1818 Tax Index

Paying taxes was one of the earliest laws that the State of Ohio passed, and that meant the state would have to keep legal records to make sure everyone was paying their share. If you are wanting to join the First Families of Ohio from the Ohio Genealogical Society, these records are accepted in order to prove where your ancestors lived.

The following Tax listing was transcribed for the Lawrence Register on January 4, 2000 by the late Ken Clark.

Adams, Phillip
Adams, Richd (Richard)
Adams, Robert
Adams, Solomon
Alford, John
Anderson, Henry
Ankrim, Henry
Ankrim, Saml
Ashley, Holt (Hall)
Austin, Geo
Baker, George
Ballard, Stephen
Bell, Benjamin (Benjn)
Bell, Ephram
Bell, Isace (Isaac) Senr
Bent, William
Bessderley, Abel
Billips, Ed (Edward)
Billips, John
Billips, John, Junr
Bingaham, Solomon
Bivens, Covington (Coventon)
Bivens, Mary
Blair, Wm (William)
Blankenship, (Blankin-), Margt
Blankenship, Andrew
Blankenship, Elizabeth
Blankenship, Isam Jr
Blankenship, Isam Sr
Booth, Daniel
Booth, Robert
Bartles, Fredk
Bowen, John
Bowen, Michael
Bowen, Wm
Bowlen (Bowling) Henry
Boyd, Robert
Bramer (Brammer), Edmund
Bramer (Brammer), Henry
Bramer (Brammer), John
Bramer, Jas
Brammer, Joseph
Brammer, William
Briant (Bryant), Rosanna (Rossanah)
Broom, Ed (Edward)
Brown, Aaron
Brown, John
Brown, John J.
Brown, Mary Ann (a)
Brubaker (Brewbaker), Daniel
Brubaker, David
Bruce, John
Bruce, Joshua
Bruce, Wm
Bumgardner (Bumgarner), John
Bumgardner, (Bumgarner) Francy (Frankey)
Bumgardner, Jacob
Bunet (Bennet), Elijah
Burcham, John
Burcham, Nathan’l
Burke (Burk), Wm
Burton, William
Bylthe, Thomas
Cabal, Adam
Call (Caul), James
Call (Caul), James Jr
Call, (Caul), Chas
Cannon, John
Canter, James
Canter, John Jr
Canter, John Sr
Cantwell, John
Carpenter, Wm
Chaplin, Moses (Mossis)
Chatfield, David
Chin (Chinn), Wm
Christian (Christen); David
Christian (Christen), John
Clark, Ann (a)
Clark, Anthony Jr
Clark, Anthony Sr
Clark, Carpus (Casper)
Clark, Cornelius (Carnelus)
Clark, Saml
Collear (Collier), Micheck
Collear (Colyer), James
Collear (Colyer), John
Collier, Ambrose
Comber (Comer), Adam
Compston (Comstin), Hester (Ester)
Cooper, Charles
Cox, James
Cradle, Ann (a)
Cutright, John
Dale, Jemissha
Davidson (Davidson), Joseph
Davidson (Davisson), Andrew
Davidson (Davisson), Isaac
Davidson, (Davisson), John  (2)
Davidson, (Davisson), Nathaniel
Davidson, Abraham
Davidson, Barbara (y)
