Kimball Family

The Kimball / Kimble Family Researched by Martha J. (Kounse) Martin

Richard KIMBALL was born in 1594 at Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England. He brought his family to America in 1634 on the Ship “Elizabeth”. Before coming to this country he married Ursula SCOTT in Rattlesden in about 1611. She was the Granddaughter of Sir William SCOTT and Lady Mary HOWARD, daughter of Charles HOWARD, Earl of Nottingham. The leaders of a new colony asked him to come as a Wheelwright to Watertown, MASS. He owned considerable property in what is now Cambridge but was then called Watertown in the state of MASS.

In 1637, he was given a lot and forty acres of land beyond the North River. In 1653 he was one of the town’s three surveyors. Richard proclaimed a Freeman on 6 May 1635 (WHERE??) and then was invited to settle in Ipswich, MASS, where he spent the remainder of his life.

After his death on 22 June 1675, in Ipswich, Mass., the inventory of his Estate was worth 737 pounds, excluding the settlements made to his children at the time of their marriages. His children were:

1. Abigail KIMBALL b. ca 1613 d. 17 Jun 1658 Salisbury, MA. She married John SEVERANS

2. Henry KIMBALL b. ca 1615 and married Mary WHITE ca 1640.

3. Elizabeth KIMBALL b. 1621

4. Richard KIMBALL b. 1623 married Mary ??

5. Mary KIMBALL b. 1625 married Robert DUTCH

6. Martha KIMBALL b. 1629 married Joseph FOWLER

7. John KIMBALL b. 1631 Rattlesden Suffolk Co, England married Mary BRADSTREET ca 1655 (see below for more info on this family line)

8. Thomas KIMBALL b. 1633 d. 3 May 1676 married Mary SMITH

9. Sarah KIMBALL b. 1635 married Edward ALLEN 24 Nov 1658

10. Benjamin KIMBALL b. 1637 d. 11 Jun 1695 married Mercy HAZELTON Apr 1666

11. Caleb KIMBALL b. 1639 d. 9 Apr 1688 married Anna HAZELTON 7 Nov 1660

John KIMBALL (#7) b. 1631 Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England married Mary BRADSTREET b.1635 England…He came to America with his parents in 1634

John & Mary’s children were:

1. John KIMBALL b. 8 Nov 1657 d. 24 Feb 1658

2. Mary KIMBALL b. 10 Dec 1658 married Deacon Thomas KNOWLTON 17 May 1682

3. Sarh KIMBALL b. 29 Jul 1661 married John POTTER; Had one child.

4. Hannah KIMBALL b. 1662; Died young.

5. Rebecca KIMBALL b. Feb 1664 married Thomas LULL 21 Jan 1689

6. Richard KIMBALL b. 22 Sept 1665 d. 26 May 1715 married Lydia WELLS 12 Feb 1688

7. Abigail KIMBALL b. 22 Mar 1667 married Isaac ESTY 14 Oct 1689

8. John KIMBALL b. 16 Mar 1668 d. 4 May 1761 Preston, CONN married Sarah GOODHUE     2 Dec 1692; Had nine children.

9. Benjamin KIMBALL b. 22 Jul 1670 d. 28 May 1716 married Mary KIMBLE; Had eight children.

10. Moses KIMBALL b. Sept 1672 d. 23 Jan 1750 married Susannah GOODHUE 1696; Had ten children

11. Aaron KIMBALL b. Jan 1674

12. Joseph KIMBALL b. 24 Jan 1675 Ipswich, MASS d. 1761 married Sarah ??     (see below for more info on this family line)

Joseph (12) and Sarah’s children:

1. Sarah

2. Joseph

3. Philemon     (See below for more info on this family line)

4. Eunice

5. Mercy

6. Daniel

7. Stephen

8. Joshua

9. Dean

Philemon and Katherine LOWEN KIMBALL’S children:

1. John

2. Asa b. 27 Mar 1737 at Ipswich, MASS. He married Hannah SWEET     (see below for more info on this family line)

He resided in Gloucester, RI where he was a most important person before and after the  American Revolution. He acted on many committees and in various capacities for the State.  He served in the Rev. War as Major of the 2nd R.I. Regiment and was promoted to Lt./Col. of the 4th Reg of Militia in 1781. He was a member of the Legislature in 1780. He received from the Government a large grant of public lands for his services in the war. On these, he settled his family.

