Fire Destroys Part of Village of Rome


Two Store Buildings and Garage Burned To Ground Late Last Night – Man Seen Running From Neighborhood Before Blaze Was Discovered

Sheriff Bennett To Conduct Investigation; Fire Department Arrived Too Late

Submitted by Peggy A. Wells

Ironton Tribune, 7 December 1932, Wednesday, Page 3.

Fire of an unknown origin early this morning destroyed a store room owned by J. H. Eaton, a garage adjoining the store, and a store room owned by L. D. Eaton in the village of Rome. The total damage is estimated at approximately $5,000. There was no insurance on the Edwards property and only a small amount on the Eaton property. The buildings are on the highway a mile and a half west of Rome high school.

Billy Robinson, returning from Huntington shortly after midnight, saw a man running from the vicinity of the buildings, he said this morning. He gave it no consideration until a short time later when he learned of the fire. The Proctorville fire department was summoned, but the fire had gained such headway that it was impossible to check it, and all three buildings were destroyed.

Authorities were unable to determine where the fire started or what caused it. The J. H. Edwards building was not occupied as a store but was used to store furniture belonging to E. E. Edwards, son of J. H. Edwards. The building and all furniture were destroyed. A private garage in which E. E. Edwards had his automobile stored was adjoining the store building. J. H. Edwards succeeded in opening the garage door but could not get the machine out, and it burned with the garage.

On the opposite side of the highway, the Eaton building had taken fire. The building was being used to store spray and other farm materials. Firemen and onlookers could not battle this blaze successfully because of a series of explosions inside the building.

Due to the mysteriousness of the fire’s origin and the strangeness of the circumstances generally, Sheriff E. W. Bennett has started an investigation to determine the cause.

Mr. Edwards, whose furniture was destroyed, is at this time occupying with his wife furnished rooms at the home of Mrs. V. A. Braley of Proctorville. He is operating a small store in Proctorville.

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