Holderby Family

The Holderby Family Was Written and researched by Glenn Bennett

Descendants of William Jr. HOLDERBY

(493) William Jr. HOLDERBY, son of William HOLDERBY and Priscilla PENDELTON, was born 
in 1765, and married Rebecca HOSKINSON, daughter of James HASKINS.  William Jr. died 
in 1870.

+         791         i Absolom HOLDERBY (p. 1) 
          792        ii William HOLDERBY 
          793       iii James HOLDERBY 
          794        iv Robert HOLDERBY 
          795         v Rebecca HOLDERBY 
          796        vi Mahaley HOLDERBY 
+         357       vii Abner HOLDERBY (p. 3) was born on 25 Dec 1809.

(791) Absolom HOLDERBY, son of William Jr. HOLDERBY and Rebecca HOSKINSON, married 
Martha HENRY.  

+        1432         i William Robert HOLDERBY (p. 1) 
+        1433        ii Conway Hall HOLDERBY (p. 1) was born on 18 Dec 1842.
+        1434       iii James Kyle HOLDERBY (p. 2) 
+        1435        iv Mary A. HOLDERBY (p. 2) was born on 19 Jan 1848.
+        1436         v Elijah Dora HOLDERBY (p. 2) was born on 12 Nov 1848.

(1432) William Robert HOLDERBY, son of Absolom HOLDERBY and Martha HENRY, married 
Lucy Margeret CHAPMAN.  

         1438         i Thomas E. HOLDERBY was born 28 Jan 1879.  Thomas E. died on 
31 Dec 1964 in Cabell County, W V and was buried in Woodmere, Cemetery.
         1439        ii B. L. HOLDERBY 
         1440       iii ?? HOLDERBY 

(1433) Conway Hall HOLDERBY, son of Absolom HOLDERBY and Martha HENRY, was born 
18 Dec 1842, and married Elizabeth MCMAHON who was born in 1843.  Conway Hall died on 
7 Jun 1903.  Elizabeth died in 1898.

         1442         i Holderby HENRY 
         1443        ii Jesse Abner HOLDERBY was born in 1875.  Jesse Abner died 
in 1942.
         1444       iii Martha Elizabeth HOLDERBY was born in 1877.  Martha Elizabeth 
died in 1970.
         1445        iv Robert A.P. HOLDERBY was born in 1882.
         1446         v William Andrew HOLDERBY was born in 1883.  William Andrew died 
in 1959.
         1447        vi James Kile HOLDERBY was born in 1888.  James Kile died in 1972.

(1434) James Kyle HOLDERBY, son of Absolom HOLDERBY and Martha HENRY, married Female.  

         1449         i Edward S. HOLDERBY 
         1450        ii John HOLDERBY 
         1451       iii Rufus HOLDERBY 
         1452        iv Herman HOLDERBY 
         1453         v Margie HOLDERBY 
         1454        vi James HOLDERBY 
         1455       vii Robert HOLDERBY 

(1435) Mary A. HOLDERBY, daughter of Absolom HOLDERBY and Martha HENRY, was born 
19 Jan 1848, and married Abram LYND.  Mary A. died on 26 Apr 1935 and was buried in 
Darby Cemetery, Unionville Center, Ohio.

+        1457         i Ira LYND (p. 2) 

(1457) Ira LYND, son of Abram LYND and Mary A. HOLDERBY, married Hattie.  

         1459         i Goldie LYND 
         1460        ii Laura LYND 

(1436) Elijah Dora HOLDERBY, son of Absolom HOLDERBY and Martha HENRY, was born 
12 Nov 1848, and married Rachel.  Elijah Dora died on 7 Jan 1900 and was buried in 
Kingrey Cemetery, Lawrence County, Ohio.

         1462         i William A. HOLDERBY was born 13 Nov 1873.  William A. died on 
8 Mar 1879.
         1463        ii Bertha HOLDERBY was born 30 Nov 1879.  Bertha died on 
14 Mar 1898.
         1464       iii Meranda HOLDERBY was born 28 Oct 1881.  Meranda died in 1900.

(357) Abner HOLDERBY, son of William Jr. HOLDERBY and Rebecca HOSKINSON, was born 
25 Dec 1809, and on 14 Oct 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, married Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON,
daughter of John THOMPSON and Catherine (Katie) ??, who was born 25 Oct 1827.  
Abner died on 19 Jan 1895 in Ohio and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins 
Ridge.  Elizabeth Jane died after 4 Jun 1912 and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, 
Perkins Ridge.

