Andis Ohio

Andis School, Lawrence County Ohio

Andis, Lawrence County, Ohio, is located on State Route 217 and County Road 6 which is also known as Deering-Bald Knob Road. Ice Creek runs through this small community with Kitts Hill on the West, Willow Wood on the East, Aid to the North, and Rock Camp to the South. We hope you enjoy reading the following news that was gleaned from a few years of the early Lawrence County, Ohio, newspapers.



  • All is stir and bustle in and about our place. Old neighbors are moving out and new ones coming in.
  • H. Corn has moved to Big Branch, in Union Township, while the Rev. Samuel Wilson has taken up his abode at the “corners.”  J. Q. Wilson, H. Brown, Elisha Steele, and others have taken up their beds and moved, in the last week.
  • George W. Humphreys has erected for himself a large two-story dwelling.
  • S. Massie is also erecting a frame dwelling.
  • G. Ward has two weeks of school yet.
  • Candidates are numerous for township offices, but we are not hindered from working by candidates for county offices. The majority of Republicans here are for Sherman for President, but R. T. Lincoln has a good following, while others prefer our own J. B. Foraker.  Democrats prefer to know none other than Grover Cleveland.  With but a few exceptions, our people are solid for General Enochs for Congress.
  • Some of our neighbors persist in fencing a part of the public highway. We think the Commissioners, Trustees, or Supervisors, should put an end to this, forthwith.     WILKINS 


  • The most interesting and instructive meeting ever held in this vicinity, was that of the Sabbath School Institute at Myrtle Baptist Church, on Friday and Saturday of last week. The Institute was opened by a devotional exercise by Rev. S. Wilson, this place. 
  • J. H. Willis then made the welcome address in which he did himself much credit. 
  • P. C. Booth being the only one that appeared  ________ program, so far, when that point in the program was announced took the floor and one of the best lectures we ever listened to was given us on the topic, “The Sunday School teacher improving his Methods,”  The universal verdict was good,” “good.” 
  • C. G. Keys added some thoughts and complimented the author highly. 
  • Revs. Kelley, Dillon, Mr. A. D. Bruce, Mrs. Morrison, and others occupied the remainder of the time, and we were well entertained. 
  • The dedication of the Church took place Sunday morning when Elder Kelly announced that $226.20 must be raised before the Church could be dedicated, the word went out that the effort would fall to bring the amount but within a few moments the amount and more was secured and the house dedicated.     WILKINS MICAWBER.


  • (do not have the beginning of the column)
  • On Ward’s hill, the cherries and strawberries are ripe, and as these two articles are somewhat of a rarity, everybody is trying to be first to show Mr. Wardtheir undying love for him, and engage his portion of the fruit.
  • James Taylor has built himself a new house and is now residing therein.
  • The Sabbath School at Myrtleis suffering from the loss of teachers.
  • D. Webb, who was to preach for the people here Sunday, failed to show up.
  • The S. of V Camp received a long letter from W. G. Ward, telling of the manner in which Decoration day was observed at Pittsburgh, and urging the boys to “drill.”
  • Josie B. Clay is visiting her sister in Jackson, O.
  • Elswick and his son William spent the last week with us.
  • H. Clay is in Kentucky, recuperating.    WILKINS MICAWBER.


