Mr. David Nixon Retires
I.R. Aug. 13, 1908
The 31st of July, 1908, is a memorable day in the business annals of Ironton as it marks the retirement from active store-keeping of the man who has been in business longer than anyone living here. This is Mr. D. Nixon for so many years, the furniture man. Mr. Nixon picked up his furniture and wallpaper, which he has still in stock, and removed them to his home and other storage places.
Mr. Nixon came to Hanging Rock from Pennsylvania in 1848. Hanging Rock was even then a good-sized village. When Mr. Nixon was back at Beaver, Pa., on business, he saw the soldiers of the Mexican war returning one day when he was on the wharf boat at Rochester, Pa.
Mr. Nixon was in the office of the Ohio Iron and Coal Company when the conclusion was reached to purchase the ground on which Ironton now stands and lay out a town. John Campbell, Hiram Campbell, Samuel Dempsey, Dr. Scott, and Dr. Briggs were at the party. The company desired to purchase the land about Hanging Rock instead of this but gave it up as Robert Hamilton refused to sell the Hanging Rock railroad.
They then purchased the present site of Ironton, owned chiefly by W. D. Kelly, Mr. Bumgardner, John K. Smith, and Mr. Heplar. They then proceeded to lay out the new town and construct the Iron Railroad, now the D. T. & I. line to Center Furnace. Ironton Kelly was born the day the town was laid out.
The engineer who laid out the railroad was Mr. McNeil, in the safe business in Cincinnati, with a factory at Hamilton. Mr. Daniels took the contract for the construction of the road. As Mr. Nixon rode his horse back and forth from the Rock, he watched the construction of the old Buckeye House built by David Cochrane, from Burlington, Ohio, in 1849. The iron weeds along the road were then so high that he could hardly see the building.
In 1850 Mr. Nixon removed to Ironton and built the brick building on Second street, now occupied by Hugger, the jeweler. Here he started a notion store, that being 58 years ago. The first house built in Ironton was on the site of the present Ricker house but was a frame built by a man named Gillen.
The first preaching in town was in the old frame schoolhouse, now Cooper & Stewart’s office. Mr. Nixon was a charter member of the Presbyterian church, the old part of the structure being built shortly after the town was laid out under the pastorate of Rev. Chester.
Mr. Nixon carried the message signed by John Campbell to the county auditor at Burlington, informing him that the county seat should be moved to Ironton by a vote of the people. Ironton at that time was growing rapidly.
In 1859 or 1850, shortly before the war, times were hard here, and being compelled to borrow gold at 10 percent interest, Mr. Nixon traded his building for a store-boat and made a trip down the river, finally selling out at Mt. Vernon, Indiana. From there, he returned up the river to Parkersburg just as the war broke out.
During the war, Mr. Nixon conducted a feed business in the building where the Western Union office is now located. He also did a teaming business at about this time. In 1865 he erected the frame and the brick buildings at the corner of Third and Railroad streets and embarked on the furniture business he followed until now, making 43 years in this particular business. He then purchased the building on Second Street, which was built in 1872 by Henry Wilson. His furniture store was founded for thirty-odd years until he sold the building to Dr. Lowry last year.
In all these years, Mr. Nixon never failed in business, the firm name being D. Nixon. He has seen every business house in Ironton start, and hundreds come and go. The next oldest businessman in Ironton is Mr. R. Mather, and the late E. Bixby stood second in a time of continuance in business.
The many friends of Mr. Nixon regret to see him retire but cherish the recollection of his uprightness and steadfastness in his long activity. May his days as a private citizen be many and happy even after his days as a merchant ended.
I.R. Oct. 4, 1883 – Mr. and Mrs. D. Nixon were in Cincinnati last week, and the latter departed for San Francisco with her sister from Augusta to spend the winter.
I.R. Mar. 13, 1890 – Miss Jennie Nixon returned from the West last Monday, where she has been for over two years visiting relatives in Nebraska, Kansas, and the Indian Territory.
I.R. Aug. 18, 1890 – Miss Elizabeth L. Kouns, Principal of a young ladies’ boarding school in New York City, is visiting the family of D. Nixon.
The Marriage of Mr. Frank Lesly Powers of Augusta, Ky., and Miss Jenny Franklyn Nixon at the Presbyterian Church Last Night – A Notable Society Event.