+         400         i Cordelia HOLDERBY (p. 3) 
+         456        ii Oliver Perry HOLDERBY (p. 4) was born about 1847.
         1470       iii Theadore William HOLDERBY 
+         457        iv Quincy HOLDERBY (p. 4) was born about 1855.
         1471         v Rubin HOLDERBY 
+         390        vi America HOLDERBY (p. 5) was born in 1859.
+         458       vii Rebecca Jane HOLDERBY (p. 5) was born about 1862.
          459      viii Mahala HOLDERBY was born in 1863, and married Grant SMITH, 
son of Hiram SMITH and Sarah MURDOCK, who was born in 1864.  Mahala died in 1946 and 
was buried in Perkins Ridge, Lawrence County, Ohio.  Grant died in 1890 and was buried 
in Perkins Ridge, Lawrence County, Ohio.
          460        ix Catherine HOLDERBY was born about 1865.
+          73         x Mary (Mollie) HOLDERBY (p. 6) was born on 23 Jul 1872.

(400) Cordelia HOLDERBY, daughter of Abner HOLDERBY and Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON, 
married William DANFORD, son of David DANFORD and Miriam DANFORD, who was born in 1854.
William died in 1935.

          489         i Quincy DANFORD married Verdy.  
          490        ii Danny DANFORD 
          491       iii Averil DANFORD 
+         492        iv Forrest DANFORD (p. 4) 
          494         v Lawrence DANFORD 
          495        vi Maggie DANFORD married HAYES.  
          496       vii Grophia (G.R.) DANFORD was born in 1884, and in 1903, married 
Lisa HESSON.  Grophia (G.R.) died in 1976.

(492) Forrest DANFORD, son of William DANFORD and Cordelia HOLDERBY, married Maggie.  

+         854         i Helen DANFORD (p. 4) 
+         859        ii Opal DANFORD (p. 4) 

(854) Helen DANFORD, daughter of Forrest DANFORD and Maggie, married Emory DUNFEE, 
son of Jesse DUNFEE and Velva DILLON.

          855         i Fred DUNFEE 
          856        ii Ed DUNFEE 
          857       iii Roger DUNFEE 

(859) Opal DANFORD, daughter of Forrest DANFORD and Maggie, married Carl CAPPER.  

          861         i Jo Ann CAPPER married Donavon HASKINS.  
          862        ii Carla Jean CAPPER married Bill MORRIS.  
          863       iii Gary CAPPER 
          864        iv Linda CAPPER married "Sleepy" ASH.  

(456) Oliver Perry HOLDERBY, son of Abner HOLDERBY and Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON, 
was born about 1847, and married Mahala who was born about 1855.  Oliver Perry died 
in 1919.

          798         i Clara HOLDERBY was born about 1872.
         1465        ii Fawn HOLDERBY was born 16 Oct 1881.  Fawn died on 13 May 1926.
          799       iii Lindsey HOLDERBY was born about 1876.
          800        iv Orville HOLDERBY was born about 1879.
         1466         v Clem HOLDERBY 
         1467        vi Vern HOLDERBY 
         1468       vii Perry Jr. HOLDERBY 
         1469      viii John HOLDERBY 

(457) Quincy HOLDERBY, son of Abner HOLDERBY and Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON, was born 
about 1855, and married Margeret who was born about 1856.

          802         i Myrtie HOLDERBY was born about 1876.
          803        ii Abner HOLDERBY was born about 1878.

(390) America HOLDERBY, daughter of Abner HOLDERBY and Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON, was 
born in 1859, and married Levi DUNFEE, son of Thomas DUNFEE and Elizabeth COON, who 
was born in 1850.  America died in 1945 and was buried in Perkins Ridge, Lawrence County
, Ohio.  Levi died in 1936.

          391         i John DUNFEE was born in 1877.
          392        ii William DUNFEE was born in 1879.
          393       iii Henry DUNFEE was born in Feb 1883.
          394        iv Ony DUNFEE was born in 1885.
          395         v Luna Alice DUNFEE was born 11 Jan 1888.
          396        vi Esthel DUNFEE was born 19 Mar 1893, and married Azel MEADOWS.  
Esthel died on 17 Aug 1978.
          397       vii Pansie DUNFEE was born in 1896.
          398      viii Ruby DUNFEE was born in 1899.