3. Sarah

4. John

5. Eunice     Asa and Hannah SWEET KIMBALL’S children:

1. Amherst KIMBLE

2. John KIMBLE

3. Anne KIMBLE

4. Asa KIMBLE b. 27 Mar 1767 at Gloucester, RI. Married 1. Sarah OWEN; 2.  Aurelia B. HIBBARD b. 1779          (Aurelia’s father and grandfather were both Officers in the Rev War. She taught the first Sunday School in the area of Burlington, Ohio, using her home as the meeting place. She is buried in Burlington Cemetery, Fayette Twp, Ohio) (See below for more family information). Asa his first grist mill in Barton, VT in 1787. In 1816, he went to Condor, NY, then soon traveled to Burlington, Lawrence County, Ohio.

5. Prudence KIMBLE

6. Paul Tew KIMBLE

7. Philemon KIMBLE

8. Peyton Randolph KIMBLE

9. Stephen KIMBLE

10. Sarah KIMBLE

11. Lucinda KIMBLE

2. George Washington KIMBLE     CHILDREN of Asa and Sarah:

1. Maria KIMBLE

2. Rebecca KIMBLE

3. Anstress KIMBLE


5. Asa KIMBLE b. 22 Jan 1804 at Barton, VT. Married Julia BAGLEY b. 13 Aug 1806. (See family information below). He was a large land-owner in Lawrence County, Ohio, and in 1854 he erected a fine home that is still standing at the mouth of Symmes Creek in Lawrence County, Ohio (1933). He was engaged in farming and boat building.


Asa KIMBALL  vs  Elhanan W. WAKEFIELD, Marinda & George W. BEAMS, Admr. of Timothy  WAKEFIELD, late of said county, deceased and Thomas S. WAKEFIELD,  Harriet WAKEFIELD, Joel HOWE, and Rebecca, Wife, and Michael  JOHNSTON and Arathusa, his wife Heirs and Legal representatives of an infant  Child, deceased, which was the heirs of said Timothy WAKEFIELD, Defts.  BILL IN CHANCERY


Pleas before ……County of Lawrence at the courthouse in Burlington on the thirteenth day of March 1834.  Be it remembered heretofore to wit, on the first day of March in the year 1833,  the said complaint by Solomon Beckley, his attorney files in said court his bill of  complaint against the said defendants in the words and figures following to wit–

To the Honorable Judges of the court of Common Pleas in the county of  Lawrence in the state of Ohio, in Chancery.

Your orator Asa KIMBALL, of the said county, that from a short time before the 12 Dec 1826, he had deposed of his property in this county and had purchased a tract of land in West Bloomfield, NY,  where his friends reside and which place he was about to remove.

About the same time, one said Timothy WAKEFIELD of the said county (now deceased),  intermarried with Amy, a sister of your orator, and thereupon, property much regard and Friendship (which no doubt was sincere) for your orator —– solicited him to remain and reside in this county, also he advised your orator to dispose of his land in N. York and purchase a farm in this county.

Your orator further —–  that Martin And Isaac FRAMPTON of said county were the owners of a tract of  land to wit part of fractional Section 32, and 33 of Range 16, Township 1,  bounded south by the Ohio River, west by Christian KOONS (now Andrew  KOONS) land, North by the North line of said Fractional Sections and east by  Symmes Creek, containing 125 acres, which land said Martin and Isaac proposed  to sell for the sum of $1600, to be paid for in five annual installments and said  Timothy, knowing the premises, advised your orator to purchase the tract of land  and knowing also that your orator was then unable to make the payments as  required, and was indisposed to involve himself in so great a debt-paid Timothy,  to induce your orator to make said purchase, purposed that he should dispose of  his New York land and such other property, as he could spare for what it would  fetch, and pay over the proceed to said Martin & Isaac and that your orator should  immediately enter upon the premises and cultivate the farm to the best advantage  and apply the proceeds to the farm purpose and so far as these means should fall  short of making the installments aforesaid, he proposed to furnish slank (an article  which said Timothy then had to sell and which was not a cash article) to your  orator for the purpose of building Flat Boats for the Cincinnati Market, whereby  your orator might raise money sufficient to meet the proposed payments for said  land and said Timothy further proposed and agreed to and with your orator that he  would wait upon him, your orator, for the payment of said Plank till all the  payments for said land should be completed and a reasonable time thereafter,  giving your orator a reasonable and convenient opportunity to make said money  which might be due for such plank-after the whole of the payments for said land  should be completed.

