Five Men Shot After Whisky Trial -Battle of Proctorville Lasts About Thirty Minutes
Five men were wounded in a gun battle following a whisky trial at Proctorville, Ohio. Wounded were:
- Alta Pine, the farmer, was shot five times and probably fatally wounded
- John Smith shot through the leg
- Harry Pine, shot through the leg
- Dillie Edwards was shot through the leg, and another man unknown shot through the body.
Harry Pine was tried on a whisky charge. The fight started between Harry Pine and Harry Jones. Alta Pine hit Winifred Hicks, brother of Constable Walter Hicks when he thought the younger Hicks was going to draw a gun. Hicks got a gun from his father. He shot Alta Pine five times. Dillie Edwards tried to take the gun from Hicks and was shot in the leg.[1]

[1] Clearfield, PA Progress, 2 Aug 1921, pg 1