Kouns Cemetery

Lawrence County, Ohio, Deed book 16 page 305 dated 8 July 1855

Names listed:

  • GL Kouns
  • John Kouns
  • Benjamin Kouns
  • AP Kouns Jr and Anna
  • John C. Shute
  • Isaac Kouns
  • DB Chatfield
  • DG Shute
  • GR Crawford
  • George L Kouns
  • Isaac Kouns

From Gary Welch to Sharon Kouns

This is from the Lawrence County Ohio Deed book # 16. Pg. # 305-306.

  • AP Kouns Sr and Hannah are owners of fee simple to the lands
  • Located on Kouns farm, Union Twp.
  • Referred to as Christe and Kouns Cemetery
  • Part of west 1/2 of sec 32 twp, commencing at the stone chimney on the farm.

A. P. Kouns and Wife


Christian Kouns Cemetery Society                Deed               16 July 1855

 Whereas A.P. Kouns Sen., G. L. Kouns, John Kouns, Benjamin Kouns, A.P. Kouns Jun., John C. Shute, Isaac Kouns, D.B. Chatfield, J.G. Shute and G. K. Crawford, citizens of Lawrence County and the State of Ohio, did on the Eighth day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five at Kouns farm in said County and State, pursuant to and agreeably to previous steps according to law having for that purpose taken, proceed to form and did form, by virtue of the statutes of Ohio, in such cases made and provided a cemetery association named, “Christian Kouns Cemetery Society” and whereas the acts, doing, and proceedings of the aforesaid society, duly organized on that day have been recorded in the Recorder’s office of said County and State, in Book Vol. 1 , pages 3 and 4, a reference to which is here had to the same.

And whereas at said organization, John Kouns, Benjamin Kouns and Isaac H. Kouns were duly constituted and elected trustees of said society and George L. Kouns, Clerk and at the same time such rules and regulations were adopted for the government of said society, the object of which being the more effectually and perpetually  to enable them, having friends and relations buried in what is commonly called “ Kouns Burying Ground”, situate on Kouns farm, Union Township, in said County and State, to hold the same forever as a sacred burial place and for no other use or purpose whatsoever.

            And whereas A.P. Kouns, Sen. is at this time the owner of the fee simple to the lands whereon are situate said Burying Grounds.

Now therefore, know all men by these presents, that We, A.P. Kouns, Sen. and Anna Kouns, his wife, of the County of Lawrence and State of Ohio, the more effectually to carry out the design and purpose aforesaid and to empower and enable “Christian Kouns Cemetery Society” to perpetually and forever hold said burying place as hereinafter described for that purpose and for no other and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to us in hand paid by John Kouns, Benjamin Kouns, and Isaac H. Kouns.

Trustees of said society, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do give, grant, bargain and sell, alien and convey and confirm and by these presents have hereby granted, bargained and sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Trustees of “Christian Kouns Cemetery Society”  and their successors in office forever the following described real estate to wit; part of the West half of Section Thirty two, Township 1  of Range 16, commencing at the stone chimney on the farm of the said A.P. Kouns, Sen., thence N 6˚ 30′ W, 919 links to a stone by the corner post of the graveyard lot, from thence N 13˚ 26′ W, 2 chains to a corner post of the railing fence; thence S 78˚ 45′ W, 84 links; thence S 12˚ 30′ E, 202 ½ links to a corner post of said fence from which a Black walnut 19 inches in diameter bears N 14˚ W, 47 links and a Mulberry forked at the ground 11 ½ inches in diameter bears N 80˚ W, 50 links; thence N 19˚ E, 88 links to the beginning of the Graveyard containing by calculation one 70/100 acres, being the same piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Township of Union, County of Lawrence and State of Ohio, on the farm of the said A.P. Kouns, Sen. and commonly known as “Kouns Burying Ground” and herein delineated and described according to a survey thereof made by Thomas A. Walton, County Surveyor of said County , July 25th 1854 and recorded in his records, Vol. # 6, page 213. To have and to hold the aforesaid granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances belonging unto the said John Kouns, Benjamin Kouns, and Isaac H. Kouns and their successors.

Trustees, as aforesaid, to be by them hold in trust for the members of “Christian Kouns Cemetery Society” and to be held by them and their successors in office as a place of burial for the members of said society and their relatives, forever and for no other use other use or purpose whatever. And we, the said A.P. Kouns and Anna Kouns, his wife, do hereby fully authorize and empower said Trustees and their successors in office to forever hold, protect and defend said granted premises for the said purpose for the said society and for said purpose and use we will warrant and defend the same to them forever.

In testimony whereof, we, A.P. Kouns, Sen., and Anna Kouns, his wife, have hereunto set our hands and seals this 16th day of July A.D. 1855.

Signed, sealed, and acknowledged, delivered in our presence,           A.P. Kouns (Seal)

_ _ Johnson                                                                                         Hanah Kouns (Seal)

B.F. Branham

The State of Ohio, Lawrence County S.S.

Before me, B.F. Branham, an acting Justice of the Peace, within and for the County and State aforesaid, personally came A.P. Kouns and Anna Kouns, his wife, both of whom signed and sealed the foregoing deed of conveyance and acknowledged the same and such signing and sealing to be their voluntary act and deed, and the said Anna Kouns having been examined by me separately and apart from her said husband and the purport and contents of this conveyance being then fully made known to her she upon such separate examination did acknowledge that she did voluntarily sign, seal and acknowledge the same and that she was and still is content and satisfied therewith.

Given under my hand and seal the day and year last before
mentioned. B. F. Branham.

the 18th A.D. 1855

State of Ohio

Lawrence County Recorder’s Office, entered for record July the – 1855 and this day recorded, fees one dollar and five cents.

                                                                                    _ _ Wakefield, Recorder

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