Falling Leaves Drifting Down

MEMORIES OF THE WEEK – The Indian Summer Weather…The colorful trees up and down the residential streets…The falling leaves like a December snow storm…The newsboy who delivers a daily out-of-town newspaper to select customers using an automobile – p.s. She is an attractive lady…

Newsboy…News in Ironton travels faster than via auto…A heart-rending bit of sensationalism spread over the city like the morning fog on Wednesday…
In more than half a century of news reporting, I can’t recall a time when local news was so far ahead of the carrier boys in all sections of the city…

The new push-button phones sure put out the scoop faster than the old-fashioned party line at Amos ‘n Andy’s Jot’em Down Store…The First National Bank corner philosopher was heard to remark yesterday that shoppers downtown this week reminded him of the lull before the Christmas rush.

EVERYBODY’S WISH – A host of well-wishers extend greetings to Dr. Wm. F. Marting on this, his 90th birthday…The doctor has taken the leading role in everything worthwhile for the advancement of the welfare of this community…His record excels all others in service on city council and assistance to industry…

Deaconess Hospital Ironton Ohio

During more than half a century he provided the city with a hospital…Our toast to the doctor on his four scores and ten birthday is in a few words – Dr. Marting, a Soldier, a Humanitarian. This city is a better place because of your philanthropy…May your dreams be happy and your health ouchless.

THIS DATE, YEARS AGO – “Father can now bring the bread” was the headline October 24, 1852, when the weekly Register announced that H. & L. Cole had opened the first bake shop in town on the corner at Front and Lawrence Streets…The amusing part of the item was “fresh doughnuts every week”…

The news on October 24, 1860, told of the incorporation papers for the Hamilton, Ellison, Campbell Land Association at $500,000 being received from Columbus…This answers that question so often asked, “how did Hecla Furnace get its name?”…One man remembers this date 78 years ago…At 8 a. m. that morning the boiler in the engine room at the old Lawrence Rolling Mill, now the site of the city sewage disposal on Vesuvius Street, blew up killing four and injuring 17 workmen…

George P. Mahl, 1047 North Fifth then living in West Ironton was among the first rescue workers to arrive on the scene….On this date in 1896, several Irontonians attended the dedication of the Railroad Y.M.C.A. at Russell…Among those present was a kid excused from school who attended with his dad…An item in my mother’s diary book for 1896 reads “Charles was delighted with his first ferry boat ride to Russell with his father to attend the YMCA dedication.”

Written by Charles Collett
Huntington, WV Newspaper – October 24, 1965

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