Willow Wood, Ohio

JIMMY IRWIN AGAIN – A Big Reward For the Arrest of the Safe Burglar, Jimmy Irwin, alias Lysle, the well-known safe burglar, is wanted again. Last night a message was received from the Marshal of Willow Wood, Lawrence County, Ohio, offering a $300 reward for the arrest of Irwin and his pal Wm. Norris.

They are wanted for robbing several safes in that city. It is said that Irwin was in this city a few nights ago on his way to Chicago. Upon his arrival In Windy city, he received the tip he wanted, so he skipped for unknown parts. Morris, his pal, is from Ripley, Ohio, and is said to be a good, heavy man. The Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 Jul 1893, Wed,  Page 8

Simmons of Bloom Furnace, and her sister, Mrs. Simmons of Willow Wood, Lawrence county, are visiting Mrs. Cole, their mother. The Jackson Standard, 16 Dec 1880, Thu, 3

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hicks married near Smithfield 62 years ago and are still living at Willow Wood, O – The husband is 90, and the wife 85. The Evening Review, 13 Mar 1903, Fri, Page 3

Dr. S. H. HEMPSTEAD, beloved husband of Harriet Hempstead (nee Brisbane), [died] on Sunday, April 24. 1904 at seven a. m., at Willow Wood, Ohio, aged 32 years. Funeral Tuesday at Portsmouth, Oh. The Cincinnati Enquirer, 27 Apr 1904, Wed, Page 7

Mrs. Essie Montgomery, who was married Christmas to Edward Montgomery, a wealthy mine operator of Logan, W. Va., was burned to death at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. White, of Willow-Wood, where she had been visiting since her wedding tour to New York. Mrs. Montgomery’s death was due to her dress catching fire from an open fireplace. The Greenville Journal, 18 Jan 1912, Thu, Page 2

Next week, Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Lunsford will attend the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. Lunsford’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lunsford, who live in Willow Wood, Lawrence county, Ohio. Their children and grandchildren will be present at the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lunsford are the parents of five sons and one daughter. Two sons reside in Cincinnati, two in Ironton, and one in Portsmouth. The daughter resides at Willow Wood. The reunion will last several days. The Portsmouth Daily Times, 12 July 1912, page 2

IRONTON – Today, the first tank car of crude oil produced in Lawrence county was rewarded to a refinery by the Buckeye Pipe Line Company, a Standard subsidiary. It was loaded outside the city limits from a pipeline from the Willow Wood wells, 14 miles northeast of the city. Dayton Daily News, 22 Oct 1912, Tue, 15

Well, She’ll Get Our Vote – Dear Luke: I desire to nominate Miss Oma Corn, of Willow Wood, Ohio, for Yell Leader of the ‘Names Is Names Club’. G. 0. P. Akron Evening Times, 08 Jul 1915, Thu, Page 6

Photo courtesy of Carol Taylor Craft Store and post office at Willow Wood around 1900 William D. Holschuh and his wife Mary, Lilly Holschuh, Lena Holschuh, Mrs Jacob Holschuh, Jacob Holschuh, (the first postmaster) note says 'the lil building on right is a chicken coop'

Photo courtesy of Carol Taylor Craft

Store and post office at Willow Wood around 1900 William D. Holschuh and his wife Mary, Lilly Holschuh, Lena Holschuh, Mrs. Jacob Holschuh, and Jacob Holschuh (the first postmaster) note says, ‘the lil building on the right is a chicken coop.’

ACCUSED OF ROBBING A HOME WHILE SON WAS CORPSE-IRONTON, O., – Feb 13 – Charged with burglarizing the home of W.D. Holschuh near Willow Wood, while Emory Holschuh, his son, lay in his casket in the front room, two young men, Griffi Sowards and Emory Dillon, entered pleas of not guilty last evening when arraigned before Mayor Moulton in police court. They were bound to the grand jury with a bond set at $500 each and committed to the county jail upon failure to furnish it.
The two men were arrested Wednesday afternoon.

They had come to Ironton, and being suspected by Mrs. Darline Holschuh, she followed them to town, police said, and upon their arrival, filed charges against them in Municipal Court. They were immediately arrested and placed in jail upon suspicion. Officers did not comment on the arrest. After investigating the case, Mrs. Holschuh identified a knife that was alleged to have been found upon one of the prisoners as belonging to her dead husband. Portsmouth Daily Times 13 Feb. 1926, page 8 Saturday

The old Lawrence Barry place. Willow Wood Ohio. Photo courtesy of Carl Murdock

The old Lawrence Barry place. Willow Wood, Ohio. Photo courtesy of Carl Murdock

Willow Wood Part of the buildings are still there. Little store building on the left is actually now a house. Lady who lives in it will be 92 years old this year. Two of her sister's were married to a couple of my uncles. Copied from the Symmes Creek book. Photo courtesy of Carl Murdock

Willow Wood Part of the buildings is still there. The little store building on the left is now a house. Lady who lives in it will be 92 years old this year. Two of her sisters were married to a couple of my uncles. Copied from the Symmes Creek book. Photo courtesy of Carl Murdock

Willow Wood, Ohio  old General Store and Post Office

Photo Courtesy of Carl Murdock 2016 and Comment: This was the old PO/General Store.

A boy is Stabbed; Arrest Made Ironton, April 10 – In an affray at Willow Wood Sunday evening, Emory Dillon, age 16, son of Marshall Dillon, was badly cut about the body and Pearl Bowen, age 15, son of J.A. Bowen, also of Willow Wood, is in the county jail awaiting a hearing on the charge of having wielded a knife. There is understood to have been bad blood between the two principals in the affray for some time. Dr. W.W. Payne attended to the injuries of the Dillon boy. They are quite serious, but he will recover. Tuesday, April 10, 1923, The Portsmouth Daily Times

Robert N. Wiseman: I was by there in the late 1970's or very early 1980's and stopped to chat with an elderly lady who was sweeping the sidewalk at the house across the road. I was looking for a cemetery and a place called Millville. When I asked the lady where Millville was she said "You're standing right in the middle of it Sonny"!! She the old building once housed the mill and store, etc. She said the place was called Millville when the mill was put in but no one has called it that for years. One of my relatives, Sam Leffingwell, ran a sawmill for Holschuh at one time, I think it may have been another location.

Photo Courtesy of Carl Murdock and Comment: This was the old PO/General Store. There used to be an old mill behind this store.

Sue Higgins Blagg: Merrill Holschuh ran this when I was growing up, and his brother Glenn had the store in Scottown.

Sharon Moore Leffingwell: I thought that was Merrill’s store. We went there and watched movies when I was a kid, around 1947-1949. Does anyone remember those movies? Glen would show them on his garage door. He had not thought of that for years, thanks, Carl, for bringing back memories.

Robert N. Wiseman: I was by there in the late 1970s or very early 1980s and stopped to chat with an elderly lady who was sweeping the sidewalk at the house across the road. I was looking for a cemetery and a place called Millville.

When I asked the lady where Millville was, she said, “You’re standing right in the middle of it, Sonny”!! She then old building once housed the mill and store, etc. She said the place was called Millville when the mill was put in, but no one has called it that for years. One of my relatives, Sam Leffingwell, ran a sawmill for Holschuh. I think it may have been another location.

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