A Murder and a Wedding at Millersport

Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) 20 Sept. 1858 page 2

Homicide at Millersport. – On the 13th inst., William Guthrie, a constable of Millersport, Lawrence county, Ohio, shot John J. Nash, killing him instantly.  A law suit brought against him by Guthrie had so enraged Nash that he swore he would kill him at their next meeting.  On the day in question, their case came to trial in Millersport, and Nash, in fulfillment of his threat, armed with a revolver, chased Guthrie into a house when the latter, to preserve his own life, leveled a rifle at his pursuer and shot him through the brain. – Cincinnati Gazette.

Portsmouth Daily Times 28 Sep 1858 – The store of D. H. Clark, in Millersport, this county, was entered a week or two since, using instruments known as “outsiders,” and the safe drilled and broken open, and about $600 taken therefrom. We do not learn that any money has yet been recovered, although strong suspicions rest on certain parties being burglars. Ironton Register.

Commercial Advertiser (New York, NY) 4 Sept 1868 page 5

A Murder and a Wedding

Last Monday, an affray occurred at Millersport, Lawrence County, Ohio, which threw the entire region into excitement.  A man by the name of Luke Miller went to the house of Mr. Baker and, being under the influence of liquor, got into a controversy with Mr. Baker’s sister and used some disrespectful language toward her.

Another brother, J. M. Baker, learning of the affair, went to Miller to see him about it when an altercation ensued, in which Miller hurled a small cannon ball at Baker.  Miller then started to run, and Baker pursued him with a large bowie knife, which he succeeded in striking Miller.  The knife was buried in Miller’s back to the depth of five inches.  The wounded man fell with the knife still sticking to his back. 

He would not let it be removed until a surgeon arrived.  The wound is horrible and will probably prove fatal if it has not done so already.  It is thought that the knife penetrated the lungs, as the wounded man started almost immediately after the attack commenced spitting blood.  Baker retreated over the river soon after.  It is understood that every effort will be made to arrest him. 

A singular matrimonial affair is also connected with this dreadful occurrence.  Miller was engaged to be married, and, as it was thought the wound would prove fatal, it was arranged to have the marriage consummated.  So, late at night of the day on which the affray occurred, the affianced presented herself at the intended couch, and the matrimonial knot was duly tied.


Portsmouth Daily times 8 Oct 1870 – Last Saturday afternoon, Samuel White shot and instantly killed Joseph Walls at Millersport, Ohio. White has made his escape. The difficulty arose out of an old grudge.


Portsmouth Daily times 11 Nov. 1916 DYNAMITE WRECKS POLITICIAN’S HOME

Huntington, W.VA – Nov. 11 – Authorities from Gallipolis were continuing the efforts to learn a motive for the mysterious dynamiting last night of the home of John Watson, prominent Republican at Millersport, Ohio, 10 miles from that city, according to reports received here. 

Miss Susan Watson, aged 22, who was seriously injured by the explosion, which wrecked the home, will recover, it was said today.  Gallipolis authorities offer but one explanation of the dynamiting – that political opponents of Watson, in celebrating their victory, planned the affair as a practical joke without intending to set off such a forceful explosion.  Bloodhounds are being used to track the dynamiters, and arrests are expected today.

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