Fayette Township in Lawrence County Continuation of History of Early Times
Written by T. A. Walton
A Glance into Pioneer Ways and Customs, Aid township Finished and Fayette Begun.
Ironton Register, March 30, 1905
William, son of James Peyton, married Bridgett, daughter of Geo. Turner moved from Va. to Madriver, thence to Scioto county, thence to and settled in the N.E. quarter of Section 7, where he died.

His child, Marinda, married Sm., son of Daniel Kirkendoll, and died in Ind. Wm. Sr’s child Nelly married Joseph, son of Geo. Beloat and is dead; her son William married Polly, daughter of Ben. A. Brown; Mary married James, son of John Delawder. Wm. Sr’s child Zachariah married and died in Boone county, Mo.; Samuel G. married Sarah Ann, daughter of Jno. Whitt, died, and he married Eliza, daughter of Richard Martin; his child John Peyton married Susan, daughter of Anderson Vitito; Sarah Ann married John Lewis and died in Boone county, Mo.; Tiressa married Warner Nourse and is dead.
Mary married Anderson, son of Daniel Neal, and lives on Aarons Creek, her child Mary married Alfred, son of Alfred Donahue, and lives on Aarons Creek; Enoch married Manerva and lives in Va. Isaac son of James Peyton, Sr., married Rebecca Liston and lives on Aaron’s Creek in S. 10 where he died. His child, Mary Ann, married Wm. son of Jacob Powell and is dead.
Perry married Susanna, daughter of Robert Rucker, and is dead. He married Barbara Dugan, daughter of Henry Enoch, and died in the army. James and Margaret died single; Jane married Wm., son of Jno. Arbaugh lives in S. 13, and her child, Isaac, married Nancy Ellen, daughter of M. Calvery Aldridge. Allen married Sarah, daughter of L. Gibson.
Jesse Sr’s child Mahala married Wm., son of Thos. Lambert, Asa married Lucy, daughter of Joseph Washburn, George married Anna Miller (?) and lived in Decatur county, Iowa. Rebecca married Chas., son of Thos Dalton. Her child, Jennie, married Lawrence Shadly. Isaac Sr.’s child, Pheba, married Mar___, son of _____ Dinnen. Aaron Brown married Catherine Yingling and lived on Johns Creek. His children, Christian Yingling, married. Their child Emily married Silas Reenburg.
Levina married Jno., the son of Robert Boggs. Aaron and Catherine’s child Andrew married Katherine, daughter of Peter Kingery, and lives in Windsor township. Their child Amanda married Daniel Burnburg. Alfred married Phoeba, daughter of Lewis Doughty, and lives in Aid township. Henry married Arminta, daughter of Henry Dalton, and lives in Aid; Rebecca married James, son of J. M. Dean.
Election held Oct. 10, 1815. Thos. Johnson, Wm. Wilson, A. Joshua Bruce, judges. Chas. McCoy and Dan’l Brubaker, clerks. Names of voters Jno. Branden, Jno. Brown, Edw. Simmons, S. Imes, Jno. McCoy, Thos. Johnson, Wm. Lynd, Wm. Wilson, Saml. Abrams, Thos. Kerr, David Brubaker, Joshua Bruce, Stephen Hodges, Wm. Holt, Geo. H. Otis, Abram Davidson, Thos. Hilt, G. Kerr, Jacob Lewis, Chas. McCoy, Jos. Isaminger, Jas. Collier, Mosback Collier, E. Phillips, Jno. Davisson – 31 votes.
The vote stood for Representative to the state Legislature David Ridgeday 30, J. P. R. Burrow 1; For Commissioner Nathaniel Gates 31: for Sheriff, S. R. Holcomb 28; Jos. W. Ross 2. Another election was held on Oct. 8th, 1816, Thos. Johnson, G. Kerr, and Edward Simmons, judges. The vote stood for Governor Thos. Worthington got 29 votes out of 31; Henry Brush got all the votes for Congress. Robt. Armstrong got the majority for County Commissioner and James Jones for Coroner.
Names of Voters. Edw. Simmons, Robt. Boyd, Jno. Brandon, Wm. Holt, A. Moore, Jno. McCoy, Stephen Ballard, Jos. Davidson, Jno. Davisson, Chas. McCoy, Geo. Kouns, Wm. Johnson, Wm. Lynd, C. Hall, Thos. Johnson, Jas. Collier, Thos. Kerr, Jos. Sloan, Sam Kouns, Jno Francis, Jas. Gibson, M. Colliers, G. Kerr, E. Phillips, Thos. Davidson, Jno. Brown, J. Kouns.
In Oct. 1817, six candidates in the field for County Commissioner: 48 votes cast, Js. Davidson 15; Edward Billops 26; Joel Brown 26; D. Spurlock 22. Nathaniel Davisson 19, Peter Lionberger 1. An election was held on June 7th, 1817, for Justice of the Peace, 35 votes cast, Chas. McCoy and Daniel Brubaker were elected.