  • W. Blankenship has erected a neat and beautiful yard fence which adds much to the looks of his home.
  • Joseph Blankenship has become a citizen of our village and lives on the corner of Main and Broadway.
  • James Warren has resumed work on his road contract and the indications now are, that we will soon have a new bridge and a complete hard road from your city to the next section beyond this place.
  • C. Martin is very badly engaged in his lime contract.  A large pile of lime, resembling a coal pit in size, has been hauled and heaped up beside his crusher, which your correspondent is informed will begin its work of crushing next Wednesday.
  • C. Clay has erected a substantial and well-arranged barn, and will soon begin work on his residence.
  • B. Clay has obtained possession of the half interest of his brother, M. G. Clay, in a portable sawmill, and is now sole proprietor.
  • Ella Humphreys continues very ill at her home above here.
  • Jackson Woods and Carl Smith, both of Rock Camp, were handling an old revolver last Thursday when, as is the usual result, it was accidentally discharged, shooting Woods in the cheek.  The bullet ranged back into the neck, where it now remains, and Woods is suffering great pain this writing.  Rodgers was sent for but could not come until the next day when he informed Woods’ father that the ball was located in the neck, in close proximity to the jugular vein, and hence in a very dangerous place to operate upon, and refused to undertake it alone; and as no other physician has been called in, the boy still suffers its presence in his flesh.
  • We were mistaken in our last letter when we stated the Myrtle meeting had closed; it had, in fact, just begun. All week long, during the past month, crowds and throngs of people gathered at the church and the very deepest interest was manifested.  The altar was crowded with seekers there sometimes as many as 25 or 30 come forward for prayer.  Great interest was manifest and much good accomplished.  The meeting was conducted by Rev. Joshua Dillon but he was ably assisted by Rev. Joseph McKee, Jr., of Soliday, and the pastor, J. H. Webb.  At the conclusion of the meeting, Sunday, 21 were baptized.  Four of this number were people over 50 years of age.  Two of them, R. (Or A.) T. Blair and Green B. Lambert, being old soldiers.  Many others were grown-up people and heads of families.  More than 40 members have been added to the church.  William? Johnson, an old lady who has more than a half dozen grandchildren, united with the church Sunday morning and was forthwith baptized.      MICAWBER.


  • Mrs. Frank Ross died Saturday and was buried Sunday.  She had the la grippe and had about recovered when suffered a relapse which resulted in her death.
  • W. Blankenship has sold his span of mules to J. C. Martin for $300.
  • We understand the bridge across the creek here will be completed this week.
  • The election passed off Monday with the old-time enthusiasm. There were over three hundred votes cast.  The following are the officers elected:  Justice of the Peace, J. M. Mayes; Trustee, Simeon Neal; Clerk, G. W. Corn; Assessor, James A. Jenkins.
  • C. Martin is somewhat delayed in his lime crushing; being unable to get the lime hauled to the crusher, on account of bad roads.  He is getting along very well considering this inconvenience.
  • Thomas Capper is at work on his road contract, this week, with a large force of hands.
  • M. Gore sold two fine beef steers to an Ashland butcher, Tuesday.
  • M. Clay is visiting in Ironton this week.  MICAWBER.


  • The Myrtle Sunday School is progressing nicely.
  • The health of this vicinity has been very poor.
  • Miss Merle Pemberton who has been visiting friends here has returned to her home at Ironton.
  • Ada Gossett has been visiting Pearl Thompson Saturday and Sunday.
  • Orpha Hall of Ball Knob has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Clark Dilley.
  • Miss Virgie Gossett and Andrew Clay have been on the sick list this week.
  • Charles Colliers lost a nice pair of overshoes Friday night but was found.
  • Isaac Mays was seen passing through Andis Sunday night with his racehorse.
  • Lillian Dillon was visiting Ada Gossett last week.
  • George Huddle is seen quite often on his way to Kitts Hill.
  • Miss Ada Gossett had a party Friday night in honor of her cousins Lillian Dillon of Rock Camp and Merle Pemberton of Ironton.  All enjoyed a good time.  Those present were as follows:  Bosco Haze and Victory Jenkins, Lonzo and Guy Thompson, Charley Colliers, Isaac Mays, George Huddle, Charles Miller, Willie Dilley, Wilburn Earles, Archie Clay, Lonie Blair, Misses Eva, Stella, Addie, and Emma Jenkins, Dora Kitts, Pearl Thompson, Ivie Hanner, Vessie Harris, Andrew Clay, Orpha Hall, Elzie Blair, Margarette Clay, Lillian Dillon, Virgie, Ada and Bessie Gossett, Mer’e Pemberton, Mrs. James Gore, Clarence and David Gossett, Mr. and Mrs. Gossett.


Ironton Register, July 15, 1858 – A new Post Office has been established at Vermillion’s store, in Mason Township, this county, styled ARABIA.  It has long been needed.


Post Office Abolished. – Arabia, one of the most prominent post offices in this county, has been discontinued by the authorities at Washington.  This was done because the former postmaster, W. F. Thomas, Esq., failed to name his successor. 

