A Memory Salute

Written by Charles Collett
Huntington, WV, Newspaper – January 24, 1966
Submitted by: Robert Kingrey

Funeral Mass will be held at St. Joseph’s Church this morning for a citizen I have known for more than three score years, William J. Rudman, born 94 years ago. Mr. Rudman and his brother, Henry, attended the Dogwood Ridge Little Red School House in Scioto County, Ohio when my father was the teacher there; hence I heard stories about him when I was a schoolboy.

Will Rudman was a clerk in charge of the Ironton wharf-boat for many years. Many readers today will recall the big wharf-boat with the office and passenger waiting room on the Texas deck when steamboat schedules were daily between Proctorville and Portsmouth and Tri-weekly from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati.

Wharf boat on the Ohio River

Mr. Rudman was in charge of ticket sales and freight movements. His job was to be there night or day if a boat was running late. He lived on North Fifth Street and when a steamboat whistle was heard, folks would see him riding his bicycle toward the river at Front and Railroad Street.

Mr. Rudman knew as much about river traffic, flood stages, and packets as Dick Pritchard, the wharf master, for 30 years, or the Bay brothers who owned and operated a fleet of passenger boats numbering more than a dozen the passing of this city is like the removal of a legend from the city. Survivors include nine children, and 35 grand and great-grandchildren.

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