From Thursday’s Daily – One of Ironton’s most lovely daughters has been given in marriage to a worthy son of a neighboring state. From the fair daughters of Ohio, the gallant son of Kentucky chose his bride. Last night at 8 o’clock, the marriage of Miss Jenny Franklyn Nixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Nixon, to Mr. Frank Lesly Powers of Augusta, Ky., was solemnized at the Presbyterian church. The bride is a most charming young lady-the fortunate groom, one of Augusta’s most substantial and worthy young men.
The church was crowded to its utmost with eager friends, and during the waiting moments, Miss Ricker rendered some choice selections. The ushers were Messr. Charles Campbell and Howard Kerr. The groom’s attendants were Messrs. Wallace Moulton, Charles Gray, and George Gray. The groom’s brother, Mr. Arthur L. Powers, is the best man. The bridesmaids were Miss Estella Nixon, sister of the bride, Miss Eloise Cleveland, a cousin, and Miss Emma Gray. Miss Belle Nixon, a bride’s sister, was the maid of honor.
Promptly at 8 o’clock, Miss Ricker rendered Lohengrin’s wedding march and Mrs. Minnie Moffett Bixby’s “Faithful and True” as the wedding party entered the main aisle. The ushers proceeded, followed by the attendants in their order. Mr. Charles Gray and Miss Eloise Cleveland, Mr. George Gray and Miss Estella Nixon, Mr. Wallace Moulton and Miss Emma Gray.
The maid of honor, Miss Belle Nixon, next came – then the beautiful bride on her father’s arm. The groom, attended by his brother, entered from the east door, meeting the bride in front of the altar. Rev. E. E. Moran performed the ceremony, the ring service being used. At its close, the wedding party left the church by the south entrance to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march.
The bride wore a gown of white satin, trimmed in Duchesse point lace, and carried a large bouquet of beautiful bride roses. The bridesmaids were all beautifully arrayed, and the gentlemen were in full dress. On leaving the church, the party returned to the Nixon home, where a reception was held until the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Powers on the 10:30 F.F.V. train for a wedding tour of the eastern cities.
There was rice throwing, the eager scramble for the bridal bouquet as it was thrown from the stairway, and the happy pair were away with the hearty “Godspeed” of everyone and wished for a safe return to their home and friends. Among the guests from out of town were: Mrs. Cleveland and her daughter, Eloise, Mr. George Donalphan, Mrs. Louise Marshall, Miss Powers, and Mr. Arthur L. Powers, all of Augusta, Ky. Mrs. Marmaduke of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Stallcup of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Rankin of Greensburg, Ind., Miss Emma Magee of Proctorville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. McGugin of Olive Furnace.
The presents were numerous and costly, embracing both the useful and ornamental, thus evidencing the high esteem the young people held. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Powers will reside in Augusta.
IR May 21, 1896 – Died. – At the residence of David Nixon last Monday afternoon, Mrs. Matilda Ann Stewart at the age of 76. She was born in Burlington and lived there most of her life. She came here eight weeks ago to care for her sister, Mrs. Nixon, David’s mother, and had taken ill herself since she could not leave the house. Her husband was a Presbyterian minister who died at Hanging Rock forty years ago. He is buried at Burlington, and Mrs. Stewart was laid by his side last Tuesday afternoon. They had no children. The deceased was a sister of the late R. L. Hopkins and was a noble Christian woman.
I.R. Oct. 27, 1910 – FUNERAL SERVICES – The funeral services over the remains of David Nixon were held Friday at 1:30 at the Presbyterian church and were conducted by Rev. Lewis Earl. Lee. The friends of the deceased largely attended the services, and many beautiful flowers attested to the love and high esteem held by the deceased. The active pallbearers were: Mr. ______, A. R. Johnson, C. H. Moore, H. H. Campbell, E. W. Bixby, W. H. Nigh, and Earle Stewart. Honorary: H. B. Willard, F. E. Hayward, S. B. Steece, William Bay, Charles Hutsinpillar, and J. L. Anderson.
The burial was in Woodland Cemetery, and the very touching feature of the burial services was the presence at the grave of the inmates of the county infirmary, to whom the deceased had been a friend and spiritual body for almost half a century. These unfortunate were present to pay their last respects to the departed.