Elizabeth Leisure Murders Moses Markins

Mrs. Elizabeth Leisure Defends Her Property by

Killing Moses Markin

The Jackson Standard, Jackson, Ohio, 14 Jul 1881 Thursday, page one

Died Instantly Shot by a Woman.

Yesterday evening a tragedy occurred at the foot of Warren hill, on Marion Road. Some days ago, a party entered the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Leisure, at the above-named place, and broke up her furniture.

Last evening two of these men were at her house trying to prevent threatened legal proceedings by a compromise. Her husband had gone to a neighbor to secure the loan of a wagon. Her sister was in the house with her. At this juncture four men came along, returning from Ashland in a coal wagon.

Moses Struck Her With His Fist

They stopped and went into the house, swearing they were better men than those who were already there. The first men mentioned quietly slipped out of the back door, and Mrs. Leisure ordered the newcomers out. They cracked their whips and swore, and one of them, Moses Markins, a young married man, of about 20 years, struck at her with his fist, when she drew a revolver and fired, striking him in the side, just below the heart. He walked through the yard onto the road and fell dead.

Mrs. Leisure Arrested At Her Mother’s Home

 After considerable search, last night, Constable Hornbuckle and Deputy Sheriff Bowers arrested Mrs. Leisure at the house of her mother, Mrs. Huff, in the neighborhood of the scene of the tragedy.

Mrs. Huff was armed, expecting further trouble, and in handing the pistol, discharged it, and shot herself through the hand.

Mrs. Leisure is now in the County Jail. Her preliminary examination takes place today. Coroner Ellison held an inquest this morning and returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.

Markins had been married for about six months, and his wife lived near Bald Knob. There has been rather a bad odor hanging over the establishment at which this sad affair took place- Ironton Bee.

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