Accident of Isaac Thacker

Four Workmen at American Car and Foundry Company were Injured Yesterday The Record Breaker
Day Witnessed Chapter of Accidents Such as Was Never Before Known

The Huntington Dispatch, Huntington, WV, Thursday, June 30, 1904, page one

…..The most serious injury of the day occurred about half past one o’clock when Isaac Thacker living over the river near Bradrick Chapel was caught by a set screw at a hollow mortising machine and his right leg below the knee was ripped open to the bone and including a portion of the foot.

At one place the bone was shattered and portions of it protruded through the flesh. Thacker was quickly removed from the C&O hospital and Drs. Enslow and Gerlock attended him. Last evening it was thought that Thacker would get along without the leg having to be amputated, but it may be that the member will later have to be severed. Thacker the unfortunate man, was late last evening removed to his home across the river where he now suffers excruciating pain

The day was one of the worst from the standpoint of accidents ever experienced at his plant and black Friday has yet to equal it.

All of the above accidents occurred within four hours of each other and let in the evening the other workmen were almost afraid to proceed with their work. The day apparently was unlucky.

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