Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boice

Ironton Tribune 1 April 1932, Friday, Page 11

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boice of Fourth and Etna streets will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary at their home Saturday, with their son Dr. Ralph Boice and family of Parkersburg, W. Va., Participating in the observance. Friends will also assist in the celebration of this happy occasion.

Mr. Boice and Miss Mary Ralph were married by Rev. Creighton on April 2, 1882, at the Methodist church at Gallipolis. They moved to Ironton three years later and have since resided here. Mr. Boice was a harness maker at the Central Hardware Company for almost half a century. He has served as Keeper of Records of Myrtle Lodge, K. of P. for 46 years.

Three children were born into the union of the couple. A daughter named Margaret died while a student at Ironton High School and a son named Mincher died a few years later. Dr. Ralph Boice now resides in Parkersburg.

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