Pioneer Customs in Early Times

A Glance into Pioneer Ways and Customs, Aid Township Finished and Fayette Begun, and Fayette County Poll Book 1815-1816. Ironton Register, March 30, 1905.

Submitted by Sharon M. Kouns

William, son of James Peyton married Bridgett, daughter of Geo. Turner and moved from Va. to Madriver thence to Scioto county, and thence to and settled in N. E. quarter of Section 7 where he died.

  • His child, Marinda married Sm., son of Daniel Kirkendoll and died in Ind.
  • Wm. Sr’s child Nelly married Joseph, son of Geo. Beloat and is dead; her son William married Polly, daughter of Ben. A. Brown;
  • Mary married James, son of John Delwader.
  • Wm. Sr’s child Zachariah married and died in Boone county, Mo.;
  • Samuel G. married Sarah Ann daughter of Jno. Whitt, she died and he married Eliza daughter of Richard Martin;
  • his child John Peyton married Susan daughter of Anderson Vitito;
  • Sarah Ann married John Lewis and died in Boone county, Mo.;
  • Tiressa married Warner Nourse and is dead.
  • Mary married Anderson, son of Daniel Neal and lives on Aarons Creek, her child Mary married Alfred son of Alfred Donahue and lives on Aarons Creek;
  • Enoch married Manerva and lives in Va.
  • Isaac son of James Peyton, Sr. married Rebecca Liston and lives on Aaron’s Creek in Section 10 where he died.
  • His child, Mary Ann, married Wm. son of Jacob Powell and is dead.
  • Perry married Susanna, daughter of Robert Rucker, and is dead. He married Barbara Dugan daughter of Henry Enoch and died in the army.
  • James and Margaret died single;
  • Jane married Wm., son of Jno. Arbaugh and lives in Section 13, her child, Isaac, married Nancy Ellen, daughter of M. Calvery Aldridge.
  • Allen married Sarah, daughter of L. Gibson.
  • Jesse Sr’s child Mahala married Wm., son of Thos. Lambert.
  • Asa married Lucy, daughter of Joseph Washburn,
  • George married Anna Miller (?) and lives in Decatur county, Iowa.
  • Rebecca married Chas., son of Thos Dalton. Her child, Jennie, married Lawrence Shadly.
  • Isaac Sr.’s child, Pheba married Mar___, son of _____ Dinnen.
  • Aaron Brown married Catherine Yingling and lived on Johns Creek. His children, Christian Yingling married.
  • Their child Emily married Silas Reenburg.
  • Levina married Jno. son of Robert Boggs.
  • Aaron and Catherine’s child Andrew married Katherine, daughter of Peter Kingery and lives in Windsor township.
  • Their child Amanda married Daniel Burnburg.
  • Alfred married Phoeba daughter of Lewis Doughty, and lives in Aid township.
  • Henry married Arminta daughter of Henry Dalton and lives in Aid;
  • Rebecca married James son of J. M. Dean.


Election held Oct. 10, 1815. Thos. Johnson, Wm. Wilson, A. Joshua Bruce, judges. Chas. McCoy and Dan’l Brubaker, clerks.

Names of voters Jno. Branden, Jno. Brown, Edw. Simmons, S. Imes, Jno. McCoy, Thos. Johnson, Wm. Lynd, Wm. Wilson, Saml. Abrams, Thos. Kerr, David Brubaker, Joshua Bruce, Stephen Hodges, Wm. Holt, Geo. H. Otis, Abram Davidson, Thos. Hilt, G. Kerr, Jacob Lewis, Chas. McCoy, Jos. Isaminger, Jas. Collier, Mosback Collier, E. Phillips, Jno. Davisson – 31 votes.

The vote stood for Representative to the state Legislature David Ridgeday 30, J. P. R. Burrow 1; For Commissioner, Nathaniel Gates 31: for Sheriff, S. R. Holcob 28; Jos. W. Ross 2.

Another election held Oct. 8th, 1816, Thos. Johnson, G. Kerr and Edward Simmons, judges. The vote stood for Governor Thos. Worthington got 29 votes out of 31; Henry Brush got all the votes for Congress. Robt. Armstrong got the majority for County Commissioner and James Jones for Coroner.

Names of Voters. Edw. Simmons, Robt. Boyd, Jno. Brandon, Wm. Holt, A. Moore, Jno. McCoy, Stephen Ballard, Jos. Davidson, Jno. Davisson, Chas. McCoy, Geo. Kouns, Wm. Johnson, Wm. Lynd, C. Hall, Thos. Johnson, Jas. Collier, Thos. Kerr, Jos. Sloan, Sam Kouns, Jno Francis, Jas. Gibson, M. Colliers, G. Kerr, E. Phillips, Thos. Davidson, Jno. Brown, J. Kouns.

In Oct. 1817, six candidates in the field for County Commissioner: 48 votes cast, Js. Davidson 15; Edward Billops 26; Joel Brown 26; D. Spurlock 22. Nathaniel Davisson 19, Peter Lionberger 1. An election held June 7th, 1817 for Justice of the Peace, 35 votes cast, Chas. McCoy and Daniel Brubaker elected.

Gabriel Kerr married Jane, daughter of Wm. Crawford in Washington Co., Pa. About 1809 and in 1812 he and his brother Thos. Kerr removed down the river in a flat boat loaded with apples, flour and cider and landed at the mouth of Big Sandy Dec. 24th 1812. In the Spring of 1813 moved over and settled on the farm now owned by Abrams and Campbells.

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