Davidson, William
Davison (Davisson), Amariah (Amaziah)
Delauder (Delawder), Laurence (Lawrence)
Delauder, Isaac
Delong, Isaac (Isace)
Dilley, Elisabeth
Dix, James, Junr
Dix, James, Senr
Dollarhide, Jesse
Dollarhide, Mary
Dorman, Saml (Samuel)
Drouill (e) an, Simon (Seman)
Dunbar (r), Wm (William)
Earles/Eals/Earls, Charles
Eaton, Tho
Elles, Spincer
Ellison, John
Faulkner (Falkner), Richd
Ferris/Faras/Farris, John
Forgy, Ellick (Alexander)
Forgy, Hugh
Forgy, James
Foster, Major
Fout, Adam
Fout, Philip
Frampton, Elijah
Francis, John
Fudge (Fodge), Jacob
Fudge, John
Fuller, Alphonse T F
Fuson, Wm (William)
Garret, Isam
Gibson (Gipson), James
Gillett, Zebulon
Gillian (Gillilandn), Wm Sr
Gillilan, Prestley (Presley)
Gilliland (Gillilan), William Jr
Gillit (t), Joel
Graham, Jonathan
Grant, Christopher
Green, Elisha B
Griffin, Abram (Abraham)
Grubb, Wm
Hall, Abner (Abnear)
Hall, Elisha
Hall, Samuel
Hall, Wm
Halterman (Hattlerman), Christen
Halterman (Hattlerman), Jacob
Hankins, Daniel
Hankins, Rowlan (Roling/Rollin)
Harper, Hambelton
Hatcher, Farley
Hays, Rebecca
Helman, Thomas
Heluiston (Helpersten), Henry
Henny, William
Henry, Jas
Henry, Saml
Hepler, Jacob
Hight (Heyette), Tho
Higins (Hage(i)ns), John
Hilard, George
Hillyard (Hilard), Tho
Hilman (Helman), Thomas
Hilman, William
Holt, William
Hooper, John
Hopkins, Robert
Horner, Joshua
Hosken, John
Howard, Francis
Howard, Jas (James)
Huddleston, Danl (Daniel)
Hughs, Elsa
Hughs, Seles (Silas)
Jams, Solomon
Jones (Jons), Joshua
Jones, Isaac (Isace)
Jones, James (2)
Jones, John (2)
Jones, Wm (William) (2)
Keeny, John
Keeny, William
Keller, Peter, Jun
Keller, Peter, Sen
Kelley, Isam
Kelley, Jos (Joseph)
Kelley, Joshua
Kelly, Charles
Kelly, John
Kelly, Luke
Kenny, William
Kerr, Gabriel
Kers (Kerr), Tho
Ketchem, B Phillip
Kight (Kite), James
Kimball, Seton
King, Martin
King, Peter
King, Sarrah
Kingery (Kingry), Peter
Knarer – Yingling
Knarer, Jacob
Knarer, Rachel
Koons (Coons,Kouns), Christian
Koons (Coontz,Coons), Henry
Koons (Koonce), Philip
Koons (Koonce), Saml (Samuel)
Koons (Koonce, Kouns), Geo
Koons (Kounce), Jacob
Kreily, Micheal
Laffoon, Danl (Daniel)
Lambert, Johnathan
Lambert, Joseph
Lambert, Josiah
Lambert, Richd (Richard)
Lambert, Tho
Lane (Lain), John
Lee, John
Lee, Thomas
Lemay, Pleasant
Lewis (Liewis), Jacob
Liewes, Bazel
Linebarger (Lionbarger), Peter
Lunsford, John
Lynd, John
Lynd, William
Lynd, Witson
Mannon, Bozd (Boas,Boyd?)
