Shanty Boat Has Moonshine Still

Shanty boat Raided; Arrests Made

Ironton, May 10 – Chief of Police Massie, Officers Kendall, and Brannigan, made a raid yesterday afternoon on a family boat moored to the Ohio shore below Hanging Rock, arresting John Slusher, a DT&I employee, a girl named Ethel DeHagen and Jack Hughes all of whom will be charged with liquor law violation after finding of a copper moonshine still and about a quart of moonshine liquor on the boat.

When the officers reached the boat, there were no occupants, save the DeHagen girl, but Slusher came while they were there, and both were placed under arrest. Jack Hughes, who is accused of being the owner of the boat, was arrested later on the riverbank here by Chief Massie and Officer Brannigan.
No Source Given

Stiller Pleads Guilty; Is Fines $1,000

On his pleading guilty to a charge of unlawfully manufacturing intoxicating liquor, Ernest Park, 26? years old, 2803? Grand Street was handed a fine of $1,000 and costs by Judge Sprague in Municipal court Saturday morning.

Park was taken in a raid made by Sheriff Rickey and deputies late Friday night on the defendant’s home at the Grant street address, which resulted in the uncovering of a new and strictly up-to-date distilling plant, including a 55-gallon copper still, perfect cooling system and equipment, which was seized, together with some 20 gallons of liquor which were tested more than 100 proof.

Parks, who has only lived at the house a short time, stated that he had used the outfit twice in making “runs” according to the officers. The officers say the prisoner, who was committed to jail in default of bond, was arrested and fined on a similar charge in Jackson county about three months ago.[1]

[1] Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio, Saturday, 21 May 1921, page 6

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