About the Old Ironton Register
Ironton Register, Thursday, March 3, 1892
An old friend S. R. Bush called to see the REGISTER this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bush came down from Gallipolis to attend the funeral of Samuel Sample. Mr. Bush looks better than he has for years; heavier and more youthful looking. He was one of Ironton’s earliest citizens and the first school teacher.
S. R. Bush tells us he remembers his first visit to Ironton, then a town on paper. He and Mr. Wait came up to buy some lots. The Ohio Iron & Coal Co.’s office was then the little frame building on Olive St., near the lower corner of George Willard’s residence lot. When they stepped into the house, they found Dr. Briggs there alone. S. R. Bush was the first Secretary of the Ohio Iron & Coal Co. While there transacting their business, which resulted in their purchasing the lot where the Second Ward hose house is, Mr. Campbell came in, attended by a young man of light hair and blazing spectacles, whom Mr. C. introduced to Dr. Briggs as Mr. Stimson.

John Campbell
Mr. Campbell then remarked that Mr. Stimson had been teaching school at Wheelersburg but wanted to start a paper at Ironton. This said, Mr. C. is what we want, too; if we have a town, we must have a newspaper; then he went on to say to Mr. Stimson that the Ohio Iron & Coal Co. would back him to a certain extent and then when the paper was established, the money should be refunded. That was the start of the Ironton Register over 40 years ago. Mr. S. R. Bush and Mr. Stimson live, but Mr. Campbell and Dr. Briggs have gone to their long homes.