b. 22 Feb 1896
d. 04 Feb 1959 m. 05 Sept 1919
Wm. Oscar Thompson
9.9.7 Blanche Wolfinbarger
b. 11 Apr 1863 d. infancy
9.9.8 Myrtie Bell Wolfinbarger b. 11 Apr 1865
b. MO m1 C. L. Edwards m2 Ed Cutler
9.9.9 Paul Wolfinbarger b. 1873 MO d. infancy MO
(info from Esther Walter, Box 131, Allenspark, CO 80510 January 31, 1989 and Varva Mumford Steele
daughter of Christian and Anna Lamp/Lamb Kouns
10. Hannah (Kountz) – youngest daughter of Christian and Ann Kountz is buried at Gilruth-Davisson Cemetery, Old Rt. 52 – below Union Landing at county line.
Hannah m. Rev. James Gilruth b. 29 Jan 1793 Belleville, Wood Co. VA (WVA) near Parkersburg d. 02 Jun 1873 in Davenport, Iowa. James Gilruth was the s/o Thomas and Marion Ingalls Gilruth from Scotland. After Hannah died, James Gilruth m. 25 Sept 1823 Mary Westlake and they had 8 children. ( I have their names but as they are unrelated I will omit them for now. -smk)
Tales of other Days – pg. 112-116 – Scioto Co. settled in 1796 approximately – Thomas and Mary Gilruth had son named James.
10-1 Helen Hannah Gilruth – d/o James & Hannah Kountz Gilruth was b. 20 Nov 1817 French Grant, Scioto Co. OH d. 12 Jan 1886 Findlay, OH m. 22 Sept 1833 French Grant to Frederick Duduit b. 12 Feb 1807 French Grant, d. 28 Mar 1886 both are buried at Maple Grove Cem., Findlay, OH
Helen Hannah Gilruth was mentioned in Christian Kouns’ will as his granddaughter.
10-1-1 James Gilruth Duduit
10-1-2 Agnes Marion Duduit
m. Caples
10-1-3 Mary Duduit d. in youth
10-1-4 John Wesley Duduit
10-1-5 William Duduit
10-1-6 Naomi Duduit
m. Carrol Godman
10-1-6-1 Helen Godman
m. Gassaway
lived Roslyn, VA
10-1-7 Sarah Helen Duduit
b. 25 Jan 1847 d. 17 Jun 1918
m. 22 Nov 1870
William Edmund Snyder
b. 04 Jan 1836 d. 15 Jul 1912
10-1-7-1 Reginald Clare Snyder
b. 25 Sept 1873 Findlay, Hancock Co. OH
m. 20 Oct 1897
Alice Ritchart Mack
b. 27 Aug 1876
10-1-7-1-1 Alice Davenport Snyder
b. 19 Mar 1899 Norwalk, Hancock Co. OH
m. Dudley Allen White
resided 10 So. Pleasant, Norwalk, OH
10-1-7-1-1-1 Alice Mack White
b. 22 Sept 1925 Norwalk
10-1-7-1-1-2 Dudley Allen White, Jr.
b. 15 Apr 1930 Norwalk
10-1-8 Iowa Grace Duduit
10-1-9 Minerva Katherine Duduit
10-1-10 Louis Edward Duduit
Andrew Pinnell Kouns
s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns

11. Andrew P. Kouns – s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns
m. 25 Oct 182_ Hannah Hysey by Carpus Clark.
Andrew R.(sic) Kouns will Vol. 2, p. 452 Lawrence Co. OH courthouse.
From “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820’s) we find:
Koon(s) A.P. in Lawrence Co. 1828 chattel Fayette Twp pg33
1850 Census Lawrence Co. Ohio
Andrew P. Kouns age 68 m farmer b. VA
Hannah Kouns 67 f VA
Geo. L. Kouns 27 m Steamboatman b. OH
John Kouns 26 m Steamboatman b. OH
Benj. Kouns 18 m Farmer b. OH
Isaac Kouns 16 m Farmer b. OH
Andrew P. Kouns 14 m b. OH
James Kouns 11 m b. OH
Martin Kouns 07 m b. OH
Catherine Hartman 18 f
Wesly Richmond 25 m teacher b. PA
1853 Jan 1st – I.R. news – New business firms included A.P. Kouns & Sons groceries.
11.1 George Lamp Kouns s/o A.P. Kouns and Hannah Hisey m. Margaret Flournoy.
Misc – 18 Sept 1867 Capt. George L. Kouns, of the Red River Packet Co. and member of the firm of G.L. Kouns & Bro’s, New Orleans was in our city yesterday.
11.1.1 Bettie Armstrong Kouns b. Shreveport, LA in the home of James W. Duncan. (James W. Duncan was m. to one of Margeret Flournoy Kouns’ cousins.)