(458) Rebecca Jane HOLDERBY, daughter of Abner HOLDERBY and Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON, 
was born about 1862, and married Homer WHITEHEAD.  Homer died in 1936.

+         462         i Elmer WHITEHEAD (p. 5) was born in 1903.
          463        ii Redmound WHITEHEAD 
          464       iii Leanard WHITEHEAD 
          465        iv May WHITEHEAD 
          466         v Homer K. WHITEHEAD married Eva SMITH.  Homer K. died on 
25 Feb 1977.
          467        vi Verlon WHITEHEAD married Mary KINGREY.  
+         468       vii Bea WHITEHEAD (p. 6) was born on 10 May 1899.
          469      viii Abner P. WHITEHEAD was born 4 Sep 1907.  Abner P. died on 
11 Jul 1983.

(462) Elmer WHITEHEAD, son of Homer WHITEHEAD and Rebecca Jane HOLDERBY, was born in 
1903, and married spouse unknown.  Elmer died in 1967 and was buried in Perkins Ridge, 
Lawrence County, Ohio.

+         877         i Jack WHITEHEAD (p. 6) 

He also married Myrtle BARNHEART who was born in 1908.  Myrtle died in 1985 and was 
buried in Perkins Ridge, Lawrence County, Ohio.  Myrtle was married to Spouse unknown.

(877) Jack WHITEHEAD, son of Elmer WHITEHEAD, married Winaford BARNHEART, daughter of 

+         111         i Kay WHITEHEAD (p. 6) 
          878        ii Jackie WHITEHEAD 

(111) Kay WHITEHEAD, daughter of Jack WHITEHEAD and Winaford BARNHEART, married 
Karl Edward TAGG, son of Forrest Conley TAGG and Wilma BURCHAM, who was born 4 Aug 1938.
Karl Edward died on 19 May 1992 and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.

          112         i Warren Scott TAGG 
          113        ii Tracy Lynn TAGG 

(468) Bea WHITEHEAD, son of Homer WHITEHEAD and Rebecca Jane HOLDERBY, was born 
10 May 1899, and married Clementine ADKINS, daughter of Milton D. ADKINS and Zouletta 
BRUCE.  Bea died on 25 May 1992.

          471         i Carolyn Joyce WHITEHEAD 
          472        ii James Edward WHITEHEAD 
          473       iii Gerald Gene WHITEHEAD 
          474        iv Homer Milton WHITEHEAD 
          475         v Richard (Dick) Lee WHITEHEAD 
          476        vi Vera Mae WHITEHEAD married Robert WADDLE.  
          477       vii Sally Lou WHITEHEAD married James SYAR.  
          478      viii Rebecca Jane WHITEHEAD married Roy DILLON.  
          479        ix Betty WHITEHEAD married Glen RATCLIFF.  

(73) Mary (Mollie) HOLDERBY, daughter of Abner HOLDERBY and Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON, 
was born 23 Jul 1872 in Lawrence County, Ohio, and about 1894, married William DUNFEE, 
son of Thomas DUNFEE and Elizabeth COON, who was born 26 Feb 1856 in Lawrence County, 
Ohio.  Mary (Mollie) died on 4 Jun 1912 in Lawrence County, Ohio and was buried in 
Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.  William died on 13 Feb 1939 in Lawrence County, 
Ohio and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.  William was married to 
+         295         i Pearl DUNFEE (p. 7) was born on 4 Sep 1894.
          294        ii Mary Alma DUNFEE was born 2 May 1904 in Lawrence County, Ohio, 
and married Lester LIBBIE who was born in 1910.  Mary Alma died in 1984 in Cabell County
, WV and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio.  Lester died in 1983 in Lawrence County, 
Ohio and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.
+          12       iii Opal DUNFEE (p. 7) was born on 16 Feb 1906.

(295) Pearl DUNFEE, son of William DUNFEE and Mary (Mollie) HOLDERBY, was born 
4 Sep 1894, and married Lucille WHITE who was born in 1902.  Pearl died in 1970 in 
Cabell County, WV and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.  Lucille died 
in 1951 and was buried in Perkins Ridge, Lawrence County, Ohio.