Markim (Markins), Saml (Samuel)
Markim (Markins), Tho (Thomas)
Markins (Markim), Charles
Martin (Martian), David
Martin (Martian), William (Wm)
Martin, Benj Jr
Martin, Benjamin Jr
Martin, John
Martin, Miles
McCartney, Danl (Daniel)
McColough, James
McComas (McComeul), Stephen
McCorkeal (McCorkle), Samuel
McCorkle (McCorcheal), Robert
McCoy, Anna
McCoy, Benj (Benjamin)
McCoy, Charles
McCoy, William
McCray, John
McDaniel, Caleb
McFan, David
McIntire (Machentire), Hugh
McKee, John
McKee, Wm
McKnight (McNight) Jos
McKnight (McNight), Charles
McMahan (McMacham), James
McMullen, Samuel
Melvin, Jona (Jonathan)
Miller (Millar), Abraham (2)
Miller, Ed (Edward)
Miller, Jacob
Miller, Wm (William)
Monahon (Murnahan), Ed (Edward)
Moore (More), Abraham (2)
Moore (More), Thos (Thomas)
Moore, Crestin
More (Moore), Randall (Randolph)
Morrison (Morrisson), Samuel (Saml)
Morrisson, John
Morrisson, Nathl
Murphy, Henry
Murphy, Washington
Nance, Daniel
Nance, Danl Sr
Nance, Tho (Thomas)
Neal, John (2)
Neal, Walter
Neff, Jona (Jonathan)
Overstreet, John
Overstreet, John Jr
Paine/Payn(e), Ellis
Paine/Payn(e), John
Pancake, Abraham
Paton, William
Payn(e), Wm (William)
Payton, Nathan
Pence, Wm
Perkins (Pirkins), John
Philips, Ezekiel
Pine, George
Pine, Jacob
Pine, James
Pine, John
Pirkins, Stephen
Porter, David
Powel(l), Jacob
Powel, Richard
Powell, Henry
Pratt, Jesse
Pusee/Pusy/Peusey, Wm (William)
Randall (Randal), John
Rankins, Jemimah
Rigg, Levi
Riggs, Thomas
Roberts, Abraham
Roberts, John
Robinson, Wm G
Roley (Rowley), Joel
Ross, Robert Sr
Rucker, Robt (Robert)
Rucker, Wyet (Wiatt)
Ruckord (Record), Calvin
Russell, Isaac (Isace)
Russell, John
Russell, Owen
Russell, William
Sampson, ‘The Old Man’
Scarber, Isace
Scarberry (Scarbriee), Zacheriah
Scott, John
Sharp, Richard
Shattack, Sinnon
Sheldon, Jeriaiah
Shelton, Samuel
Sherman (Shearman), Elisha
Shope (Shoop), Wm (William)
Shumate, Silas (Selas)
Shute, John C.
Shute, Richard
Simmons, Aarah (Sarrah)
Simmons, Edward
Singers, Tho
Skinner, Ebenezer (Eleazer)
Sloan, Joseph
Smith, Abram (Abraham)
Smith, Augustis (Augustin)
Smith, Anthony
Smith, Catsey
Smith, Henry
Smith, John
Smith, Samuel, Jun
Smith, Samuel, Sen
Smith, Wm
Soward(s), John
Sparling, George
Spears, Henry
Sperry, James
Sprouse (Spouts), Robt
Spurlock, David
Sryock, Jacob
Stephenson, Abasalem (Abraham)
Stephens, Zechariah
Stepter, Wm
Stover, John
Stumbo (Stumbough), David
Suiter (Sutor/Sutor), Jacob
Sumpter (Sumter), Richrd (Richard)
Tacket, W George
Teir (Tice), Abraham
Teir (Tice), John
Templeton, Jas
Templeton, John
Templeton, Tho
Templeton, William
Thomas, Elizabeth
Thompson, (Jos) Joseph L
Thompson, Rees
Thurston, Benj
Tosser, Henry
Triggs, Tho (Thomas)
Triggs, William
Trumbo (Trumboe), Ephraim
Trumbo (Trumboe), Geo (George)
Van Osdell (Dausdell), Wm (William)
Vermillion, Uriah
Vittato, James
Walbright, Chester (Christen)
Walker, Patten (Patton)
Walls, Jacob
Walls, John
Ward, Charles
Ward, James
Webb, Elias
Webb, Henly (Henley)
Webb, Isam
Webb, James
Wescott, Jeremh
White, John
Wilgus, James
Wilks, Frances
Williams, George
Willis, George
Willis, Henry
Willis, Isaiah (Isiah)
Willis, Joshua
Wilson (Willson), John
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Martin
Wilson, William
Wolf, Andrew
Wolf, Jesse
Wolf, Joseph
Woods, Hugh
Wyer, James
Yingling, Andrew
Yingling, Christi(a)n

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