Illegally Selling Liquor 1871

Ironton-Silas Hill and James Gossett were convicted of horse stealing in the common pleas court, and eleven persons were fined from $15 to $60 each for selling liquor.
Source: The Vinton Record, Vinton, Ohio, 23 February 1871, page 2

CRIME: Grand Larceny [Ironton Journal 15 Feb 1871 State vs Jos. Cossett [sic] Horse stealing, verdict guilty]  PRISONER #:  8738 VOL: 6  PAGE: 247  SENTENCE: 3 yrs
COUNTY: Lawrence   COURT TERM:  Jan 1871
DATE RECEIVED: 28 Feb 1871    DATE RELEASED: Expiration of Sentence 10 Nov 1873 
HEIGHT: 5′ 9″  EYE COLOR:  Grey Blue  HAIR:  Very Light 
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Medium, narrow, forehead, retreating; Straight brows meet; Eyes large, far in and close; Straight, slender nose; Short mouth; Long chin; Mole in chin, [another mole] right side of right cheek and right jaw; Well built.
HABITS Moderate Drinker  EDUCATION Can Write   PROPERTY None
RELATIVES Wife: Malissa, Willowood, Lawrence County, OH; Mother: Jane; Three brothers: Mathinas, Archibald, and David; Four sisters: Eliz’b, Mary, Julia A., and Jane [June?]. [SOURCE: Prisoners at Ohio State Penitentiary 1834-1905- From Lawrence County, Ohio Paperback – March 15, 2011 by Martha J. Martin (Author)]

HILL, Silas
CRIME: Grand Larceny [Ironton Journal 14 Dec 1870 Silas Hill, also colored but no relation to Lewis Hill, who was caught with Mr. Johnson’s horse in his possession at Gallipolis, swore that Lewis brought the horse to him in the road at South Point …]   PRISONER #:  8739
VOL: 6  PAGE: 247 SENTENCE: 3 yrs
COUNTY: Lawrence   COURT TERM:  Jan 1871
DATE RECEIVED: 28 Feb 1871    DATE RELEASED: Expiration of Sentence 15 Oct 1873 
HEIGHT: 5′ 5″  EYE COLOR:  African  HAIR:  Black and Crisp  COMPLEXION: African  PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: High, rather narrow forehead; Heavy arching brows, nearly meet; African nose, short of mouth; Heavy jaws; Puffy face; Large pop eyes; Very stout.
HABITS Moderate Drinker  EDUCATION Can’t Read   PROPERTY None
RELATIVES Wife Caroline and one child [in] VA; One brother: Robert; Two sisters: Betty and Elizabeth
[SOURCE: Prisoners at Ohio State Penitentiary 1834-1905- From Lawrence County, Ohio Paperback – March 15, 2011 by Martha J. Martin (Author)]

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