          850         i Janet DUNFEE died in infancy and was buried in Lawrence County, 
Ohio, Perkins Ridge.
+         350        ii Marvin DUNFEE (p. 7) was born on 28 Aug 1935.
+         351       iii James Kenneth DUNFEE (p. 7) was born in 1939.

(350) Marvin DUNFEE, son of Pearl DUNFEE and Lucille WHITE, was born 28 Aug 1935, 
and married Erma HINEMAN.  Marvin died on 22 Aug 1978 in Lawrence County, Ohio and was 
buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.

          353         i Debbie Sue DUNFEE 

(351) James Kenneth DUNFEE, son of Pearl DUNFEE and Lucille WHITE, was born in 1939, 
and married Judy TACKETT.  James Kenneth died in 1984 and was buried in Lawrence County,
Ohio, Perkins Ridge.  Judy was married to Jackie THORTON.  

          355         i Joey DUNFEE 
          356        ii Timmy DUNFEE 

(12) Opal DUNFEE, daughter of William DUNFEE and Mary (Mollie) HOLDERBY, was born 
16 Feb 1906 in Lawrence County, Ohio, and married Earl BENNETT, son of Albert BENNETT 
and Anna Laura SMITH, who was born 8 Mar 1900 in Lawrence County, Ohio.  Opal died on 
16 Jun 1993 in Point Pleasant, WV and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins 
Ridge.  Earl died on 16 Apr 1961 in Lawrence County, Ohio and was buried in Lawrence 
County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.
  Opal's life started bumpy, at the age of 6 her mother died of stomach trouble. Opal, 
her sister Mary, and brother Pearl would be cared for by their older half sisters and 
brothers, primarily Virginia (Virgie) Dunfee Roberts as well as their father William 
Dunfee. Opal was a member of Perkins Ridge Baptist Church, she was also was a homemaker 
and was employed by Symmes Valley School District as a cook. Many family gatherings was 
held at her home on Greasy Ridge Road in Willowwood Ohio, memories that her children 
and grandchildren will always cherish. In her later years her health led her to sell 
her home and move in with her oldest daughter Juanita Bennett Petrie and her husband 
Frank Petrie.

        Opal was loved very much, and is sadly missed

 Earl was very active in his community, he served as Sunday school superintendent 
at Perkins Ridge Baptist Church, the Committee Chairman of the Lawrence County 
Agricultural Association, he was also a member of the Ohio Valley Masonic Lodge, 
Windsor Grange, and United Commercial Travelers. His occupation was primarily farming, 
but was employed by International Harvester and at the time of his death was employed 
with Symmes Valley School District.

The following is a poem that was read at Earl Bennett's funeral

 ONLY A DAD    Only a dad with a tired face Coming home from the daily race, Bringing 
little of gold or fame To show how well he has played the game; But glad in his heart 
that his own rejoice to see him come and to hear his voice.

Only a dad but gives his all, to smooth the way for his children, all. Doing with 
courage, stern and grim The deeds that his father did for him. This is the line that 
for him I pen: Only a dad, but the best of men.

+          13         i Willa Juanita BENNETT (p. 8) was born on 6 Jun 1926.
+          14        ii Geneva Mae BENNETT (p. 9) was born on 28 Jan 1928.
+          15       iii Virginia Lea BENNETT (p. 11) was born on 19 Jul 1930.
+          16        iv Mary M. BENNETT (p. 11) was born on 14 Dec 1933.
+           4         v Lowell Gene BENNETT (p. 12) was born on 29 May 1939.

(13) Willa Juanita BENNETT, daughter of Earl BENNETT and Opal DUNFEE, was born 
6 Jun 1926 in Lawrence County, Ohio, and married Frank PETRIE who was born 11 Oct 1922.

+          26         i Frank C. Jr. PETRIE (p. 9) was born on 7 Oct 1944.
           27        ii Jeffry Allen PETRIE was born 9 Aug 1960, and married Benita 
+          28       iii Jennifer Ann PETRIE (p. 9) was born on 9 Aug 1960.
(26) Frank C. Jr. PETRIE, son of Frank PETRIE and Willa Juanita BENNETT, was born 
7 Oct 1944, and married Caroline Sue EVANS.  

