In 1845, the Pottsville, Pa. newspaper ran ads for ‘Land for Sale’ in Lawrence County, Ohio. This explains why persons living in PA were inclined to move here in the early 1800s.
For Sale
A splendid farm of land containing 230 acres situates on Symm’s [sic] Creek, Lawrence County, Ohio, within a few miles of Guyandotte on the Ohio River.
This property is under such cultivation that 2500 bushels of small grain were raised on it last year. Buildings are good and suitable for an extensive farm; it is expected that the county seat of Lawrence county will be removed from Burlington to within 2 miles of this farm; Symm’s [sic] Creek is navigable at certain seasons of the year.
Apply to Blakely & Mithel, Penn, and Smithfield streets. Oct 16
Farm for Sale 1845 in Lawrence County, Ohio

The miners’ Journal and Pottsville general advertiser
13 Nov. 1841