Gallipolis Journal, 18 Mar 1869, Thursday, Page 3
CROWN CITY- This is the name of a new town recently laid out, twenty-one miles. Below this city and thirty-nine miles from Ironton, Ohio. It has heretofore been known as “Hell’s Half Acre.” Great improvement has occurred in this locality within the last year, and it is now, in every way, as good a neighborhood as any in the county. A friend writing us says: Now, we have a good Sabbath school, a church organization, and a good flour mill.
Mr. Hiram Rankin has made his farm into town lots, and houses are growing rapidly. We want a blacksmith, wagon maker, and carpenters. A prime place to make and sell brick. Also, a good opening for a doctor.

The prospect is good to make this a city. We have Greasy Ridge Country to back us and have the grant of a pike to that neighborhood.
We are glad to learn of such improvements. They speak well for the morals and enterprise of the community. We hope the friends of Crown City may not be disappointed in their anticipations of its future progress and importance.
Gallipolis Journal, 17 June 1869, page 3 – The bodies of the seven persons who drowned at Crown City, as stated by us last week, have all been recovered.
Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 July 1869, page 7 – On Tuesday, as Ohio No. 4 was landing at Crown City, her crew discovered the dead body of a man floating in the river. The body was recovered and proved to be that of a colored man and was buried there by the town’s authorities.
Gallipolis Journal 1 Sept. 1870, page 3 – We learn that the shoe shop of Mr. Seidler at Crown City was struck by lightning in the storm of Monday evening. The bolt went down the flue, scattering bricks and other materials in every direction—no other damage was done.
Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio 30 July 1870, page 3 – A man named Sheets was killed at Crown City, Gallia County, last Saturday morning at 2 o’clock while making an arrest. The desperadoes have been arrested.
Huntington Advertiser, 21 Jan 1875, page 3 – From Crown City – Hell’s Half Acre – Crown City is a flourishing little town situated twenty-seven miles below Gallipolis, and seventeen miles above Huntington, on the right bank of the Ohio River. It is just emerging from a state of barbarity but has received considerable attention in agriculture and manufacturing.
It has twenty inhabitants, one flouring mill, three first-class country stores, one hotel, three cooper shops, and one saloon.
The latter did a flourishing business during the holidays. Several of the chivalry was seen leaning against posts and feeling up for the ground. A few, now and then, tried their strength and manhood in a sociable way, something after the style of bygone days when this was designated as “Hell’s Half Acres.”
Our lock-up proved a good and obliging friend for those who partook too freely of the beverage, and the interest was collected in favor of the city treasury.