Jasper Newton Lunsford

Jasper Newton Lunsford’s Family
Old Photo of Jasper Newton Lunsford Family from Lawrence County, Ohio Photo courtesy of Sandra Holderby

Photo courtesy of Sandra Holderby

Jasper Newton Lunsford’s family. He was the s/o Elijah and Margaret Morris Lunsford and married Viola Dawson. Sandra Holderby

Front row left to right: Margaret, Viola holding Berkley, Gordon, Jasper with Juanita. In the back, left to right..Mary, Florence, Alice, Norman, and Martin. Jasper and Viola are buried in Perkins Ridge. He was a Baptist preacher. Leon’s father, Jasper Leland, was named after him. He remembered him as a compassionate man that would cry when he preached. – Sandra Holderby

Randy Evans My 3rd great-grandmother was Martha Morris-Lunsford, married to William Lunsford. I know of the connection, and I’ll have to revisit that. Martha and William are both buried in Woodland. Great picture!!

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