More Counterfeit Cases

Cincinnati Daily Press, 27 Apr 1859 p3
United States Court

In the United States Court, yesterday, Robert Cheeseman and William Dunn plead guilty to a charge of counterfeiting and were sentenced to the penitentiary, the former for nine and the latter for six years.

William Shope, arrested some time since at Ironton, upon a charge of counterfeiting, and held in the sum of $1,200 for his appearance at Court; and Allen Dunlap, arrested on a similar charge, near Chillicothe, and held in the sum of $1,000, yesterday forfeited their bonds; both cases having been called, and neither of the defendants answering to their names.

The case of James Mason, who is charged with counterfeiting, was called yesterday, and the defendant entered a plea of not guilty.

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