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Blackwell Gang of Counterfeiter’s

Beasher Miller was a native of Ohio and on 17 Feb 1887, he was arrested for petit larceny and became an inmate in the Lawrence County, Ohio jail.  Why I am including this story because In the column for discharge, the date was 14 May 1887 and he had run off from Blackwell Chain. After reading the following story, it sounds like Beasher (also spelled Beecher) Miller was also staying in our county jail, perhaps a witness against the Blackwell Gang.

Sherritts Ohio

Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio, 05 Jan 1924 Fire Destroys Store, Post office Mr. J. L. Richards, Ninth and Waller streets, received a message this morning telling of the total destruction...

Kansas and Our County

Dr. Sloan and Ed. J. Sloan of Bartramsville, in this county, passed through here on the Fleetwood last Tuesday night, on their way to Kansas, where they intend to procure some land, settle and work out their fortunes. They are both high minded, intelligent young men and deserve success. We are sorry to lose them from this county. They take with them two horses and a wagon, and at St. Louis they will abandon railroads and rivers, and go it alone in their wagon.

The Dillon Family

In the Dillion Family – When “Sherm” Dillon prepared this narrative, he interviewed family members in Ohio and West Virginia, including my grandfather, Vincent F. Dillon, of South Point. In addition to whatever direct research, he may have done, he relied on family tales, stories, and memories which were not all verified. In this narrative “Sherm” Dillon references Thomas Dillon as the first of our line to come to America. After the distribution of this narrative in 1932, “Sherm” Dillon in association with at least one other family researcher, concluded that the Thomas Dillon, here referenced as our original ancestor and quite possibly found only in family interviews, and a Peter Dillin, discovered through research, were one and the same.

They Met in Wichita

Buckeye Lovers Meet in the City and are Married – At the Manhattan hotel last evening the marriage of Judge Elwood Payne of Chickasha, I.T., and Miss Delia E. Cone of Suiter, Ohio, was solemnized by Rev. E. Hamilton, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Chickasha. The happy couple were schoolmates in the Buckeye state, and afterwards teachers when the judge concluded to cast his fortunes with the great west, and two years ago settled at Chickasha, where he entered the practice of law.

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