Will of Lucy M Moxley Ironton, Ohio date of death 11 Nov 1946
I ran across this probate/will in Clay Co., Illinois, Probate Box 11M, Will Book FP (foreign wills) 124-126 dated 5 Jul 1945
- American Bd Foreign Missions, NY
- American Bible Society, NY
- Baldwin, Hugh, friend, Columbus, Ohio
- BPOE Lodge #177 Ironton, Ohio
- Callebder, Elizabeth, cousin, Tampa FL
- Claridge, Joan, Gr niece, Maryville, Ohio
- Congregation Christian Minister Fund, NYC
- Cutshaw, Evelyn D, second cousin, Columbus Ohio
- Davis, Georgianna, friend, Ironton, Ohio
- Dovel, RW Exec
- Hall, Natalie, gr niece, Marysville, Ohio
- Hopkins, Don, witness
- Huddleson, Ann, cousin, Los Angeles, CA
- Johnson, Marietta, witness
- Kinkade, Alice, niece, Maryville, Ohio
- Kindake, Clara, sister, Maryville, Ohio
- Kindake, Robert C nephew, Maryville, Ohio
- Kinkade, Robert Jr gr nephew Marysville, Ohio
- Kindake, Walter M nephew, Maryville, Ohio
- Lange, Claudene, Cousin, Witchita, KS
- Martin, Fannie, friend, Dayton, Ohio
- McConnell, Kate, cousin, Portsmouth, Ohio
- Meistedt, EO Trustee, Ironton, Ohio
- Mt. Berry School, MT, Berrt, GA
- Presbyterian Church, Ironton Ohio
- Rapp, Flora M, second cousin, Portsmouth, Ohio
- Security Central Natl Bank, Trustee, Ohio
- Smith, VV, friend, Ironton, Ohio
- Turnbull, AT Trustee, Ironton, Ohio
- United Brethren Church, Ironton, Ohio
- Warren, Wayne N Cousin Wichita, KS
- Woodland Cemetery Trustees, Ironton, Ohio
- Yates, Eva, friend, Ironton, Ohio
- York, Alice Margaret, second cousin, Portsmouth, Ohio
- York, Howard P, exec, cousin, Portsmouth, Ohio
- York, James E, second cousin, Portsmouth, Ohio