Whiskey Leads to Murder

Wife of Slayer of Campbell Wants a Divorce – 1907

Mary A. Keys filed suit for divorce from her husband James H. Keys in Common Pleas court Wednesday, charging him with willful absence. It will be remembered that Keyes is the man that killed a man by the name of Campbell near Hecla Furnace several years ago.

He was sentenced to the penitentiary for 14 years for the deed but has since been pardoned and has been out for about a couple of years.

On Friday the 13th inst., about sundown, a row took place at the house of Widow Canter, some two miles from Monroe Furnace, Jackson Co., between some Irishmen and Perry Price, Wm. Canter and Levi Canter – all intoxicated. Wm. Mack, an Irishman, stabbed and killed Levi Canter. Price then knocked Mack down with a grubbing hoe and Wm. Canter stabbed and killed Mack.

The parties then fled, leaving the two dead men with the women, who did not give information about the affair until about the middle of the next day. All due efforts were then made to arrest Price and Canter, but without success at our last accounts. A daughter of Widow Canter worked out to obtain the money with which a half barrel of whiskey was bought and was being sold out to these men.[1]

[1] Semi Weekly Irontonian, Ironton, Ohio 20 December 1907

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