Local Sketches of Bradrick and Coryville Described Some Interesting Reminiscences – For a description and information concerning Coryville and Bradrick, we are largely indebted to the kindness of Capt. Jacob Suiter, of Coryville. He is a man well-versed in history and general literature. He is an eloquent speaker and a genial host.
Bradrick is situated in Union Township. It was formerly known as Indian Guyan and was a river landing. It has long been quite a business locality. In the early days, many boats and barges were built here. The lumber was obtained from a sawmill located a short distance up the Indian Guyan and about three miles from the mouth of Symmes Creek. All traces of these mills have long passed away, and the generation who carried on this industry has gone to join the great majority.
Upon an eminence back some distance from the river, just east of Indian Guyan, you may be seen a large cluster of evergreens surrounding an old-style brick house. This was the residence of the late Maj. Buffington, was a man of note in his time. He controlled at one time most of Quaker Bottom Plantation west of Proctorville. He was a good neighbor and generous friend but unforgiving as an enemy. This residence bearing the poetical and suggestive name,
Dripping Spring is now the home of W. P. Martin. Opposite the Dripping Spring was the residence of the late J. L. Suiter. He it was that operated the mills at the Falls of Guyandotte. He was a man of business who followed the river from this point to New Orleans with various degrees of success. He and Major Buffington were neighbors, and Captain Suiter said nothing could delight more than hearing them talk of their varied experiences in life.
Both were able members of the M. E. Church, then in its prime. Capt. Suiter died in 1857, and the Major toward the end of the Rebellion. The older citizens remember both of this county as being the leading men of their day.

Coryville, named after Dr. Cory of Ironton, was formerly known as the California Rocks. This locality is known to steamboatmen from one end of the river to the other. It derives its name from the steamer California.
This craft was wrecked in the river here by colliding with the steamer Isaac Newton, in the year 1848. This was before signals were used.
The California was descending the river laden with the East’s wealth, which had to be transported by water. On board were many passengers. She had made a landing at Indian Guyan, had got out into the river again, and was proceeding on her way when she met the Newton coming up with a full head of steam.
The usual fearful consequences resulted, and all was terror and confusion. Twenty lives were lost. Most of the goods were recovered in a damaged condition. The dead were buried among the rocks, far from friends and home. Costly silks and satins were spread out on the rocks to dry.
With the aid of a diving bell, all the goods except the iron safe were recovered. The safe containing many thousands of dollars still lies beneath the placid waters of the beautiful river. Still, few are left to inquire about the terrible tragedy enacted at the base of this little village. The Newton was said to be a wild boat commanded by Capt. Hopkins and piloted by Tom Hamilton, with whom she had run away.
Captain Suiter rowed us all around and among these famous rocks. Names and dates are inscribed all over them. The earliest one we noticed was 1830. Most of them had been so worn by the water and ice, and other agencies as to be illegible.
It is said the Southern freebooters under command of their celebrated leader, awaited Burr and Blennerhasset here, when they were to go on their famous filibustering expedition. They are now used by tow-boats as an anchorage for barges, and large numbers being found there at all times.
The village has a skiff ferry connected with Huntington.
Ironton Register, Thursday, September 15, 1887
- Brown, the buckeye leaves have turned. Blake, the paw-paws are ripe.
- The time of cuttin’ corn and makin’ sorghum is at hand.
- They have a Pedagogue Nine at Scott Town that know how to play “B. B.” All of them are school teachers excepting one. He could be, but farms, principally, for a livelihood.
- The coal hunters are gathering it in from Guyan bar.
- “Lots” of people are at the Re-Union from this place and vicinity.
- Ensign has suspended some of his employes, for a short time, however, Tuesday was pay-day.
- Several of our enterprising young men will go the lowlands of La., this fall.
- Prof. Shirkey will commence his school here about the 1st of October.
- Jno Warren and Jas. C. Smith are each recovering after a short illness.
- Eagle Nine of Bradrick, can’t play B. B. – but they can scream Eloquence through their bending beaks. Behold the “Wolf Creekers Scott Villians” as B. B. Clubs. COHOES.
- Health of the vicinity not very good. Scarlet fever is raging in this neighborhood.
- James Goodall came up from Ashland to spend the holidays at home.
- Miss Lona Suiter and sister Stella have been spending a few days with friends and relatives at Guyandotte.
- Mr. And Mrs. Bidwell are spending the holidays with relatives in Kentucky.
- Misses Mary and Dora Thomas, of Proctorville, spent Xmas with their sister, Mrs. Mathews, at this place.
- Misses Hattie Suiter, Minnie Goodall and Lona Suiter spent Xmas day making calls from 10 a.m., til 6 p.m. They report quite a nice time.
- Thos. Wilson came home from Cleveland to Xmas with his wife and baby.