We ought by all means to have an office in Arabia.  A large number of our most influential and enterprising citizens reside there.  It is also quite a business point.  Will not our Representative look into the matter and have the order revoked?  We will find a number of good men to take the position.


  • The Railroad meeting at Arabia, came off on the 21st., as announced, and proved a decided success.  Long before the hour for speaking, large crowds gathered in our village to hear what was to be said on the subject of Railroads.  At the hour appointed the meeting was called to order by N. Vermillion taking the Chair.
  • D. Mitchell was then chosen, Secretary.  Hon. J. T. Wilson was introduced by the Chairman and led off in a very appropriate Railroad speech – showing the advantages arising from such an enterprise, and the great and growing interest already manifested in it; he also gave in some very practical ideas – in regard to organizing and, completing further arrangements in connection with the road.  Gen. Enochs also spoke to the point, and manifested to the citizens that he is wide awake to the interests of the people in Railroad, as well as other things – and we talk very strongly of sending him to the Legislature this Fall, for the very lively interest he takes in the different enterprises of the county.  After the speaking, on the recommendation of Mr. Wilson, a Committee of three, consisting of N. Vermillion, Thos. Cooper, and Capt. T. W. Rose was chosen to wait on the Commissioners of the Ohio and Chesapeake Railroad and other Roads, to ascertain on what terms they will undertake to build the Symmes Valley Road.  To defray these expenses quite a liberal contribution was taken up; after which, J. T. Irwin was chosen President, Z. Wilson, Vice President, B. F. Thomas, Secretary, and Sam’l Burke, Treasurer – as temporary officers to transact what other business may hereafter be necessary for completing a more permanent organization.
  • Thus you see we move along, and if the citizens all along the route respond as well as they have through our section, we will surely have the Road. ARABIA.  Arabia, Sept. 24, 1869.

IR Mar. 2, 1876 – A. Goodall has again sold the mill at Arabia, this time to McAllister and Winters, of South Point.  He will move back to Ironton.


  • Hot and dry, consequently items are very scarce.
  • C. Ball arrived home, Sunday, from the Ironton fair, with “White Oak” and “Bay Revenue.”  He doesn’t bring a favorable report.
  • G. Parker has also rounded in with a smile on his face, saying his horse, Billy Messenger, was under the wire first.
  • Robinson has returned from Cincinnati, where he has been laying in a large stock of Fall goods.
  • Everybody from this place contemplates taking in the Reunion.
  • There is not much excitement about the coming election, except over the Second Amendment, and nearly all seem to be in favor of it. We cry aloud with the announcement sheet:  “Voters, look to your interest.”
  • The mill at this place is doing an extra amount of business since the Waterloo mill burned. One of the firms, Thos. Slone has been very sick the past week but is convalescing.
  • C. Thomas (known as Ellis), is working in the Arabia mill.  Ellis says he can make 42 lbs. to the bushel, clear of the shorts.     A. & O.


  • Your “Narrow Escapes” are delightful reading. We learned the other day that the man who fired the last cannon, the shell of which took off the legs of J. H. McGee and Squire Jones, lives in the vicinity of Waterloo.  His name is Joseph Roberts, and he wore gray at that time.  He was at Portsmouth at the time Jones and McGee attracted so much attention in the procession and would have added interest to the event had he been with them at that time.  I don’t know whether the three have ever met or not. 
  • I asked John Vermillion if he had not a narrow escape to relate.  He answered, “No, only starvation on the Lynchburg raid.”  He spoke of Capt. Tom Rose’s avoirdupois shrinking on that raid to a degree that would have permitted his pantaloons to have inclosed another besides himself.
  • The Arabia bridge needs a little attention from the Commissioners.  Two or three horses have been crippled lately by getting caught on the floor.
  • The Register looked like a stranger in its new dress. We wish you had kept the old heading.  Success to the RegisterMAX.

 I.R. Feb. 16, 1893 – Thos. J. Slone will return to his home in Arabia next week.  He has been attending medical school in Nashville, Tenn.  He sends us the handsome program of their commencement.

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