
Marion M. E. Campground

Discover the historic lease agreement between C. W. Simmons and the Marion Circuit M. E. Camp Ground, a pivotal moment in Lawrence County's history. This scanned image of the original deed showcases...

Windsor Township Baptisms

Fifty-Three Baptisms in Windsor Township Evening and Morning Star 1832-1834 Kirtland Reprintby William W. Phelps Publication date 1835, Page 200 About this source: The Evening and the Morning Star...

Rev. D. J. James

Minutes of the annual conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Churches - Memphis Conference - Held at Brownsville, Tenn., on Nov. 15 - 20, 1899, Page 127 D. J. James, the preacher in charge of the...

Welsh Tied to Ironton

IRONTON IN AULD LANG SYNE Ironton Register 20 March 1890 Submitted by Martha J. Martin-Kounse EDITOR REGISTER--In your issue of the 20th of February, I noticed the account of a birthday supper given...

Low Gap Cemetery

Low Gap Cemetery is located on Route 243 at Bradrick.  This cemetery was read in 1999 by Julian Barnett, Perry Campbell, and Tom Clutters. You can find that link here. Since this cemetery was read,...

Kelleyites in Ohio

The towboat Spurlock arrived here about noon Wednesday, having disposed of its cargo of Kelleyites, and started to return the borrowed barge to the Buena Vista Freestone Company. The gang was dumped into Gallia County, Ohio, near Lawrence County, Ohio.

Tried Stone Baptist Church Ironton Ohio

The Missionary Society of Triedstone Baptist Church held its monthly meeting Monday evening. Miss Effie Bryant, the president, deserves much credit for the excellent program she arranged. The subjects discussed, and addressed were very good, and the spirit exhibited showed that they were working in the right direction.

Ohio Baptist Assocation

In the year 1819, the Ohio Baptist Association was formed. It consisted of churches in Lawrence, Gallia, Jackson, and Scioto counties. One of these churches was composed of members living in both Jackson and Gallia counties,

Church Clocks

THE MULBERRY BUSH By David Wright No Source Given Congregational Church and Presbyterian Church Clocks - The first recorded labor dispute between the city fathers and a city employee took place 91...