Commissioner’s Board 1817


Additional Notes of Commissioners’ Doings in 1817.

No. 5. (To be continued.)

Ironton Register, December 11, 1902.

On Wednesday, June 4, 1817, the Commissioner’s Board met under adjournment as yesterday.  On Petition for a new road to begin at Abraham Miller’s ferry on the Ohio river, thence running to intersect the county road leading from Burlington, at or near long Creek, was read the first time and laid over till next sitting.

On the assent of the trustees and application of a number of the inhabitants of the Fractional Surveyed Township No. 1 in the 16 range, wishing to have freeholders appointed to appraise and lay off section sixteen in said township, order the said application be granted.

The following freeholders are appointed to appraise the same:  John Davidson, Owen Russell, George Kouns, or by us appointed to meet at the home of John Billups on the fourth Monday of the inst. and then and there proceed according to law.  Ordered that Thomas Kerr, clerk of the board, be allowed six dollars for his services as a clerk from the 21st of April 1817 till this present June session 1817.

Ordered that the merchant’s license or retailers offering goods in the county be ten dollars this year; further that Taverns and ferry licenses be the same as was established in April session, 1817; that is, for tavern license this year, six dollars, ferry licenses this year, two dollars.

Wolf Scalps. 
Ordered that David Spurlock be allowed ten wolf scalps under six months old, the sum of one dollar for each scalp, certified by James Webb,
Esqr., to us, and there be an order issued for the sum of ten dollars order allowed.

Ordered that Thomas Kerr, Treasurer of Lawrence county, be allowed nine dollars and sixty-two and a half cents for expense going to Gallipolis and by buying and making two books for said commissioners and paper for county orders.

Allowed.  Agreed that Henly Webb, constable, be allowed one dollar for returning a list of Grand and petit jurors from Lawrence Township to the clerk’s office. Board adjourned till tomorrow morning at nine o’clock.  Thomas Kerr, clerk, June 5, 1817.

1.  Order Issued to Thomas Kerr for expenses              $9.62 ½

2.  Order Issued to David Spurlock for wolf sculps      10.00

3.  Order Ishued to Henly Webb for Jury returns            1.00 $20.62 ½         

Map of Symmes Township, Lawrence County, Ohio

The Board ordered viewing and a survey from the mouth of Symmes Creek down on the bank of the Ohio river to the first cross street of Burlington.  John Davidson, George Koons, Charles McCoy, viewers, and John Poang, surveyor.  Ordered that Gabriel Kerr and Jeremiah Wescott bond be entered for the expense of new roads if not established at the expense of said county ….Bond $75.

The Highway, beginning at the town of Burlington, thence to Jacob _oons on Buffalo Creek, thence up said creek to Bazzells or Willis mill, thence intersect the line of Jackson and Gallia county.  Viewers Edward Miller, Christian Koun and William Miller, and William Buffington, surveyor.

An Order is issued to Thomas Kerr for service as a clerk for this board from the April session till June annual meeting and paid when called on order allowed—issued $6.90 on the petition of a number of the inhabitants of Lawrence county praying for a new road beginning on the bank of the Ohio river at Burlington thence to Jackson county seat the nearest and best way.

Ordered that the prayer be granted and that James Webb, Edward Simmons, and Masheck Collier viewers and John Poang surveyor or some other suitable surveyor can meet at Burlington on Friday the 27th of the instant and make a report at the next meeting of this board.  Order Issued.”

            (Here is a list of eligible expenses paid June 6, 1817, totaling $37.)

Ordered that Wm. Robinson be allowed three dollars for employing Nathaniel Davison for carrying the laws from Portsmouth to Burlington.  An order was issued 3.00.  Attest Thos. Kerr, clerk.”

At this point in the record comes a list of what are now called assessors, with their fees paid by the county on Saturday, June 7, 1817.  The record shows the following:


Upper Tp. 41 x Samuel Clark, lister               7.00

Fayette Tp. 42 x Solomon Imes, lister             3.00

Lawrence Tp. 43 x Isem Blankenship, lister  5.00

Union Tp. 44 x Samuel McCorkle, lister                    4.00

Centerville Tp. 45 x James Wilson, lister                    4.00

(This indicates that all north of Union township was called Centerville township, which formerly included all territory back from the river and above Storms Creek.)


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