Ironton Register Aug. 23, 1894
Capt. John Combs died last Saturday and his funeral took place at the residence of Maj. Jere Davidson, Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. E. E. Moran conducted the funeral services, and the interment was at Woodland.
The funeral was attended by a large number of old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mauck, the latter his daughter Ella, were present. His other daughter, Mrs. Patterson, who lives at Columbus was too ill to be present, from whose bedside Mrs. Combs came to attend the last sad offices.

An old wharf boat Ironton Ohio – From the archives of The Lawrence Register
The deceased was born in Burlington, Ohio, in 1832, he married Miss Lizzie Crawford in 1853; about which time he came to Ironton and started a bookstore. Afterward, he went into the wharf boat business, but in about 1858 went to Pike’s Peak.
Capt. Combs returned at the beginning of the war and entered the Union Army, holding the position of Lieutenant in the 2nd Va. Infantry. He served through the war with credit and fidelity. In 1867, he established the Ironton Journal, and for a few years conducted an interesting newspaper.
Capt. John Combs was a quick and lively writer and he won considerable notes as an editor. Disposing of his interest in the Journal, he established the Iron Era but did not long remain with it.
After this he had no regular employment, engaging himself in insurance and other agencies, clerkships, and steamboating. For many years his health has been declining, and he died at last of consumption, an affliction which in former days no one ever suspected would bring him to his grave. And so another of our old citizens has gone to his long home.
Forty years ago Capt. John Combs came with a happy bride and made their home in the old Bank block. Ironton, Ohio, has grown from a village; a generation has come and gone; a great war has intervened. Through the drapery that is pushed back from the grave, we can see him who has died, mingling happily and kindly in those far away events, and a tender regret comes that they are no more.