What’s New?
Fifty Emigrants for Oregon
Last December, Mr. T. R. Worthington came to this county to drum up laborers for the Oswego Iron Works, Oregon. Mr. Worthington is himself a collier,
William D. Kelly’s Farm
We took a stroll, the other day, over the farm of William D. Kelly, adjoining Ironton, and we were much pleased and interested with the systematic order everywhere displayed. All its operations seem to be conducted with energy and skill; and all he parts unite and harmonize,
Agricultural Society 1855
The Lawrence County Agricultural Society held its Third Annual Fair in Ironton, Ohio, on Thursday and Friday of last week, Sept. 27th and 28th. The day previous (Wednesday) was rainy, and it looked very unpropitious, but it cleared off and the two days of the Fair were beautiful. Very many people were in attendance, the crowd was large on the second day, and everybody appeared to be highly pleased – much encouragement was given to farmers.
Ohio River Towns in 1817
An "Emigrant's Guide," printed in 1817 gives the following intelligence of localities along the Ohio River, at that time: Ironton Register Feb. 14, 1878 "Gallipolis, Ohio is delightfully situated on the bank of the Ohio River, fourteen feet above the highest rise of...
Burlington Cemetery
Ancient Burlington Cemetery Has Many Interesting Old Messages August 1954 Ironton Register Shortly before the beginning of the eighteenth century and seventeen years prior to the time the county seat was established at Burlington, a burial plot was laid out at...
Nelson Cox
Nelson Cox, the Nestor of the fruit growing industry in Southern Ohio, and one of the most widely known and best beloved residents of Lawrence County, died at 7:30 0’clock, last Thursday at his home. His death was due to a cancer and was expected, even by the deceased himself, who was thoroughly resigned.
Mr. Cox was born at Cox’s Landing, Cabell County, W.Va., May 21, 1828, being past 74 years of age at the time of his death. He was married to Miss Katherine Gardner in 1852, and eight children were born of the union, seven of whom, with the mother, survive the deceased.
Samuel W. Dempsey
Samuel W. Dempsey Obituary 22 Jan. 1880 Ironton Register Samuel W. Dempsey Obituary - Another old citizen has gone. Another link that held us to the fresh young days of Ironton has been broken. One after another has fallen until we can count, in a moment's thought,...
Burlington Ohio Song
“There ‘s Joe Davidson In his brick house so large,
He kept old man Wescoat, a purpose for to charge.
If you’d buy a half pint, he’d charge it to the rear,
For they had lived in Burlington for one hundred year.
1820 Tax Index
Paying taxes was one of the earliest laws that the State of Ohio passed, and that meant the state would have to keep legal records to make sure everyone was paying their share. If you are wanting to join the First Families of Ohio from the Ohio Genealogical Society,...
1818 Tax Index
Paying taxes was one of the earliest laws that the State of Ohio passed, and that meant the state would have to keep legal records to make sure everyone was paying their share. If you are wanting to join the First Families of Ohio from the Ohio Genealogical Society,...
Kansas and Our County
Dr. Sloan and Ed. J. Sloan of Bartramsville, in this county, passed through here on the Fleetwood last Tuesday night, on their way to Kansas, where they intend to procure some land, settle and work out their fortunes. They are both high minded, intelligent young men and deserve success. We are sorry to lose them from this county. They take with them two horses and a wagon, and at St. Louis they will abandon railroads and rivers, and go it alone in their wagon.
Church Clocks
THE MULBERRY BUSH By David Wright No Source Given Congregational Church and Presbyterian Church Clocks - The first recorded labor dispute between the city fathers and a city employee took place 91 years ago next month – in December 1875 – when the town’s clock-winder...
News of Long Ago
NEWS ITEMS OF LONG AGO Many important events are recorded in the newspapers of long ago occurring the third week of May…Wm. D. Kelly opened the Exchange Bank on Second Street near the railway track on May 19, 1855…The bank was for the purpose of exchanging money...
Big Stone House
BIG STONE HOUSE – Norman Walton has a birthday today…The retired banker whom I have known since he was a boy living on Washington St., now occupies the beautiful stone home at Fifth and Adams Sts. with his wife Edith…Only last week, when I met Norm, he asked if I...
I Remember
I REMEMBER – There are many events in a life that every person can recall, but unless they happened in Ironton where the public read about it at the time it happened, readers aren’t much interested in reading about it, so please pardon the first person pronoun “I.”...