           36         i Brandy Sue PETRIE was born 20 Nov 1970.
           37        ii Franklin (Gus) Augustis PETRIE was born 1 Oct 1974.

(28) Jennifer Ann PETRIE, daughter of Frank PETRIE and Willa Juanita BENNETT, was born 
9 Aug 1960, and married Kem A. MALONE who was born 26 Mar 1955.  Kem A. died on 
23 Oct 1980.

She also married David RUSSELL.  

           32         i David RUSSELL 
           33        ii Douglas RUSSELL 

She also married Raymound RIGDON.  

(14) Geneva Mae BENNETT, daughter of Earl BENNETT and Opal DUNFEE, was born 
28 Jan 1928 in Lawrence County, Ohio, and married John FULKS who was born 2 Jun 1925. 
John died on 17 Mar 1964 and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.

John started out working on a dairy farm, he later began running a fuel bulk plant, 
where he delivered fuel for heating and etc. John remained in this line of work until 
his death in 1966.

           39         i Vicky Sue FULKS was born 25 Apr 1948, and married Larry NAVY, 
son of Louie J. NAVY and Catherine NAVY.

Vicky is the oldest child of a large family, She was raised in Scottown Ohio on a 
Dairy Farm until moving when she was in the 7th grade. Vicky has been employed at 
Marshall Computer Center since 1966 (20years).

Larry is retired from Associated Transport, but is best known for his musical talent. 
He had a band called LARRY NAVY COMBO that played at clubs and function in the 
Huntington WV area.The band does not still play together but Larry continues to play 
music at events in the area with other musicians.
+          40        ii Billie Kay FULKS (p. 10) was born on 6 Sep 1951.
+          41       iii Neil Steven FULKS (p. 10) was born on 25 Sep 1953.
+          42        iv Earl (Stan) Stanley FULKS (p. 11) was born on 23 Jan 1958.

She also married Ervin (Pat) PATRIC who was born 26 Sep 1921.  Ervin (Pat) died on 
28 Mar 1989 and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.

           44         v Michael Todd PATRICK was born 17 Dec 1971.

(40) Billie Kay FULKS, daughter of John FULKS and Geneva Mae BENNETT, was born 
6 Sep 1951, and married Terry NEAL.  

           46         i Heather NEAL 

She also married on 13 Dec 1974, Paul M. HENDERSON who was born 31 May 1951.

           48        ii Jessica Lynn HENDERSON was born 23 Oct 1975.
           49       iii Travis HENDERSON was born 18 Apr 1977.

(41) Neil Steven FULKS, son of John FULKS and Geneva Mae BENNETT, was born 
25 Sep 1953, and married Vicky Kay JONES.  

+          52         i Neil Shannon FULKS (p. 10) 
           53        ii Johnny Ray FULKS 
+          54       iii Gwen Lovett FULKS (p. 10) 

(52) Neil Shannon FULKS, son of Neil Steven FULKS and Vicky Kay JONES, married spouse 

           78         i Travis FULKS 
           79        ii Cody FULKS 

(54) Gwen Lovett FULKS, daughter of Neil Steven FULKS and Vicky Kay JONES .

           80         i Johnathon FULKS 

(42) Earl (Stan) Stanley FULKS, son of John FULKS and Geneva Mae BENNETT, was born 
23 Jan 1958, and married Molly CAHILL.  

           75         i Cailin Rose FULKS was born 15 Nov 1991.

(15) Virginia Lea BENNETT, daughter of Earl BENNETT and Opal DUNFEE, was born 
19 Jul 1930 in Lawrence County, Ohio, and married Thomas WADE who was born about 1929.
Thomas died in 1953 and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.

Tom graduated from Windsor High School in 1945. While there he was a member of the 
Dukes basketball squad. Following graduation he engaged in farming with his father. 
April 7 1952 he entered the Army where he served in the Korean Conflict. Returning 
from a leave in Japan, the Air Force Globemaster aircraft he was riding on crashed 
outside of Tokyo, where he was killed.

She also married on 18 Apr 1956, Robert WADE, son of Harley WADE and Elizabeth WALL.

+          57         i Debra Jean WADE (p. 11) was born on 24 Mar 1957.
           58        ii Robert Allen WADE was born 24 Apr 1959.
           59       iii Mark A. WADE was born 16 Mar 1966.

