Moonshine Stories 1930

Conspiracy, manufacture, possession of liquor, and a still and conduct of a nuisance at Greasy Ridge, Ohio, is charged against Dustin and Warren Goodall, Howell Neal, Herman Hawthorne, and Russell Adkins, Greasy Ridge, Lawrence County, Ohio.[1]

Jackson, Ohio Woman Is Fined
Jackson, Feb. 11 – Mrs. Anna Hollingshead, 59, was arrested when State Prohibition Inspector W. G. Davis, and Sheriff Ray Cox of Vinton county, Ohio, visited her home at the cliff and uncovered several bottles of moonshine whiskey they claim. Brought before the court the defendant was fined $800 and costs a second offense charge. Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio, 11 Feb 1930

Is Under Arrest
Police raiding 614 Third street Friday morning arrested Paul Williams, 27, on a charge of possessing liquor. The officers reported the finding of moonshine. Chief of Police Harry Sheets and Patrolman John Goodman made the raid. Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio, 14 Feb 1930

Deputy Sheriff is Charged with Liquor Possession; Daughter Hurls Accusation at Father in Sensational Divorce Trial
Jail Gave Liquor to Women, Child Tells Court

Trail of the divorce suit of Mrs. Clara Allen, Navroo, vs Deputy Sheriff Everett Allen, day jailer, took a sensational turn in common pleas court Monday afternoon, when Allen was sent to jail to answer to a charge of possession of liquor unlawfully after the defendant’s daughter, Imogene R. Allen, 14 years old, testified that she saw her father have moonshiners liquor on many occasions and that he frequently gave the liquor to Mrs. Nellie Cole, on one occasion in the office of the county jail [Portsmouth, Ohio] on the fourth floor of the courthouse on the afternoon of Sunday, 1 Dec. 1928….[This is a lengthy article that goes on to describe the accusation and more-mjm] Portsmouth Daily Times, Portsmouth, Ohio, 18 Feb 1930 Note: in the same newspaper dated 23 Feb. 1930, it states that Clara Allen Navroo was granted a divorce from Everett “Speck” Allen-mjm

[1] Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio 14 October 1930, page 2

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