F. A. Chronacher Mystery

Chronacher Still Missing
Nothing Heard From the Ironton, Ohio Man

The Indianapolis News, Indiana, 30 May 1895 – Nothing has been learned about the whereabouts of F. A. Chronacher, the missing stock broker from Ironton.  O. E. B. Chronacher, the missing man’s brother, and Lew Morgan, a detective of Ironton, are at the Grand Hotel.  Detective Morgan says: “There is no use in our stopping in this place any longer.  One thing I am sure of is that he is not in this town.  We have hunted high and low and looked in every possible place, and I know he is not here.”

Mr. Chronacher says of his brother: “He was a careful businessman, steady and prudent in his habits.  His affairs at the bank in Ironton were examined before I left and found in good shape.  He had some outstanding notes, but he also had some due, and he had on his person enough to meet those coming due.  These notes he left at the Grand Hotel desk, and Mr. Lucas has them now.”

The following telegram, received from Elwood, was shown by Mr. Chronacher.  It read as follows: “F. A. Chronacher, the missing stock buyer of Ironton, O., is supposed to be the man shot in a gambling den at Alexandria and spirited away.”

Mr. Chronacher said he did not believe that the man referred to could be his brother.  He said: “He never touched cards, except, perhaps, for a sociable game of euchre.  He did not speculate or gamble in any form.”  To set his mind at rest, he telephoned Alexandria.


The Chicago Chronicle, Chicago, Illinois – 30 May 1895 Page 5 – Hotels and hospitals of the city are being searched by the police in quest of F A Chronacher, who disappeared from his home in Indianapolis, Indiana, a few days ago Mr. Chronacher is a wealthy man and the owner of a large stock farm near Indianapolis.

He has been a successful breeder of Jersey cattle, of which he made a specialty, and is well known to cattle fanciers throughout the west. Several days ago, Mr. Chronacher suddenly disappeared without notifying his family and has not been seen by his friends since. At the time of his disappearance, the missing man had considerable money and valuable Jewelry in his possession.

Yesterday morning Chief of Police Badenoch was asked by telegraph to search the hotels and hospitals for Chronacher as it was believed he had come to Chicago. Last evening two friends of the missing man arrived in the city and called the detective headquarters. The police were furnished a photograph of Chrtfnacher, and his friends will remain in the city for a few days to assist in the search.

Mystery – Belief That a Great Crime Has Been Committed

The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 20 July 1895 – Indianapolis, July 19. – Coroner Caster today received the following telegram from Ironton, Ohio:

Investigate thoroughly the report of the dismembered remains of a body found in a box between boards near Irvington.  The description tallies with that of F. A. Chronacher.  Answer.  Mrs. F. A. Chronacher.

Chronacher was a prominent businessman of Ironton and disappeared here on May 24 with $1,500.  He had come to buy Jersey cattle and whether he was murdered remains a mystery.  The head and limbs of a human being found in a box in the woods near Irvington were thought to have belonged to a medical stiff, but before the coroner could get to the spot, they disappeared, and the case is still involved in mystery.  Coroner Caster will at once institute an investigation and try to locate the remains for identification.  From the description of the teeth and hair, it is thought the remains may have been part of Chronacher’s body.

May Be An Ironton Man

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, PA 20 July 1895 – Parts of a Human Body Found in Indiana Supposed to be F. A Chronacher

Indianapolis, Ind., July 19 – Coroner __ today received the following telegram from Ironton, O.:

“Investigate the reported dismembered remains found in a box between boards near Irvington.  Description tallies with that of P. A. (sic) Chronacher.


“Mrs. P. A. Chronacher”

Chronacher was a prominent businessman of Ironton and disappeared on May 24 with $4,500.  He had come to buy Jersey cattle and whether he murdered remains a mystery.

The head and limbs of a human being found in a box in the woods near Irvington were thought to have belonged to medical “stiff,” but before the coroner could get to the spot, they disappeared, and the case is still involved in mystery.  Coroner Castor will at once institute an investigation and try to locate the remains for identification.  From the description of teeth and hair, it is thought the remains may have been part of Chronacher’s body.

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