Constitution Week

FLAGS OUT – This is United States Constitution Week…The ladies of the Daughters of the American Revolution, James Lawrence Chapter, urge the display of Old Glory, all week…Showing your colors means that you are a good American and stand for law and order which is so badly needed all over the world today…Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue, the DAR, and the 179th birthday of the Constitution that made this nation great.

Ironton Ohio Parade 1946CHURCH CENTENNIAL – The first meeting of the 100th-anniversary committee at Central Christian Church was held yesterday afternoon, to start plans for a big celebration next year…The church was organized on Nov. 12, 1867…Stanley Imes is chairman with Roswell Geibel, assistant and plans are very extensive…

The first Christian church was erected on Third and Washington streets…That same year Lawrence Street School was built…The summer was a hot one and all 13 town pumps on various street corners, including Third and Center, went dry…The City council spent $7,000 to have the pumps repaired after enraged citizens broke the handles trying to get water from a dry well…

Ironton showed great wealth in 1867…a big enthused citizens meeting was held at the courthouse at which $100,525.00 was subscribed to build a railroad from this city to connect with a proposed new line from Marietta to Cincinnati…The line was never built.

WOW – The best story of the week is about the South Point Holiday Inn…We heard it in the lobby at Citizens National Bank…The Inn has a notepad in each room with a question for the guests “Why did you stop here?”…An answer turned in at the office desk last week read “Because we are on our honeymoon”…On the bottom of the card is a space for comment and remarks was written in big letters “WOW”.

Written by Charles Collettt
Huntington Newspaper – no date given

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