Soldiers Graves in Lawrence County

Below is a listing of Veterans’ Graves Taken from the Ironton Register published on December 6, 1877. Under instructions from the Adjutant General of Ohio, Capt. McQuigg has completed a list of the soldiers buried in this county. It may not be perfect, but the Capt. has done the best that could be done. [THIS LIST IS INCOMPLETE]

We give below, as far as possible, by whom the lists were prepared, were buried and the regiment by which they belonged:

Kelly’s Cemetery – Prepared by W S. Merrill
   S. P. Colvin, 5th Va Inf.; Richard Kirker, 2nd Va. Cav.; Wm. Adams, Ist Va. Art.; Thomas Bennett, 5th Va Inf.; Charles Brice, 2nd Va. Inf.; Edward Johns, 2nd Va Cav.; Amos McKee, 2nd Va Cav; Robert McGinley, 2nd Va. Inf.; Braxton Reeves, 2nd Va Cav.; James Neal, 4th Va. Inf.; John Beck, 5th Va. Inf.; K. B. Day, 5th Va. lnf.; Albert W Leonard, 2nd W.Va Cav.

Sacred Heart – Prepared by Richard Barron
   Jeremiah Sullivan, 2nd W.Va. Cav; John Irwin, 2nd W.Va Cav.; Edward Killene, 2nd Ky Inf.; Clement Eberhelt., 56th 0. Inf; John B. Richards, unknown.

Henry’s Cemetery – Prepared by Levi M. Henry
   Thomas McCormic, 9th W.Va. lnf.; Lawrence Slone, 22nd Ky. Inf.; William I. Williams, 27th 0. Inf.; John Peterson, 22nd Ky Inf.; Samuel Davey, 6th W.Va; Richard Lambert, lndep’nt Cav.; William Sogar, 5th W.Va.; John Williams, Unknown.

Newton Cemetery- Prepared by S. Sparling
   Perry Brumfield, Unknown; Berry Haney. 39th Ky.; E. Ward, 91 O. Inf.; E. Mayhew, 4th O. Cav.; Lewis Farmer, 22nd Ky.

Woodland Cemetery – Prepared by ——–
   James Barber, 9th Va. Cav.; Peter Schlosser, Unknown.

On Elkins Creek – Prepared by L. D. Markin
   Thomas J. Barnett, 9th Va. lnf.; John Kelly, 6th Va. lnf.

In Fayette Township – Prepared by F. M. Fullerton
   John Ward, 5th W. Va. Inf.; Runold A. Ward, 2nd W Va. lnf ; William Willis, 5th W.Va. lnf.; John Crow, 185th O. Inf.; Thomas Barbour, 173rd O. lnf.; Moses A. Freeman, 6th 0. Cav.; Henry Willis, 2nd Ky Inf.; Dillard Parsons, 39th Ky. lnf.; Samuel McKee, 2nd W.Va. Inf.; Lander Davidson, 5th W. Va. lnf.; Samuel Banks, 39th Ky. Inf.; William Pigman, 2nd Ky. lnf.; John Reed, 5th O. Col’d).

Perry Township – Prepared by Wm. Deering
   Cornellins Collier, 2nd Va. Inf.; Allen Justice, 2nd Va Inf.; James Hughs, I4th Ky Inf.

Payton Cemetery On Aarons Creek*
   Perry Payton

Dennon Cemetery, off Gumstump Road*    
Anderson Vititoe

Aid Cemetery*
   Andrew Jackson White

*From: Bob Payton

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