11.1.2 Katie Duncan Kouns
11.2 John Kouns
11.3 Benjamin Kouns
11.4 Isaac Kouns
Misc – The FALCON – Capt. Ike Kouns, broke a cylinder head a few days ago since and has been laid up repairing. (I.R. 04 Sept 1867)
Misc – I.R. 09 Sep 1867 The following speaks for itself- Symmes Run – Editor Ironton Journal – A current rumor has gained publicity that the steamer “FALCON” was to be withdrawn from her trade and go South this fall. Such is not the truth, never had any such intention; was purchased, altered and refitted to suit; placed her in the Proctorville and Ironton daily packet trade to stay and stay she will.
Being the successor of the pioneer boat (Maj. Adrain) in the trade, a permanent and fixed instit., we solicit a full share of public confidence and patronage to sustain us in our future enterprise. Yours truly, Kouns Brothers
11.5 A. P. Kouns Jr. – s/o A. P. Kouns and Hannah Hisey married 29 Dec 18__ Emily A. Scovill both of Union Twp married at Curtis Scoville residence. She was the d/o Curtis (1796-1870 bur: Burlington, OH cem.) and Ann () Scovel (1806-1865 bur: same).
After Andrew P. died, Emily remarried to William Bagley and had 5 more children.
11.5.1 Henry Kouns
b. 31 Oct 1861
m. Margaret Drury (his cousin)
b. 21 Sept 1865
11.5.2 Anna P. Kouns
b. 29 Apr 1867
m. William Johnson
(they lived in Ashland, KY in 1896)
11.6 James Kouns
Kouns, James s/o A.P. Kouns d. on 15th inst. at Ironton age 15 (Ironton Register 20 Apr 1854 pg. 2)
11.7 Martin H. Kouns – s/o Andrew P. and Hannah Hisey Kouns was b. 18 Jul 1842 m1 Emma Hawley who d. 23 Sept 1876 he m2. Lurline Chapman.
11.7.1 James Warren Kouns
b. 15 Dec 1871
11.7.2 Eula P. Kouns
b. 09 Sep 1873
by 2nd marriage
11.7.3 Bert Kouns
b. 1894 d. 11 Feb 1870 Sinclair Kouns
m. Thompson Leigh Kouns
m. Joseph Randsell Hunter Lauren Elizabeth Kouns
b. 20 Dec 1959
d. 16 Oct 1983 (auto accident) Merrill Thompson Kouns Sinclair Kouns, Jr.
Ironton newspaper – Friday, 05 Feb 1875 – under local items – we are informed that Mrs. Kouns, formerly of Gallia Co., died near Millersport, last Sunday, at the advanced age of ninety nine years.
Davidson, Jeremiah “Jerry or Jere” J. was the s/o Rev. Wm. W. (who was in Lawrence Co. in 1799 when 6 months old) & his wife Nancy Lawson. The first wife of Rev. Wm. W. Davidson was Sarah Short the d/o Tilman Short and sister to Elizabeth Short that married Phillip Koontz s/o Christian and Anna Lamp Kouns, and his 3rd wife was Lovina Yingling. Jerry J. married Mattie Ward b. Johnson co. KY on 10 Oct 1854 the d/o Solomon and Elizabeth Stumbo Ward. Jerry and Mattie had 5 children.
Louie Koontz – was the tollkeeper on the Huntington WV bridge. He is buried at Woodlawn Cem., Ironton, Lawrence Co. OH on the Brumfield-Massie lot.
Kouns, William – died at his residence in Oldtown, Greenup Co., KY 26 Aug 1853 (Ironton Register 15 Sep 1853)
Kouns, Mary C. – d/o Geo. W. Kouns of Carter Co. KY m. J. G. Shute of Burlington in Carter Co. by Judge Wright on 03 June 18__.
Koontz, Martin is a taxpayer in Gallia Co. in 1823 and 1827 Raccoon Township. Jacob, John L. and Martin are in Gallia Co. in 1823 and 1827 but Philip only shows up in 1827. John L. is in GN township (I believe that GN stands for Green) and Jacob is in SP (not sure which Twp that is) Martin and Philip are in Raccoon.
1810 Gallia Co. Tax List shows Koontz, John
1814 Gallia Co. Tax List shows Koontz, John and Koontz, Christian
Fairview – Long Cemetery near Bidwell, O – Section 35 Springfield Twp. – Gallia Co.
Luther E. Koontz – 1882 -1965
Jacob Koontz d. 24 Dec 1853 age 71 born ca 1782
(the Jacob Koons of Lawrence Co. s/o Christian was b. 12 Apr 1785 d. 1864 died in Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio)
Koontz, Edward b. 1867 d. 1909
Koontz, W. E. s/o E. & M. b. & d. 08 Oct 1902
Gallipolis Twp.
Koontz, Mary b. 1871 d. 1908 Mound Hill Cem.
Ohio Twp.
Koontz, Wm. b. 1886 d. 1934
Koontz, Nellie J. b. 1893 d. 1936
Organized 1799 was a part of Greenbrier Co. VA
George Kounts to Peggy Keenan 03 Sept 1799 by Rev. John Wiseman
Alexander Williams to Sally Kunts 15 Sept 1811 by Rev. John Wiseman
Samuel Dikinson to Susannah Kounts 16 Sept 1813 by Rev. Robert Chambers