
Lawrenceburg was an early name chosen for the area east of the mouth of Symmes Creek and the Ohio River, located in Section 32.

Chapter Four

In 1819, the first account of this property was found. Edward Miller produced his Treasurer’s Receipt for his Tavern License at ‘his stand’ on the Ohio River at the mouth of Symmes Creek. (, Court records, 1817-1856 film #8198783, 1819)

Miller paid the annual fee of $6.00 for a Tavern License on the 2nd day of the August Term in 1819. It was approved on a motion of the Court, and Edward  Miller could keep his Tavern.

Index showing the name Lawrenceburg in Lawrence County, Ohio's Deeds.

The above table was taken from Lawrence County, Ohio, Deed Indexes for the year 1820

When you go to the deed of that particular transaction, it shows only half of the plat map and survey for Lawrenceburg on page 224. It took some searching, but I was finally able to find the second half on page 284. Nowhere on the document was William Miller’s name; instead, it was signed by Edward Miller as the Proprietor and dated 5 April 1823, the next day.

I did find additional court records where Edward signed his name as Edward W. Miller. Perhaps William was his middle name, and he used them interchangeably. Who was William Miller Edward’s father? I will leave this answer to the Miller family genealogists and will post my research on Edward Miller in later chapters.

Lawrence County, Ohio, Deeds 3, page 224, 1823.
Lawrence County, Ohio, Deeds 3, page 284, 1823.

The above plat maps were located in Lawrence County, Ohio, Recorder’s Office. Deed Book 3, pages 224 & 284. 

The annexed plan of the Town of Lawrenceburg is handsomely situated on the lower point of Symmes Creek in the County of Lawrence and the State of Ohio.

The front lot No. 1 contains forty poles being 8 poles by 5 the rest of the lots contain the same number of poles, each the whole of which is bounded as follows beginning with No. 1, and running down the Ohio River South 72 degrees W 5 poles to a stake north -8 degrees Wes 8 poles to a North 72 degrees, East 5 poles to a stake south 19 degrees, East 8 poles to the beginning.

Edward Miller

Proprietor, 5 April 1823

Edward Miller came before the Court on 7 Aug. 1823 and asked that Lawrenceburg be vacated, as seen in Figures 8 and 9. The court approved the Case on 6 Oct. 1823. What I gathered from the records was that the community of old Lawrenceburg was an inspiration that was never fulfilled.

I will dive more into the life of Edward Miller in another chapter.

Early Photo Overlooking Chesapeake, Ohio

Welton, D. (2019). The above photo was retrieved from the Facebook Group: Vintage Chesapeake Proctorville South Point.

Lawrence County, Ohio, Court Journal 1-2 1817 - 1830
Lawrence County, Ohio, Court Journal 1-2 1817 - 1830

Lawrence County, Ohio, Recorders Office, Deed Book 90, pg 212 – 6 Jan 1909 – Recorded 17 April 1909

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