Ironton in a Nutshell

Ironton, the county seat of Lawrence, was named for Capt. James LAWRENCE, a naval officer in the war of 1812 . . County created by an act of legislature Dec. 20, 1816 . . Ironton was founded March 17, 1849, by John CAMPBELL and 24 associates known as the Ohio Iron & Coal Co.

A railroad from the Ohio River 13 miles north over hill and thru tunnels was built to serve 11 charcoal pig iron furnaces in operation at the outbreak of the Civil War . . The railroad replaced ox carts and wagons, some requiring 6 and 8 yoke of oxen to get over hills . . The oldest was Union at Hanging Rock, which was built in 1826.

Most noted among furnaces, Hecla, build in 1833 where iron for the famous cannon known as “Swamp Angel” was cast . . The same year, Vesuvius, the first hot blast furnace in America was built, now owned by U. S. Forest Service as Vesuvius Federal Recreation Area and Lake.

Name Ironton was chosen because iron was sold by the ton . . Three iron industries for the finished product were built in Ironton in 1850, a rolling mill, a cut nail mill, and a machine shop for steamboat engines and railway locomotives . . Sawmills, flour mill, plow works, brickyards followed.

Ironton Ohio Post Office PostcardThe Ironton post office was established on Jan. 14, 1850 . . First weekly newspaper, was on Aug. 1, 1850 . . The First National Bank was organized as the Iron Bank of Ironton, Ohio on May 10, 1851. . The Court House was built by public subscription and moved from Burlington to Ironton on Oct. 23, 1852 . . Town had two newspapers on Jan. 1, 1853, and four including 3 dailies in 1907.

The first church was built by Methodists in 1851, the Presbyterians, in 1852, the Baptists, 1854 and the Catholics the same year . . First telegraph line was to town in 1864 . . First gas lamp posts on streets, in 1867 . . Water Works were built in 1871 . . First telephone exchange 1879 . . First free reading library, 1877 . . First horse street cars July 4, 1888 . . First electric lights Dec. 21, 1889 . . City letter carriers Nov. 1, 1890 . . First paved streets, 1891 . . First electric trolley cars Nov. 1, 1896.

First highway bridge across the river between Cincinnati and Wheeling, April 21, 1922 . . First traffic lights, 1926 . . City manager form of government Jan. 1, 1930 . . Municipal swimming pool since 1936 . . Complete flood protection from Ohio River 1938 . . Parking meters since 1945 . . Football stadium since Sept. 19, 1926.

The first school, a 2-room known as Pioneer School was built by public subscription of $440.00 in 1850 on the corner at Fourth and Center . . At end of 1851, one hundred students were enrolled . . August 30, 1951 (1851?) Charles KINGSBURY became the first superintendent . . Today, eleven school buildings, 9 public and 2 parochial including junior and senior high schools, one is named for Mr. KINGSBURY, another for John CAMPBELL, founder of the city, and another for Capt. James LAWRENCE employs over 150 teachers, and Ohio University has a branch college.

That’s Ironton’s history as brief as can be told except for her noted personalities . . This is printed in response to scores of requests received for such information.

Written by Charles Collett
Herald-Dispatch 8 Nov. 1964

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