The Rome Beauty Apple Story

The Rome Beauty a Democrat Apple? *

Wenatchee, Wash ., Aug . 5 . — The Rome Beauty, famed apple, is a Democratic bud sport, according to no less an authority than Congressman Jenkins of Lawrence CountyOhio. The story of the Rome Beauty was told some time ago in the United States Senate during the course of a debate over a proposal by Congressman Summers, of Washington, asking $15, 000, 000 for a study of bud sports.

Mr. Jenkins said: I want to tell you a little story, a true story, which may soften the hearts of our good Democratic friends, who are opposing this amendment. The Rome Beauty apple originated in Rome township, Lawrence county, Ohio. An old gentleman, Mr. Gillette, was an apple raiser of considerable reputation. One day he received a shipment of nursery stock, and when he sorted it out he found a small crooked apple tree in the group.

This old gentleman was a rank, partisan Republican. He threw this little crooked apple tree to his boy and said, Lad, you can have that tree. That is a little Democrat tree. The lad took that little Democrat tree and planted it, and from that little Democrat tree came the wonderful Rome Beauty apple.?

This story is true. The tree grew near the present site of the Lawrence county, Ohio fairgrounds, and a monument has been erected on the fairgrounds to commemorate this famous tree. The Rome Beauty apple is generally considered to be the best general-purpose apple.

The above speech is preserved in the Congressional Record.

Lawrence County, Ohio, Has Good Apple Crop.

Gallipolis, O ., Aug . 7 . —Frank L . Janes, Gallipolis broker, who has Just returned from a trip through the territory, says:

The crop of Rome’s , which is of course our main variety in the valley, is Somewhat heavier in the Lawrence county belt. There is again quite heavy damage from worms but growers are getting them pretty well under control and are expecting much better quality than last year.

However, in the Gallia, Jackson, and Meigs county districts, which were light last year, prospects are for a good average yield and although some scab damage has shown up we will have quite a nice crop. This district will have some extra good crops to offer this season. Grimes and Stayman, which also are produced in this section, are showing tip well both as to size and quality.

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