(57) Debra Jean WADE, daughter of Robert WADE and Virginia Lea BENNETT, was born 
24 Mar 1957, and married Rodney THOMPSON.  

           81         i Lori WADE 
           62        ii Cheyenne THOMPSON 

(16) Mary M. BENNETT, daughter of Earl BENNETT and Opal DUNFEE, was born 14 Dec 1933 
in Clark County, Ohio, and married Wendal PINKERMAN.  

 Wendell has 3 boys from a previous marriage. Both Wendell and Mary are active in the 
Perkins Ridge Baptist Church.

          291         i Cecil Frank PINKERMAN was born in 1956.  Cecil Frank died in 
          292        ii Steve PINKERMAN 
          293       iii Andy PINKERMAN 

(4) Lowell Gene BENNETT, son of Earl BENNETT and Opal DUNFEE, was born 29 May 1939 
in Clark County, Ohio, and on 19 Dec 1958 in Lawrence County, Ohio, married Glenna 
Lucille TAGG, daughter of Forrest Conley TAGG and Wilma BURCHAM, who was born 
29 Sep 1939 in Lawrence County, Ohio.  Glenna Lucille died on 16 Oct 1967 in Cabell 
County, WV and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins Ridge.

+           6         i Lowell Brian BENNETT (p. 12) was born on 8 Sep 1960.
+           7        ii Gloria Jean BENNETT (p. 12) was born on 9 Sep 1961.
+           2       iii Glenn Evan BENNETT (p. 13) was born on 17 Aug 1966.

He also married on 20 Jun 1968 in Cabell County, WV, Violet Ann BOWLING, daughter of 
Burgess BOWLING and Orpha SMITH, who was born 27 Feb 1943 in Mingo County, WV.

            9        iv Christopher Lee BENNETT was born 17 Mar 1970 in Cabell County, 
WV, and in Tennessee married Billie Gobel.
           10         v Amy Lyn BENNETT was born 21 Jan 1974.
(6) Lowell Brian BENNETT, son of Lowell Gene BENNETT and Glenna Lucille TAGG, was born 
8 Sep 1960 in Cabell County, WV, St Marys, hospital, and in Boyd County, Kentucky, 
married Edwina HOWLAND, daughter of William HOWLAND and Helen BROWN.

           18         i William Shayne BENNETT was born 6 Apr 1985 in Boyd County, 

He also married Tracey Sue FERGUSON, daughter of Willis FERGUSON and Mary MATHIS, 
who was born 25 May 1965 in Wadsworth, Ohio.

           20        ii Shanna Ray BENNETT was born 22 Sep 1990 in Boyd County, Kentucky.
           21       iii Sara Brianne BENNETT was born 4 Apr 1995 in Boyd County, Kentucky.

(7) Gloria Jean BENNETT, daughter of Lowell Gene BENNETT and Glenna Lucille TAGG, was born 
9 Sep 1961 in St Mary's Hospital, Huntington, WV, and in Ashland, Kentucky, married 
James E. FOSSON, son of Charlie FOSSON and Ruby FOSSON.

           23         i James (Jimmy) Ellis FOSSON was born 1 Sep 1979 in Boyd County, 

She also married Gary STEVENS, son of Robert STEVENS and Mary STEVENS.

(2) Glenn Evan BENNETT, son of Lowell Gene BENNETT and Glenna Lucille TAGG, was 
born 17 Aug 1966 in Cabell County, WV, and on 29 Jul 1989 in Boyd County, Kentucky, 
married Robin Renee KITTLE, daughter of Carl Edward KITTLE and Geraldine MCGUIRE, 
who was born 16 Mar 1964 in Greenup County, Kentucky.

            1         i Carl Evan BENNETT was born 10 May 1990 in Boyd County.

Fawn Abner Holderby from Lawrence County, Ohio

(357) Abner HOLDERBY, son of William Jr. HOLDERBY and Rebecca HOSKINSON, was born 
25 Dec 1809, and on 14 Oct 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio, married Elizabeth Jane THOMPSON,
daughter of John THOMPSON and Catherine (Katie) ??, who was born 25 Oct 1827.  
Abner died on 19 Jan 1895 in Ohio and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, Perkins 
Ridge.  Elizabeth Jane died after 4 Jun 1912 and was buried in Lawrence County, Ohio, 
Perkins Ridge.

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