Gabriel Kerr married Jane, daughter of Wm. Crawford in Washington Co., Pa. About 1809 and in 1812, he and his brother Thos. Kerr removed down the river in a flat boat loaded with apples, flour and cider and landed at the mouth of Big Sandy on Dec. 24th, 1812. In the Spring of 1813 moved over and settled on the farm now owned by Abrams and Campbells.
Fayette Township History Tidbits from various sources, not noted
- This Township was settled in 1798. The Davidson families, Kouns, Crawfords, Freemans, and Wards, settled here between 1798 and 1828. Dr. C. S. Hall came in 1837. Many descendants of these families still live in the area.
- The first school was built on Section 3 in 1812. John Phillips taught its seven or eight pupils. They now have four Elementary Schools and one High School.
- In 1817 Edward Tupper laid out the town of Burlington. It had the first Post Office and Lawrence County’s first Courthouse because of its location.
- In 1941 much of this fine farmland was purchased by the government for the Buckeye Ordnance Plant, which later became the Nitrogen Division of Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation.
- The First Baptist Church of South Point was organized in 1823. Has since built a new church before 1966.
- The town of Burlington and South Point was once on Route 52. They have now been bypassed by the new Route 52, a four-lane expressway, but good access roads easily reach them.
Fayette Township Notes
We are recovering from the blizzard’s effects, but there is no joy over the beautiful snow. The wind left the roads bare in many places, and there was no sleighing. |
Mrs. Emma Alford, of Beechy, Indiana, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore. |
Alice Moore came home for the holidays. |
Charley Ryan and his wife spent Christmas here. |
Mrs. Creely, of South Point, visited here last week. |
Some of our people have been attending the protracted meeting at Buffalo. |
Ada Moore died on Dec. 19th of consumption. She was a bright industrious girl of nineteen, and since her mother’s death several years ago, she had kept a house for her father. She passed away peacefully, and her father and two little brothers were left alone in the home she made bright and comfortable. She was buried in Lebanon, and the large crowd that followed her to the grave testified to the respect that her earnest life and devotion to her family had won her. |
Fayette Township Notes
The Angel of death called at Mr. G. Turner’s one day last week and took his infant to join its mother, who died a few months ago. |
Mrs. Clark Moore is still on the sick roll. |
Misses Adams, of Rockwood, spent last Sunday with Misses Ransbottom. |
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas entertained quite a number of their young friends one evening last week. |
Miss Chapman spent last Saturday with Miss Emma Foster. |
Mr. J. F. Hurt, of Colfax, Ill., spent last week with relatives at Fish Lake and Mt. Pleasant. |
Miss Vesta Moore of Manhattan visited friends in Buffalo last week. |
Mr. Charlie Adams made a flying visit to Fish Lake this week. |
Fayette Township Notes
Farmers are busy planting corn. |
Mrs. Maggie D. Kouns, of Shreveport, La., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Drury. |
The 3rd quarterly meeting will be held at Burlington in the M. P. Church on May 13th and 14th. |
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mace, of Burlington, spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moore of Manhattan. |
Messrs. Brightman and Remy of Charleston, W. Va., spent Saturday and Sunday in Burlington. |
Miss Sallie Cooper of north Sybene spent a few days last week in Huntington, W. Va. |
Mrs. A. W. Hurt gave a quilting party and rag sewing for her sisters and a few intimate friends. |
Misses Laura and Mattie Moore of Manhattan made a flying trip to your city (Ironton) last Saturday. |
Fayette Township Notes
The Misses Sparling of Coal Grove were the guests of Misses Laura and Ollie Moore Saturday and Sunday. |
The Solida Creek Baptist Sunday School is flourishing. |
Misses E. and H. Moore, of Ironton, were visiting their parents in Manhattan Sunday. |
Fayette Township Notes
Everything is putting out since the recent rain, with the promise of an early spring. |
Miss Jessie Hurt of Fish Lake left Tuesday over the N. & W. for Cleveland, where she will spend the summer with her brother, I. K. Hurt, and family. |
Mr. Al Boggs of Sandusky is very low with consumption. |
Mr. George Hanks, a worthy citizen of Sybene, was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Poley of Howell a few days ago. |
Miss Amanda Hurt returned home Saturday from Bellefonte, Ky., where she has been teaching during the past winter. |
Rev. J. D. McKee and his family have recently moved to Sybene. They occupy the house belonging to Aunt Nancy Crawford. |
Fayette Township Notes
The Sunday school institute passed off nicely at Mt. Pleasant, and all enjoyed it very much. |
There is a fair crop of fruit in this section of the county. |
Tom Justice (colored) died suddenly Monday night, resulting from eating unripe cherries. |
The farmers are busy working on their corn. |
The candidates are wearing their best smiles and shaking hands with everyone. |
Mrs. A. W. Hurt is visiting friends in Burlington. |
The third quarterly meeting of the M. P. church will be held in Burlington on June 5 and 6. |
Fred Crawford of Sybene is very ill with typhoid fever at this writing. |
Miss Ruth Hurt of Sybene spent a few days this week with her cousins, Misses Ethel and Eva Hurt, on Howell. |