Counterfeit Cases 1859

Ironton Register, Ironton, OH Nov. 17, 1859

Is now in the third week of its session in Ironton. The proceedings have generally not been of special interest to the public. The Grand Jury had a short session, and found six indictments,

  • one against John Seaman for horse stealing tried, and found guilty;
  • one against Benj. Hampton, for passing counterfeit money, was tried, and found not guilty;
  • one against Washington Bruce for perjury tried, and found guilty;
  • one against Henry Blackwell for petit larceny, tried and found guilty, and sentenced to the dungeon for 15 days on bread and water;
  • one against Michael Gardner for destroying fruit trees tried, and found “not guilty as charged in the indictment,” and one for assault and battery, the defendant we believe, not arrested.
  • A special Grand Jury found two bills against Daniel Ambrose for attempting to pass counterfeit money; he was tried on the first one and found “not guilty as charged in the indictment.”
  • Wm. Guthrie, tried for manslaughter, for killing Nash at Millersport, a year or two since was tried, and acquitted.
    Some of the old liquor cases on the docket have been disposed of – 10 against Barney Gagan, Nolle; 2 against R. McGinley, not guilty, and 3d, Nolle; 2 against J. P. Morris, Nolle.
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