Your orator further states that said Timothy further purposed to join him, your orator in the securities to be given to said Martin and  Isaac for the payment of said land. To all which proposed and stipulations, your orator at the special instance and request of said Timothy, agreed and the said purchase was made and completed on the 12 Dec 1826 at the final Confirmation of the Contract, a Deed was made by said Martin, and Isaac to your Orator and said Timothy jointly and a mortgage is given at the same time of the premises to secure the payment in five annual installments as aforesaid.

And also joint promissory notes to the amount of each installment were given to your orator and said Timothy to said Martin and Isaac-your orator further states that the Deed was made to said Timothy jointly with himself for the purpose of Indemnifying said  Timothy for the advances which it was expected he would make and as a security for his obligations entered into aforesaid and not with any view or expectation on the part of your orator or on the part of said Timothy that he should have any apart of said Land with the except understanding to the Contrary.

Your orator further states that the amount of purchase money for aforesaid Land was $1600 and that to effect a sale of his New York land and accomplish this Contract, he necessarily sacrificed about $200 which was done principally to gratify his  Brother-In-Law (said Timothy) and his wife, the sister of the said orator.

That immediately after said purchase, your Orator entered on said land and has solely occupied it to this time.

That he has from time paid to said Martin & Isaac the installments and on the — of March 1831 (or 1834) paid them in full and has a  receipt in full from under their hands ready to be sworn in court and has taken up and caused to be canceled said notes.

Your orator further states that he has no written evidence of the agreement aforesaid between your orator and said  Timothy, but believes that he can prove the acknowledgment and confessions of said Timothy in his life that he held the title aforesaid in trust as aforesaid and not in his own right, and this will be informed by your honors, as your orator believed from the following fact and circumstances. First, your orator was put into the possession solely and has occupied without going or being required to give any account for the rights or rents.

Second, he alone has paid all the instruments and paid the taxes occurring on said Land.

Third, said Timothy has never treated your orator otherwise, then as the sole owner of said premises, and has frequently declared him to be owner aforesaid.

Fourth, said Timothy furnished plank as he proposed to your orator during the time of payment aforesaid to the amount of  $375.35 which was charged on his book to your orator, and at his death renamed at a book account against him, and which has been Liquidated by arbitration between your orator and the Administrators of said Timothy deceased to wit on the 5th day of August 1831 and which your orator acknowledge he justly owes and is now ready to pay as your Honors shall desire, all which plank were delivered by said Timothy in pursuance of his agreement, first herein stated, and on no other ground or contract whatsoever.

Fifth, said Timothy in his lifetime or any of his Representatives since never paid a cent toward said Land except the plank aforesaid changed to and delivered to your orator and which amounted to the sum of $375.30-aforesaid only.

Your orator further states that on the day of  Feb 1831, said Timothy WAKEFIELD died intestate, that Marinda, his widow,  and relict, and Elhanan W. WAKEFIELD, have been duly appointed and now are acting Administration of said Estate and claim the aforesaid sum of money  (the amount of said plank account as Liquidated by arbitrators as part of the pett?  of said estate, your orator, further states that said Marinda has since intermarried with one George W. BEAMS, of said Lawrence County, whom with said  Marinda his wife and said Elhanan, Administrators, aforesaid, your orator prays, I will be made Defendants to this bill of Complaint.