- The “Xmas tree” and “Bible day” entertainment given by the S. S. at this place, proved quite a success. The attendance was good and nice behavior prevailed through the entire services. The committee had carefully arranged the house, programme, tree, etc., and at the conclusion of the exercises quietly stripped the tree of its many burdens and distributed them in good order. The only bad feature in the whole affair was that the pastor failed to put in his appearance, much to the regret of those who had worked so hard for the tree and free treat for the little ones. We might further add that Mr. Preacher missed some dainty luxuries by not being present.
- A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to the REGISTER. EMERSON.
- The revival which has been going on for a couple of weeks at this place, closed last Sunday. Rev. Carey, who is much liked by the people here, conducted the meeting, with occasional help from some passing minister. Although the outward appearances of the meeting was not very stirring, we know that inwardly the lukewarm and silent members were made to feel and realize some deep and lasting enjoyment.
- W. J. Suiter, who has been in the sunny South for several months, returned home on the 8th.
- Miss Annie Swoyer, of Huntington, West Va., spent last Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Meal Forgey of this place.
- Miss Minnie Goodall has been spending several weeks with Miss Hattie Suiter.
- Mrs. Allie Watters, of Proctorville, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Suiter.
- Mr. Earles, at Columbus, is visiting hi sisters at this place.
- Ed. Booth was seen on our streets last Saturday.
- Will Lemley “smoles (sic) a happy smile” all over his noble face, and says it’s a girl.
- B. T. Daniel and wife M. R. Blake and wife and P. V. Daniel and wife attended the “hop” given by Mrs. McCall last Friday night.
- Prof. Jones, of Gallia county, has just closed a successful term of vocal music at this place.
- Prof. J. M. Payne is teaching a model school here, and if you have any doubts about it, just call on his school some day and be convinced of what we tell you.
- Geo. Terry, of Gallipolis, visited relatives here last week.
- Quite a romantic little affair occurred in our ville last Friday. Just as Rev. Carey was crossing the road in front of Mrs. H. G. Suiter’s residence he was hailed in front of a carriage containing a happy couple who had been waiting patiently for the minister to come along from church and make them one. In a few moments he had joined them in holy wedlock and was wading out in the middle of the street to congratulate them, before the spectators who had gathered around were aware what was going on. Mr. Wm. Miles was the groom and Miss Etta Robinson the happy bride, both of Guyandotte. They were a bright and intelligent looking couple, who appeared very happy as they drove away. Our best wishes go with them.
- Mr. Len Nichols and Maggie Curtis were united in holy matrimony at Rockwood last Sunday evening by Esq. Suiter.
- Matrimony is still in the breeze.
- The Gypates still hold forth at this place. BROWNING.
APRIL 09, 1891
- Health of vicinity very poor. Mrs. S. Holland and Mrs. A. Snell are on the sick list.
- Mrs. Frank Bender will start for her future home in Indiana, Wednesday. We all wish her a successful journey.
- Miss Alice Suiter has been visiting relatives in Guyandotte.
- Matrimony is still on the breeze.
- A quite wedding took place at Esq. Suiter’s on the 5th. The happy couple were Mr. E. Tomlinson and Miss Laura Farmer. May joy and success be their’s all through live.
- Rev. J. H. Willis closed his fourth year of pastoral work at this place on the 4th. He has been a faithful pastor and God had crowned his efforts with success. Many useful members have been added to the church. Our prayer is that God may give him victory where’er his lot be cast.
- U. B. S. S. re-organzied March 29th. Richard Adams was again chosen Superintendent. He has been faithful in the past, and the school has progressed finely under his management for two years. DARK EYES.
- Some of the big boys of our burg thought the ice could not get so bad but that they could row through it, but they found out last Thursday morning that they were mistaken. They went about a half mile above the mouth of the Guyan creek and started over. They had not gotten far until they were foul. They worked like sailors for about three miles down the river when they found the only way to get back to shore was to get out on the ice and drag the skiff to land. About eight o’clock you could have seen E. Frampton, M. R. Blake, J. M. Childers and Levi Day going through Bradrick looking like whipped school boys, their main object to get home without anyone seeing them. MAC.
- Miss Myrta Holderby of La Belle was the guest of friends here last.
- J. R. Rice who has been quite ill for the past two weeks is slowly improving.
- Miss Jennie Johnson of Gallipolis is the guest of Mrs. B. T. Daniel.
- Miss Florence Smith of Proctorville spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Ethel Suiter.
- W. J. Smith left Tuesday for the Pan American Exposition.
- Mrs. Sarah Blake and Miss Georgia Childers spent last Thursday with relatives and friends at Willow Wood.
- Mrs. Minnie Galliher of Huntington is the guest of Mrs. Marion Lemley.
- Harry Smith of southern Oklahoma spent last week with relatives here.
- Mrs. L. V. Gibson of Huntington was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. P. S. Smith, Sunday.
- A. B. Booth of Getaway, spent Saturday with J. C. Riley.
- Virgil Smith was a visitor at Ensee several days last week.
- Misses Bessie and Pearl Brubaker of Getaway , are the guests of their sister, Mrs. R. M. Thacker.