Duel of Amazons in Athalia Ohio 1889

Duel of Amazons

Sunday Night Struggle on the Road

Fierce Conflict With Knives While Returning from Church, Two Women Fearfully Gashing Each Other

Cincinnati Enquirer 23 May 1889, page 1

Special Dispatch to the Enquirer, Ironton, Ohio May 22-News has just reached here of a terrible duel between two young women near Athalia, a village twenty miles from here, last Sunday night. Bettie Bower and Julia Rucker got into a dispute about a young man while returning home from church, and the dispute grew so hot that they attacked each other with knives and fought furiously.

So vicious was the fight that bystanders were afraid to attempt to interfere, and the two infuriated Amazons cut and slashed each other until Miss Bower fell from exhaustion and blood loss. She has eighteen cuts, two or three of which are in the back, near the spine, and are considered fatal wounds.

The other woman is fearfully gashed, but none are serious. Miss Rucker was arrested, but a county Squire acquitted her, finding that she acted in self-defense. The young man in question had been paying attention to both women, who were very jealous of his favors.

Summit County Beacon, Akron, Ohio 29 May 1889, page 6

At Athalia, Lawrence County, Misses Bettie Kyle and Rucker fought a duel with pocket knives while on their way home from church with a young man. The Kyle girl is not expected to live. Jealousy was the cause.

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