Your orator further states that said Marinda widow of said Timothy at his death was e???rent and hers since had) since a son born the –(blank) day of May 1831, who was the sole and single heir of said Timothy, which son died the same month and that, the heirs of said infant son so far as your orator has been informed and believes the following named persons, viz-

  • Thomas S. WAKEFIELD, a brother of said Timothy,  deceased of Granville in the state of New York;
  • Harriet WAKEFIELD a sister of said Timothy now supposed to be residing in the State of Vermont;
  • also Rebecca,  Mother’s sister of said Timothy and wife of Joel HOWE residing as believed In  Vermont State;
  • also, Sarah, another sister of said Timothy and wife of Rufus  EWENS residing as is believed in New Jersey and
  • (another sister of said  Timothy and wife of Michael JOHNSTON, residing in New York state, which then Representatives (in case any of them should be deceased) are as your orator is informed and believes, the Legal and only Heirs…. of said Timothy, deceased.

(The remainder is abstracted due to space-mm) One moiety of the said estate has descended to the brother and sisters aforesaid of Timothy, dec’d, and that Marinda will be entitled to dower in the same unless prevented by in this court. Orator is willing to pay the debt due for the plank and willing to perform the agreement made between him and Timothy. Pray that one monity of said tract of land be conveyed by said heirs in whom the same is invested to your orator, and Marinda, the wife of George W. BEAMS, be prohibited from claiming and having dower in any part of paid premises.

Orator prays that Thomas S. WAKEFIELD, Sarah &  Rufus EWENS, Arathusa, and Michael JOHNSTON, Rebecca and Joel HOWE  and Harriet WAKEFIELD heirs of said infant of said Timothy, dec’d, with said  Elhanan W. WAKEFIELD and Miranda and her husband George BEAMS, for land to be conveyed and grant to orator the relief which the nature of this case requires.  Signed Solomon Beckley, Attorneys

From the Gallipolis Weekly Journal 18 June 1833, an article was printed concerning the petition of land. The Heirs listed failed to plead an answer, and the Complainant’s prayers were granted, and the cause is continued for the further consideration of the court.

In Sept term in the year last, this case was continued, and at the present time, 13 Mar 1834, the said Asa KIMBALL alone should have the land and the conveyances were made by said Timothy for certain advances to be furnished and made by said Asa after the completion of the payments for the land.

The other defendants and heirs in no wise filed any answer pleas or demurrer to this Bill, as they were ruled to do by this court. It is ordered that Marinda shall within sixty days from this time of enduring this decree, make and deposit with the Clerk of this Court a good, authentic, and valid deed at the conveyance of one undivided moiety of the said tract of land in said Bill mentioned.

Marriage recorded Lawrence Co., OH; Book 1-2-3 Page 86; Amy Kimball-Timothy WAKEFIELD

Children of Asa and Aurelia:

  • Mary TAYLOR
  • Naomi KIMBLE
  • John Brenau Hereford KIMBLE
  • Augustine KIMBALL
  • Augustine Hibbard KIMBLE

Children of Asa and Julia:

  • Amy KIMBLE b. 8 Jan 1830 at Lawrence Co, OH. Married Isaac Frampton GILLEN b. 23 May 1823.

(He resided in Lawrence County, Ohio, where he was a farmer. He served six terms as a trustee of Union Twp. He built the first grist mill in the county, just above the mouth of Symmes Creek) See family below for additional information

  • Henry KIMBLE
  • Eliza KIMBLE
  • Asa KIMBLE b. 4 Aug 1837 at Lawrence County, Ohio

Alice FRAMPTON See family information below

  • Amanda KIMBLE
  • Sarah Jane KIMBLE
  • Roxanna KIMBLE
  • Orlando KIMBLE
  •  Myra KIMBLE
  •  Roxie KIMBLE

Children of Asa and Alice:

  • Asa Albert KIMBALL
  •  Laura KIMBALL

Children of Amy and Isaac Frampton GILLEN:

  • .Eva Inez GILLEN
  • William GILLEN
  • Rachel Ann GILLEN
  • Mary Alice GILLEN
  • Elijah Cecil GILLEN
  • Julia Gertrude GILLEN
  • .John Isaac GILLEN
  • Frank Arthur GILLEN
  • Sarah E. GILLEN
  • Martin Hunter GILLEN
  • Clarence Edgar GILLEN

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